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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Hey guys, (especially @BenjaminGruenbaum) why does Chrome/Node require strict mode for let etc?
Is it an "enforce best practices" kind of thing, or do they just have problems with it outside of strict mode?
guys, can tell me what is javascript es 6?
will it replace current javascript?
oh, well...
thanks -.-
you could always try youtube
we should set Cap to auto google first question
The Falcons are winning (for now) against the undefeated Panthers :o
Can't watch or listen tho :/
also, maybe we should do cross-room messaging with Cap no? could be funny, like !!room 10 hello
@crl That sounds like a great idea
heh cool, I thought of it like a for a April 1st, but more generally why not too
Yeah, why not?
@crl @Zirak was sarcastic
Me? Sarcastic? Never
document.body.style.cursor= 'none!important' muting muself (since I'm a mouse user)
Trying to architect a Docker app. Any of you all have that experience?
I think I'm doing good so far on architecting this Docker stuff, but we'll see in the implementation as its not in use yet
@crl How's this for a bot feature: Whenever you (specifically you) edit a message, the original one is sent
hi i want to show a random youtube video for a specific keyword, for exemple if i have 'fallout4' in a text file i want the page to play a random youtube video about fallout4, how can do that in javascript
@supertrainee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
yea, I realized compulsive edits are annoying, when i saw someone else doing it
@supertrainee I know!
@supertrainee Search for youtube API
@MadaraUchiha Probably because it's support for JS 1.7 is unstable. Another reason, I guess, is backwards compatibility. While ES5 strict mode didn't allow usage of to-be-used keywords of Harmony, the sloppy mode did. And it still does.
@pootis Why doesn't Firefox for example require it then?
let has been in Firefox for ages
!!> var let = 'why is this valid in 2015'; console.log(let);
@pootis "SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier"
@MadaraUchiha Because they have comparatively better support.
@CapricaSix aye firefox
Fair enough.
!!> "use strict"; let x=1; x
@crl "SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier"
I... I have a horrible thing to ask of you folks
A truly despicable question
Just ask
No, we don't want to hear about your lord and saviour
..does anyone know ColdFusion?
@SterlingArcher does :D
@Zirak SterlingArcher is afk: shuttering
He just loves talking about it
@SterlingArcher I will giev you cash monies
He's actually a core contributor
I know exactly what my problem is, I just don't know how to fix it
Adobe hired him a few weeks back
@Zirak I am sensing sarcasm.
Me? Sarcasm? Never.
Nov 18 '11 at 18:15, by Zirak
Sarcasm: Sent = 2, Received = 0, Lost = 2 (100% Loss)
I mistakenly accepted a freelance gig fixing some CF stuff figuring it'd be easy
this code is encoding a file using ffmpeg, then doing a thread.sleep then uploading the file to S3
it's doing thread.sleep to give it enough time to encode it... jesus, what a pos
can't you wait for ffmpeg return?
maybe use a message queue @Codeman
no, because it's being executed using Runtime.getRuntime().exec()
@Codeman Runtime.getRuntime().exec().waitFor()
you suck
@FlorianMargaine it outputs lines, waitFor() never unlocks
@FlorianMargaine The good days
I tried that :)
Back when I was witty
if I could write actual java code it'd be easy
unfortunately this is using shitty coldfusion bullshit
no debugging, no logs
omg, 13-20 CAR@ATL ....
we could win this.....
@Zirak don't worry, you still are
These days a man can't even be nostalgic without being reminded of the present
Fuck that was four years ago
I've wasted my life here
Hmm, I thought it would be removed automagically. Sorry guys
@Zirak what, you're 4 years old?
Guys i came across a situation where i need to use js promises but i can't figure out how to use them with loops. Should they be used inside loop or loop should run inside it ?
@FlorianMargaine You might remember, u told me about promises
with FileReader()
I don't know much about promises
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
	var fr = new FileReader();
	fr.onload = function(){
		// Do Something
That prints 0, 2, 1
Where should I use promises ?
Inside loop or loop should me inside it ?
I googled but i couldn't figure that out
A: While loop with promises

Stuart KHere's a reusable function that I think is pretty clear. var Q = require("q"); // `condition` is a function that returns a boolean // `body` is a function that returns a promise // returns a promise for the completion of the loop function promiseWhile(condition, body) { var done = Q.defer()...

fyi i suck at js
@Taco Is it cross browser ?
Btw, there aren't using any loop :/
@ZahidSaeed A promise is a value, like the number 4 or a string. So first disregard the loop entirely and ask yourself what value you're after.
merry christmas everyone :) codepen.io/towc/full/pgEYjy
You have a value somewhere in the future (that's a promise), so first deal with that. Then you can deal with a bunch of promises.
@towc I tried to drag and drop the gift but nothing happens :/
just click it
it sucks?
I don't want to click it
god, CF is horrible.
@ZahidSaeed you use something like Browserify if it's not a node app to make it work
seriously, does anyone want to do the legwork on this? I'll pay them
@FlorianMargaine no gift for you then :P
@Taco How does jQuery do then?
Uh, it's a library in your browser?
I'm not sure where native Promises are in the browser, that example uses Q
Looks like IE doesn't support it natively yet
Who cares about IE ? :P
@taco wat
bluebird and Q provide an in-browser library
you just include the js file, just like you've done for decades to include js libraries
like I said i suck at js, never used promises :d
that example I gave was including Q as a module
@Taco Which programming languages are you good at ?
None. I'm a sysadmin now :/
I'll be over in the corner, crying for a bit
What about the past ? :P
I was a developer, then I was laid off
this lie bothers me VS:Code
@Shea That's a useful lie
useful as if it may had been unintentional?
@ZahidSaeed I was PHP and I learned JS while lurking here, as I had to write an Angular app and RESTful API
@Shea j is a boolean.
or useful as in it's bad practice?
@Shea Like your case
it's telling you that you can't compare boolean and numbers with <
@FlorianMargain but that's wrong
@taco You were php? Holy shit dude
@Shea no, it's right
!!> true > 0
@Shea "true"
@Shea var j = !...
@Shea It's pretty accurate
Holy Shit ? But why ? :P
@Zirak why do you say that? :p
!!> true+1
@taco I never met anyone who was a programming language
How'd it feel?
so what's the problem?
Is caprica really a bot ? :P
@Shea Is COLUMNs potentially greater than 1?
@Shea despite weak typing, true !== 1
@ZahidSaeed No
COLUMNS === 32
I was a Pretty Hacky PHP (PHP)
She always stays here :P
How she writes such fast ?
She has no life, and is quite shy
!!tell Zahid Morning
@ZahidSaeed steganography
@ZahidSaeed Nobody knows, we all have our theories
What's that ? :P
She's away
!!why are you so fast?
@Zirak because you touch yourself at night
what's the point of weak typing if I can't true > 0?
lol :P
...no need to get personal
she's not wrong.
!!are you a bot ?
@Shea You can, you just probably don't want to
She doesn't reply me :P
Yes, she hates you for calling her a bot
in this case I do, because it spared me an additional statement
You wouldn't want to talk to people who question your humanity, now would you?
> probably
What should I call her then ? :P
What do you call @FlorianMargaine?
@Zirak butter
@ZahidSaeed Tricia Helfer is her name
The alternative to var j = !(i%2) was var j = i%2 == 1 ? 0 : 1
@Shea var j = +(!(i%2))
if you want to get ugly.
But that's ugly
That just converts into number
You're ugly
using < on different types is much more ugly.
tbh I wouldn't have cared either way.
Imo true > 0 is like saying !0
nobody cares about your opinion
just drop your pants and accept defeat
VS:Code does, apparently.
lol :D
Your father smelled of elderberries!
And that's what bothers me so much
Who cares about VS:Code?
I'd much rather it not care about my opinion
Then suck it up
No, you suck it up >.>
I don't have to, I don't use VS:Code
there's a joke
> How do you know someone's using vim? Don't worry, he'll tell you.
@FlorianMargaine For sale: French weapons. Never used, dropped once.
you can easily do s/vim/emacs/ or s/vim/arch/
@Zirak lmao
Or s/vim/anything which excites you/
@Zirak s/vim/my wife/?
... I'm using my wife?
@Shea s/rac/sex/
I dunno, never been to your bedroom
...or have I?
no I'm slow, I'm still on that french fry burn
@Shea did you mean freedom fry?
@Zirak that depends. Are you a dog?
Hi any ideas why the context of `this` inside the arrow function would be scene instead of the original `this`?

this.scene.onPointerDown = (evt, pickResult:PickingInfo) => {
you've never had a freedom fry until you've had a fried twinkie at the county fair
@FlorianMargaine I can neither confirm nor deny. Having said that, do you have any big balls to spare?
@Zirak of course I do ;-)
finally a cool chat place
@J.F. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
where's that nerd
@ShotgunNinja did you reject my glorious linkedin invitation
@J.F. hi
@nick looks like it wasn't that glorious
yeah i called him a nerd
@Florian Margaine hello!
@FlorianMargaine get a room
@Abhishrek ;-)
hi everyone :)
:{ stache or unhappy?
@crl stachppy
woo whoo just added my first infinite scroll :D
:} happyche
 o o
fuck yeah, $500 for 4 hours of work on a weekend
@crl remember the tip with getBoundingClientRect you gave me? I did some further reading, it was really useful! Thanks man
Again you deserved a bounty but unfortunately im low on points
yw, I use it a lot in my code
@crl By the way, did you read the stuff on the right? If you spoil Star Wars in this room, you will be kicked and banned as appropriate. Please respect our members' wishes. Thank you.
Guess why they added that there
I nearly spoiled it so they kicked me. Damn that was scary
this is cool: asetniop.com
@FlorianMargaine omigod you're an internet person :D
What'd you have to do to upload it?
register on aur
git clone ssh://[email protected]:hermes.git
cd hermes
git commit -m '@rlemon poops on slides'
git push origin master
High standards
no less
!!Does ISIS actually exist?
@Shea All signs point to yes
@Zirak turns out it doesn't work yet though :D
@FlorianMargaine Whadya mean?
@Zirak some errors at install time, dunno why
complains a directory already exists
well.. duh
I put some file in /lib/security/ and it tells me /lib already exists
well yeah, but how do I put a file in there? :P
!!Does ISIS suck ?
@Abhishrek Yes, absolutely
vOv @Shea ^ she knows everything
!!are you a bot ?
@Abhishrek By all means
!!are you omniscient ?
@Abhishrek Nope
@Shea shes humble too ^
Just a quick question
!!Is ISIS just a label used for governments to be deceptive?
@Shea I expect so
The first thing that appears in the Linux shell is:
Is there a name for this?
Thanks in advance
The prompt?
command line? login? prompt?
@Zirak alright, it should be fixed
you'll have to systemctl enable hermes and then:
$ hermes                                                                 [11:57:04 PM]
usage: hermes [--help | -h] <command> [<args>]

A CLI utility to manage hermes devices.

This is the list of available commands:

        write   transforms a device in an hermes device
        help    prints this help

You can type "hermes help <command>" to get more help about it.

hermes online help: <https://github.com/ralt/hermes/issues>
Would anyone know: Which is the most recent prompt in Mac OS X?
Why does it matter?
sounds like he's doing homework
or trying to figure out how to hack
I am doing school work :) but the task is to simply describe the terminal. I'm more interested into the variations of terminals to see which prompt is most reflective of the Mac system
Unfortunately, I do not have a Mac at hand and the searches I have come across do not explain this variation
I imagine that would be a user feedback preference
I would greatly appreciate some help
@Shea How would that be altered?
Idk, but it would enable a user to know is someone other than themselves had been on their account, since the last time they were.
!!google mac bash last login
I would assume though that if an individual had been on their account, they would have been most careful to hide their presence and would not end up leaving traces such as changing user feedback preferences.
Would such an assumption prove to be correct?
Unless said individual is a complete fucktard, that assumption is correct.
@Shea Thanks for the extra info on 'last login' I never knew that the terminal reveal that each time (except if it has been hidden)
11 mins ago, by Zirak
Why does it matter?
Only if you're a hacker, or subject to be hacked.
@Zirak omg omg omg omg
hermes is so awesome
I don't know how I could live so long without it
anyway. Bed time.
As a follow-up to What is the difference of + operator and concat() method in JavaScript, I'm in the process of collecting jsPerf data. Anyone want to help?
!!>var a1=[1],a2=[2],a3=[3]; [ a1+a2+a3, a1.concat(a2,a3), [...a1,...a2,...a3] ]
@crl "123,1,2,3,1,2,3"
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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