I have searched in SO I found so many examples but mine was little different from all.
1) initially i have a row if the user click save & next button it
will say you have 3 fields missing
2) if the user click the addmore button and he did not type any value
in the text field then ...
In the below visualiation,
object literal geolocation is under context of navigator(i.e., navigator.geolocation), but as per below code,
<script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
@MadaraUchiha @ThiefMaster can someone investigate how stackoverflow.com/questions/34460479/… got 10 upvotes and make sure there is no foul play though?
@ndugger The Dark Lord holds no responsibility of actions and consequences thereof taken by his fellow citizens. Any opinions expressed by the fellow citizens of the Dark Lord are strictly their own personal opinions and must not be attributed to the Dark Lord.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's also a cultural thing; I tend to see a lot of Eastern folk being pressured to "get a good job" instead of "do a good job"
It's not that they're dumber, there are a lot of very accomplished Indian SO users. There are just more of them - more of the bad and more of the good.
The language barrier can make it very hard, personally I have a harder time to understand Indian English than people who don't know English as well use other dialects of English. Something about "doubt" and "query" just sounds really strange.
@MadaraUchiha why can't we just have a private room on miaou (link pinned here, access given to all) and let people chime in and leave thoughts there whenever they have time?
btw Madara, I took the wrong approach the other days with tables, now I'm making a simple square matrix that references <td> much easier to manipulate the table with that (for selections of cells, and resizing of columns)
haha I remember when I started learning programming, I saw a ton of wix ads on w3schools. I even made a couple of pages in wix and it felt pretty "pro-ish" at that time
I feel like this is something that should be celebrated more than the birth of that other guy who wasn't even really born on this day a few thousand years ago.
hi i need help very important i have written 500 line of code uisng notepad++ and notepad goes to crash and delete all of my code is any way to restore that file
Kindly please help me friend on this problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34462318/get-the-last-two-seconds-records-of-chat-using-laravel-mysql-and-angualr-js it will be really appreciated
I did Dvorak for two years - it just got so tiring to configure the keyboard at every other computer I use. I couldn't remember to systems well at the same time so I switched back to QUERTY
After spending a lot of money on peripherals 10 years ago, I'm now content with cheap keyboards and mice. I'm no slower on them (unless they're cheap wireless crap)
I have searched in SO I found so many examples but mine was little different from all.
1) initially i have a row if the user click save & next button it will say you have 3 fields missing
2) if the user click the addmore button and he did not type any value in the text field then he click th...
@Mahadevan I already told you yesterday: reduce your code. Nobody wants to look through 100 lines of code to find a bug. Reduce your code to 5 lines and people will look at it.