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!!s/UFO/my private/
@KendallFrey If we had built the twin towers from my private parts, they might not have collapsed. (source)
My private parts never collapse, although they often heat up and fall over, and it's usually an inside job.
Question: are these two expressions equivilent? Does the context of this change in either of them?
Machine.on('CameraReady', () => this.unblock()) and Machine.on('CameraReady', this.unblock)
@corvid it could
depends entirely on what is around them
The second one would be the outside scope, and the first would be the function scope, no? Or do fat arrows hold the outside scope
I don't actually remember
cereal forgot. how ironic
  'position': function () {
    Machine.on('CameraReady', this.unblock);
That's the entire context
the second version won't have the same "this" unless it's bound already.
Machine.on('CameraReady', this.unblock.bind(this));
that'll fix the 'this' without putting it in a function
Neither of them will work correctly, since the Foo.extend({methods}) pattern breaks fat arrow scope capture.
The fat arrow will always use whatever this was when you called Meteor.methods and the other one can vary at any time.
yea, that's fine.
@AwalGarg Wait, what?
whatever position()s this is when it's called
I wish ES6 class methods were bound to this by default, it would make code so much easier.
I'm gonna make my own JS with hookers and scoping.
@Cereal they say having cereal betters memory...
@AwalGarg citation so needed
@AwalGarg citation needed
@ssube source: friday
i dunno. ask mum
I hate cereal anyways
I mean, literal cereal, not you
Vegetables are good for you, cereal probably isn't.
Depends on the cereal
Cinnamon toast crunch? probably not
literal breakfast cereal or literal literal cereal?
Fibre one? Probably a little
Real talk, I stopped eating cereal for breakfast.
It makes me feel like a fake now
@AwalGarg Full stack cereal.
I need a new phone
@Nick still got your G3?
Vertical cereal integration.
@ssub organicfacts.net/health-benefits/cereal/… it says "rich in mineral" so I guess that helps?
@Jhoopins Blackberry passport gogo
Give it to me?
@AwalGarg so is dirt, doesn't mean eating it is good for you
I have no idea about nutrition at all, btw.
@ssube I kinda find it weird because it seems to work even though I know it shouldn't... the meteor method should have a different context bound to this, containing like userId and connection parameters
Anybody got a G4?
@AwalGarg food goes in, poop comes out
I'd buy a One Plus2, but you can't buy phones from that company lmfao
@SomeKittens does "headliner" mean something like "main speaker"?
@KendallFrey sounds simple enough
The speaker who's name is in the headline?
hr = human resource
makes all the sense
@FlorianMargaine Yeah
cool :)
you're getting known
done silly trolling for today.
have the most fantastic day of your life and accept me as your hero. cya
of course, I now have to write/give the talk
@AwalGarg cyka.
Hi all. I have a question about designing and structuring my node.js application
Is there a way to break up the events of the server into separate javascript files to make the actual server code easier to deal/work with?
@JoshMenzel Yeah, just require your other files
@Abhishrek What are they fighting about?
and those other files will be able to modify the socket object and perform io.to("SOMEONE").emit calls?
@JoshMenzel There are a bunch of different ways. Are you using classes, loose functions, how are your events defined?
Ideally, you would break each responsibility down into a class (in its own file) and pass the socket into that class/function.
my server right now consists of events tied to lambda functions
@Sippy well they were initially talking about a debate on a godwomen who turns out with tons of scam and scandals the godman is trying to say that the lady who slapped cannot criticise the godlady because she has got dirt on her ledger goes on her personal issues
then the lady slaps him and lol its incredible xD
but I need to make it easier to manage. And how would I implement classes? would they be static? or instantiated objects?
@Abhishrek Roflmao
@JoshMenzel That's up to you and whatever works best for your architecture.
On the easier side, you can take those lambdas and group them into files of related functions.
> the name for Half-Life comes from the amount of time you'll be spending waiting for the next game to come out
On the more robust side, you can define classes that bind and handle a set of events, then instantiate them taking a socket or something in the constructor.
@towc The half-life of what? The half-life of fruit flies is like 12 hours.
@Sippy dude the convo i cannot translate but the language is epic dude
wow i am head blown
where else would you get blown?
@ssube when your mind blows so hard that it takes the head with it.
@ssube I don't think he's caught on.
I would be pissed if somebody blew so hard they took the head with them.
(stupid image)
@Luggage 403
@ssube but those other functions will still be able to emit events right?
@JoshMenzel anything can emit events (or receive them)
Hm, how does lodash implement that implicit chaining? Just make a class around the namespace or something?
@corvid return this
combined with a state machine, roughly
Oh, that seems pretty simple... does that pass the parameters to the next function?
anyone know how to find out which script is capturing key events?
chrome lets you breakpoint on events
breakpoint, i'll try that, thanks
Man I forgot how brutal it is to not sleep before a big day
I'm struggling over here D:
did you at least wear pants?
@SterlingArcher ditto. staying up until 1am this morning was not smart
@Nick I've actually never dressed nicer
I don't sleep much
went to bed at 1:30 am last night
up at 6am
Somehow unemployment costed me more money than a normal month
@SterlingArcher free time is expensive
how weird that with all this free time you spent more
Well I mean, I had to buy an entire new wardrobe
hookers tainted the last one?
Suit for interviews, and businessy clothes
lol no I lost a lot of weight and it didn't fit me anymore
I probably spent $1500 on clothes and shit prepping for today D:
I wore socks today
@SterlingArcher Oh yeah, this means we can make rape jokes around you now, right?
are gulp task names supposed to be verbose?
@Nick You're already ahead of me
gulp.task('compile babel and minify', ...);
@KendallFrey I missed you too
god no
don't use spaces in task names
I've used spaces, dashes, and colons
why not? just a style thing?
I've seen others use this (albeit not as verbose)
colons please
you like my colons, eh?
I personally do gulp.task("client", ["client:build", "client:foo", "client:bar"]);
I just think I can be more descriptive than gulp.task("scripts"..
it's called namespacing
gulp.task('lovingly transpile w/ babel followed by a quick minifying', ...);
even though the colons are meaningless
@rlemon Do you ever use gulp from the command line?
well yea
How about periods?
I have a default task that runs gulp.start(other tasks)
you only use one gulp target? :(
dude, I just started using gulp today
calm your nips
He was using grunt before, like a filthy pleb
Well I have one more day of experience than you then
I was using nothing
Any normal person would use as many build targets as they have files, just like make
make is awesome. shell is less so.
just as we distinguish between newbs and noobs, can we have plewbs and ploobs?
@rlemon if all plans go well, I want to fly to canada this winter
@Zirak Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's true for any compressor/uglifier
Let's all fly to Canada this winter!
room17 party
!!s/pl/b/g 25699128
@KendallFrey just as we distinguish between newbs and noobs, can we have bewbs and boobs? (source)
No, I'm talking about more fundamental problems/bugs, like overzealously removing semicolons
@Nick if rob hosts it, does that make it a lemon party?
@Nick will you pay my plane ticket?
Depends on the cost
I'm not paying for your $400+ ticket, so no
Well, from France it easily goes over 1000€
use real money numbers pls
Sorry, CAD is not real money.
The imaginary coefficient is 0, so therefore you are wrong
There should be a unit for money that we all refer to, like metric
I vote for euros
@Nick The Planck unit, so to speak. Hmmm.
one gram of gold?
What unit of currency results in the fundamental constant of economics being 1?
@SterlingArcher I got a spare room
one standard gold bar?
@rlemon ohemgeeee that would be so fun. I can smuggle booze over the border
They have this great american drink called "vodka" i think you canucks may take a shining to
It'll strip the maple right off your leaves!
bitch, I make my own booze
just you wait till you're crunk of lemon juice
Sounds dangerous
Yet seductive
this might sound silly, but is it possible to make sass / gulp add !important to every rule?
@SterlingArcher Американец?
I don't speak freaky deaky Dutch
жалкий дурак
Nederlands uses the Latin alphabet you pleb
I feel like I may be coming in at the wrong time...
But I'm super confused about D3.js
Q: D3.js line object keep track of lines processed

Seanny123I'm creating a multi-line graph, but I want to process the line differently based off of what number line it is. For example, consider this codepen, in particular the code starting at line 40: var lineConstructor = d3.svg.line() .interpolate('basis') .x(function (d) { return xscale(...

If any of y'all want to take a look at it...
@rlemon Make me something lemony
Is it like sheeple but nerdier?
@rlemon Forgot your name is lemon... I just honestly wanted lemon booze
@SterlingArcher you are alive
@SterlingArcher it comes from latin
@Jhoopins I have lemon booze in the works right now
tastes good, just needs to get a bit stronger
I love lemon. But AFAIK the only lemon booze would be like.. Mike's Hard?
@OliverSalzburg ever get the sass version of dark theme started?
@Jhoopins I made lemon mead
@rlemon Not for chat, no
@SterlingArcher Well...
@rlemon FR: auto-trash all-caps
!!urban pleb
@KendallFrey [pleb](http://pleb.urbanup.com/500218) Actually defined as a member of a despised social class, a commoner, a member of the plebs of ancient Rome. Also low-born, undisinguished, vulgar, and my personal favourite: vulgar-looking.

Other words with similar meaning: Scrut, Townie, Kappa-Slapper, Rude-Boi, Scum, Greb, Scav, &c.
Mead... I don't have any memories to attach that word to
@OliverSalzburg hardest part, trying to figure out how in the fuck to break up the rules into sensible blocks.
@rlemon Indeed ;D
problem is that rules are shared for minification. like chat background is shared in other places that wouldn't make sense to group together.
do I have a bloated css file, so my sass can stay clean.
"Scav" sounds so much better
or a shitty cludge of sass
bloated css
@Jhoopins honey wine. one of (if not the) earliest brewed alcohols.
that's why we have gzip. That, and jQuery
Sounds good
honey, water, sugar, yeast, and w/e you wanna add ( I added 4 cans of lemonade from concentrate ) in a carboy and let it sit for a few months
easy peasy lemon boozy
There are a ton of homebrewers in Waterloo
I need to build a 'brew station' in my basement
@rlemon did you hear about the new homebrewer supply store in Waterloo?
there is dozens of them
Ah. Didn't know that.
pretty much every wine store sells the same crap. you don't need much if you are not making beer
My brother in law just opened a new one
if you are making beer you need more stuff, and the instructions get a bit more involved.
I'm a giant crab-man
It's called short-finger brewing company if you're curious.
@SterlingArcher how's the new job?? Did you find the rockets?
new Iron Maiden album out now
@Jhoopins is he back?
I guess it's been out for a while now... I'm dumb
> Try your luck by juggling your two precious balls!
@ʞɔᴉN yes, he was busy pleasuring babes in his underwater castle
@Abhishrek if you know what I mean ;)
@Nick it's good, but some of those long songs have no reason to be that long
Is codepen.io bugging out for anyone else other than me?
@NathanJones from what I hear; still not as good as their old stuff
@Seanny123 if you are using babel or any transpiler you might want to check that too and nope
@Abhishrek in the end, everything is pervert if you think long and hard about it
hmm, is there some way to get posts re-attributed to my main account which I made from some throw-away account at a public internet cafe? @ThiefMaster do you happen to know?
@Nick it's no Number of the Beast, to be sure.
@ʞɔᴉN Idk he was just here.
@towc I try to avoid thinking hard. It distracts me.
I prefer to think flaccidly
@Nick if you're into metal, the new imperial triumphant is amazing
Eh, I'm into power metal, but that's mostly it
@Nick have I linked you the panzer song?
@ssube I bet it really tanks in the end, doesn't it?
@Abhishrek seems to be a chrome problem....
Works with firefox
lost horizon's pretty great, but most power metal is super cheesey
@Seanny123 woo they are hard to debug
Try opening the debugger and hard reloading the site ?
@Trasiva nah, it's real fast and then it blows up
Well, it's codepen's problem not mine
There homepage is foobared
@ssube So it really treads along then?
How do you unbind an event after a future returns? .-.
@corvid The usual way.
@corvid that statement sounds suspiciously like technobable
@corvid get your c# out of my javascript
@NathanJones gods no, get more C# in JS
C# is the best-designed language I've used yet
If I have an MVCE, then it's not technobabble
@ssube i was being facetious. I'm not against it at all
@ssube is it viable to run c# on linux without mono yet?
don't think so
@corvid i know its not technobabble
but it sounds so much like it
@Nick Not sure how I feel about this
you should cringe
i crunged
how was mexico
I drank a lot of tequila, yelled at a shark and threw up in an elevator
In the span of... 4 hours?
sounds like a blast
living up to your username
and you spent the next week or so passed out in the hotel room?
little column a, little column b
@SterlingArcher I believe the spanish for that is "porky lo nose dose"
Aside from that it was great. Relaxing, drinking on a leather mattress on the beach, don't even have to move to get drinks.. water was beautiful
@ssube isn't that broken spanish for "why not both?"
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Mr Robot, my girlfriend and me [SPOILER S01E01]
@SterlingArcher No, I think it's Spanish for "hi there pig, give me cocaine"
@SterlingArcher lol I finally watched Archer
to both of you
I dunno, "nose dose" sounds like cocaine to me

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