function C(tag,html){var el= document.createElement(tag);el.innerHTML=html;return el;}
var r=C('tr', '<td>2')
var td = r.firstChild
td // guess what it is
hey there, how could I get a property of a json having another property? I mean I have the id and I want the name from [{id:1,name:'xmas'}{id:2,name:'new year'}]
@EricZheng Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
you see a little black avatar landing ----> there :p (but the SO avatar animations are not too reliable, sometimes an avatar is shown but the user left)
because i want redirect page on login request .In case i am using ajax i am unable get response.because for page page redirection new request get initiate on server side..that is why i am unable to use ajax
I have put a MutationObserver to track Awal's avatar, that gives an alert(), btw I've discovered observers, awesome shit
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
for (m of mutations)
for (var i=0; i<m.addedNodes.length; i++)
if(m.addedNodes[i].id==='present-user-3459110') alert('ew')
observer.observe($('#present-users')[0], { childList: true });
@MaciejPaprocki Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
File 2
- angular.module('', ['angmod.two']);
File 1
- angular.module('angmod.two', ['angmod.three']);
File 4
- angular.module('angmod.three', []);
File 3
- angular.module('angmod.three')
.directive('angmodThreeDirective', function() {/*...*/});
Then ordering would be
- File 1
- File 2
- File 4
- File 3
So that "File 3" wouldn't be loaded before file 4 due to naming of the file, but would take dependency and usage into consideration.
@Asperger I don't think it's possible as you de facto want to add two different divs so you should use this function twice. Sorry for previous answers, first time using chat and it triggers to quick.
@Eugene I wouldn't use that. You probably should serve one file only and use browserify or requirejs (or something similar). Dependecies are easier to solve that way and you will not have problems with global scope.
@MaciejPaprocki after build there is one file only. I'm talking about development process.
The grunt plugin referenced here by me is okay, but it is too simple. It doesn't take what I described into consideration, therefore either I must adopt my app structure for this plugin too be of any use or find another plugin or if there is no such plugin, then do it by hand(least favorable choice)
@Eugene. ah that's good. Still would use source maps instead. In all my projects where i tried to use includes based on patterns like (./*/*.js) it was ending up in quite a big mess(renaming files like aDropdown so they would be included before), where single require call (browserify) solves you problem better (even that it seems more work believe me is not). ]
Correct. So therefore I'm wondering if there is a plugin similar to referenced by me, but one that would take components into account when forming references in index.html
@FlorianMargaine Neat. Shame that you have to rebind stuff, but now that you mention it, the b key is hit with the right hand, even though it somewhat shouldn't be.
last question, plug/unplug/uninstall are special keys for the extension? I don't see them used, and they are not even called at loading or when using the extension
@crl Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry. I'm not much more expert in javascript. And my requirement is bit different. so posted a question here.
I've looked more and more into keyboards since just before I bought my mechanical one, and things disappoint me. There's no ergonomics "standard", so all you have to go on when choosing a keyboard is anecdotal "evidence", and wager your comfort on something which may not have a lot behind it.
So while having an ergonomic keyboard is probably better than a mechanical one (for hand health), you can't be sure it's really ergonomic. And those who you're sure about usually cost an arm and a leg.
Like the Kinesis Advantage: it's something which evolved over time and use, and there're enough anecdotes about it to make you feel certain. Same goes with [TEK]( But we're programmers, and emacs users at that, so who knows if for a programmer-y and emacs-y worflow you'll find your comfort zone?
You know how in regular keyboards, you have to contort your hand to type all types of parentheses? Or how Caps Lock is completely useless, while you hit Ctrl and Alt with your pinky? Or how Backspace is entirely out of reach, and you also hit it with your pinky? Those are not in the comfort zone. They're not comfortable. If you inspect your typing on a regular keyboard you'll be disappointed because it's disappointing.
The Kinesis solves some of those problems, but I don't know if you trade these problems for others.
I've mentioned to you how the modifier keys were better, but perhaps not as accessible as I'd like them to be.
@Zirak from my small anecdotal experience, when I put my hands on the new keyboard, or generally type on it, it feels like my hands are in a natural position. I really like that. The split also forces me to use the correct hand, which prevents me from overreaching one hand to type on a too-far key
@FlorianMargaine If it's comfortable for you then that's great (notice how in qwerty, "great" is spelled only with the left hand, and "only" only with the right?)
But sometimes try and watch what your fingers do, see if you have to do a few dances.
tl;dr that's why I bought a mechanical and not an ergonomic, I was sure it has benefits (and it really does!), even though they potentially less than the benefits of an ergonomic.
so did you know Amazon does a price adjustment on items delivered within 7 days?? so a late delivered christmas present I got for the GF goes on boxing day sale and I get on the support chat.. 5 minutes later 30% refunded to my card. just like that.
I was very impressed.
if you had anything delivered by amazon (and sold by amazon) in the last 7 days check to see if it is on sale today
It has all functionality, that is required for a day to day work and pressing keys is very comfortable in comparison to other keyboards I used. It also has media panel, for lazy people. :)
Never used. Can't confirm or deny. But it would seems, that lifespan of such keyboard is very short. Assumption is made in regard to flexible wireing. Headphones for example. First thing, that stops working is cable.
@crl Those are indeed quite terrible. Pressing them is nigh impossible (try typing "impossible" very slowly, notice what your hands have to do) if you don't hit the keys exactly the right way and they the presses feel wrong.
Ya I read about it, either im not fully understanding how it works or in my view I dont see how that solves the problem. I already bound the event to the div. The problem is purely mathematical
Again I believe I maybe didnt understand what this really is for. Checked the mozilla documentation.
Guys, lets assume we have a large array and we need to access the same thing over and over again, say like this: arr[1]. Does it make a difference in performance if I cache it?
but the object extension can still conflict with the original object's properties, if its name i badly chosen, example InstallNSExt(Array.prototype, 'map', { .. but that would be silly, anyway I like the fact to group them together