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Those look like shit
wear those every day and people will assume you have a basement full of illegal guns
because you probably do
@ndugger yes, but they'll hold up for a long time
if I show you the winter boots that I own, you'd call me a hipster
Don't knock the side zips
They're great for quickly strapping up.
@ssube these are the boots I wear in winter amazon.com/Timberland-Chestnut-Ridge-Insulated-Insulation/dp/… (but only in the winter--I'm not a hipster)
@ndugger you are a hipster
How to check cookies before showing anything to the user?
Guys :| who here has used knex? Every time I run a migration, it appears to work, but it does not create the table
yeah, brown leather "hiking" boots for that long trek to starbucks are a sure sign
@GandalftheWhite does your oven have a light inside?
Those aren't hiking boots
I have a separate pair of actual hiking boots
I generally turn it on and peek in the window rather than opening, because you will lose heat
Those are weather proof and insulated; not for hiking
@ndugger those are just boots
@Loktar Oh shit, you reminded me I need to put a maintenance order in to have them replace my oven light!
My hiking boots cost $200--The most amazing support ever.
It's so great being able to afford nice shoes
@Meredith Yes, but they're insulated and water proof; perfect for the winter
@ndugger so you have actual not-for-hiking hiking boots specifically for being hip and ster with?
@ssube They're not fucking hiking boots
200$ dollar
So costly
@GandalftheWhite lol in seriousness just make that a condition before whatever you need to show them
@Learning shut up, I bought an Oculus :P
@ssube you apparently don't know the difference between boots and hiking boots
@Learning They last decades, so yeah
@KendallFrey and you're getting it sooN!
or a decade..
@ndugger nope. I don't hike.
lol I think I'm more excited for you to get yours than I was
still waiting for it to ship
because I want you to like it lol
I've been trying very hard not to get too excited
for my sanity
hah yeah
I did the opposite for my DK1
but I'm super looking forward to it
and it took l ike 3 months to get to me, I was dying
yeah man you will love it
esp since you're about the sims
My main reason is I don't want to be disappointed
low expectations
What about weekend plans guys
also I'm a pragmatist and know that thinking about it won't make it come faster
@ssube these are the hiking boots that I own rei.com/product/866735/mammut-brecon-ii-gtx-boots-mens -- They have entirely different look and support, and the soles have much more grip and texture to them
Learn you some things
I love REI--no, I'm not a hipster
I wish we had REIs down here
We have bass pro shops though which is pretty cool
@Meredith go twirl your mustache
Sean thinks that REI is only for hipsters
Ah, redwing... I almost worked for them
Fucking awesome boots
Local to MN
oh yea?
as a dev?
Those are nice
yeah I just have to oil them a lot
@Loktar yeah; this was before they redid their online stores
@Loktar awesome boots
like once every 2 weeks or so it seems
but yeah, they're local to Red Wing, MN lol
@ndugger damn nice, that could have been a sweet gig
or at least a nice discount haha
Who flagged that
^ yeah wth
what was flagged?
@Loktar that goes for any good boot
@ssube yeah that's true
@Loktar You got out before the sage green boots, but they're fuckin' dumb. Always have to use mink oil on them to keep them waterproof.
1 min ago, by ndugger
Fucking awesome boots
@Trasiva yeah I have the old black ones
still have 2 pairs of them
Whoever flagged that can go jump in a well
I identify as boots and that offends me
@Loktar I love those. Once you get a good polish on them, just take your horse hair brush, a light scrape across the polish, and rebuff the boots, 10 minutes tops and they're back to sexy.
@Trasiva I used mop and glow on mine, could literally see my reflection
I need to stain and polish my work shoes. A flaming soccer ball fucked them up (not my fault)
@Loktar I could see my reflection in mine too, but I never cheated like that. :P
does anybody know which is the good javascript plunker or fiddle or bin?
jsfiddle is our go-to usually
@SterlingArcher I can stain them for you
Plunker is shit, jsbin is clunky. Fiddle or codepen; but I always use fiddle for issues and fixes
But fiddle doesn't have lots of flexibility
@Learning elaborate
What the hell does that even mean? Just use jsfiddle.
I have tried plunker but it is not good at all
Wahoo my watch shipped. Will be here in 4 days
But I must tell 1 thing about you guys
You guys are really awesome
I mean majority of SO users because whenever I have ask questions on SO I have always got a quality answer
Which I didnt get asking some of my friends who have good experience
> good experience
My experience is from being wrong, all the time
@SterlingArcher So you're getting your distribution set up then right? Four days isn't a whole lot of time Jordan!
Distribution? ._.
I just wonder hiw you guys just looking at code and instantly gives the answer
Typically because we've dealt with the issue multiple times
@Learning That's because we work with our code and we learn. We're like sponges, unlike the vampires in here who refuse to fill the morasses between their ears.
did somebody say more ass?! :D
I love ear ass
It seemd like you guys are programming geek doing programming all the times
is this a specific design style? byrushan.com/projects/sf/1-1/normal-tables.html .i know it is flat.but it looks so clear. i have seen this kind of sites rarely
@Learning Gee, what a concept, we're programming geeks because that's how we earn our bread.
@Trasiva yes me too earn my breed with programming but as I have just started my professional career so struggling alot with some task
Especially with javascrilt
> earn my breed
I am really bad with it as because I am c# developer
Well, when you spell like that, it really makes me wonder.
@Learning See, now that is a pile of horseshit. 90% of my days I'm writing C# code.
Ha ha
Sorry its javascript
Take some of your free time to start learning about it, you'll never learn if you don't start actually developing with it more frequently.
@FastSnail Rarely? A lot of sites have this style now.
I still have to ask questions from time to time, especially as I'm working on ES6, but the difference is I take the time to try and come up with a solid working example that shows I put forth the effort and research before I come here and bug these guys.
@Waxi what is it?i'm trying to follow it.but no matter what i did i cannot get that style.
You are right
@FastSnail It looks like it's bootstrap-esque.
But it's a template that he's selling.
@FastSnail What do you mean you can't get that style? Flat colors, generous use of white space, large text, sharp edges, etc. Just keep it simple and clean.
If you'd bothered to look at the nav panel on the left there's a link to buy it. And it's a pretty fair price.
But I have notice 1 thing that some guys here are especially on SO for helping others
@Trasiva ok thanks you i will search it.
They never ask questions just give answers
Like jon skeet for eg
@Waxi yes but it's not that simple for me.
anyone has an idea about how to do two way data-binding with immutable data (without setters) and with typescript (without string property names)?
@Learning That's because they've taken the time to become knowledgeable with JS through practice and effort. Two things you're really lacking in.
@FastSnail I hate to use these terms, but it's the difference between web 2.0 and web 3.0
@FastSnail Start with less, then build as you go, don't throw everything at it up front. Element by element.
ok i will try it
@Mosho You don't
I agree with you
Just ask yourself, does my site feel like a medical brochure? If you answer yes, you're on the right track. It needs to feel clean. Less is truly more and KISS.
@Meredith I thought about instantiating an empty object of the same class as the object I'm binding and somehow work with that
and merging them
But here we are not given much time.they are just concerned about the output and that should be quick thats it
@Trasiva laughing out loud
@Waxi Ask, and ye shall receive.
Pool season is almost here. Hope yall are ready.
Pool season has been here for like 3 months
@Meredith Where is here?
@Mosho Read about Redux
Or OTP if you're into that
read about redux? I've been reduxing for over a year
not sure how that helps me
@Loktar:thanks for the fiddle
Can someone link me to some good electronic music? I'm getting tired of what I have.
!!youtube numa numa
@ndugger Something went on fire; status 403
@Meredith ty
@Loktar have you heard of sigma.js or d3.js which does something like nodes and animating nodes
someone is ddosing the server running the free-gh invite token script :(
@Learning d3.js yea
@littlepootis is it you? that payload looks veeerrrryyyy much to be something you'd likely send :P
@Loktar I too have came across it when searching for this functionality
Have you ever used it?
breifly, not super in depth
Ill be back later, gotta head out for lunch
Enjoy your lunch
@Meredith Not sure about the other songs, but the singer in the first one sounds like Trent Reznor from NIN.
!!afk Free lunch from work.
@AwalGarg I tried to do something to murder your notification feed
@littlepootis what notifications? I blocked your ip :P
Read your code, tried to find some holes. But your code was horrible so i couldn't find any
if it is surely you, then I'd lift the ban
It probably wasn't me
lol, sourceforge
Is you? whois says no but could be vpn
Gonna backtrace that booty.
ban set in stone. thanks
@littlepootis the payload was "youtube singers fuck off", if you care :P
@AwalGarg lol wat
yeah man at first I thought it would be erik playing with me. Then I saw >4k requests and I thought wtf dude.
@ndugger surgeforce, as one of my coworkers called it
he was notorious for spoonerisms and code that only he could understand
the funniest slip-up I remember didn't come from him though
someone accidentally said "pig shit" in a meeting
At my last job, my coworker saud "fuck" while the CEO was in the same meeting
One time I accidentally cursed around my parents
What in the world is svchost.exe
And why is it eating 7gb/8gb
@SterlingArcher what a blooming useless invention
@littlepootis "service host"
host to windows services
actually no. this dude sent more of it
$ grep '' /var/log/nginx/access.log | wc -l
@Abhishrek ^ azure handle this well? how big is the plan?
@littlepootis If you right-click > Go to services what are the services it's hosting?
wuauserv is notorious for me
why can't decorators be applied to normal functions, only class functions?
Hi, can someone help me I'm new to web dev:
i would hope not
var projectItemTable = client.getTable('projectitem');
var query = projectItemTable;
let me guess; toString is not a function
the console is returning object undefined
!!> typeof toString
@Neoares "function"
get rekt son
I didn't know it was a global function
what did you think?
Well, it's a method on various Objects.
oh wait
window is an object
@KendallFrey that, winmgmt, thmes, shellhwdet..,sens, schedule, profsvc, browser, iphlpsvc, mmcss, lanmanserver, gpsvc, eaphost, browser, bits. All of these under netsvcs group
@MatthiasHerrmann try query.toString()
@littlepootis Download Process Explorer, you can use it to view individual threads for high activity
@KendallFrey ok i give that a try
also suspend or kill threads
I suspend wuauserv a lot on my old pc
the value of query.toString() is [object Object]
@KendallFrey Memory usage down to 2GB :o
After suspending that
@MatthiasHerrmann Sounds about right
the Server is returning json why does it only say object Object and not returning the json as plain text?
@littlepootis Which OS are you using?
@MatthiasHerrmann because that's not how you serialize objects into JSON
{}.toString() returns [object Object]
JS objects are not JSON; you can turn them into JSON by doing JSON.stringify(myObject)
@KendallFrey Windows 7
@MatthiasHerrmann console.log(query) see what gets printed then
@littlepootis yep, last I had trouble with it was 7
I did this:
 var query = projectItemTable;
    var queryAsString = JSON.stringify(query);
The console says:
So I guess my query returned as a result 0 projectItems?
that's an object
Ty for all your help^^
Nice and clean. I dig it. — Mike C 43 secs ago
@SterlingArcher WHY NOT const?
A: How to know if an array with numbers (zeros) is being seen as an empty array?

juvianvar isEmpty = stenen.every(function(arr){return arr.every(function(val){return val == 0})})

Jesus mother of inline anon functions
I have to use lotion since my hands are so damn dry, but I hate how slimey the keyboard and mouse get.
Get a non-greasy moisturizer
@SterlingArcher I never felt right doing that in JS, but in PHP that seems to be the thing to do. Just nest everything into 1 line until it's unreadable. It's like nobody told them that you don't get points for dense code.
You need to calm down, you're getting excited.
Thanks for taking the time to ask about your project on Twitter. Your project is very clever, but it's also a violation of our Terms of Service. Please remove it as soon as possible. If you do not, we will have to suspend your account.
party over :(
Does anyone know if you can read URL params with Javascript?
@Waxi - Malin + Goetz Vitamin b5 moisturizer is great and not greasy in my experience :)
@haakon319 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AwalGarg you asked for it
Nice; first message in chat is about greasy lotion
@mhatch yes

function getURLParameter(name) {
	return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(location.search)||[,""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20'))||null;

var user = getURLParameter('user');
@ndugger could be worse
Copy/pasting without providing your source? Shame.
I had the code already on my screen, taken from SO directly. I'm sorry...let me get it!!!
@haakon319 ty, will look into it.
@Waxi - yw
@sterling is it considered bad practice to use URL params in a case like such: You have an HTML form that handles different cases dynamically. This centralized form gets referred to from multiple places. Each seperate place has different requirements. Is it good practice to use URL params to indicate which referrer requested the form?
Also, Thank you
Don't look at me I didn't do it
@SterlingArcher You are the peehaa of room 17. Of course, you did.
@mhatch It's good practice to not to trust the user who is capable of altering the URL to send different parameters, so because of that you might want the name/value to be something a little cryptic to prevent tampering. Not sure much more secure that is, but it helps.
Does anyone have a favorite Yeoman generator for doing ecma 6 coding with gulp/angular? Just curious... I've tried the boilerplate angular one but want to move forward with 6 so needs to have a transpiler...
@littlepootis it was fun anyways
What would an alternative be?
but the bigger loss is this:
without using server side scripts
> The next time you find a flaw in our system, please report it privately via our Bug Bounty program (bounty.github.com), and you may be eligible for a reward.
@AwalGarg ouch
The other vulnerability of the day is with cap though. @rlemon @Zirak check sandbox
going to Vegas next week :D
@mhatch If all you need is an identifier in the URL to show who is requesting the form, then I think some unique number should be all you need.
@Shea - Where are you staying?
in a house, with family
I'm not going to party, I hate gambling
It's not really sensitive data either... Just to know which version of the form to display
infact, I'm just excited to see family
I hate Vegas lol
The form itself is secure
Oh cool, just curious... I'm going in June :P
staying on the west side
Nice, I'm going to vegas in august
is that another one of your screamo bands? :P
The assassins creed trailer looks dope
yeah it does. Way better than the games.
I wish they had shown more fight scenes. Couldn't tell how good the choreography was.
I like the actor they picked.. can't remember his name though
was it Fassbender?
Was it Darude?
@SterlingArcher it's Michael Fassbender, who is a great actor.
Yes that's it! He plays an incredible Magneto as well
he was even good in Prometheus
as a robutt
!!Fight Club or Friday
@Shea Friday
Cause it's Friday, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got shit to do....
Q: How to make a space when concatenating strings

MichaelI have written some code that works fine but I am trying to make a space between the strings. The code I have is: <html> <head> <title> Concatenating Strings </title> </head> <body> <script type = "text/javascript"> var greetingString = "Hello"; var myName = prompt ("Please enter your name","")...

goddamn, the after-lunch rush of meat sweat questions has come
Bout to downvote the answer just for entertaining the question.
How hard is it to lift a song from a site that's like embedded in a flash player somehow? I've tried before, but don't think I'm doing it right.
Is there a terminal for Windows that supports actual ascii styling
Not sure how to phrase that
Like on the Mac
Like this ^
@Waxi not only is that too broad of a question, it's shady enough you probably won't get an answer on SO.
@Josiah powerline?
um, no
There's cmder, not sure if it supports something like that.

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