Hey anybody know of a free website hosting place, I want to show my website to a person. I tried uploading my files to projects.coxslot.com but index file is not being displayed
We currently have a new site in beta (currently 50% of mobile users can opt-in to try it out) so we can get user feedback before rolling it out to all our users. We get some charming feedback like this: "Why dont you usless fuckers get the old crappy sight sorted out so it works flawlessly on ALL phones before you TRY "designing" a new one that's already all fucking glitches?.......usless cunts"
@littlepootis I declared my function in a file, say file.js. I then proceeded to use it in another file, say file_2.js. I used script tags to reference both the files in HTML
Gave me an error in console saying the function wasn't declared.
@axrami Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm trying to implement a small application to use a bunch of data stored in a mysql database from a program installed on a windows 10 machine
I was hoping to put a simple html file, kick in chart.js and let magic happens with data from mysql
reality kicks in and I forget I need a server side engine to interface with the database before goin with some ajax
now what can is the most advisable barenbones setup to be able to do this in your opinion? I hoped a simple html file was the deal but I'm stuck to find a simple way to make this html file to get the data stored in this mysql database
I'm trying to avoid to install a full server on local machine with something like xampp or similar just to get the data on mysql
@Krystyna Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I was hoping to ask a question about my jquery script.
I have a toggleClass link that has SVG background image, and toggles the background position depending on whether an admin person clicks on/off. How do I reflect this change on another page to display the result? It is pretty much just a marker to signify whether a person has been verified/unverified.
I have the starter jquery there, which toggles the class and checks where the link class is 'verify' or 'verified' by the id.
So, when the 'post' variable send it to the 'updated URL' which will display the selection made my the admin, what do I put in that 'updated URL' file to reflect this change??
how can I split string by first space that comes after ".".....in this case I have a sentence say "merry profile photo.jpg has been uploaded". What I want is to split at space after image extention i.e jpg and get the filename (note I don't have access on returned data otherwise I would have got it in response))
guys i need to create a google map with a marker on my website.Something like this w3schools.com/googleapi/… . My problem is that i need, the users when to click on the marker to get directions to go to this place. can i ?
Actually they won't but I cannot trust user data....spaced images are uploaded on frequent basis...and I cannot approach the dev to add in some character in place of that in file
@littlepootis my only option is to get a workaround
I need it to render uploaded file on the page......for which I need filename then from there onwards I know the folderpath just need to inject that in HTML
the 'updatedURL' is in the post variable, this is the file that needs to be displayed here, I just dont know what I need to put in here, do I make another SVG link icon here and change the position in CSS?
@littlepootis "product-rollover_03.jpg upload is complete", why it is only responding "imagename.j" not the "jpg" ? NOTE: plase dont' mind the noob question, I dont know regex
hummmm......what if dev has responded with two echos ? I mean echo "$filename uplaoded"; and echo $filename;. In this case can I just use event.target.responseText[1] to get that data
can someone help me sort this object, please: [{"2016-5":{"shift0":[26],"shift1":[42],"shift2":[53],"shift3":[31]}},{"2016-6":{"shift0":[47],"shift1":[26],"shift2":[58],"shift3":[52],"shift4":[22]}}]
it should be[{"2016-5":{"shift0":[26],"shift3":[31],"shift1":[42],"shift2":[53]}},{"2016-6":{"shift4":[22],"shift1":[26],"shift0":[47],"shift3":[52],"shift2":[58]}}]
@FlorianMargaine is there a way to check which ssh key has been used for what hosts in the past? or any specific docs I should read to figure this out?
and the person its me, lol, i could change how i store the data in the db, but i will need to change a lot of code so i think its better just to convert it into array.
and everything is js, there is no java here :) im using firebase
@BenjaminGruenbaum - a use case would be like a user subscribing to multiple channels - lets say he's online and not in any room(channel) - he should still get a notification stating a new message ... how would i determine if the message has been read or not? i'm using websockets btw