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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@RoelvanUden I remember reading "undefined behavior" for things like this in the ES spec
@rlemon Sent you a PR against the dark theme repo
@FlorianMargaine Ah.. that sounds bad. :D
Anyone here who can helpt me? https://jsfiddle.net/dane9q56/
I've got 2 Problems.
1.) How can I make the JS less redundant?
2.) How can I set the visibillity to hide on load?
Adding a style for one mod interface class that looked horrible because it had a light bg over light text.
@TechTreeDev you can reduce the code with a method. Look to it, a lot repeating code samples.
and if you want, you can use data-ref attr
@KarelG Okay thank you, and how can I approach the second problem?
you're using jQuery right ? There is a data() thing
then you have to bind only one function to the event handles. And inside that function, read the data field to know which element should be "slidetoggled"
@KarelG Thanks, I'll give it a try
@TechTreeDev Just saying, that's terrible code. You should perform all these animations with CSS, unify all these document ready handlers, and use e.preventDefault() instead of returning false.
Q: Routing related issue pertaining to Angular [Frontend] & node.js(express js) [Backend]

Gandalf the WhiteI am using Angular js for the front end and Express js over node.js at the backend. What I am trying to do? I am trying to implement something like facebook's facility to provide you unique profile names or say user names. Therefore - The user let's say types domain.com/hisprofileid Now, ...

@idmean Yeah, I'm aware of that. Working with that for a few days. This is why I asked how I can imporve this
@TechTreeDev If you just started learning web front-end technologies, drop jQuery before it's too late...
@idmean Okay
I had already a couple of pull requests for crash
(well, merge requests according to gitlab's terminology.)
what are you talking about?
...or not. :D
@KarelG You do not have permission to use the command live
@FlorianMargaine How are you finding Gitlab?
so what ? Using that gives me a good answer: You replied :-)
@FlorianMargaine ^ yeah how do you find gitlab
@idmean "drop jQuery before it's too late": I was planning to learn it. Background, please? Why? What's a good substitute?
@BaldEagle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BaldEagle what people are trying to tell you is that you should learn javascript before you start relaying on jquery
By all means do use jQuery.
@MadaraUchiha PayPal's APIs aren't fun :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Try using Amazon's or eBay's, you'll be delighted to return to PayPal's, trust me.
@MadaraUchiha or even better, some random startup which "sold" their payment system to your bosses and now you have to use it in your new project
Q: Routing related issue pertaining to Angular [Frontend] & node.js(express js) [Backend]

Gandalf the WhiteI am using Angular js for the front end and Express js over node.js at the backend. What I am trying to do? I am trying to implement something like facebook's facility to provide you unique profile names or say user names. Therefore - The user let's say types domain.com/hisprofileid Now, ...

@BenFortune pretty good for now.
the interface is somewhat bloated, but you have clearly more features than github
and the fact that I stop relying on the github company makes me feel very good :)
(sure, I'm relying on another company, but its ethics have had less issues.)
cc @Abhishrek
i use both
some consultancy projects leads to private github projects.
Hello there!
@DanielMizerski Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BaldEagle You don't need jQuery. jQuery is from a time when IE had JScript instead of JavaScript and there were no standards for AJAX, etc. All these things are standardised nowadays. See XMLHttpRequest, querySelector.
jQuery just slows down your website and obscures a beautiful object-orientated API by strange getter and setter methods.
of course, typo
@idmean with DDraft proto site is not slowing down cose preloading from LAN, regards ;)
@idmean Understand. Only, I thought that by using jQuery, I wouldn't have to learn a lot of historical browser support variations. That sounds like a huge plus. What more do I need to know?
@BaldEagle Well, if you would like to support IE 8 then stick to jQuery, but seriously, do you really need to do that?
@idmean Good point. Dunno. And ... I dunno what needs there will be in the marketplace, so I thought I should be prepared to that extent. Maybe I'll be able to do without on lots of work. Thanks ...
@BaldEagle uhm, you don't learn the historical differences by jQuery. It abstracts away the difference between the old IE / Firefox / Chrome browsers by providing you a "facade" layer
I have problem... 0.3 - 0.1 in javascript do not work
without workarounds
@DanielMizerski can you explain it better ?
@KarelG open F12 console window and type 0.3-0.1 ... it shows 0.19999999999999998
that's the normal behavior
is there not a better document that from oracle's, the inventor of Java ? :p
@copy thanks, more to study! ^^
@KarelG ?
i'm just saying something anti-java
@copy he is sick about bloodline of java :D
Being sick for that isn't a problem for me. I just don't like the language. Especially the engine. Syntax is OK. But Java8 has improved many things. Waiting for more good improvements at the next releases
@KarelG java is good!... to make minecraft mods ;)
@FlorianMargaine github ethics --- bad ? what did i miss ?
what's the difference between require('./foo') and require('/foo')?
in photo uploading after passing var photo = $('#photo').val()
through AJAX
the photo is in C:\fakepath\a6caebcf.png
how can i retrieve from fake path??
how can i use move_uploaded_file function so i can fetch image from database
@TahaDhailey are you intrested in normal <input type="file"> HTML?
you're getting photo through AJAX?
its basically a form
with one input type file
to upload photo
@DanielMizerski is there not a minecraft on the C++ platform now ?
...and CORS.
it is looking like good way?
@KarelG I dont think so, minecraft are runnin in java for debian
@DanielMizerski I should work on my bukkit plugin now :D dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/currencyshop
if i recall it right, Microsoft acquired Minecraft and offered a C++ version of it at win10 installment
but i can be wrong.
@DanielMizerski I don't think getting image from path like C:... is possible...
@KarelG sorry, I am not in M$ Window$ anymore ;)
@PDKnight it is possible, but user has to point it just in form.
@DanielMizerski wrong person to reply, sorry :D :D
I did it for the Google drive api so it can be done
@SterlingArcher @GNi33 @Abhishrek youtube.com/watch?v=lBHVSP7UJWE
@SomeGuy SterlingArcher is afk: home
@SterlingArcher you have a home away from this chat !?
probably he's seducing a female. Or fapping
@CapricaSix is bot, yeach?
How to ensure a user is only in Exactly #1 session of a game ? and Should I ?
The how part is simple (The If is kinda concerning me)
@Abhishrek I don't really see the need to enforce it
user image
my bins (797) holy shit
i have a blob object is there a way to assign it to input file
Temporal mechanics is fun :D
that is siriusly funny
Shouldnt this give me the margin relative to the screen size?
	m = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue('margin-left'));
    elem.style.marginLeft = m * window.innerWidth / 10000 + "px";
My math seems to be off there :D
.getBoundingClientRect() is your best friend.
.getBoundingClientRect() never used it
Nice to know!
!!google MDN getBoundingClientRect
Im already in the mdn
It can be easily solved with it then. Just wondering whats off with my math though : )
Im a curious guy :-)
someone is using Sublime with nodejs? I can't run js files from sublime.. forum.sublimetext.com/t/…
YOu are pretty brave trying out nodejs
I feel im not ready yet eventhough im already inside the realm of advanced javascript
How's everyone doing? Would anyone like to take a peak at my WIP mmo?
Whats that?
Wip multiplayer game
work in progres*
@Lemony-Andrew sure
I will see yours if you see mine :P
Yes sure.
I dont have much time though : (
Ok : )
It has multiplayer in it, just no one I test the game with is available. That video is really just a demo of all the current costumes and such -- it's not all of them. Just the fancy suit guy and spartan
Random generated environment?
@Lemony-Andrew mine is just theory + code here github.com/darkyen/some-game
Really nice, reminds me of the old super mario days
No, that's a possibility for the future maybe. Just unlikely --
And thanks!
did you use square to square collisions?
@Lemony-Andrew really cool :D
It's been in progress for a while, a lot of work.
what are you using for servers ?
I assume everything, even the spikes have actual square boundaries
Servers? Open Stack
There's rectangular, circular, and point collisions
I was using a SAT library but felt like it was straining for mobile devices -- it's mobile compatible for android
I see, must be hard to achieve perfect collisions I guess. Are you going to enhance the graphics when its out?
Only critic I have are the graphics and the sound
@Asperger lol. Those are the two things I don't really have time for. Most of the graphics were all done by me, including all body animations and such. The problem is that I don't want the game's file size to be too massive, and graphics/sounds can easily bring the download to 2mb.
I want to make a kickstarter in the future for things like that
@Lemony-Andrew let me help out with the sounds.
I know sound design.
@Asperger you like making music/audio?
old site from 3 years ago. Will have an update soon
If you really want to work on sound design I'd be delighted to have someone working with me. The only problem, like I mentioned earlier, is money. I want to start a Kick Starter to raise money for the media/design part of the game later on.
The music I'll be adding in later would be primarily chip tunes --- like the intro to this https://soundcloud.com/monstercat/razihel-virtual-riot
No problem, if you got a tune in mind let me know and im glad to help a fellow colleague
A good chip tune is not much work : )
Definately easy to do. Also if you got a specific melody in mind you can even sing and record and i will realize it and send you over a wav + mp3 + midi file
Im on here a lot since Im in an applikationdeveloper internship
Do you have steam? That would be a convenient medium for communication on my part if that works for you.!
I do but just the free steam which wont let me communicate with people. I do have skype though.
So if you have a message you can write me there.
@Lemony-Andrew Cool
I'm not sure I follow, I don't recall having to pay for Steam chat.
Maybe it is for europeans that way. My chat or even adding friends is disabled for me.
@Abhishrek OpenStack is really nice if you have an open source program btw. They have some bince benefits
I am just using browsers to host it (RTC Data Channels for transport)
and AWS to match make :-)
@Abhishrek is that backwords compitable?
@Lemony-Andrew backwards compatible to ?
I only support modern browsers with RTC
How new is the technology you're using? What versions of browser's support your techniques?
Oh Chrome 30+
Ffox 20 something
That's pretty good support I'd say
@Lemony-Andrew my game is just me learning new technologies and adding it
And you're doing something that ignores servers for the primary connection, right?
@Lemony-Andrew yep
Like client to client?
I never had a good time with that in other languages because of port-forwarding
User Management : Auth0
Signalling: ScaleDrone
SomeLogicThatIcannotPutInJSForSafety: Amazon Lambda
Storage: DynamoDB
RealGame: RTCDataChannel
@Lemony-Andrew For WebRTC port forwarding is solved
(or so they claim)
Nearly done with my voice editor. It allows you to record your voice and edit note per note. This includes pitch and vibrato intensity.
Not perfect but it works. Will be put on github for testing purposes soon
Technologies used are php, js, html5 and css3
@Abhishrek some errors occured in the console
@Lemony-Andrew yeah didn't intend to send that one,
lol all good
@Lemony-Andrew I kinda wish to use the second one for intimidating enemies in my game.
haha what
Never watched star trek I take it.
Too young for that, unless you count the newer movies :P
@Lemony-Andrew Dude star trek cannot get old :P
hey, how can i get this AJAX request working? jsfiddle.net/tz86x0kf/2
@Abhishrek Pitch shift down and some delay
pretty good effect I must say. Sounds just like in the movie
@Asperger actually up / down
no delay
the delay comes from me not buffering ;-)
You are right! haha no delay
sounds good though ; )
The audio api is so awesome
3 hours later…
@AwalGarg tested your bundler, works ok (I had to do PATH.normalize(path).replace(/\\/g, '/') on windows, also maybe npm is broken on windows too, but I can't do "requirify": "git+ssh://[email protected]/571b316413c6d59370c2.git" issue
writing documentation is fookin hard
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