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@phenomnomnominal haha damn nice man!
shit Ill try and use that if I have room
damnit I hate how it one boxes
I just wanted to show my screenshake
lol its actually fun drifting around killing the shit out of frogs.. or dots :P
Q: socket.io authentication with sharing session data, how io.use() works

SrleInspired by How to share sessions with Socket.IO 1.x and Express 4.x? i implemented socket authentication in some "clean" way where is no need to use cookie-parser and to read cookies from headers, but few items remain unclear to me. Example use last stable socket.io version 1.3.6. var express ...

Hi guys
Hi guys AND girls
Does anyone know how to include a bootstrap slider from value 1 to 10
in a webpage
I mean a form slider
Or even everybody
so that the user can give a score for something
@phenomnomnominal thanks
@phenomnomnominal :)
@phenomnomnominal damn got that song in easy
13k zipped is a ton...
> All your code and game assets should be smaller than or equal to 13 kilobytes (that's exactly 13,312 bytes, because of 13 x 1024) when zipped.
thats so nutty.
@Loktar yeah it's quite a bit, how big is the library?
idk why so many people are taking the time to hand minify stuff.
@phenomnomnominal 3kb min
so probably half that zipped
noice, thank you Jack rugile.
can anyone help?
Q: Visual Studio 2015 Clone Git From VPS Invalid URI Scheme

Josh MenzelI have a nodejs application and want to use visual studio and the nodejs application extension for Visual Studio to develop it. What's more,I would like to have git to allow version control and automadtic publishing of new code to my server(virtual private server). I use httpd(apache) and ssl alr...

@Loktar o/
whats up ?
I can't get my repository to push
Source Tree can do it
but Visual Studio gives the error that "please make sure that the repository exists"
@Abhishrek trying to finish my js13k entry before times up
all I want is to be able to develop a nodejs application using visual studio and have it automatically able to upload it to my virtual private server instead of having to use notepad++ to develop it.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe" push --recurse-submodules=check --progress "origin" refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
@Loktar good luck :D
@ʞɔᴉN the usefulness to difficulty ratio is horribly low in those tests, though
haha true, especially for frontend work
they're really not such difficult problems but it's a very academic format. It's been a while since I've done anything like it
TIL git log -S
I'm sorry guys, but I'm clueless right now and need some help. I'm currently running Node.js with Express and Angular and when I start my server I get this error in Inspector: Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined
I haven't had this error in the past. I just started getting it when I installed my source code on a new server.
vidly.io is the domain
it means you're not loading Angular
Why would this error pop up now and not in the past?
Probably because you're pointing to the wrong script
yup, 404 on angular.js
Also, you're loading jQuery twice
@Abe Haha damn, they got me on video?
@phenomnomnominal Did you make that? It sounds great!
We're using TinyMusic for our entry too
(Mike and I)
@SomeGuy yeah just worked out the theme from a loop on youtube, and reversed it haha
Hah, nice!
@Loktar Screenshake makes everything better!
haha yea
almost done
my title screen is black with white text.. same with my lose screen lol
those are the last things I really need to fix
my kids and wife keep telling me they dont look like frogs and to fix them
im like wtf dudes! I can only do so much lol
Hahaha, yeah, you don't have much time :p
Btw, there's this if you want a pixel font in code paulbgd.github.io/PixelFont
oh damn thats awesome
Yeah, I'm using that with a few additions
thats what I have so far
I need to add the other game mode real quick which is timed and you kill as many as possible
I like it!
and I need to pretty shit up.. somehow
Haha "somehow"
man I have written so much code today lol
and my quality keeps going downhill
starting to make so many vars global lol
Yeah, I get it :P
I have 130ish commits on this year's JS13k
That's one week's work
I only have like 12 or so
On the previous one, I had 110 or so over a year (since I worked on it even after in bouts of motivation)
I will probably never touch this again
I always get burned out on these one day projects
You should probably put it somewhere on Kongregate or ItchIO, I'd say
I hope to as well :P
yeah might as well
I really like your game, man
I only wish the car could move faster
Maybe a limited booster when you hit space?
You guys are doing fun stuff :( I've been working on a mercurial resolver for bower all day
@SomeGuy scope creep!!
damnit I will add that most likely
I want to add smoke when you skid too
I have been making a quiz
@Loktar Haha, fair enough. You already have something that can be submitted with a little cleanup
@Loktar That'd be quite neat
yeah Ill work on it until midnight I think
and whatever I have done Ill submit
I have barely moved today..
@Abhishrek Looks nice
@Abhishrek yeah that looks great
@Loktar Hahaha
with react?
Guess whats it written in ? well loktar knows the future
@Loktar yep !
haha nice
I don't think Jack's made a game, btw
Which sucks :/
@Loktar so bad i can't submit it in js13k :'( react itself will blow off the toplimit
haha yea
thats what stopped me from using babel at all :/
my zip is sitting at 7kb right now though..
13kb zipped is a ton of space if you don't use game engines, though
Really? Mine's around that too!
@SomeGuy yeah definitely, its nuts man
Let me check
^ second that i wrote a simple car racer in c in much less lines then that
haha damn nice
you have image assets right?
or wait you have a song/sounds?
@Loktar they should allow at some point of time minified es6
guys, just got my repository working!
@Loktar Nope, that's generated with TinyMusic
oh damn man nice.
yeah thats the same with me, all js drawn, and sounds driven by libraries
@JoshMenzel nice man!
@JoshMenzel Congrats!
Thanks guys
just took waaaaayyyy too much research
but I can now use Visual Studio to develop my Node.JS app and automatically publish to my VPS!!!!!
facedesk facejesus faceandromeda
@JoshMenzel you know you can pretty much do that in one click with VS right ?
yeah but vs was giving me errors
okay \o/
it wouldn't push, pull, fetch or even connect
even though source tree and git extensions could, VS threw errors on the url being invalid
happy happy sunday every lazy one :)
@AwalGarg No lazy one here
steamcommunity.com/app/13500 - Immediate DATASS !
@AwalGarg That equally means I have too much work already
And you are too lazy to finish it :-P
Considering I have been working for 18 of past 22 hours, your argument is wrong
@Abhishrek that sounds horrible, have some sleep FFS
Hi Guys
I would like my form radio buttons and checkboxes with labels to appear in one line
Please tell me how to do it
Thank you
font-size: 0
@phenomnomnominal I am curious why do you export on top ?
Just a remnant of how I always did the module pattern I guess
I don't like import { blah, blah } from './blah', so I always export an object
unless I add something to indicate you have a boost (press space to boost)
long ass day lol
@Loktar Neat!
saves highscores into local storage as well
also thanks for the heads up on that pixel font
I didn't feel like implementing numbers, but the rest looks nice
Oh, I already implemented them
You can use that if you want
Wait someone made a working 16 bit computer in minecraft ?
@Abhishrek That is nuts
@SomeGuy I really dont wanna live on this planet anymore
Why? Because people do cool things in games?
It's not a computer, just an arithmetic unit
now we just need a register array, an instruction decoder and a hefty amount of RAM
@SomeGuy The amount of time :-/ people spend on that and also that i feel too dumb
@Abhishrek Hah, we did that in college
@Loktar Pinging in case you didn't see the message above github.com/AmaanC/js13k-2015/blob/gh-pages/src/js/…
@copy he is working on adding a ram and other stuff
only it was 2-bit
oh damn nice @SomeGuy
blarg. I want to implement it.. but am just about to submit
like I have the zip in the field lol
@Loktar why am I killing frogs since the last 3 minutes
@AwalGarg haha
screw it I'll implement it, thanks @SomeGuy
Haha, sure
@Loktar does it work with touch :?
@Abhishrek no
needs the arrows or wasd
@Loktar rampage keeps going when you hit 0 time :)
@phenomnomnominal yeah just fixed that
@Loktar okay no worries. I am killing frogs anyways
Space boosts you fyi
its like a secret function I guess ;p
@Loktar y u no apostrophes?
@Loktar in rampage mode, "Time Left" keeps increasing :/
yeah I fixed it @AwalGarg just havent uploaded it to my server
@JanDvorak damnit idk man!
haha it isn't common for me to :p
I like these little games and hate them too. They take too much of my time without me realizing :-P
anyways, back to work
@Loktar still doing it for me
I didn't update it
trying to get this pixel font fully implemented now :/
also I get like 1400 in rampage, cause I got the mad strategy.
I just stood at the starting line and start oscillating up and down madly, no frog passed lol
haha exactly
@Abhishrek modded or with command blocks? If not, how much space did it take?
No clue am not a minecraft guy :-|
Google+ to me
11:17 AM
People you may know on Google+
Zirak Ertan - Add
// me replies zirak is too paranoid to be on g+, so this zirak ain't the one.
Anyone have ideas for a good name for this game? whatthedude.com/js13k-2015
Mike suggested "Turnometry". Might just go with that
alright link updated, bugs should be fixed
@SomeGuy your colors are so badass
the way the squares fade, looks so nice
@SomeGuy neat! (sorry no name idea)
also the new shield looks sweet!
Turnometry is good imo
@Loktar I have to thank @mikedidthis for that
@AwalGarg Thank you
Originally, it was going to be a much tougher game. I'd implemented it all, but then I made it easier :p
@SomeGuy @mikedidthis it is so badass!
@SomeGuy It crashed my browser
@SomeGuy needs a pause button
@Abhishrek Which browser?
@JanDvorak Ah, I'll add that
Also, needs mobile controls
(just tap left/right will do)
@BenjaminGruenbaum that looks awesome
@SomeGuy huh... after I completed the pentagon level, it started rotating and not rotating at the same time, and doing so at low framerate. My computer apparently can't handle level three.
@JanDvorak It does support touch screens!
Thanks. Level 3 is a myth. It's supposed to make you play level 2 in reverse
Maybe you could call it "spin doctor"
@JanDvorak Are you using FF?
Which browser?
Chrome 44
Huh. Runs smoothly for me in Chrome
I do notice lag in the reverse mode in FF
@SomeGuy Wow that's difficuly
Good difficult or "fuck this game" difficult?
I got to level 3 on second try. Perhaps it's supposed to run faster than it does on my machine?
For me personally it's too unpredictable to be enjoyable but then again it's really not my genre
ok finally submitting. Nerfed back thrust, removed boost but made normal thrust higher.
@Loktar Sweet. Sleep well! :D
@JanDvorak Yeah, that's possible
@ivarni Fair enough
should I try on my phone? Does it support 480x854?
Yeah, it should resize
The shield looks funky on my phone, though
How are the controls set up on phone? swipe?
You tap on the left half of the screen to turn left
huh... it does resize for me, but it does so by fitting the width, and the board is taller than the screen
hey so I have a question
Yeah, I haven't fixed that :P
since I am deploying a nodejs application to my server via git, how do I restart the server everytime I push changes?
and yes, the shield is broken on Android
It looks okay in portrait mode, right?
can you make it resize on phone rotate, btw?
UGH LOL oh man this sucks
I left out delta timing..
I've been playing at 144fps :/
tried it on my kids pc's it seems slooow
can you resubmit or no?
when I'm in portrait mode, the whole game field fits.
The shield looks OK in up position or left position, but it's completely scrambled in down or right position.
@Loktar Yeah, email him and explain that there was a bug
yeah I'll do that thanks
@JanDvorak Yeah, I see that too
the shield flickers, though
ok thats the proper speed now and how I was playing it.
the next level after pentagon still flickers heavily on my phone, it's just that the game board is more visible
@Loktar Way more fun now
@JanDvorak Sucks :/
@SomeGuy fix it
> you stopped 93 in 102.63
^first try, survival
@JanDvorak Well, it isn't really up to me. I use globalCompositeOperation to make a "trippy" mode. If the browser lags on that, I can't do anything about it
Hey guys. I'm having a bit of a problem. I'm trying to run my node + express app through https, but get this error: GET net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
wait, that flickering is intentional???
@SomeGuy Want a screenshot?
How do I enable socket.io with HTTPS?
Yes, please
@JanDvorak What did you think that seizure warning was there for?
The spinning background?
@SomeGuy that warning should be larger...
Hold on...
That's how it's supposed to look
Being hit by a red block does that. So does going past the pentagon
it looks smoother here
Yeah, I can't capture a better framerate
heh now I don't want to go to bed until they update the entry
only 4 hours left
Hahaha, he'll do it. Send him a tweet to remind him, if you're worried
Wow, there's a ton of entries already
yeah I sent a DM to the js13k account
is there an individual I should tweet?
man, such first world PC Master Race problems lol
> Oh noes I was running at 144hz!
cool ty
hey for those out there looking to do some easy restarts, check out POD: github.com/yyx990803/pod#configuration
it helps with GIT
and version control while automatically deploying
and restarting when you push changes
@end3r just a heads up I emailed and sent a DM to the official account, had a major bug in my submission sent a GH link to the zip #paranoid
that should have my bases covered.
oh well going to go to sleep, if everyone plays slomo vs oh well :P
good luck @SomeGuy!
@Loktar You too, man!
woah that looks badass actually @JanDvorak
@JanDvorak Yeah, supposed to be that way
^Desktop, gradually slows to a clawl
looked different on the first playthrough on desktop
Android doesn't slow down, but it displays something else.
@JanDvorak Right, and I can't help that. I could remove the mode altogether, but I quite like it
lemme try to shoot it
And yeah, it'll look different based on which colours there are in the background
@SomeGuy where does it work?
Works in Chrome for me
are you telling me to upgrade to 45? :-(
I'm on 46 dev :P
Is there a way to get rid of the profile button? I've heard the startup flag was going away in 45
I don't know. I use the button, so I haven't tried to hide it
... how?
My sister and I share computers
@phenomnomnominal comment on FB, it is pretty awesome
@SomeGuy HEY LISTEN! I have told my sister to use that button and not mix her cookies and history with mine so many times but... ughh. find me a way around.
Use OS logins?
she can't login from the arch shell
zsh or whatever you call it
maybe it's just a tty + xterm, i dunno
@AwalGarg Make an extension that auto "locks" tabs on your profile? (Just an overlay asking for a password)
I am thinking of an extension which auto switches profile when someone loads facebook because I never open facebook, and others always do
ooor I can block facebook with an extension on my profile (even a userscript will do), forcing everyone else to use a different profile
// ==UserScript==
// @namespace    your.homepage
// @version      0.1
// @description  enter something useful
// @author       You
// @match        *://facebook.*/*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

this looks good
doc.write, really?
just use adblock
No they will just bug me instead of starting another profile. I want a custom message.
@JanDvorak ;@
Just do alert in a loop

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