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yeah.... ignore them
That's you?
Also RIP picture
whelp, what a software update can cause: loss of at least 280 million US $: hackaday.com/2016/05/02/…
I dont know why I always got to work on complex jquery project
I dont hate jquery but it is just that I struggle alot when working with jquery
@AwalGarg why?
I don't remember writing this.. github.com/OneNode/Lavci
> responsive
> supported screen resolutions
@Learning That's because jQuery is stupid. Javascript is 9/10 times cleaner without jQuery these days.
But every project I encounter nowadays heavily use jquery
The dollar signs make me sign
I just wonder when I see complex jquery code that is this written by human being
No, it's written by a jquery developer; they're not human.
But seriously jquery developer are so so si damn genius
i am trying to deactivate a textarea and display it's placeholder
deactivating works but placeholder is not showing
$("#chcom").prop('disabled', true).blur();
@ndugger I too wonder that how you have coded that js fiddle with in few minutes as it would take 2-3 hours or could be more than that just yo do that
it only shows at the initial pageload
@Learning It'e because I'm very familiar with canvas and javascript, so doing something that simple took barely any thought at all
@Learning I completely misread that, I thought it said something about jQuery sucking.
> Uninode makes programming easy by unifying the programming technique for all the languages
@ndugger you guys are really so damn intelligent. Always give intelligent answer and suggestions
We're all pretty stupid, actually.
I dont know whther I would be like you guys in this life
Just practice
Writing code is the only way to get good at writing code
@ndugger I wish I would have got senior like you
@Learning I'm not a senior level developer.
lol look how dumb I was 4 years ago.
and now..
I'm still dumb lmao
@ndugger but from your quality work it looks like you have got really good experience
Especially with this java script stuff
No job I've ever had has had anything to do with canvas; I had to learn all of that on my own
@ndugger we really need professor like you in our college
lol, fuck college, I dropped out after a semester.
@ndugger awesome work sir
@ndugger you know that fiddle you have created for me.i showed that too my friend and he is having 3-4 years of experience but he didn't understand anything
This is still one of my favourite canvas examples that I've made, and it's super easy codepen.io/ndugger/full/PqgLJr
@Learning are those 3-4 years of experience with javascript?
And he told me who has coded this and I said one user of SO and he said its really difficult to understand for me though
@ndugger no not just with javascript.asp.net
Your friend is a great guy,
lol, the code I gave you is really simple
@ndugger everything is simple for you guys.i have noticed this.you guys can do everything
@Learning JS Envy LOL
Hey there, I have to make a simple app to visualize some data. This data is stored on a mysql database from a program installed on a windows 10 machine
I hoped to just make a simple html file, kick in chart.js and make magic with it
@Shea jsh.zirak.me is better
but then reality kicks in and I need ajax and a server to get this data
!!define envy 1
!!define envy
@Luggage envy Resentful desire of something possessed by another or others (but not limited to material possessions). [from 13thc.]
@Shea sir what is that?
was pretty sure that would 403
any idea how I can do this kind of thing on a local machine evironment without installing a server like xampp or things like that?
@Shea envy (obsolete) Hatred, enmity, ill-feeling. [14th-18thc.]
@Shea envy An object of envious notice or feeling.
I quit
> desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to (someone else).
@ndugger arent you enjoying weekends?
Or still working on weekends?
@Gruber you need a 'server' to do that. You could make a simple one in node.js in JavaScript.
I don't work on weekends, no
You should be able to run a query, serialize it into JSON and expose it via a URL in a few lines of code.
@Luggage mmm interesting I'm not really confident with node but I think a simple DB query should be nothing complicated
node still need to be started via terminal right?
@ndugger you are only java script developer or you work on server side too??
generally, but you could aways double click a link if you hate the console that much
I prefer back end development, but for work I only do client side javascript.
but you're a programmer, get over it and open the terminal
not me but togive a simple straight icon to click and let the thing go for my client :P
@ndugger ok so that is why you are so good with js stuff
ohh, well, for a client, yes, you want a little more refinement
guess I'll do a little powershell script maybe
you made it sound like a proof of concept
@Learning Because I practice and do various personal projects in my free time.
it is, I'm looking for possibilities around this
well, yea, you could talk to mysql, write a .JSON file and use that from a static web page, maybe. Not sure if you can real other files or if the browser will stop you
@ndugger seems like you work as free lancer
that was my other doubt
@Learning Nope; I don't do any freelance or consulting work
or embed the data inside html so it's all one file and then no issues.
if browser without a proper serverr speaking would get in and start complaining
gather data, inject into your html/js code, open in browser.
naive question, node must be installed on machine with npm and stuff or thes is kinda of compact version for just working in a folder?
yea thats a sensed aproach
this damn keyboard is killing me
I think you can distribute the node as just an .exe
npm is packaged with node by default. just install extract node and point to its exe
yea I mean if I can just have a slim package with just node
Right. I don't know for sure, but I gather that you can.
it's slim if you ask me
> Size on disk: 44,6 MB (46.792.704 bytes)
oh forgot to remove my test project
he's asking if he can just ship with the nodejs binary in his directory. no separate install
very interesting thank you!
@Gruber Download the Windows binary.
And not the installer.
then I can instruct node via a shell script just to query the db and spit me out a json file with the data correct?
yep a mysql DB
If the db is remote, maybe.
You need to have mysql installed.
from another program installed on the machine
If you do, then yes.
you instruct node via writing JavaScript.
why not just generate a JSON file from shell script?
google shell script mysql json
you can also just use powershell if that's all you want.
don't you use jQuery for node?
mmm interesting, I have this mysql DB from a JAVA program
don't listen to towc.
so basically I could skip node and just get data directly from powershell
of course.
still I dont know if this java program has installed mysql globally
Or just get your data from mysql client
@copy what's the fastest way to learn OCaml?
hey, anyone know why all my elements within a bootstrap appear red?? class type is form-group
bit of a noob with this framework still
@BenjaminGruenbaum move to a country where it's the native language.
@ndugger my company definitely need an intelligent js developer like you
I'm dumb compared to a lot of the other members in this room
@ndugger ha ha ha
Joke of the year 2016
thank you all for the info, I'll see for either direct mysql or ps I guess ! ;)
I had a wish to give answer on SO but as questions ask on SO are of too high level from my point of view
Only you guys can answer
Yesterday I have decided to give at least 1 SO answer question but failed miserably
I wish somebody can ask simple question as of now for me to answer
@Luggage cool
@Learning a great example of someone in here that's way smarter than me is @BenjaminGruenbaum
I'd argue I'm not very smart, I'm just knowledgeable in a small set of topics we happen to discuss frequently in this room.
@Learning your problem is that you're answering questions for the wrong motive (having answers to questions, or rep, or whatever).
You need to find something and own it, some aspect you're really good in or really interests you. Then, people will ask you to answer questions. It's very easy to get a lot of rep through answering new questions but it's frustrating.
Find a library or language you like and help it grow, build a community for it in SO and other things will follow. The important part is helping people and helping grow something you believe in - not to have a lot of rep or other meaningless qualifications.
also, quality of the answer matters
@littlepootis GH asked to delete all repos which were made from that script and that org was one of the starters when I was testing things with your account
@AwalGarg ah
@littlepootis all the repos there have commits by you and your alter ego, though
s/alter ego/younger self/
migrated some private domains from snakeoil certs to letsencrypt today. websockets finally working \o/
letsencrypt is the best thing since cookies and rust
@AwalGarg It's so so.
!!urban so so
Almost no one talks about the downsides of letsencrypt
@AwalGarg so so Its the middle of good and bad, yes and no, hot and cold.
Putting everything in https is obviously a noble idea in its own right.
@BenjaminGruenbaum because nobody cares about anything other than the green padlock icon beside the url bar
Because I'd prefer it if more of the internet was open and http for the most part with only the meaningful parts in https, because I think encrypting everything isn't the solution - I would much prefer if websites were mostly passed over plaintext but checksummed.
because the green icon is mostly meaningless
@BenjaminGruenbaum It is not just about the content. browsing history also needs to be private.
albeit ssl doesn't completely protect that
bah, it is always the protocol to blame in the end
No, ssl doesn't protect that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum hostname still leaks
@AwalGarg yup
Anyway, I'd prefer it if only websites that held actually useful information were encrypted, but I don't have actual well thought out arguments for that :D
the priority algorithm for chat's autocompletion is slightly off. @-ben lists you first but highlights and autocompletes someone else
I'm to opposite. Just encrypt all pages.
That way, when you are working on some non-split-tunnel vpn you don't care as much that some of your personal traffic is going over some corporate network.
I agree to both sides of the coin but I am too n00b to decide on one
What's wrong with encrypting most of the web?
Unless you can come up with a good reason NOT to encrypt, then I vote "secure by default".
SSL breaks telnet, for one. And someone viewing your website on a toaster would not get as snappy page loads.
I kid. I kid.
SSL breaks telnet. Not telnet.
Well it doesn't "break" telnet. It just makes it harder to use telnet to communicate with the server.
use ssh.
Or telnet-ssl
I dont remember ehat its called
hmm, cba to google but is it the same org/guy behind all the "Open" implementations of stuff like ssh, ssl, vpn?
someone teach me something
I can teach you hindi with devanagari
is that your queue @Luggage?
Probably the only language I know and you don't
Teach me 10 words in Hindi go
uno, dos, tres... oh wait
1. namaste 2. sahi 3. galat 4. sach 5. jhooth 6. haan 7. nahi 8. shakahari 9. maansahari 10. insaan
What do all those mean?
sahi means "one who doesn't smoke weed" in Hebrew slang btw
Namaste is like a thankful hello right? I heard that in Yoga
1. hello 2. correct 3. incorrect 4. truth 5. false 6. yes 7. no 8. vegetarian 9. non-vegetarian 10. human
which one means penis?
@meredith ping
what?? no penis??
I'm trying to figure out how to pass a list of email back to my controller in mvc. To start I defined a list of type Email in the ctor of my controller..then..
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am correct in hebrew slang
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label class="col-md-3 control-label" for="EmailTo"><br />Email to the following PDL: </label>
                                    <div class="col-md-8 control-label" id="Emails" style="text-align:left">
                                        <label id="DefaultPDL">

                                            @foreach (var email in ViewBag.EmailContact)
Doesn't return the emails to the controller though, any suggestion on what I'm doing wrong there?
namaste - hello
sahi - correct
gelat - incorrect
sach - true
jhooth - false
haan - yes
nahi - no
shakahari - vegetarian
maansahri - non vegetarian
insaan - human
Maidin Mhaith, try guess that one ;)
why did noone tell me about lolcat in the terminal :,(
@BenjaminGruenbaum nice :)
@BrianJ you shouldn't use ViewBag for this, you shouldn't give uppercase IDs in your form, you shouldn't use IDs for that sort of thing but instead names, you shouldn't use <br/>s for formatting, you shouldn't use such generic class names - you're using bootstrap but disregarding behavior in different screen sizes, you have inline style, your label-for is deprecated syntax and your razor is really ugly. In addition I don't see your form.
Also, you should ask in the C# chat room, people here honestly don't care about your Razor issues - both because they mostly don't know Razor and because it's not a really isolated problem - you need to create a MVCE if you want help.
Also, you're interrupting, I'm learning Hindi
namaste - hello, sahi - correct, gelat - incorrect, sach - true (like sachi for correct), jhooth - false, haan, yes, nahi no shakahari - vegetarian, maansahri - non vegetarian, insaan - human. I'll do 10 of those each week and I'll know 500 words by the end of the year :)
one language (programming or not) which I know more than you and here you come to conquer that as well
I no moar languages than any of you huehue
so I ended up cleaning up my .ssh anyways and now I have 2x more keys because of "categorization"
omg the slo mo guys did the corn drill thing
You probably know more Rust than me
until you start learning it
I should learn some obscure ancient language. ancient greek or whatever.
@AwalGarg I know a few people that can read ancient greek.
I can write greek
g, r, e, e, k
@AwalGarg learn Linear a
can we consider Fortran ancient and obscure?
Fortran has some pretty advanced programming concepts
Fortran had async/await 8 years ago
@ndugger @AwalGarg
I knew async/await was retarded
that's hilarious and awesome
now I have logical and valid proof
@BenjaminGruenbaum wait, awaiting the result of MOD? link to video?
@BenjaminGruenbaum bastard
@BenjaminGruenbaum agree with you
I can teach you hindi if you want
At least in this way I would be glad to help some good programmers like you
Although not in programming
By the way to debug a Java script I use firebug
How you guys do?
@ndugger what you use?
@AndrewL what is chef?
Have you seen chef?
Heard d name itself first time
Ok its my bed time
Gn guys
God bless you all.cheers
Never heard of CHEF?
yes I heard it 1 month ago, and since then I hear it EVERY day!
@AndrewL never
    var myArr = [{"fish":"dish"}];

    how can I get "dish"?

myArr[0].["fish"] ??
You use it to debug javascript?
me? or the CHEF thing?
CHEF has nothing to do with javascript
@PomeGranate remove the period
I dont have my period.
oh.. dict.cc helped me .. period means also .
Then what is chef?
@littlepootis no it gave me an error
Please tell me something about it
@Learning CHEF is something like Docker
some DevOps hot shit
no idea what it is, but I'll start with it soon
@taco oi oi
@PomeGranate removing the period gave you an error? It shouldn't
chef is for configuration management (for ops as mentioned)
Ok any link ti read more about it
i likea da chef
@littlepootis ok it should work ( testet it in the console) but I have another error...
<%  if(( err[0] != "" ||err[0] != null)){ %>
            <% if (err[0]["company"]) { %>
                    //do something..
            <% } %>
        <% } %>
Cannot read property 'company' of undefined]
and the whole application crashes
how can I test if "company" is not undefined and then do something?
if (err[0] && err[0].company) { ... }
with a period?
it doesn't matter
ill test thx
@taco can you please google it for me?
search google for lemon party; you'll find it
I used a teeth whitening strip today, and it made my teeth really sensitive
they never do that to me
maybe yours were stronger than mine? I use the crest ones
It said on the box that it could happen, and that it's only temporary, so whatever
@ndugger thx it worked             <%= err[0]["company"][0]["rule"] %>
Why are you showing only the first record? Why not loop through them all?
I use a swissdent toothpast
I use colgate
@ndugger ehm (;一_一) because I have no idea how to do that yet
this is the err[0]
{"company":[{"rule":"required","message":"\"required\" validation rule failed for input: ''\nSpecifically, it threw an error. Details:\n undefined"}],"first_name":[{"rule":"required","message":"\"required\" validation rule failed for input: ''\nSpecifically, it threw an error. Details:\n undefined"}],....}
So, turns out fortran is a pretty good language for what it does @AwalGarg @ndugger
very similar to numpy

<% err.forEach(e => { %>
    <% if (e && e.company) { %>
        <%= e.company[0].rule %>
    <% } %>
<% }) %>
@BenjaminGruenbaum There's another version of fortran forcasted for release in 2018
I thought it was dead
I'm kind of surprised
@ndugger it has a ton of parallelism primitives and vectorized assignment (assigning to a range)
Also, I agree; ew. I don't like EJS
It means it's very simd friendly and easy to write parallelism in
Still looks like shit though :D
It's not comparable to C, probably to Mathematica or Matlab
@ndugger that only outputet once: "required" - it didn't loop
@PomeGranate No, but it looped over every "err"--You can take that and make it work to loop over the companies as well now
It's just a nudge in the right direction; I won't write all of it for you
Anyways, I gotta get back to cleaning
@ndugger oh yeah I see : ) thx, I have an idea now
Hey guys! I have a question
@Global Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
mission accomplished
Certainly, but that's because of the sound. Edited log.. Hmm.. oh well.
I have a function with 4 switch case. 3 of them calling same function but last.
Is there a way to avoid calling this function 3 times?
yes, remove the break; statement from the first two cases
True. But I dont want the messages in case 2 or 3 if choose 1
can you put the code in a fiddle or gist stripping out the irrelevant portion?

 <% err.forEach(e => { %>
            <% if (e) { %>
                <% Object.keys(e).forEach(function(key) { %>
                    <% var val = e[key] %>
                    <%= val[0].rule%>
                <% }) %>
            <% } %>
        <% }) %>
this is my "end" solution, it prints:
=> nice!
how can I also print the "key" .. I mean the "company", "firstname", ...
@Awal Garg Im not very familier with that. Only using script so far in Javascript
use the key variable you are already using..
It should print:

Company is required.
Firstname is required.
ok the key
@Luggage oh yes.. -.- I thought the key is an index number..
on linux I have a sh script that while it runs it changes the HEAD of a git repo that changes the same sh script. I guess that changing the HEAD will be before the sh script can finish running, which seems to be the case :(
I've jsut used one very short 'bootstrap' script for that. A script that does the update/checkout/whatever, then calls the updated script.
User.create(params, function userCreated(err, user) {
    if (err) {
        var errorx = err.invalidAttributes;
        req.addFlash('success', errorx);
        return res.redirect("/user/new");
    req.addFlash("success","Everything OK, I mean really everything!")
    if (format == 'json') {
    } else {
        res.redirect('user/show/' + user.id);
if there is an error, my controller redirects me to the same page again
on the '/user/new' page there is a formular
for example when a field is empty..

if there is an error it redirects to the same page agin BUT the form is cleared.. how can I prevent that?
@SuperUberDuper heh, you hit the issue that bash will read a line, execute it, read the next line, instead of doing like any sane language and read all the file before executing it
if your sh script were e.g. a python script, you wouldn't have this issue
should be easy to port to python, too, probably
or have it copy itself to a temp file and jump to executing that, maybe?
@FlorianMargaine Sane languages like JavaScript? wait...
there is more than 1 sane language? O_O
all of them except bash scripts and lisp,
stares at Florian intensely
everyone knows PHP is the one and only sane language. duh
all your facts are in need of triple checks
I'm actually working on an mvc-ish thing in php
Oh god it's happening again
<obligatory promotional message about jshp/>
MVC PHP, I'm having a PTSD episode right now
!!urban PTSD
@AwalGarg [ptsd](http://ptsd.urbanup.com/1614191) post traumatic stress disorder
a term loosely used by so call professional dealing with victims of crimes or violence.
more of a php frame work, but it's not bad so far. it forces you to use logic-less templates
good lord. the second sentence is a bit more on the way than I'd care to agree for here
@MadaraUchiha nodejs would work, too
I guess "sane language" was wrong, I should've said "not-insane platform"
(i.e. not bash)
anyway, laptop is running out of battery, reading this was nice:
I'm 30 and I just realized that people can actually "picture" things in their mind. I can't. It's called Aphantasia: https://www.facebook.com/notes/blake-ross/aphantasia-how-it-feels-to-be-blind-in-your-mind/10156834777480504
bedtime here, laters all
da hell is sheep counting?
> Counting sheep is a mental exercise used in some cultures as a means of putting oneself to sleep.
Q: Add then remove class after delay but without page refresh

vinayofficialI am adding a class .error on click and now after time interval of 2 seconds I want to remove this class, but without page reload/refresh.I used delay() in jQuery as: $('#username').addClass('error').delay(2000).removeClass('error'); but it's not working. Then I tried setTimeout(). It's work...

75% of upvoters didnt read tags
@AwalGarg it's common in every occidental culture
sounds stupid but ok if it is a culture thing
m.youtube.com takes you to https://www.youtube.com/?app=desktop. lol. explicitly going to mobile sends you to desktop site, then puts a gun to its head and says app=desktop to be sure
@AwalGarg It's meant to be so boring, that you fall asleep
it leads to wet dreams of sheep.
To have your mind do that instead of the crazy roaming thoughts you get before you fall asleep
@MadaraUchiha I will try that tonight
in the more southern areas.
<weird thing you might not wanna read>when I was not a nerd, I used to imagine porn. now I try to imagine porn but code somehow comes to mind in between and I can't sleep as easily.</weird thing you might not wanna read>
what did bartek do now?
I don't see any advantages of javascript against php ...
php mvc or sails ... the same ugly thing
yeah that's why we are bringing the advantages of PHP to JavaScript
@FlorianMargaine interesting indeed
ich nimm dir alles weg!
What do you guys think of using heredocs in JS?
@taco There are no heredocs in JS...
oh ok, it seems they're called template literals in ES6

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