@MadaraUchiha I like your view on that! It has potential for being better though, their WebComponent templating, I'd say, could use some tweaking and then it would be on the same grounds as Angular if not better.
The only thing I guess that's hard is keeping multiple different areas that are interdependent, in which case I'll look for something for data-binding. And I like the idea of reflux for that.
I have a question that is more so a java question i suppose though. Is there a good way to go though an array of strings that were scanned into the array from a file line by line and check for /* comments */ and strip them out while leaving the array or a copy of the array in the same order?
I've never noticed a big performance drop with JQuery on my own, but I'm gonna take a guess and say it has something to do with the fact they do a lot of string parsing
Or I'm completely wrong, I haven't looked at it's source in detail
I have this condition, but because sometimes variable of url is null, then this condition fails, how can I fix it? if ( !url.match(/^https?:\/\//) ) { }
Is it possible in JS to inspect the body and headers of an incoming HTTP request even if the client didn't initiate the request? For instance, let's say a server redirects to your website, is it possible to obtain a JSON payload from the body, taking into considering the client never initiated the request but was redirected to, or is the only possible mechanism to retrieve data from an unsolicited redirect is by inspecting the URL alone, such as parameters passed (i.e. /order/123)?
@lux Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
the front-end is powered by something simple, http-server, but interacts with the node backend that could be on another server, or same machine diff port.
Backend accepts authentication from anothe system, then redirects to the front-end
Yes, essentially, but the setup doesn't matter necessarily, I could spin up a java backend using jersey rest services, but the question remains, if a server redirects to a given website, is it possible for that site to inspect the payload of the HTTP request. Now we understand if the client itself initiates the request, it has much greater control, but what about if it was redirected to? I'm pretty sure it can only inspect incoming URL paramters (i.e. /foo/bar/124)
I'm obviously referring to this from the browsers side, but semantics aside, if the browser were redirected to, there is no way to obtain the raw http response (uninitiated), unless the response was provoked by the client itself, correct?
Hey guys, do you know of any open source tool which is like the embed feature of jsFiddle? Basically, I want to use this to embed in an internal website and the code in it cannot be hosted on jsFiddle, jsBin, Plunkr, etc.
I am not really sure what do I search in google for this. :-|
@RahulDesai Well you could potentially combine two things together. What I would imagine is taking the Ace Editor and then taking whatever code someone writes in the editor and calling eval over it. But, of course, you'll want to make sure someone doesn't do any fishy things in their code like attacking your site.
https://ace.c9.io/#nav=about < Ace Editor No idea what the link mark-up is here
cappuccino-project.org/learn/objective-j.html why would anyone think this is a good idea. "hey, know what everyone loves? you know what's a top-notch, thought out language? Objective-C. It's time we put it in the browser."
any idea why when you change something like "spacing" it remains a string when passed over to the opts object? codepen.io/towc/pen/mVXMaO?editors=0010 line 95
@TomKealy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.