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little too recursive
Managed to catch it before Wikipedia banned me
@ʞɔᴉN dude.
You're in the bay area
you can do WAYYYY better than TopTal
Is el.querySelectorAll("*") a good way to get all the descendant elements?
Hi everyone..
I have a question. If we using CFS for meteor to upload large files online and when the storing (not uploading ) in done we have to tigger another event, say unzipping a file, then how will we do it. isUpload is not appropriate in this case as file is not stored yet so unzipping won't work. What is the write say to do it on client side. Thanks in advance
@SomeKittens TELL ME
and fuck gun.io by the way, all they is jerk me around
You looking for freelance or full time?
someone ought to come find me and offer me money that's what I think
contract preferably but I'd be ok with fulltime
oh lord
Hired is very good. Got 14 offers last time I tried it (~1yr experience, JS, Angular, Node, bay area)
I think I filled out a hired application once but there was something.. ugh need to check my email
@SomeKittens no fucking way
what was the rest of your resume like, if you don't mind sharing a bit?
er, 12
do you have past projects out there?
not 14
Though all the impressive stuff is from after I did Hired
"The Myth of Equity as Motivation" <-- @SomeKittens
@abhiii5459 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Damn that blog is good
var db = require('app/db');
module.exports = function(id) {
  return db.queryAsync("SELECT thing FROM stuff WHERE id = ?", [id]);
module.exports = function(db, id) { // gotta do this for the sake of transactions, right?
  return db.queryAsync("SELECT thing FROM stuff WHERE id = ?", [id]);
@SomeKittens data sublime theme... soooo not fair :D
@abhiii5459 Thanks! Caught a lot of flack for that one at work (old job, I now work elsewhere).
@ʞɔᴉN gist.github.com/SomeKittens/27e1de387b036925cbeb <- My Hired description at the time.
@AwalGarg Jeff Atwood retweeted me on that one
Haters gonna hate. And the truth will bite :D
Taylor Swift got a makeover I see
@SomeKittens not gonna lie this is still way over my level
all my work worth talking about is under NDA because I've been too lazy to do any open source work
@ʞɔᴉN it's all about how you sell yourself
True enough
Where I work, responsibilities are flexible enough so I guess I can call myself engineering team lead
all of our engineers can I guess haha
Whenever I try to write an "about me" I end up telling how much I hate rules
dammit awal
Yeah, talk about how you used your autonomy to do cool things, how you helped lead, etc
@SomeKittens what about newborns like me
#1 rule us engineers miss - talk about business value delivered, not a list of "Skills"
@SomeKittens for which... I need to write some about me
@SomeKittens also how
> Randall Koutnik is a senior computer science student at Roberts Wesleyan college and enjoys writing about himself in the third person. He likes cats, so long as they satdsafzxghdpoio stay off his keyboard. He’s in the process of starting his own business and can’t believe that people will pay him to make little dots on the screen change.
His hobbies include video games, reading, and botany. Someday, he hopes to own a motorcycle and a space station. His dream car is a tank. Sometimes, he announces “I know you’re listening” to an empty room, which once freaked out his roommate. Some s
kittens I think I made the mistake of asking 80k on my Hired profile
I need to ask 120 before anyone takes me seriously
that was a huge mistake
I asked for 115k, landed 135k
remember - one year of experience
alright I changed it to 130k
I need to ask something so that people take me seriously. All past times someone asked me for work I said "leave pay, what do you want".
@AwalGarg leave money at the doorstep, please do not come inside, please do not disturb me in any way
@AwalGarg I like what I do, but I do it at market value
@SomeKittens knowing your market value is like impossible for me
for some reason I listed my location as Santa Clara, is this important?
(sometimes - a lot of my teaching stuff this year was pro bono as things were going downhill cash-wise for the company)
@ʞɔᴉN meh
holy crap I'm using a pink gravatar as my pic
for the past few days I am feeling like I should get into freelance now or shit my life in college
brb uninstalling, going to become a fisherman
@AwalGarg you're already in college right? I'd just get it done
@AwalGarg Do interesting things
At this point in life, you've got a ton of free time. Do interesting things and everything else will follow
doesn't hurt if you also publish/write about said interesting things
@SomeKittens hmm, that, I have been missing.
Kittens can we hire you as the room career coach?
Star this and upvote all my posts on main and send me all your salary and accept me as your hero if you want kittens to be our room career coach.
@AwalGarg did you pass the toptal screening process?
out of curiousity
@ʞɔᴉN nope
really? why?
@ʞɔᴉN sigh internet. it is like non-existant here.
I'd vote for kittens
Some.. not all
@AwalGarg what about it? did your skype call drop or something?
has anyone here ever created an open-source clone of closed-source software?
my internet connection is pretty poor as well
@ʞɔᴉN internet connection decided to go off for an hour just after the codility session started
@NathanJones clone? maybe not but there's tons of open source alternatives to closed-source software
@AwalGarg oh man that's brutal
@NathanJones why yes, I did
@ʞɔᴉN I never wanted to get into toptal, just wanted to go through a screening process, which I was able to. I am pretty happy.
I was on a skype call for a q&a at a different company and my network kept skipping, it was quite embarassing
@AwalGarg well I'm glad you gave it a shot
@AwalGarg I'm considering starting such a project, but i'm afraid of the possible legal issues.
@NathanJones lol
@NathanJones Just so long as you don't use assets from the original project, you should be good
IIRC there was a Trello "clone" that actually loaded CSS from Trello's CDN. Fail
that's not even taking into account that I'm a mediocre programmer
Morning guys
@ZahidSaeed you would be sleeping in an hour won't you? :-P
@AwalGarg What do you mean ?
@NathanJones Depending on the project, could be a good learning experience
@ZahidSaeed It's 11:30 PM there right?
@AwalGarg Yeah. So ? I don't sleep early :P
noob :P
Noob for what ?
I give up
Then Shut up ! :)
It's a big Spring web app that I'm thinking of reimplementing, but I really don't want to use Java. Maybe Node or Go.
How can a .call method convert NodeList to an array ?
github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2699 stupid windows is blocking node v4 release :(
@NathanJones Pick whichever will learn you the most
@SomeKittens Learn you a Go for great good?
I hear win 10 is decent though
@abhiii5459 I like you
@SomeKittens Haha :D
oh nice, no one's outbid me for netbooks yet
I'm trying to load an angular module after page load, and am encountering some resistance
it seems to not load directives
I register all the shit, then I bootstrap, but directive won't show up with $compile
@SomeKittens how do you think should I write about "interesting" things? Say I put up a blog, what platforms do you think should I promote it on?
help me, douches
I am so offend
And IIRC, Angular doesn't support lazy-loading like that
@AwalGarg maybe codepen if you like to make pretty canvas animations :)
@ʞɔᴉN I don't do anything related to front-end.
@SomeKittens I'm beginning to realize that
but I need it to werk
gotta be registered by the time it bootstraps
you can defer bootstrapping
@AwalGarg Find something interesting, do it, take notes, fill notes out to blog.
@SomeKittens it's registered
@Mosho oh, that's different
JSBin or something?
but everything happens after page load
yeah, I'll make one if I don't get it soon
I'm most familiar with JS, but I don't know if it's a good fit for porting a Spring web app. I've heard Sails.js may be suited to this. Any thoughts?
probably tomorrow
like, it works if I put the directive in index.html
but not using $compile
@ʞɔᴉN Is it the first interview?
I think they just check that you can speak english and your stack
@NathanJones which of those (Node, Sails, Go, etc) interests you the most?
Nothing to worry about
@BadgerCat Did you see the HN thread a while ago about TopTal?
@SomeKittens Node
wanted to hear your impression of that. Seemed entirely people with a bone to pick or TopTal shills.
What about it?
@NathanJones Do that.
@SomeKittens I didn't see it. Link?
mmmm Corona and lime
@BadgerCat Sounds good
@SomeKittens Wow, sure is some salt in that thread
@SomeKittens I didn't have any bad experiences with them, the interviews were pretty smooth and I got hired in about 2 weeks after applying
@BadgerCat Yeah. Pay good? Communication effective?
The pay is great and also the communication.
In my opinion, they care a lot about the community.
@SomeKittens I don't like that codility thing either. I would be sooo much happy if they asked something even remotely related to what a professional dev does IRL code. asking trickery questions doesn't make much sense to me.
I think most people are angry about the codility interview, but you don't even have to get it perfect. I got 100/300 points and still passed.
I got 93 and failed :(
Also, after that you get real interviews and you have to make a mini project. So they check that you can actually deliver.
@AwalGarg Well, you're not exactly an experienced developer
@copy yeah I didn't apply with the intention of getting in anyways :D
actually I should apply once more, it's like a free ticket to the codility thing which is otherwise paid
though I really can't stress enough: Do interesting things
they are different from the ones toptal gives
started c.com/p
Let's check this out then
@ivarni I know I'm late, but I recently did that in express. I'll see if I can grab the code
what's this codility thingie?
function Css(){};
var css = new Css();
css.prototype.test = function(prop){
What's wrong with this code ?
(also: ohai)
It's giving an error of:
"Cannot set property test of undefined"
@FlorianMargaine Seems like a nice amalgamate of coding and agility :D
@ZahidSaeed a lot
@ZahidSaeed everything
@FlorianMargaine What is it ?
@FlorianMargaine Seems like a nice amalgamate of coding and agility :D
hmf... my son is supposed to drink ~180mL for his last bottle before night... he barely drank 70mL and is sleeping... the night's gonna be short :(
@Purag Thanks but I've kind of refactored my way out of the hole I was in :)
What I'm doing wrong ? Any hint @FlorianMargaine ?
last time I had to baby sit, day went full shit
@ZahidSaeed read a tutorial
@ZahidSaeed functions have a prototype property, not targets
Do Css.proto... instead of css.proto...
or do what florian said
@FlorianMargaine we're in France :D
@AwalGarg I changed from css to Css but it's still not working :(
@BadgerCat cool! where?
Any code example please ?
still in germany then :)
Strasbourg is in France, no?
Haha yeah, everyone speaks German here!
For the sake of having it here...
@AwalGarg Got it awal
Thanks :)
    app.get("/", function (req, res) {
    }).get("/logout", function (req, res) {
    	// destroy the user's session via passport

    // for all other routes, delegate to getPage
    }).get("/:page", getPage);
Actually, doesn't even solve your original problem. Heh. But it works for me since the whole app is password protected
> Strasbourg is the capital city of the Alsace region in northeastern France.
hmm, have an old core2duo sitting around. thinking of setting it up as a little server
doooooo eeeetttt
better than my dinky Atom(s)
I have a 32-bit netbook that's useless
core2duo is my main PC atm
@SomeKittens Better than my RPi 1B
Yeah, ARM can cause problems
@Cauterite I feel you. less than an year ago, so was mine
overclocks like crazy though :D
I bid on a lot of 5 netbooks to have my own server farm
yes, yes, make fun of me
but they were cheaper per-unit than a Pi B 2
*makes fun of somekittens*
x86 Atom, 2GB RAM, 160GB HDD > ARM, 1GB RAM, no storage
specs: core2duo, 2 gigs ram, 80gigs SATA HDD, and has an ethernet port which can wire to my router providing ssh access over 100megs lan (even ssh -x feels pretty fast).
@AwalGarg that'll make a fine server
for most uses
what more could a man want
rpi2 is a quad core though
@SomeKittens yeah, any particular OS suggestion?
@copy ah, true
my server's a god damn pentium 4; none of this fancy multi-core business
@AwalGarg I use Ubuntu server since I'm familiar with the Debian ecosystem
I will be using it for compiling stuff, I guess
ah, me too
ubuntu server is nice, I use it
I don't. I don't have a server. I just play with the terminal and try not to fuck everything up
and I have over 1 year of experience in the industry so listen to me guys
@Callum keywords: try, everything
why ubuntu server instead of debian?
If you run Ubuntu as your desktop, it's convenient to have the same environment for a server.
debian doesn't waste enough ram
@copy Can't find benchmarks, that'd be a fun one
@AwalGarg Yeah, kinda uninstalled half of Windows when I failed to partition, causing me to fully upgrade to Linux
@Callum Heroku dodn't work out for you?
how does ubuntu waste ram?
I knew my way around Ubuntu server and didn't want to wast time with config
@SomeKittens @Nick @AwalGarg Ubuntu Server FTW
Very minimalistic
server edition doesn't ship with a desktop
@abhiii5459 very win
I love it for Openstack configs
@Lalaland The hosting account was renabled after a talk with support, as I needed the files from it anyway. Apparently PHP is too inefficient.
server edition doesn't even ship with gcc :(
@AwalGarg So install it yourself
Depends on what libs you choose during installation @AwalGarg
I'm home everybody
hello HOME. I'm Dad.
I am the Darklord
@Callum Hosting account with who?
1 month away from home, now that I go back I feel less comfortable
I think I got too used to the other house
@Lalaland Hostinger - best free hosting I could find that I can run 24/7ish
Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%   2414
  66%   2468
  75%   2504
  80%   2553
  90%   2697
  95%   3460
  98%   3494
  99%   3506
 100%   3515 (longest request)
@KendallFrey shut up kendall
feels like home :))
The number of cat lovers in this room is "two" damn high. (Excluding myself)
Actually I can install ownCloud on it (over ubuntu ofc)
@abhiii5459 I like cats.
@SomeKittens 2.5 second response times, what is this for?
You ruined my pun @Callum
@ʞɔᴉN 250 concurrent requests against my Atom-powered server
callum ruins everything :(
@ʞɔᴉN Not my fault your Mum came in on us :s
lock the door next time
@Callum Is it a full VPS? Or PHP only?
@Lalaland Just general web hosting.
So PHP only.
wait, what? 15.04 runs on 32-bit CPUs?
If we're posting current playlists,
me 1 month after family vacation
@Callum Well, if you want some actual non-shitty PHP hosting, I can give you an account on the stargazer server.
css.prototype.apply = function(prop, element){
	for(i in prop){
		element.style.i = prop[i] + "px";
	"left": this.parentNode.offsetLeft,
	"width" : this.parentNode.offsetWidth
}, this);
Since that server sees like no load.
I'm trying to test something out
But why .style isn't working ? :P
And yes, 15.04 does work on 32-bits o.O
@abhiii5459 for some reason I thought they had abandoned that branch
woo, server #2 going up soonish!
No, I'm not crazy
why would you say that?
@Lalaland I'm currently just porting it to JS, There's no reason for it not to be in JS to being with, to be honest.
Any ideas ?
@ZahidSaeed you're not using dynamic properties
line three
PSA: if you see the following user, ignore his "offers":
@SomeKittens How do I do it ?
@ZahidSaeed Is that copypasta code?
element.style.[i] gives a syntax error :P
because that's bad syntax
@SomeKittens Totally not !
because you're doing it right elsewhere in the snippet
As I said I was just experimenting :P
specifically, on the exact same line: prop[i] + "px";
@SomeKittens So how do I solve this issue ?
Google "Bracket notation JavaScript"
@SomeKittens I read but couldn't find the way to do it
They just explained
I can lead you to water, but I can't duct tape a hose to your mouth.

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