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(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。 ᵀᴴᴱ ᴳᴬᴹᴱ
is it " extendable " or " extensible " ?
@catgocat my extensible part is extendable
It's also either expendable or expensive
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
so... praying mantises have extendable mandibles?
and extensible seems to be related to functionality
mantises are cool
got a news update: reporter and camera man killed during live report by gunfire. It's been a while i have heard about gun problem in USA
what on earth is wrong with these guys, - https://kevin-brown.com/select2/examples.html

all i want is a single search box with search --- so that I could search and select a single value
i don't want it to act like dropdownlist with search box
I want it to act like google suggestion box
Then make one?
@Cereal reinvent the wheel ? just because they didn't put it right, i rather try to find it
Sometimes: time spent to find it > time spent writing it yourself
If I don't find a library that exactly fits my needs within 5 minutes, I write it myself
JS is immensely used, if the library isn't findable instantly, it probably doesn't exist
Or doesn't exist in the form you want it to
select2 is bloated to the point where it ships with its own amd module
Rule #35: If you can think of it, there's probably a javascript library with that name.
@ivarni i don't understand that :S
it's probably 250-300 lines with react or riot to make a basic minimal typeahead
@Mathematics Then you want an autocomplete, not a select box.
Look at the name...
@BenFortune true, let me search
@catgocat Nothing in that index. The last one is:
[rules](http://rules.urbanup.com/3739087) A list of random crap that people who call themselves 'authorities' or 'authoritative' such as teachers, parents etc. These 'rules' just state things these 'authoraties' wish you would listen/do. But its a free country, so really, you could break every single 'rule' you want to. (except normally there's a punishment like...idk going to jail for...life)
@ivarni Can probably do it in react with less than 100
@JanDvorak hehe
Why is rule 34 called rule 34?
@catgocat why would it be something else?
internet rule bro
@FlorianMargaine If there is a rule 34 why isn't there a rule 33
some people likes it ... eh
So much love for this
you can do the research why it got called as "rule 34"
@catgocat there is.
i believe that there's a list on urban
this is what I needed...


surprisingly in past I looked at it
So, any mongo pros here? Is there a way to "group" a collection by a given size? Eg: Orders.find({}, { sort: { orderedAt: -1 }, group: 28})
but don't know why i didn't selected it
34. There is p*** of it, no exceptions. 35. If no p*** is found of it, it will be made.
I think they contradict eachother
the internet rule list just vary, dependent of the author who wrote it
@catgocat Not logically
how is that @KendallFrey
but there is some consensus on known rules, like 34
@catgocat We are all adults here. You can use the word "porn".
@catgocat rule 35 shouldn't exist if rule 34 were really true, but they don't contradict each other
@catgocat Let me ask you this: where is the contradiction?
There is no logical contradiction.
Rule 34 basically says P. Rule 35 says if ~P, then Q.
in fact, rule 34 implies rule 35
@JanDvorak No it doesn't.
Rule 34 makes rule 35 useless.
Since porn will exist, there will never be an opportunity to make it due to it not existing.
this world is just a small place, you are all not my friends, wow !
vacuously true, not useless
@Lalaland actually it does
If there is a rule 34, then the rule 35 will have no real application.
if P then Q -> P
@catgocat Yep.
where P is 35 and Q is 34
Rule 34 was originally "If there's no porn of it, it doesn't exist"
Not a contradiction, but rule 35 is useless.
Where are you getting this shit from?
Rule 34 states that it exists, no exception. So all the things, that porn could be made of, have already been done.
do I need css for typehead ?
an implication is said to be vacuously true if its antecedent is never satisfied
@JanDvorak oh seriously
"The sun does not exist, therefore George Washington is made of rakes."
@Mathematics P -> Q -/> ~P -> ~Q
!!youtube how logical are you
"if the Eiffel tower is in London, it's made out of plywood" is true
my brother asked me "is ET a good movie" ...
@JanDvorak No.
@JanDvorak It's also consistent with "If the Eiffel Tower is in London, it's made out of brownie sundaes."
@Lalaland Yes
@Lalaland yes
Conceivably, someone could move the Eiffel tower to London.
@Lalaland It's not if the tower could be moved there, it's if it is there
@Lalaland then it would remain true as long as they turn it to plywood while moving it
(retried twice; does anyone else have connection problems to the chat?)
not atm
But if the Eiffel Tower was made out of plywood it would already be in London, no?
What are some good canvas learning resources? @rlemon @towc
@BenCraig MDN
@BenCraig @Loktar
@BenCraig I also used html5canvastutorials.com
Morning everyone!
Or whatever time of day it is where u are :P
D: no why?
@TheMuffinCoder as much as hell is
I basically have nothing to do at work for my last 3 days, so I decided Id learn some new stuff
I used it initially just to get the basics, then purchased a actual book
we will have none of that.
@BenCraig read the POSIX specification instead (reason: I am doing it too, and it makes me feel like a pro)
lol okay
Im sorry that im a javascript pleb ; - ;
you'll get better once you start using good resources
w3schools is not one of them
:P i already did I purchased books
also howdy peeps
Hey rlemon
Just to know more, why is w3schools so bad?
posting w3schools here is like opening the gates of the hell
it is wrong, inaccurate, not correct, outdated, ...
@TheMuffinCoder non-existent / inconsistent indentation
ah i see
A: Can we ban links to W3Fools now, please?

PëkkaW3Schools is a garbage web site, designed to rank high in search engines in order to show people ads. The site demonstrates that the quality of the actual content is entirely secondary to that goal. Its PHP MySQL tutorial contains a SQL injection hole to this day, at least since 2006. It is like...

lol i only go there to use the color picker for hex values xD
@TheMuffinCoder use Gimp...
@TheMuffinCoder they use document.write. In better cases, alert
they're paying google to become as one of the first results after google search
@TheMuffinCoder Use chrome then, it's built into the devtools now
@AwalGarg whats that?
@JanDvorak lol i do but then im too lazy to wait for it to load up
@TheMuffinCoder Have you even seen the example page for PHP arrays? Atrocious.
:P i dont use PHP
wait wait is codecademy also a bad place? D;
@TheMuffinCoder either use devtools or this
Let's just say PHP is bad, but not that bad.
@TheMuffinCoder in short, their examples and information is sometimes wrong or incomplete. They also show a crapload of bad practices. For a beginner this is a huge problem because you don't know what is good and what is bad, so you have to assume it is all good then you fall into the traps they set (i.e. leaking globals, not understanding how listeners work, etc) and you write bad code
@KarelG Love this, it's great for making material palletes
@BenFortune LOL I know that about the bad practices
Took me a long time to relearn everything and do stuff the proper way
@TheMuffinCoder and yet you say it's a nice place to go. Are you trying to harm others?
@KarelG thx for site, bookmarked it :D
@JanDvorak D: i wasnt trying too... please forgive me Im a victim of w3schools
Let's get @TheMuffinCoder and @Codepenisbetter together.
; - ; guys im sorry
do u guys forgive me
if you block w3schools from your search results, yes
@TheMuffinCoder As soon as you learn to use apostrophes, we might.
@rlemon my yeast starter fermented over night, and I poured it into the main batch... if it doesn;t start bubbling in the next couple of days, I'm gonna dump it and start over
dude, wtf guide are you following
LOL there's a extension for that
that isn't at all how I showed you or told you
Yes, I know. I fucked it up so I made a yeast starter to maybe fix it
yeast only needs to be 'started' for 15 minutes in warm water.
not over night.
No, that's to activate it
creating a yeast starter is different
it gets going in the carboy
there is sugar, and water
both things it needs to thrive.
1 hour in the carboy and it is started
you can create a yeast starter outside of the carboy, in a flask. It's just creating a mini batch of the stuff, but with tons of sugar
I followed good instructions on it
But anyways, if it fails, I have to start over
@Nick You're making meth wrong.
step 1) put sugar in juice
step 2) put juice in carboy
step 3) add yeast (dry or wet)
step 4) put on airlock
step 5) wait.
this can't fail ^
not sure why you'd want to complicate it any further
I'll do it this way from now on...
not sure where it went wrong
if you want clear cider you can add a clearing agent when you put the juice into the carboy
different people recommend different stuff.
nah, I don't care if it's clear
had to google "yeast starter"
Well, I never claimed to be smart
i do it differently
second time's the charm
@KarelG From reading posts, I think yeast starters are generally for saving a brew, or generally for higher gravity beers
i just buy my beer from the stores
I just searched for "js array" and MDN came up first instead of w3schools :)
Try Incognito
google tracker ;)
mdn shows ups as first at me too because i have visited it often
@Nick why ? :p
aww, you're right :(
some needs to file a "right to be forgotten" request on behalf of w3schools.
Btw, it is the Linux Kernel's 24th birthday today!
Lol i got that extension and i dont see w3schools anymore xD
oh sorry
D: I can't edit it anymore... T.T
Jan is picky; you can ignore him
Oh okay, thanks!:D
If element A and B are ajacent, when mouse drag leaves A for B, which of the following events will be triggered first: dragleave event of A, dragenter event of B?
how do you unzip files on a mac? all I get when I double click on zip file is a zip.cpgz
@Nick no
Don't worry Jan, I truly appreciate the corrections!
I need to improve my grammar :P
We all do.
@ZhengquanBai Why don't you test it?
fxking timeouts
So, with electron, can you essentially eliminate the division of client and server? It's making everything a pain in my project...
@JanDvorak I tested it. Firefox, chrome, IE all behave the same. dragenter first, then dragleave
Wait guys, will I receive hate for using jsfiddle?
We appreciate jsfiddle
Oh okay phew
Unless you paste PHP code in
@JanDvorak here's the code to test with: jsbin.com/weciyafako/edit?html,css,js,console,output
xD You can't do that
PHP wouldn't run :P or would it?
Lol I remember seeing something like code pen is better than jsfiddle
@BenCraig I mainly learnt from looking at people's code and asking them questions
Otherwise mdn and html5rocks are good ;)
@TheMuffinCoder they both have their advantages
@towc okay - thanks!
seriously. @Loktar taught me everything I know
I just vamped from him
And I got most of my basics from @rlemon so...
so the summary is, we're all where we are because of @Loktar
:bows to his Canvas god:
the crazy guy comes and highfives the bowers
so I have Ubuntu setup such that ctrl + alt + t gives me Terminator and not konsole or w/e the default is
how do I change "open in terminal" from the context menu to launch the correct emu
@rlemon keyboard shortcuts
really? odd place for it
@OliverSalzburg really?!
@FlorianMargaine you realize I'm not talking about the shortcut, rather the context menu option
@rlemon same
not the same
@rlemon ah, maybe not.
ctrl + alt + t opens one, open in terminal opens another
@rlemon look up "ubuntu terminal alternative"
I want the windows cmd on linux
@Cereal Lol someone just posted something about that in the game dev chat xD
@rlemon hahah
I feel like a shit head now because I don't do anything with canvas anymore
changed org.gnome.desktop.edfault-applications.terminal but it didn't change
I'll try re-logging
@Loktar I hardly do as well, but I made that bokeh. Just pick something silly like that that you can knock out relatively quickly
@Nick yeah right now I'm actually converting my game engine to es2015 making it all class based
so I guess I kind of lied I'm doing something
just not making cool demos
@Loktar nice. I've made parts of a game engine over and over again... I never finish it...
@SomeGuy the change begins. Delhi university instructed all MCA courses to start using Linux with GCC henceforth. Hopefully comes to BCA (my course) within this decade.
@Loktar I made this camera system once upon a time: codepen.io/ndugger/details/GJZbKj
@Loktar Anything to do with JS13k?
@AwalGarg Haha, that's nice
We use gcc too
@Loktar JEST?
@rlemon yea
going to rename it though
@Loktar so will you rename it JES6T ??
@SomeGuy I remember that, lucky bastard ;-D
@SomeGuy I think its too big for the js13k :(
but I want to make something for the js13k
:D do it!
You really should
You haven't participated even once!
This my entry for the j13k so far
@SomeGuy I know I'm a loser. The thing is I have an idea even!
You better do it, then!
I'm thinking of making one last minute too
we have until the end of sep right?
@Loktar Your camera is always centered on the player, though. You don't have it stop at the edge of a map :(
You have till sept 13
@Nick not in that one, in one of my demos from 2010 it does
Oh, ok, cool
I think that one does idk, thats totally unfinished and old as shit
@Loktar I like how men can't pass through walls but men can pass through other men.
Having my camera stop at the edges of the map was really hard; I mean, the code is simple, but It took me a while to wrap my head around the logic
@AwalGarg lol yeah I was working on that for a previous job
wait @Nick this one does somethinghitme.com/projects/canvaszom
I remember I did it at some point
basically I just have the player locked and then I unlock them when the map hits the edge
until the pass over the threshold again to lock them
Huh, I do the opposite. I lock the camera on the player unless it hits the threshhold
!!afk standup
I don't even have a true camera in any of mine
it would be better to
sept 13th, thats a stretch @TheMuffinCoder thanks for the info though
I think I could finish my idea by then though
@Loktar np :D
hah thats awesome
Thanks! :D
Hey Loktar, have any recommendation on how I can improve it?
is there anything wrong with this query?
Still have lots of room to add stuff
@TheMuffinCoder That's kind of fun!
  cards: {
    $exists: true,
    $where: 'this.cards.length<28'
:D Thanks!
The platform physics feel a little odd, but it's fun
I still have to improve my monster spawning and their death animations
o.O so much left to do
I'd love to make a game, but I never have any inspiration or ideas
Got half-way through a tower defence game then gave up
A* is fun
@FlorianMargaine Yes. Sorry, I'm in a rush and couldn't post better details :P
@OliverSalzburg the project is abandoned tbh
last commit was 2 years ago...
Yeah, I gave it two tries since you mentioned it once. Never had the desired outcome :(
Q: Is there a JavaScript console limit in WebKit?

ArchimedixI want to limit the memory or the number of entries in the JavaScript / Web Inspector console. Is it already limited somehow (except by available and accessible memory)? If not, is it possible to just clear out the oldest entries in the console log while retaining newer ones, i.e. something lik...

This guy wants to keep his app running, logging all the time
And he's wondering if there are memory repercussions...
How about not logging debug info in production apps, or enabling the log when you're looking for a bug? io.O
There might not be if he can pipe the log values into a file. :P
seems legit
@RoelvanUden: He's talking about keeping his app running for days
Depends on how much you log, how many objects and other big stuff you log, for how long... if an app is running for days, weeks or longer (you could just switch the computer to standby and resume work), without being restarted, or if we log more data, it may be significant enough. And 10,000 is not much... think 100,000, or 1,000,000. — Archimedix 4 mins ago
I think "You're doing it wrong" applies here o.O
@Cerbrus Sure.. but if you pipe it into a file you're just constraint to HDD space.
Logging isn't necessarily bad. I don't know the situation, though.
Good luck doing that with JS
I know
Uhm.. console.log = function() {} that appends to a write stream :P
how about "make your own logger that dumps into the console on request"?
This guy is specifically talking about console.log, though
Programming is magic, and Stack Overflow is like hogwarts.
@Cerbrus In QT. Is it piped into a QT thing? Possibly.
It's an embedded thing so I can imagine that being the case.
I don't know QT
@RoelvanUden Phantom definitely captures it somehow
Yeah, exactly, hence I don't know the situation, but it's not necessarily bad.
@Cerbrus logging regularly will negate any memory savings a custom logger will achieve
@JanDvorak Except that you'll be sending the logs to the hard drive instead of the memory
@JanDvorak loggers aren't a memory-intensive thing
@ssube the chrome console is, though
Nah guys we have to use the IE8 console >:^)
IE8 is a myth.
just like dry land.
That's it. I'm calling you a troll.
lol IE8 is pretty much dead
I only use FF and Chrome :P
It doesn't matter if IE8 lives, it oficially dies in february
we get to drop support for it in our software when MS kills it
:D wait so will there be worldwide celebrations!

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