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@rlemon Yet @Lalaland is right - it's a good middle ground. Especially if you have one writer.
@Zirak rlemon is afk: driving home
Why did you ping me :O
Because he loooves you.
!!afk moving closer to @Loktar
are you gonna cuddle?
can I get some help with getting my jquery ui autocomplete to work in codepen.io/Feners4/pen/ZGZORX
@feners if you have a time machine to 2008 for sure!
wait you're using angular and JQUI, I didn't expect that
i know this is what has me stumped
getting both to work together..
@Loktar or is this just wrong and unnecessary?...
@rlemon sorry i was out, did you figure out the sort bug?
@CSᵠ rlemon is afk: driving home
Can anyone suggest me a good, reliable nodejs module for multithreading? I have tried WebWorker Threads but didnt work well enough.
@Lalaland It can change after its creation
@RahulDesai Sounds like XY. What do you need multithreading for?
@copy So can arrays.
making a lvl 20 Changeling Bard/Psion (4e). He's trixy
@Lalaland But they don't, usually
And most NodeLists don't change either.
The whole idea of live NodeLists is also poorly done.
It definitely is
I need it for generating screenshots of various websites in a loop.

Something like:
for(url in obj){
// generate screenshot using thread
@RahulDesai And why threads?
@RahulDesai Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
The only purpose for NodeList should be to perform sequenced DOM operations. It should basically function as if it were jQuery
@RahulDesai You can also simply use multiple node processes.
Or use Python
Seriously though, why not include something like NodeList.prototype.addEventListeners
Pool(processes=4).map(process, website_list)
@Ṣhmiddty I hate your name
I thought it was a speck of dust
Or perhaps a dead pixel? ;)
This is only 6 weeks old, I'd be TICKED if a pixel died
@SomeKittens Just having it in the for loop didnt work for me. Let me tell you what issue I faced.
just darn right ticked off?!
But yeah, it's intentionally trolly
and semi-defensive
protects against lazy ping
So, I am using Pageres to generate screenshots in the for loop. While not using multiple threading, I get this error:
{ [Error: QEventDispatcherUNIXPrivate(): Unable to create thread pipe: Too many open files in system] noStack: true }
So, that error sounds to me like you're opening too many files at once.
I figured creating a thread for each screenshot grabbing task would solve the problem.
Googling that error message reveals that this problem has absolutely nothing to do with threads
What research did you do before deciding on threads?
Thats my bad.
During the loop, it generates multiple files like: californialifescience.com.png.d0ed44656c804acc1a1666e745f6cbb1 So I guess this is an open file.
If the loop completes successfully, the file gets renamed to californialifescience.com.png
There is one file for each URL, as expected, if it doesnt run into an error like that one.
@Lalaland How do I do that?
Create a bash script.
Which calls your program like 100 times with different lists of urls.
Simple, but effective.
Or you could even use JS itself.
I see.
@Lalaland How in JS?
It doesn't sound like this would resolve his problem though
@RahulDesai Why don't you try closing your files?
That's probably the real problem.
Not sure how to close it. Let me check.
I dont see anything in Pageres docs about it. :(
in case if i don't appear within 3 days, then i'm probably in hospital. Currently eating a yoghurt which is 3 days overdue. bon appetit
How about if I try that with IIFE??
@RahulDesai What would change?
@RahulDesai Just manually start multiple node processes.
That's the simplest solution.
Split your list into multiple parts, and feed each part to a different process.
@SomeKittens I have no idea, man.
@Lalaland That's not his issue
@RahulDesai Sounds like you need to spend some more time researching.
His issue is that he is running out of open files per process.
@SomeKittens I've done quite a bit of trial and error so far.
One simple solution is to simply use more processes.
(Or close the files)
Jul 21 '12 at 16:38, by Esailija
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads," and then two they hav erpoblesms.
man, that's a blast from the past
did you have bookmarked that ?
you have a weird brain
I might be one of the only people who actually knows how to find shit in the so chat search
it is atrocious
There's a search :OOOOO
He scraped the whole thing into Elasticsearch
dude, I could
but that would take SOooooooooo long
See, this is why I want a server
will an RPi really handle that?
@SomeKittens Some time ago I did something like that. But then got bored and gave up. It's not too hard.
You just need to wade through the boredom of scraping
I like writing them
problem I have is what to do once I have the data
@rlemon ಠ_ಠ
I'm a data hoarder
@Zirak I built a framework to do it for me
Dump it to a cheap sqlite db, dumb that into a csv, publish csv periodically. Await.
@SomeKittens why wouldn't it? just get a large and fast enough sd
If you give me that csv dump I'll make some graphs.
@Zirak I have a weeks star data for 6 rooms + sandbox
not unstar data sadly.
I discarded that
@Zirak did you see what Copy and I made over the weekend hint:not babby
but now I wish I hadn't
@rlemon Link plz
@SomeKittens Nope, what'd you do?
no timestamps either.
basically it is just who starred what
@Zirak He's built a honeypot, and sent the logs to me via ZMQ, I interpreted them in realtime to graphs
@rlemon ~_~ you're worthless. There isn't even who's the author of the starred message.
Unfortunately it's not terribly interesting if no one's attacking
@Zirak that can be collected later.
in fact, I have that data already
I have scraped the star list for those rooms
that means I have to go get my laptop
wait till my beer is done
@SomeKittens Cool!
@Zirak Yeah, was a lot of fun to put together my side of things
@copy ^^
> 900MHz quad-core
that just feels funny to read
rpi2 is decent.
I haven't had luck finding an os I like on it
but it's ARM
but that is another story
@SomeKittens Yep, need more servers and handlers
@rlemon Debian and/or derivatives don't work?
@copy What are you using for servers? Hosting somewhere? Your own colo?
Very cheap VPS
@SomeKittens I mostly want it for a small server to host node processes, but I also would like to be able to launch a de so I can netflix while working out
wasn't a fan of openelec or kodi
kodi was laggy as shit for me
Ah, all I'd want is terminal
yea, I really wanna netflix while working out in the basement
I can mount a tv on the wall, just need something to connect it to
@SomeKittens You need CPU power though, right
@Zirak do you want consolidated data (summed)? or raw?
is there a migration plan yet? or are they still like "fuck you angular1, you gotta re-write it all"
^ also curious about this
@copy Right, and I'm skeptical of ARM's ability to run all the things
@rlemon switch to the new router effectiveui.com/blog/2015/04/20/…
@rlemon dude, do you even news, bro?
They just announced migration plan details the general plan has been out for a while
tl;dr you can mix 'n match components from 1 & 2
I still probably will never use angular
@ApathyBear Angular 1 for now, it'll be around for a while. Angular 2 is neat but still very early
but do yourself a favor and learn all the ES6 you can
@ApathyBear doesn't interest me to write my front end that way
does angular 2 have a virtual dom?
@SomeKittens word, thanks for the advice
I like react/flux combo .. :(
but they all laugh me out of the coffee shop
@SomeKittens Maybe not enough power for you, but there are x86 boards like this: minnowboard.org/meet-minnowboard-max
@copy I've already got two netbooks with Atom processors
I've considered using them until I hit scaling issues and then buying a server
Well, but this thing would be quiet, small, energy-efficient and not catch fire after 5 days of computing digits of pi
Just throwing ideas out there
I'd ask Mysticial in the lounge, he's got the record for most digits of pi calculated
maybe not the current record, but he has a record
ooh but that has gigabit ethernet
my router doesn't
@Zirak PING
@Loktar @towc
@SomeKittens I want to have a go at writing a Component decorator that does the old angular1.x directive definition stuff
so we can just import the new one when it comes along
Are you in TS aready?
yeah have been all along
TypeScript, not TeamSpeak
I'll try TS on my next project. Also because of completion
I like it now
I don't trust you, you used to like Coffeescript
I still like CoffeeScript
but I only ever liked the things that are in ES6
I still don't trust you
@copy My side of things was written in TS (save for the frontend)
how can i include html tag inside $scope.message ?
@SomeKittens How's it? (usefulness of error messages, compile speed, …)
Compile speed is not perfect but reasonable - subsecond. I paired with Nodemon and things worked splendidly
Error messages were meh. It's too strict (for instance, will error on including a module that you don't have definitions for).
autocomplete was very nice
I found I use the types all the time when writing a library and rarely when writing actual code
so the type-optional stuff was nice
knowing I passed things to a library incorrectly was also nice and saved debugging time
I'm having $scope.message = "Hello World";
inside it i want to write HTML so as to be $scope.message = "Hello World <a href="url">URL</a>"
in doing so, it types the html which is not what i want
er, that's correct
Flow types also work quite well.
it's very hard to put HTML from a variable onto the page with Angular, deliberately so.
@SomeKittens It'll be useful when refactoring
Oh, absolutely.
I built Gustav (Node Realtime ETL) in TS and it was very useful when I was shifting everything around.
so there's no straightforward way to do it?
@copy it's awesome for refactoring
and also having unit tests in TS is awesome too. I've never had tests break from type errors before, so it was particularly nice.
I'm on my 30th day sober.

not in a row or anything, I'm talking total.
TIL rlemon suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome.
(As 30 days is way less than 280)
That joke, like all my "jokes", sounded way better in my head.
Morning guys
I have question related to jQuery AJAX
success: function(data){
	var self = add_purchases;
Check this code out
theonion.com/article/… I never looked at it that way before...
I want to pass the returned data in another method of my custom object
But the problem is, it's type is as string
And I want to add a click event to each of the data
Do I have to reference again to them ?
Even self.handleSuggestions(data) doesn't work
Any solution ? :P
or what I'm doing wrong ?
@ZahidSaeed Make an example JSFiddle

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