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hello :)
is it me you're looking for?
i can see it in your eyes...
I can see it in your smile..
console.log("you're all ive ever wanted");
Unexpected Error: I've been searching for a while
except I misquoted
"and my arms are open wide"
but in my head those are not the lyrics
I can't accept it
Come to Greece. We can all work for 200euros 6h/day
is that per hour or per day
its ok dude it sounded right to me too
hahaha is for month guys
200euro a month?
no thanks
oh yes..
i didnt work as programmer again. So ? 200 euros or go die..
well if the cost of living is low enough..
not my friend.
maybe think of relocation?
If i didnt have my parents i will sleep out
yes think. i need to learn better english and i will..
i spend my years for this job i cant take money just to eat a bread
your english seems pretty good to me
not perfect, but I can understand you
which is all that counts
really thanks
i think for sweden
or germany
there are online chats for learning better english (spoken, like teamspeak)
I don't have the link off hand, but a co-workers wife used it to learn english
she is chinese
I'm sure google could help find those links
teamspeak is just a client like skype
am i wrong ?
it is (how it was described to me) a bunch of people who speak english + the language you speak
they help translate
@gtzinos yes but only for voice
they have a room for english ?
oh you mean to join some rooms to help me understand them ?
again, I don't have the link. they don't use teamspeak. that was just me making a connection to something I thought was relatable.
I was just mentioning those communities exist
1 message moved to Trash can
@WilliamPaul Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
I tried :(
So still grasping the concept of middleware -- am I doing anything blatantly incorrect here

    app.use('/page/:id', function(req, res) {
      var hi = getArray();
what are you trying to do
@rlemon oh ok thank you a lot
if /page is hit, I want to get an array and load routes/index with that array
I can do var index = require('./routes/index')(ARRAY);
with app.use('/', index);
so you want to understand router?
whatever you have above looks wrong. just my gut feeling. Can you try to explain better what the overall goal is?
yeah basically
the idea of loading routes/index after the request is what is concerning me
*with require
so I am working on a blog, the posts are to be all on the index, but I want to be able to search for tags if tags are specified in the parameters
so inside of the get call for the post you want to get the tags?>
I can do that,
it is just a case of reusing the index route with a new array being passed to it
@Loktar My use case is to use react for creating xsl-fo (xml) and I want to be able to sprinkle in <Bookmark />s (a fictional component i want to use to mark items of th table of contents).
okay, I don't understand. but I don't blame you -- it's night here and I'm tired
so it could be me just being dense
I'm usually pretty terrible at explaining, this is my routes/index.js
module.exports = function(p) {
  return router.get('/', function(req, res, next){
    res.render('index', {posts: p});
I have an array of post objects, which I can pass to the routes like this
var index = require('./routes/index')(BUF);
app.use('/', index);
@Loktar my proof of concept using JSX as a templating language for xsl-fo. I want to use real react, if I can. github.com/luggage66/jsx-xsl-fo/blob/master/src/report.js
you don't need to re-require it then. just re-call the index.
var Poop = require(..);

var index = Poop(blah);

// later
index = Poop(newBlah);
so like app.use('/page/:id', index(array)) ?
why are you using .use ?
looking like a .get call
idk. in my router I usually have a .use for middleware without a path
it is a catch all for the specific route
or an entire sub-path..
.use('/api', api);
yea to define the router
I guess that is middleware?
Everything is.
but in the router
(req, res, next) => "All the things"
router.use( (req, res, next) => {
  if( !logged in shit ) res.redirect('/login');
but like valid and stuff
Yea. That's middleware.
else next();
2 mins ago, by rlemon
but like valid and stuff
How does .then work?
I don't know how it is implemented, but then always return a promise
and if you return a promise inside an then, that is the promise you get
if you return a value, that is the resolved value in the returned promise
Oh.. I see, thanks!
I really wish you could give bounties to people on the chat.. just maybe 5 or 10 rep..
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var fs = require('fs');
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var assert = require('assert');
var url = 'mongodb://' + process.env.OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_HOST + ':' + process.env.OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_PORT + '/';

var server_port = process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT || 8080;
var server_ip_address = process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP || '';

var bodyParser = require("body-parser");
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
Having some issues
For some reason my database isn't being updated and no data is being inserted
And it should be
No errors in console
@thepiercingarrow You can implement your own in a few tens of lines of code.
I have an anonymous amd module that needs to be automatically added as a dependency from another amd module - since it doesn't have a name and I don't know what the user will name it how do I proceed? (using an id/name is bad practice)
in cjs you just require and ur good to go thanks to the package.json
Is there any way I could log a user out of FB when they click a link? Potentially leading them to a logout script or something of the sort
Doesn't work
Tried that already
I could try making a post request to that
Ah, now I get it
They check for referrer so you can't log them out by redirecting
I think so
Now I'm really confused
Git just stopped working for me
Stopped tracking one of my files
It says everything is up-to date, even though it isnt
Git isn't recognizing my changes in one of my files
@Jasch1 Check your .gitignore; try git update-index --no-assume-unchanged [file].
@copy so it looks like better-assert gets the line number from callsite and then reads the friggin' file to pull that data.
so there's file IO for every call to betterAssert
Good morning everyone.
I just import my exsting project into Visual Studio 2013. I am not able to see my controller folder
Any ideaa?
!!start season 2 or naw
@Shea naw
"arbitrary-length non-breaking snake"
npm i snake-pad
Hello there, can some one help me with this problem? stackoverflow.com/questions/37018178/…
*about this
Is there an article that explains step by step how to deploy a node.js project to Openshift?
I heard it is better than Heroku but its documentarion is very vague to me.
Omg Donald trump is the republican nominee
does that really surprise you?
Didn't expect Cruz to drop out.
He was crushed
He lost Indiana
yeah, reading more on it.
I am utterly surprized, American politics is more fucked up and at the same time more democratic then Indian.
not just politics
@SomeGuy trending all around. imagemagick and dependents got pawned real good
in PHP, 5 mins ago, by Gordon
May, the 4th be with you!!
The galaxy far far away called from long long ago, they want their joke back...
The problem with Smite is that 90% of the players are terrible
@Abhishrek weren't you on an exile from web chats? :P
Cruz is a little old school for me, but I would have gladly accepted his nomination over trump
@Mr_Green employment is overrated
At least is Sanders holding in there or has he dropped out too?
he won indiana
Hi guys. My server returns database data in this format:
data: { COLUMNS: [ "name", "age" ], DATA: [[ "Peter", 22 ], [ "Steve", 36 ]] }
Should I parse this in JS / jQuery or rewrite the backend? It seems to me, that this is a standard format..
Hillary will be a disaster
@Shmiddty thank god for that
What if.. Trump.. wi..
I'd almost prefer Trump over Hillary.
let it implode
@ChristophBühler it's not valid JSON. Your best choice would be to fix the backend.
I don't mean to offend anyone who likes trump or Clinton, but my god they are just absolutely horrible people
I have a string like this,

"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xml:base="https://9999.example.com.us/_vti_bin/MYServices/MYServices.svc/ ... so on .....

I want it to be this,

"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xml:base="https://9999.example.com.us/myPart/myPart123/_vti_bin/MYServices/MYServices.svc/ ... so on whatever is there should stay remain as it is
@JanDvorak It is valid JSON.. that's not the issue
can I replace above in the string ?
@Neil I agree
@ChristophBühler It isn't valid JSON.
Any resemblance to a somewhat decent candidacy is lipstick on a pig
They are almost certainly worse when the camera is off of them
@JanDvorak Maybe you have to add quotes, so that your parser does not return an error. As I said, that is not the issue.
Product of what most people think makes up a good candidate, and little sustenance underneath
At least for Hillary, for trump are all the people disgusted by that and actually swing in the complete opposite direction
Sanders strikes me as the only candidate that is somewhat in the middle and wouldn't want to light puppies on fire. A definite plus
@JanDvorak I wrote a utility function for this:
parseQueryData: function(data) {
  let res = [], t, cols = data.COLUMNS
  data.DATA.map((d) => {
    t = {}
    for (let i in cols) t[cols[i]] = d[i]
  return res
SO it isn't valid JSON, but a plain object
@JanDvorak The question didn't state that it was "valid" JSON.
But it did state it was JSON, which it isn't.
Also, you yourself said it was valid JSON, which it doubly wasn't.
Servers don't send JS objects
@ChristophBühler With let, don't do the "define everything at the top" convention
And yet whatever the server sent, this method didn't parse it, or anything.
@MadaraUchiha good to know, thanks!
It makes sense with var because it makes the hoisting explicit
But let is not hoisted.
@JanDvorak It works for me. Maybe you disabled JS in your browser?
@MadaraUchiha But this would be bad practice, right?
for (i in data) { let a = data[i].test }
@ChristophBühler Well, you wouldn't be able to use a outside
So it's not so much a bad practice as much as it's just wrong code.
@JanDvorak y u disable JS :(
It's useless
That code, I mean, not JS.
@ChristophBühler wtcha tkn abt?
@JanDvorak "this method didn't parse it, or anything"
jan can disable JS and still use this chat. wow
@ChristophBühler no idea what you mean "works", but from simply reading the code I can tell you with confidence that IT DOESN'T PARSE ANYTHING that a web server might have possibly sent (i.e. a string).
@JanDvorak I can only imagine what you must have gone through while typing that sentence
@littlepootis I might write a script
@littlepootis drugs
@AwalGarg this chat was written in Assembler
Assembler is not a language
@ChristophBühler ahh, good to know. thanks
some people here told me it uses JS :/
Linux was written in a compiler
Maybe "parse" isn't the right word here
an NFA compiler
Ubuntu's Ubiquity was written in an interpreter
@ChristophBühler What's your question, exactly? Your server is not returning json data (or you didn't copy the json data), but you are fine with it. You claim that you wrote a working function to "parse" it. What do you want us to help or confirm?
@Sheepy The server returns a structure, which separates columns and data as individual arrays. In JS, I want to access these properties with "person.name" or "person.age".
HTTP doesn't support transferring structures. only strings
@AwalGarg Are you trolling? ^^
@ChristophBühler are you?
@ChristophBühler Ok. First, the structure it returned is not any well known standard. Second, you can do it either with backend or js. Judging from your respond I guess you want to do it with js.
that is what happens when you mix troll and seriousness
@Mr_Green oh my god, I can't tell them apart anymore!
@Sheepy That's what I wanted to know. Thank you!
yeah I know
@ChristophBühler And yes, your function works (if we ignore the technical details of server sending only strings). It convert your column data to object properties.
@ChristophBühler Ok, good to know!
From a memory footprint standpoint, probably better to leave it as is, and use an API to access it
@ChristophBühler I am not. I have never trolled in this room, and I won't do that ever in future either.
@Sheepy I guess the server uses this format, so that the payload is more compact.
Are you paginating thr data at least?
In fact you can ask @Neil. He will confirm that I never troll.
@ChristophBühler Data are usually compressed. I can't say your data is not more compact, but with compression the difference should be pretty minor, and IMO not worth the additional conversion. But then, it's your server.
@Sheepy Didn't know that either. To be honest, I just couldn't find a way to return the data in the desired format from my ColdFusion API.
Is it possible to use the jQuery .filter() function in event delegation .on() selector?
@ChristophBühler It's ok. Sorry I can't help with ColdFusion.
Honest question: Coldfusion is still being developed?
!!wiki ColdFusion
@Sheepy The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
ColdFusion is a commercial rapid web application development platform created by JJ Allaire in 1995. (The programming language used with that platform is also commonly called ColdFusion, though is more accurately known as CFML.) ColdFusion was originally designed to make it easier to connect simple HTML pages to a database. By Version 2 (1996), it had become a full platform that included an IDE in addition to a full scripting language. == Overview == One of the distinguishing features of ColdFusion is its associated scripting language, ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML). CFML compares to t...
@taco Sure. The new CFSCRIPT syntax is not bad
Surprise. Yes. There is a ColdFusion 2016.
My b0ss still programs in CFML (since 1995). Whenever I have to change sth in the code base, I tend to get suicidal..
It must be a well paid job, with such a high risk to life OAO!
I worked phone support in 2002 and this guy was lauding ColdFusion back then. It stuck with me as I tried it and laughed at how slow it was
There is even a "free ColdFusion" lucee.org
@taco Well ColdFusion is basically Java, and Java is not necessarily a slow backend language
My C backend laughs at Java
My HTTP server embedded in the CPU laughs at you
My local web app laughs at the speed of server based app.
My assembly laughs at your local web app, and I cry because I code in assembly
They could laugh, by sending certain signals to port 0x61. Except that PCs don't have PC speaker any more.
@AwalGarg wth? What is the context for that? XD
Is there an article that explains step by step how to deploy a node.js project to Openshift?
I heard it is better than Heroku but its documentarion is very vague to me.
@ChristophBühler The version I knew wasn't owned by Adobe. Maybe it's better now
also being like Java doesn't make it Java
@thepiercingarrow Is Openshift Redhat's take on containers?
If it starts with "Adobe", its usually bad. Just a rule of thumb. Same things with Ms.
@taco I think so.
Microsoft's best product is their line of mouse (mice?)
@taco Its basically a cheaper but worse documented version of Heroku
Adobe is good with designing softwares but not with development softwares
@taco Microsoft's best product is Linux. (lol)
(reference to when Microsoft was claiming copyright over Linux lolololol)
@Mr_Green Photoshop isn't terrible, but its waaayyy too overpriced
I agree but they make life easy but that doesn't include development softwares
This is new which is trending now adobe.com/in/products/experience-design.html#x
I still remember using DOS.com under Win95... what a mess
Microsoft's best product is obviously minesweeper.
@Sheepy lol
Some might say Solitaire
win95 is better than win10
It took up less space and there was less malware at that time..
And IBM, don't get me started. There is a saying in the office about IBM: IBM - it may be slow, but it is hard to use.
Neither of those is good?
@taco Microsofts best product is the Windows documentation (lololol :P)
I tried clicking the [?] on an apps in Windows. Never helpful. Never.
Do you use Cygwin?
I have
Microsoft Flight Simulator and Train Simulator should be good too. Not my cup of tea, but I watched the simulator market collapse.
Have you ever got an X session to work? Whenever I start xfce, the log is fine but the screen is black.
I worked for Earthlink in 2001 and got addicted to OS X when they threw me in the Mac phone queue
I barely remember Cygwin, other than I think it had a green and black icon
No one here has used openshift? :( its the best one I could find thats free.. unless I'm looking in the wrong places?
There's a "free" heroku on github
@thepiercingarrow omg loooool lmao wtf so funny
@thepiercingarrow yes
@thepiercingarrow I used AWS and is using Baidu Yun. But they are normal linux vm, so I just install whatever I want normally.
@taco how much exp you have?
@thepiercingarrow I found the one I was talking about. It's called dokku. It's supposed to be like heroku, but I never used it dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku
@Mr_Green 420 exp
@taco Really? I am definately looking in the wrong places..
I remember some guy come here and ask about dokku. But no one knew about dokku
@thepiercingarrow it's at the link I mentioned, but you host it yourself
@thepiercingarrow You want to setup your server farm yourself? Good luck. And welcome to opensource.
> only for debian-based and arch-based systems
@taco Neat. Although my parents will probably get mad at me.
dokku is great. I love it.
@thepiercingarrow why would they get mad at you?
Last time I was using windows some person escalated to root and deleted my stuff.
You deployed a PaaS? Go to your room, son!
I blamed it on Windows.
They blamed it on me.
> windows
Hi guys
> escalated to root
> dokku
> windows
don't go to pron sites on your parents laptop
@littlepootis admin whatever
is is possible to draw line between two fixed div with css?
the command is:
@Learning it depends
div: draw line before other div
@littlepootis:depends on what sir?
@Learning their position. Not position. The position, I mean.
@thepiercingarrow troll 1/10, would not recommend
@Learning I'd say depends on your definition of "draw a line" and "between".
A coloured container div when they have a slight margin between them, for example. Or using the outline CSS.
anything is possible in css if you take the time
You can even have css play music
its a pretty cool trick
There is a thin line between "line between" and "draw a line"
This is my 2 div
css cured my friend's cancer
i just want to draw line between this 2 div
m8 write a boot loader in css 2.1
Learning!!! No graphic images!!!
@Learning are you trolling?
@AwalGarg nah, that was chuck norris' s tears
@Learning Div is square. Not circle. Your rendered image doesn't tell us much of the underlying layout.
he's prob using a canvas idk
or they are images inside divs
@Neil chuck norris sir
What do you guys think?
yes they are just iage inside div
@littlepootis mesa allowed js injections?
@AwalGarg that was clever, sir. Have a star
You can encrypt and decrypt text with this script but I think its easily crackable
If they are divs, you're probably using elinks and scrotted it
@thepiercingarrow not yet and you can't write boot sectors with mesa..
@Asperger does it work?
yes it does
check out the console
@littlepootis mesa sad... mesa jar jar binks! mesa sith warrrrriorrer
mesa sure could allow JS injections from node's abi today. but boy are you either totally misinformed to level funny, or you are trolling
mesa no fit in 512 bytes ugh
mesa no no troll :(
@littlepootis yousa can actually strech it to about 700 mesa sinks
!!doge meme, pop culture, troll
                 such meme
                       very  pop culture
so  troll
!!unban thepiercingarrow
wait i just stayed up the whole night!!!
i have school in2 hours!!!
I tried @Asperger's code. It printed out "Better drink your Ovaltine"
night kid
@taco could you decrypt it without the software?
For example I generated Flx{iy$kvprr$€s|v'S}esxprl which is the encrypted version of Better drink your Ovaltine
uh yeah probably
How would you decrypt it?
a was like e, b was f.... like the decoder ring in A Christmas Story
is this your homework or something? lol
Not at all.
I don't care enough to try
I know it looks like it but im curious and learning about encryption
You shouldnt try xD
you need a salt

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