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vagrant up takes forever to complete
==> default: Forwarding ports...
    default: 80 => 8000 (adapter 1)
    default: 443 => 44300 (adapter 1)
    default: 3306 => 33060 (adapter 1)
    default: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
    default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...
mknod /dev/null c 1 3 # what does the "1 3" here mean?
major and min
MKNOD(1)                         User Commands                        MKNOD(1)

       mknod - make block or character special files

       mknod [OPTION]... NAME TYPE [MAJOR MINOR]
major and min what?
dunno, read the manual
I read it, it doesn't state what they really are...
read the info
it says that it's the major and minor device number
no idea what that means :/
Q: Linux : Major and Minor device numbers

ReferentialWhat types of devices fall under the major device number category and what types of devices fall under the minor device number category. What is the real difference between the two categories?

this is over my head :( but how the hell does that command create a /dev/null??
  1 char	Memory devices
		  1 = /dev/mem		Physical memory access
		  2 = /dev/kmem		Kernel virtual memory access
		  3 = /dev/null		Null device
There the 1 represents the major number and 3 the minor.
The files under /dev represent devices.
[major, minor] is what identifies a device, and 1 3 matches the null device
but I'm not completely sure
those mappings represent what the /dev devices are made of, not what the numbers mean
I made a null c device in my experiments folder, and it works like dev null... so dev null ain't magic
but... weird
I think you made a special file that points to the null device, because you gave the major and minor numbers that point to the.. null device.
I removed the null device before that, so no
you mean the device or the file /dev/null ?
/dev/null, the device file
no bot anymore?
need 40rep for 10K :D
@rlemon fix it
@iConnor did it help ?
arrr ty
Thank you
@iConnor your profile quotes fred brooks but doesn't attribute it :) Also nice anne frank quote
The naming things is "there are 2 things" and the second is cache invalidation, that's also a famous quote.
and the off-by-one errors
That's a later addition, but is also gold
I think I got it. /dev/null is mandated to be at /dev/null by posix so os creates it at /dev/null, and mknod can create more /dev/nulls so /dev/null at /dev/null isn't magic, but the dev null it points to is magic
@AwalGarg lol, it's really not that hard
@BenjaminGruenbaum any good python resources?
@Phoenix hi
@catgocat codeacademy has a pretty nice tutorial
I thought it was only html/css/js related
I'll check it out
I just discovered this ^
is angularJS worth learning? i want to move away from backbone....
@Phoenix move to react, angular 1 is dying.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am not really updated, but why is angular dying
guess v1 is dying while v2 is major change?
It's not like the v1 codebase will magically disappear once v2 is deemed stable
But I don't see much point writing new apps for v1 either
@BenjaminGruenbaum ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum is there a working demo somewhere?
Good Morning
@phenomnomnominal on the site
It was just a form to subscribe to updates?
huh, it's changed. Sweet
what are you talking about ?
@Abhishrek testim.io
You built it ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum trying to work out if it's better than my thing :P
@phenomnomnominal :D
It's pretty good IIUC.
Holy wow that looks sweet
Author is a great guy, it's a full blown startup now, he tried to get me to join, I probably would have if I wasn't that committed.
What could the business model possibly be?
@BenjaminGruenbaum how much do you know about it? How does it deal with the site changing but scenario's staying the same? I saw from the slides that it uses page objects under the hood which is cool, but how do you edit them?
@phenomnomnominal ask Oren all that on Facebook, want an introduction?
They deal with site changing by clever selectors, optimally machine learning but I'm not sure he's that far in.
Yeah that'd be awesome!
Made an introduction on FB, cheers.
I have a form like this:
<form name="test" action="/"> stuff </form>
I want to select it in jquery
here is my try:
but won't work, why ?
are you trying to select it before it exists?
your mean is the position of codes ? I write js codes in he head and html code in the body
Well then...
@Sajad Are you sure you are running your code after the page loads? e.g inside $(document).ready(..
@catgocat oh thanks !! worked !! my jquery code was out of .ready()
@BenjaminGruenbaum Seems like you have a high risk of false positives and false negatives though when you try to "automatically" determine the elements to find.
Where a more manual approach would just error out and tell you that the test is broken.
@Lalaland Seems like you accidentally a verb in the first sentence
@Lalaland right, you have to be very good at it.
In order for it to be actually beneficial.
@JanDvorak Oops. Running on 3 hours of sleep.
We're getting a new Point Break movie! imdb.com/title/tt2058673 (No Patrick Swayze this time, for obvious reasons)
@catgocat dude at the end is a douchebag.
@ivarni .. Does that mean we can still see him in Ghost??
too soon?
@rlemon nah, I'm pretty sure he won't mind
@Sheepy Thank for your answer!!!!
@rlemon agreed
Thanks for editing, sometimes I prefer keep one line. — Hand on Cloud 2 hours ago
@SomeGuy where is your game?
And his XML parsing skills
literally function READ_GROUND(NUM){var GROUNDS=STG.substr(STG.indexOf('<S>')+3,STG.lastIndexOf('</S>')),GR;for(i=1;i<NU‌​M;i++){GR=GROUNDS.substr(GROUNDS.indexOf('<S')+3,GROUNDS.indexOf('/>'));if(i==NUM‌​){var a=[STR_BETWEEN(GROUNDS,'L="','"'),STR_BETWEEN(GROUNDS,'H="','"'),STR_BETWEEN(GRO‌​UNDS,'X="','"'),STR_BETWEEN(GROUNDS,',Y="','"')];return {L:a[0],H:a[1],X:a[2],Y:a[3]};break;}else{GROUNDS=GROUNDS.substr(GROUNDS.indexOf‌​('/>'),GROUNDS.length);}}}
who the hell can read that, let alone write it?
Q: socket.io authentication with sharing session data, how io.use() works

SrleInspired by How to share sessions with Socket.IO 1.x and Express 4.x? i implemented socket authentication in some "clean" way where is no need to use cookie-parser and to read cookies from headers, but few items remain unclear to me. Example use last stable socket.io version 1.3.6. var express ...

@SomeGuy oh damn he is still adding entries!
so many
yuck I can't choose what monitor to buy
they all look so good
@Loktar Haha yeah. 30 mins ago, he told me there were 35 entries for him to approve until he got to mine
oh damn!
Haha yeah, it'll take a while
you see this yet? lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
kind of neat
Oh, that's interesting
@rlemon (or any other person who's done some css animations) - How would you use css animate an element's repositioning? That is, I remove an element and insert it after some sibling. I can't figure out how to animate that.
what animation are you after?
You can't animate the DOM position. You can only animate the screen position. Absolute positions + transitions?
@rlemon Like a slide in or slide out. It's for that navigation thing you didn't like.
link me to the jsbin
"Slide up" or something. What I can't figure out is how to both do the effect, while also doing the DOM manip
So much broken window for newbies to ping for help...
@Zirak transition: all 300ms ease-in-out; and insert it, then 'fix' the offset/height/margin so it slides into place
@rlemon oohh, that's an unexpectedly interesting effect
Are you guys all regulars here?
@ThiefMaster hard to read yes
@ThiefMaster dat URL
Hai gais.
@KarelG The wonderful TSA, showing full competency time and time again.
We need a bill to disband the TSA.
That would make me so happy.
@SomeGuy after the second pentagon level the screen weirds out for me...
@towc Intentional
Unless it lags
it's as if you didn't repaint some portions of the screen
it looked like I was on a circle
and I could see the trails of the white things
Yes, it's intentional
oh XD
It's supposed to be a "trippy" mode for when the controls are reversed
it looked broken instead :P
Yeah, it seems like a lot of people think that
There was supposed to be music that changed with that mode to indicate it
But we didn't get to that
maybe just specify that in the description? The judges may also think it's broken
What do you think the seizure warning was there for?
I did think that something weird may be going on, but maybe my chrome doesn't support some canvas features...
I'll try to gif it. Really doesn't look right...
It is intentional, I assure you :p
Something like that?
@SomeGuy if a lot people like to think that, maybe you can reconsider something else to have a "trippy" mode :p
@KarelG Yeah, but I've already submitted it now
Past the deadline
@SomeGuy last year they let me change stuff 3 times ;)
Oh, yeah, he'll update it for sure. But making a new trippy mode will take time
@Loktar : can you explain that spray ? Why is there "dental health" if it is not for your mouth but hands ?
@SomeGuy just reverse the colors? Would look a lot cleaner
Meh. I like it, so I'm going to let it stay
It looks pretty good to me as is, just the seizure warning text's font-size is too small
Ah, yeah, I forgot to bump that up. You'd mentioned that earlier
I forgot to add a pause button as Jan suggested too
Oh, well
hi all
@SomeGuy you are becoming old
Mike and I were busting our asses to get the music done :P
Pause buttons be damned :p
it says your's is 7kb, and limit is 13kb, so I guess you get points for that?
Where does it say that?
dunno where I read that :/ you said it yourself maybe?
the limit is on the website though
mine is 1.9 ;)
Yeah, they do take that into account, but isn't worth many points
Yeah, 13kb is a ton
It's 13kb zipped
@SomeGuy yours is 8.8kb sorry
Here's a list of JS13k submissions by all of us. Go check them out! gist.github.com/AmaanC/e1e11ecf9d0451a5cd6e
since they haven't been posted in the chat by themselves :p
well the actual entry pages that is
Use the arrow keys
Left / right
Dodge the oncoming enemies
that game is hard though
it even doesn't allow me to move when it rotates
the sound though
of all the prizes listed there, the only remotely useful thing is the firefox device. but the spirit of the competition is pretty nice.
yeah I just looked at the prizes because I was curious
@AwalGarg but but but.... the shirt? D:
Those are just to sweeten it a bit though, I hope no one actually does it for prizes
I don't think so
@towc yeah I want a shirt actually, I donated to help out because I really want one lol
@Loktar I totes did it for the shirt
I want the T-shirt too. Never got it last year
it is super cool of him to host the contest, I feel bad when he gets shit over it
Yeah, happened last year as well
People accused the judges of shit
I want the stackoverflow tshirt but I don't want stackoverflow to have my postal address :(
People take it too seriously
@AwalGarg it won't go public :P
I have a SO shirt ;p
but I'm too fat currently to feel comfortable in it
It(')?s a bit small feeling for a medium @JanDvorak proper use of ' or no?
they used to have them for sale in their store glad I snagged one back then
LOL @SomeGuy your site man
> I'm too lazy to design my own website, so this is what you see! I'll just throw everything you may want to see in a list.
@Loktar yes apostrophe. it's -> it is, its -> belongs to 'it'
@SomeGuy just curious what do you use to host your site?
i'm not a native english user but i do know the difference between it's and its o.o
What do you guys think about naming variable like this? serviceWorkerRegistration.pushManager.getSubscription
looks normal to me. camelCase
Yeah..but isn't it a bit mouthful?
it tells you what the variable holds.
but is the last part not a function ? (Missing ())
yeah the last part is a function. Might be my personal thing that I'm not a big fan of long variable names.
@KarelG I never type it, and Jan has been giving me a lot of shit lately so I'm getting his approval :p
@shriek not sure if you can rename the serviceWorkerRegistration into something little
please note that development code differs from production code. We minimize our variable names when porting our dev code to prod code.
then releasing the build from the production code.
@KarelG, I can but when I see it others code it reminds me of Java. Also, yup prod code is different than dev code.
it in other's code*
@Loktar It's true. I'm way too lazy
@AwalGarg DigitalOcean / Github Pages
The g subdomain is for gh-pages
Finally bought a server
spent more than I'd like, but it is niiiiiiice
happy kicking :-P
they're still building it for me - the company's in San Jose, so when they're done, they just call me and I can pick it up
nice, specs?
dual Xeon hex-core, 24GB RAM, 2 * 2TB HDD
Very nice!
lots of room to play around in
now I'm just looking at my netbook server and sighing
suggestions on what to do with that thing are welcome.
@SomeKittens I installed ownCloud on mine, quite fun. thanks to BenFortune for the recommendation.
On your netbook?
my old PC which I now use as a server...
oh, neat
How much space does it take up (what with the versioning and all)
I guess 100 mb with all the dependencies? although if your's is a linux server, you'd probably already have apache/nginx and a database installed
er, I meant for a given file, how far back does it save?
> ownCloud stores your data and lets you bring back data that was deleted accidentally. Find previous versions of files you modified and bring them back.
hmm, lemme check
looks like it has all the versions. No idea if it uses diffs or full backups
I'd guess diffs?
dunno. It is written in PHP ~_~
I'd LOVE to switch if I could tell it what to version and what not
basically "Version everything not in node_modules"
Can't find an option in the UI
I can't make out any sense of that algorithm... seems like a trade-off for portability on windows servers
@SomeKittens anyways I don't use it for storing code, only for multimedia, docs, and for downloading stuff overnight with the ocDownloader extension
for code, I have setup Gitlab (which is awesome, take it as another suggestion)
We use GitLab at work
I just like not having to commit any time I want to switch computers
@SomeKittens nice, thats similar to what I have sitting in a box in my basement. Are you just running raid 1 then?
Yeah, RAID 1, 2TB should hold me over for a while
what xeon? X5670?
yeah at least you have some sort of redundancy
nm thats only a 6 core
regardless grats :)
Hey guys, Ive been trying to catch all socket events and two answers describe a patch to do the same thing but I'm wondering if someone can tell me which patch is better code:
A: Socket.io Client: respond to all events with one handler?

Kaustubh KarkareHere you go ... var socket = io.connect(); var globalEvent = "*"; socket.$emit = function (name) { if(!this.$events) return false; for(var i=0;i<2;++i){ if(i==0 && name==globalEvent) continue; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1-i); var handler = th...

A: Socket.io Client: respond to all events with one handler?

leszek.hanuszYou can override socket.$emit With the following code you have two new functions to: Trap all events Trap only events which are not trapped by the old method (it is a default listener) var original_$emit = socket.$emit; socket.$emit = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(...

And Whoa I see @BenjaminGruenbaum 's "Victory" link, Node.js and Socket.io now together? Cool
@JonathanTodd no, not socket.io, that's still a separate project
Oh ok @SomeKittens
facepalms Just Google it
good afternoon to the people on the other side of the globe
i hate to be rude but I only came here to ask for clarifications about Firebase
what's the difference between 'value' and 'child_changed'?
Hi people
@Loktar your game is enjoyable
thanks @Abhishrek
Can you tell me rules to play amaans ?
dodge the walls
hit a red one and it glitches and the controls are reversed
i.sstatic.net/C6cct.jpg @AwalGarg me colg vs me
@BadgerCat o/
> Secret Arts of the ES6 Doom Viking: Symbols & Async
In this talk, we'll delve deep into the mystical metaprogramming arts of ES6 Symbols and conquer time itself by dual-wielding the new async features of Promises and Generators. Learn how to implement your own iterators, add gobs of new metainformation to your classes, implement FizzBuzz in entirely new ways, and find out exactly what "metainformation" is.

TypeScript: How I learned to stop worrying and love Array<String>
What's with all the type hype these days? Isn't the whole point of JavaScript the awesome flexibility we get? Learn
@AwalGarg that sould be enough
@SomeKittens I implemented FizzBuzz last week, was funny.
@BenjaminGruenbaum For what?
@SomeKittens we were showing students things in Python, we had challenges on things like the number of ifs and such
list(map(print, [f+b or n for f,b,n in zip(cycle(("","","Fizz")),cycle(("","","","","Buzz")),range(1,101))]))
Ugly, but gets a point across
Of course, the goal was to show several things not to do, like forcing an iterator to iterate to cause side effects, writing clever code etc.
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry I couldn't talk earlier
can i ping you now ?
You did like 3 messages ago
on hangouts -_-
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll be doing it with generators, a la github.com/SomeKittens/Interview/blob/master/lib/yield.js
That talk is on Thursday, so I've got a lot of reading/writing to do
Oh we have one of those
def fizz():
	yield ""
	yield ""
	yield "Fizz"

def buzz():
	yield ""
	yield ""
	yield ""
	yield ""
	yield "Buzz"

fb = (x+y or n for x,y,n in
	 zip(cycle(fizz()), cycle(buzz()), range(1, 101)))

for item in fb:
what's cycle do in that instance?
I have script which takes Chromium around 5 seconds to parse
@SomeKittens repeat the sequence indefinitely.
@copy that large or that convoluted?
It's large, but not large enough to be so slow
And it started appearing after I started using fat arrows
@BenjaminGruenbaum So the same as the while true in the JS example
@SomeKittens yes, exactly.
@copy fat arrows are actually quite hard to parse, it'll get much better with the sea of nodes thing in turbofan or so they claim
crumbuckets, I'm on Python 2
still, fantastic example.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see. It's not slow in Firefox and removed during my build process, so I'll just leave it at that for now
this room is filled with pervs
@copy yes, it's annoying definitely
Jan 21 '14 at 16:46, by Abhishek Hingnikar
they love there work like i love p***. maybe i should do a p*** site !
^ @Abhishrek
Yes I am in this room, ain't I ?
btw clearly the p*** means papaya
Good Night, I gotta run before the wires start burning again
jquery event
Let's compile chromium-dev
Anyone run into this problem with Chromium before I go ask 'totherwhere?
> Je bent hiernaar verwezen omdat je IP-adres is geblokkeerd vanwege beveiligingsredenen. Klik op de correcte afbeelding zodat je IP-adres wordt vrijgegeven. Je zult worden doorgestuurd naar de website die je probeerde te bereiken.
@copy ? oh the URL
@BadgerCat how cute ;)
good job tho, really
Yeah, it's East Bay JS now
@towc rigged
btw, you get that you're not just supposed to warp continuously, right?
that's how a few people started playing, I had to expain them to zigzag instead
Zigzag? Haow?
@Callum follow a wave
Ah, so don't literally zigzag. Seems doable.
@Callum js13kgames.com/entries/flappy-box try not to do anything, you see the wave?
btw @SomeGuy imgur.com/Wpv5Ww4
@towc Definitely a feature ;p
uuhhh! Italians start school tomorrow :D
I'd really like to see their faces and their anger
how their laziness will strike back and such
I'm a horrible person
@towc aren't you starting too?
@BadgerCat I started 2 weeks ago :P
anyone know why this angular ng-pattern does not validate against a digit in a string? pattern="/\d/"
I forgot you're not in the chat often. I moved to oxford :D @BadgerCat
weren't you angry?
regardless of the text entered, if it contains a number or not, it's ng-invalid-pattern.
@BadgerCat no, I was really looking forward to it
I saw that in your profile, but I didn't think it was serious
well, it is ;)
Great! Are you on your own?
@EchoLogic tried "\/d/g"? Just guessing
@BadgerCat with a 50yo host and 2 other students
That's awesome!
yeah! Too bad one of those students is italian aswell and the host lived in italy for 10 years -_-
still pretty cool tho :D
also, in class I'm 2 years younger than everyone else, it's kinda concerning :P
that means pretty much no girls and I won't be able to drink while everyone else will...

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