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D4 isn't exactly music
I have no idea what you're talking about
they're a punk band and they own the Triple Rock and get everybody hammered for July 4th
America gets me hammered on July 4th
last July 4th, I ate too much cotton candy and made myself ill for most of the day
that's when I realized that too much cotton candy is a real thing :(
@ssube Dude, this is what punk should always be. What do you mean they aren't music?
That reminds me of last halloween
These guys are pretty good
@ndugger I know, but the event is more than just the show
I dig the sound, though
Gonna go vape after this song
My brother an I went to Pittsburgh to see a friend, we ended up going to his gf's house party where there was a TON of food. So we get drunk in the garage, and go upstairs to mingle. I'm eating a little bit, and there goes my brother, railing down strawberries. I leave for like 10 minutes and come back and all the strawberries are gone. He dead ass looks me in the eye, scared, "Dude I fucked up. I didn't realize.." He ate 3 lbs of strawberries.
@rlemon have you tried any of the extra planet mods? The Kerbal Galaxy 2 one looks cool, has a black hole an shit lol
Did it all come up?
I found him later on the couch with a beer, kinda groaning, "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN [FIANCES NAME] TELLS ME TO EAT HEALTHY" and me and our buddy Mr. T were dying laughing
Has the interstellar planets
No he digested them fine, save for the weaponized gas that came out that night.
That's a hell of a lot of strawberries.
I'm tempted to post his picture again...
wow, I've been watching some of my old stuff, I was quite the angsty teen, lol.
I wish I had a picture of just the look of fear in his eye when he realized what he did
It was priceless
Nick I will kick you :D
lol so angsty :D
!!afk vape and reposition the gps reciever
@ShotgunNinja Did you see what's inside it? it wasn't an accidental racist project lolol.....
All of the files are cached
Holy shit, that's way worse than I imagined, lol
I hope they actually turn that in for whatever class it is.
They'll be expelled so fast.
Yeah it's bad lol
I can't help but giggle
It's so bad that it's hilarious
Can we not star that...
OPs request lol
Jesus, that whole repository is so dark the police are trying to beat it.
@Trasiva Weak joke compared to whats inside that...
Alright, all aboard the vape train; one way trip to vape town.
We're gonna get flagged guys lol
@jhawins that's because it was a joke, where as that repo is just a racist going to town
@jhawins I drew a line to stop myself from getting flagged (I hope).
@ssube srsly
back from banned camp :D
@Mosho Did you at least remember to clean your flute?
I cleaned everyone's flutes
@Mosho I bet you did.
pfff, I got sent to camp and you get stars
if that's not racist I don't know what is
joke with racial slurs vs joke with relevant commentary?
I identify as monochrome.
a politically current joke is going to have a hard time getting flagged
racist against police officers
police officers aren't a race
that's racist
plus everybody hates them for shooting people
I identify as ke$ha
at my last house, we had a signed photo of ke$ha and a bottle of jack on top of a bookshelf as a permanent shrine to her
@ndugger Congratulations on that TSwift monay.
@ssube :-/
you have something negative to say about our glittery goddess?
Hello how's it going! Does anyone know if Buffers automatically add a null terminator?
they had better not
Specifically when creating a buffer with a string new Buffer("im string")
Hmm alright, thanks @ssube
running that on node doesn't give any indication that a newline is appended
well there's a few problems with testing it that way I believe. I'm assuming it doesn't for various reasons, but if you were to send a buffer on a TCP connection as raw data a string is typically followed by a
\0 to indicate the end of a string.
But I think you're right so I'll leave it at that!
if you send a string with a trailing null, then yeah, your buffer will have a trailing null
new Buffer("im string\0") is not new Buffer("im string")
whatever you're using to deserialize data from the wire needs to clean that up
@ssube that clears things up, thanks!
> we're committed to making it easy for most components and libraries built on top of React to be compatible with two major versions at the same time. We will do this by introducing new APIs before completely removing the old ones, thereby avoiding those cliffs.
It's a shame semver doesn't have something to indicate when you're adding new features and when you're removing old ones, like, I dunno, a minor and major version bump...
React conf is talking about contenteditables :)
@ssube yea
blames chromium / FF
exponential version systems
Browsers can't remove old features. FB is intentionally ignoring what major/minor means in semver there.
They're saying that they'll only remove features on every other major, but a major in semver explicitly means you've removed something.
@ssube a major means the API broke, end of story
this is worrying then
They're blatantly ignoring how semver works
maybe. The phrasing actually doesn't make it entirely clear what they plan.
As I read it there will be breaking changes in majors.
They will just keep old apis an extra version
Which is totes fine for semver
If they're adding the API in 15.1 and then removing it in 16, that makes sense. If they're adding it in 16 but not removing 15's stuff until 17, then they're doing it super wrong.
Shot in the dark... does anybody know anything about boosting GPS signals?
get a better sky
or get closer to the sky
Damn, I was hoping it wouldn't be a piece of hardware
why are you getting poor signal?
It's one or more of 3 factors: the GPS antenna itself is bad, the building blocks too much signal (it's a pretty secure building), or it's just not able to connect to the hub consistantly enough
3 is a stretch -- but 1 and 2 are more likely
even a normal office building will block most/all GPS signal
Yeah, and add to that my building is basically SCIF
@SterlingArcher Give it a tinfoil hat.
Anyways, while I desperately wait for a connection... might as well study my interview questions. Who wants to play Jordan's Interview?
1) Is JavaScript case sensitive, give an example?
a) Not case sensitive but js devs sure are.
What's the level?
@shriek well, you won't be taking our jerbs
@SterlingArcher booleans I would assume
I would feel uncomfortable being asked that question at an interview
It gets progressively harder
JavaScript is indeed case sensitive
@ssube that's very insensitive of you. :P
2) Name some of the types in JavaScript
\o/ got one :)
@SterlingArcher Java, Script
I think that's about it
10/10 hired
@SterlingArcher Everything is an object your question is invalid :P
Everything is an Object.
@PeeHaa not everything
Don't overthink it, you nerds
@PeeHaa we're in sync.
Number String Function
String, Number, Boolean, Function, Object, Null, Undefined
I would say @rlemon's mom is an object
I'll skip 3, since everybody knows how to explain a try catch
Function is not a type yo.
It is?
4) What is the difference between a value that is undefined and a value that is null?
function is a type
null doesn't have a value undefined is not defined
In what sense? What kind of data structure does function hold?
!!> function derp() {}; console.log(typeof derp);
@SterlingArcher "undefined" Logged: "function"
Not sure how else to explain that
I tried to catch @KendallFrey's mom, but once she tripped and starting rolling, there was no way I was catching her.
@PeeHaa null does have a value
it's null
5) Does JavaScript pass parameter by value or by reference?
facebook.github.io/draft-js damn fb made a wysiwyg, been working on that since December..
declared but undefined has no value (it's undefined)
not sure it's stable tho
undefined is its own thing that is sort of defined...
@ssube Which is nothing
Someone told me that all TCP server send the same "connection" back to the client upon connection. Is that true?
@PeeHaa not in JS
@SterlingArcher depends
@PeeHaa ;) Go on
!!> typeof function(){}
@rlemon "function"
@SterlingArcher neither
@PeeHaa on nothing
it's always by value
@SterlingArcher objects / scalars
Here's what my official cheat sheet reads for this question
@KendallFrey except that the "value" can be what is traditionally considered a reference
@KendallFrey huh?
JS claims to be pass-by-value but follows more pass-by-pointer semantics
Such language wow
it's definitely not pass by reference, that's sure
confused look
@ssube There's still a big difference between passing a reference by value and passing a reference by referance
eeeek mixing CSS files in js files
> Answer: Primitive type (string, number, etc) are passed by value and objects are passed by reference. If you change a property of the passed object, the change will be affected. However, if you assign a new object to the passed object, the changes will not be reflected.
welcome to webpack
@SterlingArcher your questions are too ambiguous
When you pass-by-reference, you pass a reference to a variable, not a value
@SterlingArcher well that's just not right. JS is never pass-by-ref
@ssube hey I didn't write them
you're passing, by value, a reference to the object
Q: Does JavaScript pass by reference?

J AnyDoes JavaScript pass by references or pass by values? Here is an example from JavaScipt: The Good Parts. I am very confused about my parameter for the rectangle function. It is actually undefined, and redefined inside the function. There are no original reference. If I remove it from the function...

@SterlingArcher Should read something like "objects are passed as references"
hence not having move semantics, because you're copying the reference (like a smart pointer)
Guys chill, this is just what the answer sheet says, I didn't write it ._.
Hence proving my point that devs are sensitive not js.
Your answers are garbage and you're a garbage person.
You belong in the garbage.
Is JS a GC lang?
Hence you're garbage.
he look a troll
Not trolling.
The rest of my questions are about angular. .. Explain MVC, Benefits of Angular... how a text field is populated by server... describe how user input gets reflected in angular data model
I love garbage
The irony is these are the exact questions they asked me when I was interviewed as a contractor lol
What are the benefits of Angular?
I probably wouldn't take a job if they asked me those questions.
That's like "sooo, you ever heard of that cool new JS thingy there, eh?" level.
@shriek none
Angular is gross
@crl you're hired.
To be fair, I'm the first junior level developer SNC has ever hired. Everybody else is 9/10 senior level
Anyone tried TS yet?
I'm not entry level, don't fucking ask what a try catch is. Ask me what pattern matching is in try/catch and how to use it to handle only errors you produce.
we use TS at work... It's shit until the next release
@shriek yeah, pretty heavily. It's ok.
Would you say a 2 year experience dev is still a junior/entry level dev?
Is it more functional oriented style or more OO style?
experience with what? javascript? or just web dev in general
@shriek neither, it's a static analysis tool
Explain the prototype chain even is a good one
@SterlingArcher yeah, <3 years is junior
TS is still JS (but with types); you can write OOP or Functional. It doesn't restrict you.
@KevinB ahem... well... primarily coldfusion... AND JavaScript
3-6 or 3-8 is intermediate, 8+ is definitely senior unless you're an idiot
took me way to long to realize that was LT 3 and not just a heart
forever ruined
yeah i'd have to agree with < 3 (yeah i had to separate it)
I never held a junior title, even when I was junior
any "entry level" job will say "1-3 years experience"
Starring for out of context pedo-statement
Same..hired as jr but did work like sr.
I've never held the title "Jr." but it's always insinuated
I'm the youngest engineer in the building D: I work with some SERIOUS talent here
It's intimidating
I'm finally getting to the point where people assume I'm serious after 4 years at this job
I got hired with no job experience, no official interview, and not even a high school diploma.
aw man, like 3 months and I'll have been a real dev for 5 years \o/
Kendall doesn't even sound qualified to work at McDonalds
I'll be mid level for another couple of years. The guys that I work with are senior for a reason. I learn a lot from them.
@SterlingArcher that's not present, doofus
Are you sure?
do you even work bro? how many keyboards do you have?
I have 3 ._.
Kendall doesn't even know how to add two jquery variables
two that I use daily
One laptop, one mac hub, and one desktop
@ndugger There's a plugin for that, duh
Thought everyone used touchscreen these days.
$.add(2, 2)
I'm gonna plugin my foot to your ass
touchscreen is terrible for ergonomics
writing code on a touch screen keyboard would be fun
Ew, no
@shriek try doing real WPM on a touchscreen...
^ tried it, it's awful
Coding on a touchscreen is cancer
@KevinB it's so not
I neeeeed tactile response when typing code
!!define vertice
@crl vertice (nonstandard) Alternative form of vertex
@SterlingArcher I can kick your ass for every error in your code
We need to fix this shit
@SterlingArcher pi upset, even
@KendallFrey I don't have enough asses for that
.... you leave this instant
We still use grunt at our work. :'(
I have left the instant
This GPS signal is going to drive me nuts.... it's like only 1 spot in the damn building can get a signal in
!!afk vape n reposition
what are you doing with gps stuff?
fun fact: if you throw a GPS hard enough it shuts off
@ndugger Command ^ already exists
@ndugger Command ^ forgotten.
never forget
@ndugger Command ^ learned
hey, no, you fucked it up
you fuck up
put the monkey back
✈!! never forget
!!learn ☁ "never forget"
you ruin everything
@KendallFrey Command ☁ learned
@KendallFrey never forget
!!forget ☁
@KendallFrey Command ☁ forgotten.
im evil
the giant, black, in your face arrow is much funnier than a monkey
@ssube Command 🐒 learned
!!wiki ✈
An airplane or aeroplane^A (informally plane) is a powered, fixed-wing aircraft that is propelled forward by thrust from a jet engine or propeller. Airplanes come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and wing configurations. The broad spectrum of uses for airplanes includes recreation, transportation of goods and people, military, and research. Commercial aviation is a massive industry involving the flying of tens of thousands of passengers daily on airliners. Most airplanes are flown by a pilot on board the aircraft, but some are designed to be remotely or computer-controlled. The Wright brothers invented...
!!wiki 🐒
Monkeys are haplorhine ("dry-nosed") primates, a paraphyletic group generally possessing tails and consisting of approximately 260 known living species. Many monkey species are tree-dwelling (arboreal), although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons. Most species are also active during the day (diurnal). Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent, particularly Old World monkeys. Lemurs, lorises, and galagos are not monkeys; instead they are strepsirrhine ("wet-nosed") primates. Like monkeys, tarsiers are haplorhine primates; however, they are also not monkeys...
unicode, bitches
That is pretty cool
@ssube well, technically nothing GPS [yet?], those sats are just the most stable to get a signal from
And using some calculations with the signal strength we can do stuff with it
!!wiki 💩
^ false, not always solid
bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1250274 FF isn't bug-free too, 70% of bugs are on chrome tho
Nothing is bug free
1 is bug free
Especially @KendallFrey's mom
@ssube mathematician would prove your wrong my friend.
Kendall's mom is a bug
@shriek oh yeah?
a fat one
lol why are you picking on Kendall so much.
his mom is famous
Just you wait
He's a sneaky little bugger
@crl FF has at least as many bugs as Chrome. More regressions, too.
FF is not exactly well-maintained.
hehe, regressions are terrible
although that one doesn't seem like a real bug
who still uses contenteditable?
the fuck of me
I did last year for a project.
@crl you... what?
used contenteditable.
I'm not proud.
spent all days since December with contenteditables, dream of them (more nighmares tho)
@ssube lol yea people seem to think FF is the shit or something
Canary ftw
!!Chrome or FF
@crl Chrome
Using HTML5 Geolocation, is it possible to increase the coords.accuracy besides {enableHighAccuracy: true} ?
geolocation.enhance() // jk
I prefer chrome, but it slows down my current work pc too much. time to upgrade
> Hi, I'm a Mac.
4096 bytes 0.o (not sure what language)
damn lol you made me look up geolocation.enhance
Lol but no way to 'enhance' it just using HTML/JS ?
> and I'm a PC.
@towc minified C and ASM
that's pretty crazy tho
occasionally demos will drop down to straight machine code
@towc ever seen ASD's stuff from Assembly?
@ssube nope
fap fap fap fap...
the really good demoscene stuff is usually pirates and AMD/nVidia employees working together
it started a few decades ago, they swapped the logos on cartridges while cracking them
you still have the 4k category, which is impressive, but the unlimited size ones can get really pretty
mind, they run them on 16-32 core/4-8 GPU machines...
but most of them can run at home, if you're willing to deal with meh framerates
now imagine a show where a person if making music live with those playing in the background and you have every EDM show
Can someone explain to me how this code can result in this output?
if I say "why wasn't I born 30 years ago so I could have seen the development of that going from somewhere where it was possible for a single human to understand how far did that go" I will just sound like a douche, right?
Because it doesn't on my desktop, but it does on the CI server :P
@towc you mean you wish you had been there at the start? There's nothing wrong with that.
Oh, f me! I think I know why O__o
well, in the meantime other sciences which one day will be huge are developing now and I don't quite know which ones should I pick, and one day some people will wish they were born when I was
free sriracha
that makes me a douche
pick them all
why would you wish to be born in the past?
that makes me more of a douche, with everything that we have now
I'm pretty ok being young but able to understand things right as tech is hitting its stride
sure, watching the things I enjoy come up would be interesting, but I'm ok just watching a documentary
wishing you could have seen things become what they are is pointless, focus on being there to take them even further
I've been using grunt for a few months, and I'm really happy with it (I was introduced to it by angularJS). Now, angular recommends gulp. And I'm reading some articles recommending npm. Should I learn gulp, go with npm (I'm already using npm actually) or stick with grunt? What am I missing? (I've read a few articles on the subject, and I don't understand them; I don't find anything too cumbersome with gruntfiles, and since I've never used gulp, I don't know if it's less productive/harder)
@K.Gkinis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
now it seems impossible for a single human to understand EVERYTHING that's going on in the world of tech graphics, we can only focus on one branch, whilst in the beginning you could be an expert and learn things as they happened

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