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an interface is a contract. Various types can fulfill that contract or not.
in Haskell you have typeclasses and concrete types.
var obj = {firstname: 'Bill', rank: 'Private'}; // Is this a Person?
@SomeGuy damn man, yeah Jack just confirmed I have until 6am tomorrow
so I have plenty of time to make something shitty! :P
Is stargate worth watching ?
@SomeKittens from what perspective? Is this object instance of class Student?
@Abhishrek YES
@Eugene It's not an instanceof Student
@Abhishrek ALL SEASONS
but is it a Person?
(think back - what qualifies something as a Person?)
@SomeKittens from perspective of OOP I would say, no. If Person you are referencing here is an interface.
@Eugene Right answer, but why?
@SomeKittens it lacks a lastname
@JanDvorak Correct!
something is a Person if it has a firstname AND lastname property - both strings. Everything else is irrelevant
I develop in both js, java and I don't see a connection.
the object above doesn't have a lastname - so it's not a Person
If TS introduces types like in Java and other languages, then I don't see a connection.
tricky question: Is this a Person? var obj2 = { firstname: 42, lastname: 'Xeon', type: 'Intel'};
@Eugene TS is not "Java, but in JavaScript"
it's "Types in JavaScript"
so if you're expecting all of the Java idioms to match perfectly, you'll be disappointed
Java doesn't have first-class functions
Only possible scenario I see for it to work on OOP scale is
interface Person {
    firstname: string;
    lastname: string;

class Student implements Person {
    fullname : string;
    constructor(public firstname, public middleinitial, public lastname) {
        this.fullname = firstname + " " + middleinitial + " " + lastname;
your Student would not be a valid Person
Sorry. Right. Property from interface is missing
But implements in class signature should be present. As a developer only then I see the connection between two.
Yeah, that's a Java thing
For function in example to work
Ruby doesn't even have interfaces.
I don't agree.
PHP samething
PHP doesn't count
C++ as far as I know same thing
...what's your point?
that TypeScript isn't identical to every other language?
No, that it doesn't follow OOP criteria.
It does.
@SomeKittens It's common in many languages, and not necessarily a bad idea
An interface is a set of methods. In TS you can even name interfaces.
@copy but not strictly necessary either.
Haskell does require you to declare implements, but for a different reason. You can only implement a method defined by a typeclass in the context of implementing that typeclass.
@Eugene oookay
I do agree that it's a good idea to state your implements
event loop and callback queue are implemented in host environment(for example web brower or node.js) and not in javascript runtime (like V8)?
That's not a question?
I'm Ron Burgundy?
it is my conclusion in which im not sure 100% :D
I'd say it's true
@rlemon Here's your reminder. Turns out the campaign is fairly short, I finished it in 7 hours according to Steam. It's got some rogue-like elements though, you can replay campaign at higher difficulty using shit you've earned in previous playthroughs. Basically means that if you don't like the mechanics it's gonna be a short experience so if you don't like, refund before 2 hours played.
@ivarni what game?
@SomeKittens Invisible Inc
I'm liking it. It's pretty simplistic but as a fan of turn-based strategy I'm sold
Also love the art-style
How do Steam refunds work?
Do you contact support within 2 hours and you get your money back?
There's a button for it IIRC, I tested it once but I can't remember exactly where that button is
Thats pretty cool
does anyone know how to clone a git repo given a url of [email protected]:PROJECT
(in visual studio)
Considering the amount of pure crap Steam allows on their storefront it's pretty much required
Only game I bought cold that pissed me off right away was Duke Nukem Forever. What a turd.
@JoshMenzel what's so special about VS? git clone [git project url] doesn't work?
AAA titles are usually ok (DNF being an exception) but once you start checking out indy titles it's basically bets off
@taco I use the team explorer and it says invalid uri scheme. I want to use visual studio for node.js applciation development due to it's nice interface and intellisense(nodejs tools extension)
TotalBiscuit has a review of Invisible Inc here: youtube.com/watch?v=WcOhnxPBtXQ
@JoshMenzel what version of VS are you using?
:25669976 :3
@taco Visual Studio 2015 Community
it has git built in
@taco but cloning from git bash, works, trying to tell visual studio to pull, fetch, commit, etc... doesn't work as again it says invalid URI scheme. I have tried other formats like http://, https://, git:// , etc... but then it returns 404 - not found
I should get rid of my unopened old Visual Studio copy. It was going for $700 on ebay a few months ago
@taco do you have any ideas?
@JoshMenzel Ok I see. What's the URL protocol you're using?
@taco the url is [email protected]:REPONAME and source tree says it's a valid git repo but visual studio says invalid uri scheme
I wrote a windows app once that I created a halo:// protocol for. All it did is register halo:// to my HaloSpy app
@taco I don't know what protocol that is using but it's not http, https, ssh, or git
@taco Why so expensive?
@copy I'm not sure. Probably devs stuck with legacy code. I got the VS copy in 2007 from a MS rep, but I'm an OSX guy so I've been sitting on it
@taco Do you have any ideas for me?
>paying $700 to work with legacy code
I would hate my life
@JoshMenzel Have you ever setup a git repository in VS that worked?
@taco Yeah, I have made local ones and mostly used team foundation server for visual studio online but that doesn't publish to my vps
@JoshMenzel this screenshot shows https:// c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/7ca517/… .... doesn't even have a properly formatted git url...
I tried https and visual studio returns 404
so does source tree
Did you install this git extension?
I have a git tools extension
I'd follow the "how to use" section at github.com/yysun/git-tools as it doesn't provide the git support, only git tools, like it says. Other than that, good luck
I'm still not sold with this class/interface approach in TS. IMO even code is much more readable if the implements keyword would be strictly required by TS compiler.
@Eugene You can open an issue about that at the TypeScript project
Planning on doing it today. Only thing, that is helpful, that they don't restrict to use implements.
Tישא ןד מןבק
That is nice*
אice indeed.
Anyone have FF dev edition up?
Why not being able to set the focus to the input element whie click on the anchor tag? codepen.io/aruprakshit/pen/PPPgWp
@ArupRakshit because it causes navigation instead
did you? It still causes navigation.
I dislike StarGate
@JanDvorak I added event.preventDefault();
when is Codepen javascript injected? It might not see the div.
one min :)
I forgot to add Jquery
That's... a cause.
yes.. :) working.. at least getting the alert
let see now the focus.
Nah, not able to focus the input element codepen.io/aruprakshit/pen/PPPgWp
well figured it out :)
How can I return from inside of a setTimeout with an async function?
async function waitTime (time = 2000) {
    let ret = null
    await setTimeout(function () {
        ret = 'hello'
    }, time)
    return ret
I guess I can just continue to use promises to wrap the call
await only waits on thenables
@Abhishrek Which one?
@AwalGarg got it
You also don't need a callback, you can just write the code that computes the return value after the timeout
@Ṣhmiddty SG-1
yuck !
I really liked SG:U
though apparently I'm one of the few
Hmm, why would this get downvoted? stackoverflow.com/a/32423813/1348195
Because you use the minus sign as a dash (–)
@copy what do you mean? (example por favor)
> How to ping internet in ubuntu?
@royhowie If sleep is a properly implemented Promise, you can write this:
async function waitTime (time = 2000) {
    await sleep(time);
    let ret = /* … */
    return ret;
function sleep (time = 1000) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time))
@copy like that?
@royhowie there should be a way to cancel it, probably.
1 min ago, by copy
getters aren't executed at parse time, are they?
@copy my internet was being dumb
@AwalGarg how would that even work?
dunno. firefox is complaining that a getter of mine is accessing some undeclared variable, but the getter is never called in my code :/
	get status () {
		return this.history[this.history.length - 1];
this is the getter, and this.history will be undefined for sometime
then it is defined, and getter is called, but firefox starts complaining before that
@AwalGarg isn't that because of strict mode?
it is part of object initializer expression, so no
function sleep (time = 1000) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time))

async function waitForMe (time = 2000) {
    console.log('entered', new Date)
    await sleep(1000)
    console.log('exiting', new Date)
    return new Date

console.log('ret is', await waitForMe())
Why is it that in this code where I'm trying to fix an alignment problem, that anything I put in the div disapears
@copy babel says await waitForMe() is a syntax error
well this.history isn't part of object initializer expression though. The constructor defines it.
@Ṣhmiddty As I have seen all of star trek beforehand
and firefox complains before the constructor is ever run (the getter is in a prototype)
@royhowie Is the outer function async?
@copy no, it was just general scope; but I understand what you mean
Ah, nvm
It's probably because of the svg stuff I was using
I am pretty stunned about how much they violate the prime directive :-| and simply one thing a specie smart enough to make worm holes cant genetically re-engineer itself :-x
If I want to get opinions about the usage of domain names, I should use webmasters site of SO right?
fuck you firefox
I mean, to create a new question about the usage of TLD
@Abhishrek I'm not sure what that means
@Ṣhmiddty In honest english --- I find SG primitive and stupid so far xD
@Abhishrek you're primitive and stupid.
@phenomnomnominal heh my bias towards star trek is too high :P maybe it will wear off after like 5 episodes
@Abhishrek You sound like the guy who thought TS was bad because it didn't follow Java 1:1
@SomeKittens na-uh
Some obvious things like isolation after interplanet trip
> If you're wondering how he eats and breathes
And other science facts,
Just repeat to yourself "It's just a show,
I should really just relax
@Ṣhmiddty so you weren't kidding. That really is a photo of you in your avatar
@taco Same here
@SomeKittens I thought yours was a pelican until I just checked it lol
well it's not very clear :d
I blame SO chat's shitty avatar scaling
aspect ratio isn't that great for avatars
I did find one of my cats in my gaming chair last night and an xbox controller nearby...
Is there a jQuery library that lets you easily make those "guided tour" tooltip sequences that users see when they first visit a website?
In fairness I did google "jquery tooltips"!
But thanks
I do feel a bit dumb :-)
it's ok
@AwalGarg those Codility problems turned out to be rather more difficult that I though haha
its been a long time since I did anything computer scienc-ey
@SomeKittens Still think you should change your name to ∃kittens
so bored of working on this microservice proof-of-concept
@SomeKittens animal abuse
is there a difference between those symbols?
@Loktar imgur.com/a/wIPnF haha genius
LOL where did you find that?
that was the front page of reddit 3 years ago
ooh my public albums
Was that a prank or what?
Haha nice :)
but did you actually give him a 3ds ?
lol I told Jacob a few million people saw him cry
haha yea
so funny
@catgocat ahaha that was mean
I laughed really hard
you know you laugh really hard when your throat starts to hurt
@ʞɔᴉN ∃ is "For some amount of" whereas ∑ is "The sum of"
so SomeKittens vs SumKittens
groan lol
I absolutely loathe it when two words sound the same but have different meanings, I'm homophobic.
@SomeKittens ahh
don't tell anyone I said that
@SomeKittens homophonophobic is a good word
ain't nothing sounds like me, but me.
I got the message of slidepoop to 10000 people today through that PizzaHack thing ^_^
Batarang got a bug report titled Sometimes it does't work well!
me too, GitHub reporter, me too.
It's ok password, I'm insecure too
^ classic
Since somebody mentioned Star Trek earlier. friends shooting an indie ^
Friend on left was in The Walking Dead, pretty major role. I'm in his indie movie, Dickball, lol
We're doing a FOSS Bash (everyone bands together and tackles a GH project) in the Angular Slack and it's going very well.
@Neoares Do Spanish people actually speak fast?
but we use more words than english
Actually the same number of words as portuguese
because syllables are easy to pronounce
most of english words are 1 or 2 syllables
More progress in my #js13k entry.. hope I finish. #screenshotsaturday http://t.co/95jA11EZ7g
in spanish we have a lot of 3-4 syllable words
so much work to do yet
can't believe I thought I had another week lol
@catgocat sorry I meant characters
but when I went to mexico, they said I speak so fast
same to the boss, which is spanish too
@Loktar that's looking sick!
haha thanks, just added skid marks as well
looks so much better
@Loktar love it
It's kind of like Frogger meets Mad Max
@Loktar Kill the frogs?
frogger in reverse @copy
js13k theme is reverse
thanks @taco :)
Nice idea
just added skids
I want a subtle screen shake when you kill frogs too
would be nice to smear the blood too.. but can't think of a quick way to do that
but then it'll be shaking all of the time though
@taco oh there wont be that many initially thats mostly for testing
oh ok
too bad you can't do force feedback
I had to simplify the game alot.. so it will basically have a timer, and you just try to get the longest time w/o letting any frogs escape
Have at least 3 body styles
hah wow man thats badass!
read about it a while back and remembered it was used in js13k's
@rlemon nice
do you guys know how to prevent chrome from displaying the outerHTML when i console.log() an element? it used to dump the object in the past (the HTMLElement object), now it just prints "<div></div>" ¬__¬
great! thanks
I find that annoying too
yeah, if i wanted the html i would do elm.outerHTML
It shows the element view, not just the HTML
considering the bunch of crap that dom has, maybe it's better console.log()
@copy wat
what in the name of god i'm watching
wonder what kind of mental disease causes a person to make such videos
probably the most disturbing thing i ever saw
@Loktar take the frogger theme and reverse it!
@Abe You've lost lot of things of the internet then, LOL. but i should admit that this is on the top 100 lol
@copy bye bye sleeping
@SomeGuy what have you done??? liveleak.com/view?i=dea_1442078658
@Abe lel
@copy Purple === Cats === Lies
@copy That's me
dunno if it's the purple color or something else but that cat looks pretty intimidating
all of cyriak's videos, really
that's the second most disturbing thing i ever saw
have you seen DeepDream images yet?
hey guys check this out: natchkebiailia.com plain javascript for implementing terminal
@Natchkebiailia Check this: copy.sh/v86/?profile=linux26
@copy but that one is just matter of sockets to send receive arguments, mine is just javascript without server side at all
Mine is also without a server side
i have few questions about mutation observers. too drunk to try myself. while the observer is executing and i mutate the dom somehow from within the handler, will the observer be called again? or do i have to pause it explicitly? what about other observers? will them be paused too? or will they be executed in queue?
what do you want to do
@SomeKittens I had never expected to see a trippier video than Malfunction
@copy what in the world is this
@copy if it is without server side you are insane... :D
if it is what I think it is then you are a god
@ʞɔᴉN Yes
@copy is God.
truly inspiring
I live with him, can confirm
I made my cats a little house
under the cover is a door ofc.
temporary front
it's adorable
@rlemon <3 can't wait to have one of my own
the back is half open
also I have never seen a cleaner carpet in my life, did you just move in?
for air flow, and easy escape
@ʞɔᴉN almost two months in the house
the house is a 2003 build
original carpets
impressive haha
no kids. easy.
no little ankle biters grinding lollipops and poop into the carpet
no kids here either, but I find that dust tends to collect on the carpet near the walls and it's difficult to vacuum
god dammit
i only have a rug. the floors are all hardwood
I still have to actually vacuum, but the roomba keeps the room clean during the week.
I'll get a roomba, that's an amazing idea
it gets surface crap, and cat hair from 'grouping'
but you need to still vacuum
well, if you have carpet.
all hardwood/tile/linoleum it might work.
I only break out the vacuum when my self-disgust levels have peaked
i don't have one, but previous house owner tried a roomba and it just got caught on jams and scratched up the floor
how does it scratch the floor?
I have it sweet tho. I don't ask the gf to contribute to the mortgage, and she cleans the place.
got me.
she helps with the 'bills', but not the mortgage.
@ʞɔᴉN no
it is gentle.
I've used it on the hardwood
yea.. they don't scratch easily so i can't imagine
@rlemon Is this your cat? youtube.com/watch?v=Md6WqaOh8L0
I wish
my cats are afraid of it
great battery life on that thing
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