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What's the best way to handle a circular model problem in Angular.js? I want to watch for my model value to change, but I also want to watch for when a computed value of that changes so I can change my model value...
consider a datetime string as my model. My computed variable watches for changes and breaks that up into a DateTime object. When that changes I want to update the datetime string.
@EchoLogic Filters?
will look into it. Have never used one before.
they're pretty simple
@EchoLogic React :P
@monners, I've just switched from Knockout to Angular, one JS framework at a time ;)
You chose poorly
eh. It suits my needs.
It's popular to hate Angular
it's far more popular to use Angular
I don't hate angular, I just prefer React :D
I don't think filters are going to work
I have a datetime directive with dropdowns for the date/month/year etc.
I'm not seeing much about filters with ng-options...
!!eat or sleep
@Mosho sleep
but I'm hungry :(
@Mosho Wait, I changed my mind! eat
but I'm tired :'(
2 hours later…
hello m8ts
what are peoples opinoins on using Backbone vs React + ReactRouter?
vs Angular ofcourse
All are usable. React is probably the easiest to use.
is it as robust as angular though?
(im an angular dev)
i like backbone because it allows more control
but i feel like id just end up building angular through backbone
What do you mean by robust?
can you do everything under the sun with it
like you can with backbone or angular
Angular is more batteries included though. With React, you sometimes have to pull in additional libraries for other things.
like what?
Loading of dependencies. (RequireJS, webpack, browserify, etc)
AngularJS also has a pretty decent REST api thingy.
React only does rendering. Which IMHO is better, since it's much simpler.
React's main benefit is that it is much simpler than Angular.
but you have to deal with jsx crap
Why do you think JSX is crap?
totally opinionated, i just find mixing markup with logic jarring
the whole returning XML nodes thing is strange to me
You are already mixing logic with markup in Angular.
It's just that that logic is written in horrible Angular template lang.
Instead of more sane JavaScript.
Happy birthday, @Jhoopins! :D
@dopatraman Also, JSX is a very simple transformation. You can try it out yourself on facebook.github.io/react/jsx-compiler.html
i mean i understand it and all
Another counterargument is that mixing markup and logic keeps things simpler. Less moving parts so to speak.
id just rather keep them separate
angular doesnt mix them, all you do is declare a template in a controller
youre never returning XML from a function
Personally, when I used Angular, I found that my controllers and templates usually end up tightly coupled anyways. Change one, have to change the other.
I don't think I've had that problem with Angular, but I see why JSX is better
iv always found angular very clean and easy to use
@dopatraman Have to add more data to the template sometimes involves adding more logic to the controller. Adding callbacks requires similar work in the opposite direction.
but im trying to understand the react bandwagon
i mean if youre adding more data that usually means what youre displaying also changes
As far I can tell, the React bandwagon is all about simplicity.
so the template needs to change as well
the concept behind templating isnt treated any differently in angular than react
In angular, your template code is written in template-lang (vs React's JavaScript). And is in another file. Just more barriers to making simple changes.
so iv found it easier to make changes to templates in different files
i also find using ng directives like ng-repeat way better than shoving for loops in my template
is that the only plus point you can think of?
You could still use Angular and replace the directives with JSX
React also makes composability really easy.
The performance gains for lists is probably the best reason to use it
night all
i thought about doing that
but it adds an extra step to my build
is it worth it?
Also, there are a lot more stuff than ngRepeat. Angular template-lang can get quite complicated.
@Lalaland thats true
iv had issues with nested directives
which can be a pain in the ass
my coworkers laugh when i say this but
i really dont like facebook, and it influences my choice to use react
I really don't care too much about Facebook's product either.
But they are top of line in terms of developer tooling and open source projects.
Pretty much all of the open source stuff they present is top of the line.
eh i guess thats somewhat valid
!! doge grammar nazi
so grammar nazi
Do you not want to learn?
@phenomnomnominal Pretty sure it's perfectly legal to leave out leading capitalisation and the trailing period if you only post one sentence. I've seen it documented somewhere.
Syntax Error: Unidentified token *
That wasn't javascript.
*Damn it.
someone boot this fool
Thanks :-)
@JanDvorak whats your take on angular vs react?
whats. Never used either, but I've seen enough Angular to know not to use it.
whys this
How about you start using apostrophes?
...how about you calm down
this is an internet chatroom
I'm perfectly calm.
Are you?
@phenomnomnominal angular vs react. thoughts?
We went with angular here because of the familiar mental model for devs coming over from the .NET world
Never tried .NET. Too platform locked-in.
@JanDvorak Supposedly, that's changing now.
We've been using it with TypeScript and it's going well so far. Looking forward to v2.
And C# is actually rather decent. Compared to Java.
Many languages are rather decent compared to Java.
I dare say even Python is.
does Java have closures already?
Java has had closures since the start. They were just really verbose and called anonymous inner classes.
They couldn't close over local non-final variables.
... and Ref<?> is a hack - and it's not even in the language.
I find that closing over non-final variables isn't that useful.
Final is so weak in Java anyways due to the prevalence of mutable classes.
Also, usually you can just make stuff members anyways.
can != should
Another argument would be that after enough experience writing Haskell you can almost live without mutable variables and use an IORef<?> type for the rest :-)
Writing haskell-like code in a language without do notation would just be painful though.
True. But braceless unindented trailing callbacks will do just fine - and you get monad transformers out of monads for free.
Not that Java has braceless, unindented or callbacks :-D
Well, with Java8's new syntactical sugar, anonymous inner classes are at least a lot more usable.
So there's that.
Example? I think I've seen them and it's still ugly.
int sum = widgets.stream()
                      .filter(b -> b.getColor() == RED)
                      .mapToInt(b -> b.getWeight())
Syntax is quite similar to arrow functions in fact.
Looks decent. What if I want to store one?
That is, what's the type declaration?
They are automatically converted to the correct interface.
It's really ugly.
I think the mechanics are that they can be converted to any interface that only has one method.
For example, Runnable.
Runnable blah = () -> System.out.println("OK")
ah. Hacky but it works.
The goal is complete backwards compatibility with anonymous inner classes.
But of course, we get ugly hacks like docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/function/…
Not to mention the issues that arise due to checked exceptions.
Java's three-stage function call overloading resolution is really messy, too. Or did they add a four tier as well?
Don't know. That would probably be something to check the spec on.
does C# have function overloading?
Is it internally messy?
No idea. Haven't really had any problems with it.
By internally messy I mean stuff like "let's first try resolving that with C# 1.0 semantics, if no match try 2.0 semantics, if that fails try 3.5 semantics..." like Java has.
for really "internally messy" stuff peek at the RFC that says how to resolve content encoding for POST requests.
I'm 69% sure there's a "If the document is in quirks mode, ..." somewhere in the spec.
Well, that's the cost of backwards compatibility.
Which Java does do an amazing job at.
Java is like a sausage. May seem decent but don't dare look at how it's made.
Haskell handles backwards compatibility by adding language extensions without touching the core language.
@JanDvorak I think all overloading would be messy in that case. Java resolves overload at compile time according to very well defined spec, which was and still is pretty good.
Because I don't think you can hope for better and still call it overloading. Can you?
> There's no such thing as a spained foolerism.
@Sheepy Clearly we deserve compilers that can read our minds and call exactly the function we want.
In every case.
And this is the closest we can get.
Also, Haskell has some backwards compatibility issues of it's own. One that bit me recently is how much I end up relying on ghc's strictness optimizer.
When I tried to compile my code on an older ghc, I ran into a bunch of stack overflows at runtime.
Solvable issues, but not quite as clean as it would have been if I had used Java.
That's a forwards compatibility issue.
Oops, you are correct.
installed some npm package on a unix machine with sudo...but the package command isn't recognized in the shell prompt
Okay, its worse than I thought...
I did a npm i -g express-generator
it installed fine...
however...npm ls -g --depth=0 gives me empty :(
I don't know. If we talk about how sausage it is made - how a language actually runs - Java is the best that I know of. PHP 4/5 is perhaps the worse, they don't even pretend to have a spec. But I do not know the process of much sausages. Can't claim I have any idea how the database engine optimise my recursive CTE.
how about asp?
det not
Is there a way by which I can find out if an iFrame has finished loading ?
Classic asp use the vb6 core afaik. the language is full of black magic but the engine is relatively simple.
ASP.Net is a modern, well defined VM language like Java.
Good morning
room name has changed to Bread pit. who does this?
@overexchange the tiny little room-name elves I guess
What are the events that are avaialble on iframes ?
too many. what do you want to do?
can i have al ist ?
Q: Detecting when Iframe content has loaded (Cross browser)

David CauntI'm trying to detect when an iframe and its content have loaded but not having much luck. My application takes some input in text fields in the parent window and updates the iframe to provide a 'live preview' I started with the following code (YUI) to detect when the iframe load event occurs. $...

hi all
I have a div containing several selects (4 for example). When user selects a value in select 1, i need to remove selects 2,3,4. When selects a value in select 2, need to remove selects 3,4, ... how can I achieve this? I'm actually tryin like that (but not working) :
//where $(this) is the current select
(all selects are in the same div)
any idea?
@Abhishrek Good luck. I am not aware of such a list.
Q: Can we have an option to disable the new badge & privilege section in the achievements dropdown?

JonasCzAt the bottom of the "Achievements" dropdown, there is a new section displaying the next privilege & badge, similar to the profile page ones: It's nice, but for experienced users I don't really see it being that useful, as it adds clutter to an already packed UI, and hides information which ...

@Sheepy well i am so stupid
there is absolutely a list -_-
is there a smarter way to create images in js? I'm currently creating an element and apply css
canvas, svg
svg is your best bet if you want them to behave like elements, cause you can export an svg image from an editor and use it
and they still mantain the tree and have events
canvas is low level raster image
btw you can convert svg to png or jpg & so on with a canvas... and svg is "vector" image... svg rulezzz :P
@Abhishrek Does that list include, say, dom mutation events or touch events?
@Sheepy nope
I want to intercept when the iFrame url changes
@Abhishrek Then you don't need a full list, perhaps. stackoverflow.com/questions/2429045/…
@CapricaSix thanks !!
can i convert this to regex ? [\s\S]{0,20}$
@JanDvorak anyone else can ?
i need active directory username regex
it's far more popular to use Angular - 7h ago by SomeKittens â–¼

whats that ?
lol what the hell is wrong with the images? jsfiddle.net/6Lxce77L
I mean it is nearly the 3d effect I want
What what is?
People stop staring half complete messages !!!!
@Maurize They seem to like to move infinitely to the left or to the right in a positive feedback loop kind of fashion
@Mathematics I can't help it.. they're mesmerizing (*starring)
@Neil ban such users
@Mathematics I love half-compl
@JanDvorak yeah, seems like the suck. Refrence is here: rleonardi.com/tutorial/design-portfolio Can't figure out whats wrong.
@JanDvorak me to
@Sheepy src will stay same
if you click a link
Don't you just hate it when someone starts a sentence and then doesn't f
though i can simply use a webview (on android and iOS) but I was expecting to have something from native html
inish it and you have to do it for him?
@Neil btw your thing works exceptionally well
@Maurize I guess they don't add to the current position. They just compute the position from how much space there is and where the mouse is.
@Abhishrek what, the library?
yes lol
here is a video
Good morning
good I'm glad :)
I use it myself because it doesn't have any dependencies, just a clean working library
I kinda salvaged it
glad I'm good :-D
Don't change the topic !!
@JanDvorak yeah seems like it only adds offset...
The video kills the material ripple though
you might could change the effect to do a ripple
though i think it expands a div or something, so you'd have to change how it renders a bit
but the rest of the logic would work fine
@Neil the animation is smooth
the ripple is in canvas :P (the canvas overlays the entire thing and then shrinks to form the header then gets removed from dom)
it is just too fast for the video to capture
Now I will have to write a bunch of Objective C & Java to make a seperate webview for cordova
you're going to apply it to other pages then?
that i can place instead of the iframe
@Neil Not to all
just from the main list to the page linked
anyone can quick tell me how I can calculate the opposite value of e.pageX in mousemove event?
Weird gets to next level when you hear a dubstep and read its lyrics
Weird got to the next level when you told me dubstep had lyrics
Wow. Never seen a lyric video for the whole album at once.
Wow. They even sing without apostrophes...
People still listen to dubstep?
Wondering if there's such a thing as classical crossover dubstep
Melodic dubstep is listenable but it's not quite where I'd like.
@JanDvorak Lindsey Stirling
@JanDvorak if you want to unhear it just play datsik calypso
if your headphones are loud enough, you wont be hearing anything for an hour so
Borgore/10 ?
10/10 Borgore.
OK, back to Abba
bing.. really guys?
joking aside, have they improved? Bing was awful at first
@Neil Bing is a great porn search engine.
what makes them great?
@Neil They don't filter
Also, they (still) provide a search API
Which Google does not
So if you need to programmatically search, Bing is your best option.
Hmm, now that you mention it, I was looking for a search engine that I could progammatically search for porn
in Soviet Russia, porn searches for you
Well if people search for porn on Bing and end up on SO, I'm not sure I see the benefit
well damn
What to do when a company ignores unsubscribe requests - change your email to one of theirs: http://t.co/Cs4zVI8Baw
Or just flag them as spam
@roikles Hi Rory, we want to help with this. Would you be able to send us more details to [email protected]?
is it possible to select (3 - 5) elements of a class using jquery ?
if not whats the best way of doing so ?
Not always
@Mathematics *what's. Beware you're crossing into the "not trying" territory about right now.
@JanDvorak i already did, stop keep having a go at me !
Not trying is a kickable offence around here.
@Mathematics Relax
If you've tried something, please tell us what it was.
We don't like to guess and give you solutions you've already tried.
How can I try something I am not aware of exists or not ? :|

by googling ? nothing came up, which is why I asked here
What were your search keywords?
@Mathematics So you haven't tried anything
Also "googling" is trying, what did you search for?
@Mathematics even if you can't see it, we're trying to help you.
The ability to ask questions correctly is equally if not more important than your ability to write code.
i agree

i tried followings,

"jquery selector cheat sheet",
"jquery selector range"
"jquery range element selector"
try "jquery official documentation"
Or "jquery select 5 elements class"
Google is pretty good with vague search terms, don't be afraid to be too specific
Google what you want to do, not what you think the solution might be :)
Has anyone here tired or working with Typescript?
Is it worth learning?
I'm quite tired, yes. :)
Tried *
@RoelvanUden ^
I'm tired of working with TS yes
@StephenWolfe did you tried googling ?
@StephenWolfe Depends on your needs, really.
Oh how I have not missed chat rooms :P
Well I was learning Angular 1 and then realised that 2 is coming out :(
I wanted to use it for the front end of a app I want to build
I've tried the JavaScript subset of TypeScript and it's quite workable.
TS isn't a requirement for Angular2
No but I wondered if its worth learning
From the videos about it it does look quite good
depends. Does your team have more than 90 people?
I just wanted an up to date opinion
My team is just me
My opinion: drop Angular
@JanDvorak lol
My opinion: I can manage my own types just fine, thanks.
I think types are cool
@JanDvorak You meant "drop TS" ? Or really drop Angular ?
Types: agreed, but why drop angular?
Well I am quite a crap an managing my own code
@JanDvorak what you use for binding then ?
so structure sounds good
@Mathematics I don't
two way binding seems to be old news nowadays
Lots of dev roles want ember, angular or something else
Compile-time checks are cool but don't really warrant an extra compilation step. Either it crashes at compile time or at run time.
@Mosho are you for serious ? how would you develop SPA then ?
@Mathematics You don't need data binding for an SPA
@JanDvorak what are they?

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