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I'm a web developer wannabe so I cannot get off internet.
This guy who has a secretary/assistant referred to her as his 'typist' and someone notified HR and they wrote him up.
@Trasiva I'm sorry, I can't love Ted Cruz
@rlemon Cruz is the zodiac killer, not Satan.
@TodoPertin That's a pile of bullshit. I disconnect myself from the internet on the weekends. Go climb a tree or sit in the grass and read a damn book.
Satan is a cool dude who would drink beers with us.
@ssube nah bruh, didn't you hear. now he's lucifer himself.
@rlemon What Sean said.
@rlemon Dude, don't listen to talking citris.
wow I would like to sit down with her and talk.
she is so beautiful
> “Lucifer in the flesh,” Boehner told an audience at Stanford University on Wednesday night, according to the Stanford Daily. “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/john-beohner-ted-cruz-lucifer-222570#ixzz47iAJ7sVD
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@rlemon I thought Lucifer was what Satan called himself when he wore a suit.
and pretty
lol Beohner
@TodoPertin Go. Away.
@Trasiva I'm a member of this group.
@TodoPertin Presently you're not. You're a simpering idiot over a girl, bringing it to a place where we neither have the time nor the crayons to explain to you how stupid you sound.
yall motherfuckers need kicked
I know people here and they know me.
all yall
There's a difference between advice, and just pining away in a chatroom
If you need advice, ask it. If you're just swooning, don't.
@ssube All aboard the kick train. Choo choo!
I go for one walk in the sun, like a creep, and come back to trilbys.
@Trasiva Tell us how you really feel.
The only swooning allowed here is over ssube
@Waxi That would get me kicked, and maybe make the kid cut himself.
@SterlingArcher bro, both of us have swooned over people here, on occasion.
I do not understand.
but only dimes
@ssube yes, but mine was usually accompanied by "gimme a line to use"
Ayeee dimes
@ssube The difference is you don't say the stupid cingry stuff he is.
@SterlingArcher ⁵
there is one lady I work with. she's so pretty. I think we might hook up soon. :crosses fingers:
@rlemon The missus would kill you.
@Trasiva I say different stupid stuff. :D
@SterlingArcher jew
@Trasiva she's all for it
@KendallFrey wow racist
That caught me completely off guard lol
:30345525 lol
@ssube We all say stupid stuff from time to time. The difference is I don't imagine you in a trilby carrying around a my little pony and wearing a trenchcoat.
@SterlingArcher you have a whistle for when that happens
@Trasiva no, we imagine @Boltclock that way
@Trasiva Is a squid hat any less ridiculous?
@Trasiva Nah. I could borrow a trilby probably and I've got a blue canvas duster somewhere.
@KendallFrey To be fair, that squid had is actually kind of neat.
but the duster was for my halloween costume as an air force officer
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the F-35 software being developed by an Indian company?
"The jet manufacturer Lockheed Martin is working to remedy the problem within the software’s 8 million lines of code."
@ssube Too bad you didn't know me back then, I could have loaned you a proper blues uniform, lol.
@Waxi I swear on me mum, if you're even thinking about turning that into a racist thing, I will mod flag and kick you so hard...
Lockheed Martin is an american company.. isn't it?
@Trasiva I got a surplus officer's hat, had a white shirt and black tie, navy slacks, black shoes, and a blue duster with some campaign pins on it.
It was nowhere near right, but looked close enough.
@ssube Mother fucking twitch.
Then everybody made fun of me for looking like a nazi :(
@ssube I'm not racist, just sexist, but what I was getting at is that isn't it odd that they would allow non-American companies to work on something so critical to operations?
I bet you did nazi that coming
They have our company jumping through so many hoops to get the clearance to work on any of their gov't programs.
Coming back to PHP, there is a really long program that I cannot understand. It has so many files of codes and I know which line does what but I cannot understand how all the files and lines of code come together to complete the task. It has taken me over 2 days and counting. should I just move on stick to it because I know over time I will eventually understand it. Please give me advice. I'm excited and can't wait to learn the next lesson but this program is holding me back. Please, advice. :)
@SterlingArcher it isn't
xenophobic maybe
Hey, the fear of xenomorphs is real, man.
racism isn't a blanket term to place on anything that offends.
it is well defined. often misused
The implication that allowing non-americans to develop critical systems is bad?
@r lemon could you give me advice because
@SterlingArcher is bigoted. not racist.
@TodoPertin sure, ask the PHP room
@rlemon gawd with the technicalities :(
I just don't understand how the most critical piece to the plane was awarded to another country, especially knowing how tight regulations are in the states. How could they ensure the same requirements at these other places?
@SterlingArcher Yes, but that's not the implication
had he said "Indians are stupid and write bad software" that would be racist
@SterlingArcher ok.
@rlemon yknow, I think he actually did do that one time.
The implication is that allowing non-Americans to develop systems critical to the US military is bad
@Waxi audits
@ssube ohh yea I'm not defending him in particular. but people calling others racist is often over done and in the wrong situations
not all biggotry is racism
there are myriads ways to be an asshole :D
@rlemon But they are
And so are Americans
And Canadians
And Programmars.
Hi, how should I use the jQuery each function in ES6?
$(els).each(() => console.log(this)) // does not work, because there is no 'this' scope in arrow functions
$(els).each(function() { console.log(this) }) // works, but stinks linke an old fish
imagine I said All before the statement
Racist segregationist sectarian bigoted twat
@ChristophBühler don't!
twat is an underused word
@ChristophBühler lambda expressions did not make function keyword obsolete, you still use it when you need to use it.
"As of the end of January, the testers found 931 software program deficiencies, including 158 considered so severe that the glitches could “cause death, severe injury, or . [that] may cause loss of or major damage to a weapon system"
@KendallFrey it's cause the US considers it super offensive for no real reason.
no real reason/blatant sexism
@ssube what is the alternative?
@Josiah bro check your pings
see the engine table?
!!tell Christoph mdn Array.prototype.forEach
@ChristophBühler there is a this with arrow functions, it's a lexically bound this
@Christoph Something went on fire; status 403
@rlemon oh, makes sense. thx
dammit cap
@rlemon I did.
I thought it was awesome as hell
It was
Did it have glass over ther surface at least?
Madrid vs Manchester city tonight. :)
I can't weld worth shit, nor do I have that many extra parts
it looked sealed.
@SterlingArcher What does that mean?
not sure if it was glass or maybe just an epoxy coating
@ssube Dude! We should open up a school on how to be an asshole.
Damn, the cost of flying the F-35 is around $50,000/hour...gross.
@ChristophBühler parents scope
> An arrow function expression has a shorter syntax compared to function expressions and lexically binds the this value (does not bind its own this, arguments, super, or new.target). Arrow functions are always anonymous. -- Sauce
@Trasiva @SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/hl0v6Ay.jpg .
I'm trying to set up a dev environment for an open-source library with a big concat. Is there a conventional way to make Grunt serve concat'd js files so I can reload and dev at will?
you all have fun and I'm going back to learn PHP and after I understand the toughest program in the wourld, next is JS.
hail satan
@Trasiva I'm trying to be less of an asshole...
@ssube I just shot water out of my nose.
@SterlingArcher this is our new greeting
If you don't have tough skin in this room you're SOL cause you guys are ruthless.
@Trasiva nothing like spring cleaning?
Don't let the door hit you where satan touched you.
hail Satan o/
@JonathanAllard sounds like what you want is something that will watch your files and perform tasks when they change.
@Trasiva all over?
@SterlingArcher I'm just glad it wasn't coffee or soda.
@ssube Mostly my heart, my achy breaky heart. I just don't think it understands.
> He leaned to his wife at the door and kissed her on the cheek before leaving for war... as he pulled away, she could hear his final words, "Hail Satan."
I should write a book
@SterlingArcher lul
@KevinB That's what I was wondering. Do people use a server usually or just serve files out of the disk?
!!afk vape
@SterlingArcher write romance novels
@SterlingArcher a rom com dom (romantic comedy dominatrix)
put out a dozen or so and you can make a couple hundred bucks/month
i don't know what other people usually do. i usually just serve it with gulp (or grunt in your case) with a watch that performs tasks when things change.
@JonathanAllard a server, typically. Even a simple one like nginx is better than disk, because browsers are very strict about file:// protocol files.
yeah don't test from file://
Sounds good, that was my gut feeling also.
@rlemon That'd totally be the bomb.
Would you guys know a good project off the top of your head that has a decent dev workflow I could inspire myself from?
@JonathanAllard Should do the reverse, define your objectives and then see who's doing it best.
@Waxi Not sure what you mean there. We use Grunt for now, it's a tagging library, so one that changes the DOM fairly importantly (gh:selectize/selectize.js) and there are a lot of files to concat, some js, some css.
@JonathanAllard there are a million good workflows, depending on your project.
Now I'm fairly new to the JS open-source and libs, it seems large enough and I've not interacted with many projects/seen much code. I've been a Ruby guy for a few years now.
you want something like git(hub/lab) flow for your version control and branching, then defer to a CI tool (gitlab CI or travis are good) and use a simple build tool (gulp or webpack are, again, good options)
grunt tends to become exponentially more complicated as you get more steps, because it uses temp/intermediate files
as son
as father.
It's Mother's Day on May 8th. Let us not forget. Can't wait. Absolutely, love my mom.
The love of your mom is shared by all of us @TodoPertin
Sure. Well, as this is open-source, we're on Github (around 8k stars now), and I've been recently crowned maintainer. For now, Grunt is there until it gets changed, so I prefer adapting to that at the moment.
lol Loktar. Sorry I was not going to say something esle.
@Loktar #rekt
@Loktar zing!
@rlemon I only hope I've made @KendallFrey proud
yeah my PS4 username on PSN is rektHantu. :)
@JonathanAllard what part are you asking about then, specifically?
@TodoPertin you may as well just change your name to rekty mcrektface after that
his mom did last night
sorry I do not understand rlemon.
You just 360 no-scoped his ass.
Is there a project you know that has a good dev environment that I can inspire myself from, as I haven't seen much
@TodoPertin boaty mcboatface sailed the high seas
@JonathanAllard what does "dev environment" encompass? Editor? Build tools? CI server? Git workflow?
@JonathanAllard find a popular GH project
lol whatever you are saying I do not understand but I know it is not something bad because you are a good, talented, well-skilled and mature guy.
@TodoPertin LOL nice man
@ssube yea they suck
same with that school
and cool. as all developers are. so I want to be a very good developer too.
if you didn't plan on taking the name "Hitler did nothing wrong" don't ask the internet to name your school!
```gherkinGiven I'm in front of my text editor
is @JonathanAllard a bot?
I swear to God I do not understand a thing you try to say.
When I change code and save it
Then it's easy to manually see if what I've done is good
@JonathanAllard oh, you want unit tests :D
I'm learning Englsih too so I will note this down and understand someday.
what you should do is write unit tests, then
@ssube > manually
you should never manually
@TodoPertin I can't wait for your AHA moment, and then your "Ah screw you guys!" moment! :P
I do and think everything in English so I'm doing good and learning so much.
If a tree falls in the woods and it's not automated, did it really fall? No, because you can't reproduce it.
@ssube This fuckin' guy.
in my quantum woods where tests are not observed, does the tree exist?
it's a very good day today:
@Loktar Found you a popular github project: github.com/google/xi-editor
@rlemon yes, because you couldn't have woods without trees.
1. my favorite girl talked to me first
@rlemon Schrodinger's wood?
@ssube So all other dev workflows than unit testing are invalid? Hmmmmm
2. it's manchester city vs madrid tonight. :)
@JonathanAllard unit testing is not a workflow
@ssube that is a fallacy, because there are trees, my specific tree must exist?
thank you so much.
@TodoPertin lol I love this statement
Ha.. haha..
ohhh that's punny
@Loktar what? I do not understand.
@TodoPertin If you bring up this girl doing something as simple as talking to you as some amazing feat one more fucking time. I swear I will turn everything you love into a pile of ash, organic or not.
which one?
@TodoPertin he's happy for your happieness
@rlemon yes
@SterlingArcher that's racist
And I haven't seen what you meant worded that way before
@towc you keep using that word...
@ssube that's wordist
@Trasiva you have to see and know her to feel how I feel. but Ok I won't talk about her again. very off-topic i talk.
@ton.yeung Scope.
@TodoPertin No, I don't. You're a lovesick puppy who doesn't have the testicular fortitude to man up and take a chance, and tell her how you feel. That's not being a man, that's being a child. Take chances, because you only live once.
Maybe you're using let or const and your console is stuck on the global version of said variables
unless they defibrillator you
@Trasiva ok.
@ton.yeung it can
@ssube You're not helping my point Sean
@ton.yeung the chrome console sandbox scopes each individual line, so when you use let, it's only scoped the that console line
Are you using sourcemaps?
hail satan, and have a lovely day
If you use babel you might need to look for someVar1 someVar2 etc because it creates closures for you like EVRRYWHERE lol
@Trasiva oh, don't get me wrong, I absolutely believe in seizing the moment and whatever substances or genitals may be available at the time, but I also believe in being pedantic about it. :D
But the sourcemaps won't reflect that.
@SterlingArcher lovin' Lucifer
Just shoting in the dark... I know you aren't able to give us much of an example because you don't know why it's happening yet
Screenshot your console where the weridness is going on plz
@ssube C'mere, let me show you where you can shove your pedantic behavior.
How do I find the happy middle between having html hard coded in and having js create it?
@Waxi templates?
yknow, the thing everybody uses
What the squid wearing techno viking wannabe said.
I... I'll accept it.
@ssube checking my notes So something like Handlebars?
@Waxi or React, if you want to stay hip and cool and young
And fertile
Loktar uses so much React
I'd take lokes advice on how to keep those runners running
I'm always Reacting
it's a shame he was in the air force, he's a natural seamen
Idk he hasn't cranked out any kids recently
Might've used em all up
@Josiah neither have you ;)
My children are jquery plugins
lol bring your kid to work day people kept telling me to go make some kids
@ndugger most children are ugly and useless
@ton.yeung did someone redefine undefined?
@Josiah LOL
> dude go make some kids it's so easy!
That's what Andre said
all it takes is 3 minutes
> You should really crank some kids out, it's not hard I hear
the making part is really easy for sure
it's all the other stuff
> Aight, I'ma borrow your phone and head to the bathroom. see ya in 15
^ Pretty sure that's exactly what it was haha
@Loktar My sister's finding that out the hard way, she just had her first kid on Thursday.
Is it a bad idea to make a server and store people's username/passwords in an Airtable spreadsheet/database?
nice, grats on being an uncle!
@ton.yeung Learn u sum JabaSkrip
@thepiercingarrow probably
being an uncle is the best. I get to give the kid back.
if "is it a bad idea" and "passwords" are in the same sentence, then usually, yeah
got this for a websocket "session with ID '1' closed due to CloseReason: code [1009], reason [No async message support and buffer too small. Buffer size: [1,000,000], Message size: [131,168]]" but isnt 1,000,000 > 131,168?
@ssube Should I use mysql then?
@ton.yeung undefined == true lol
@thepiercingarrow mysql is a database you can use
@Loktar Thanks, it's a weird feeling. I'm worried about the kid's future considering who the parents are, but fortunately the grandparents on both sides are taking very active roles.
you should secure the passwords, regardless
@ton.yeung It's supposed to
@thepiercingarrow Don't store the plaintext version of the passwords. Store the hash, and then when they log in, compare the hashes.
@ton.yeung What does undefined tell you?
@Trasiva store a salted hash
never store a raw hash, they're vulnerable
@ssube Well, duh.
@ssube then what should I do?
@thepiercingarrow store a salted hash and encrypt your database or something
or, better yet, use a third-party identity provider like Google/Facebook OAuth so you don't have to deal with any of that
it's a million times safer
@ssube Not that I get any room to talk, our sql server 2005 uses the native hashing that comes with it. : /
@ton.yeung I can't really think of anything that would cause this behavior.
Maybe a minification screwup?
Just started using Node.js with Express for a simple REST API, I must say I'm impressed of how simple it was to get going!
@thepiercingarrow Do you know what a hash is, why we use it for passwords?
Using JS to write the backend is really neat
Ugh we just had a massive power outage
@ton.yeung Can you make a MVCE in a fiddle or something.
@SterlingArcher Lights out bub.
@Trasiva huh, nobody seems to know what algo that is. It might be SHA-1, which is broken, or it might be some proprietary one.

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