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if 1 million people have two, and one person has three, the average is >2 (albeit slightly)
Well, I suppose if you have 3, it does raise the average slightly
I've got a mole in just the right place to be a third nipple
so idk
I've got tons of moles elsewhere though
the average person has 1.93 eyes and 2.05 nipples?
@Luggage something like that
The average person also has 1 testicle
pretty sure it is lower than one
some men have 1 or none
I was approximating like all good statisticians
The chrome store has been updated.
Remember there are more males born than females
Update you're extensions if you want the better UI: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/star-gazer/…
@Lalaland you know extensions auto update right?
No more stupid expanding on hover.
can I have 7 legs and 23 arms?
@Nick Yes, but it won't be cheap
slick cap
knock knock
who's there?
capslock who?
Cap's locked me in the bedroom again, the dirty whore.
capslock ur mum
!!> Math.sqrt(eval("evil".split('').map(function(l) { return l.charCodeAt(0) }).join('+')))|0;
@rlemon 20
^ keycode for Capslock
My favourite conspiracy is this
convert the mark of the beast to ternary (base 3), then find the steam game with that id
skip the dawkins part, tyson is very funny.
@KendallFrey do it for me, I'm lazy
something's launching
I was just about to listen to a podcast with bill nye about GMOs
What's launching/why?
Launching satellites
@Nick fuck if I know, just saw it in Twitter
France has a space program?
It's European in general; commercial
do they use Wine for rocket fuel?
and cheese
cheese is their solid fuel, and wine for the liquid fuel
@rlemon ESA
hrm, I know you can use meat for a solid rocket fuel.
I wonder if you could use cheese
it's got lots of fat, fat burns well
but would it just melt and run out?
I'm more concerned about solid->liquid under mild heat
good question, but you could probably burn it fast enough that it wouldn't make a mess
rocket fuel is too easy to make for what it is
so are molotov cocktails
lots of ways to become a home terrorist
can it melt steel beams?
your mom's body can melt steel beams
she melted my steal beam last night
at least, by the time she was done, it was all silver and drippy
people were running around screaming
@KendallFrey people were running around steaming (source)
did you forget protection?
Of course not. McAfee, the very best
They told me to use protection. McAfee told me not to use a Trojan. Now I have kids. :(
Well if there's one thing that will stop you from having kids, it's having kids.
You could put pretty much any guy on the left hand side.
Nope, Bernie Sanders; 100%
Bernie Sanders; Ski trip
@Lalaland Nope. Most of em aren't 100% thick with the nectar of adopted ski-birds.
He also knows Alex
@Nick Nope! Chuck Testa
@Nick I think I missed your point.
@ssube Pine Tree Apple Orchard opening weekend! Have you ever gone? Might be a bit far for you
@KendallFrey countdown finally started
woo countdown is resuming
fuck you
fuck me?
> Buddy The Elf (write-in) and Lindsey Graham (Republican), none of whom – unlike Deez Nuts – received any support whatsoever in PPP’s North Carolina poll.
omg I saw Tay Zonday being a mission controller
@Nick It's about 30 minutes away, actually.
I used to go there all the time as a kid
I'm gonna go this weekend and pick up cider
The lady friend is going to be over tomorrow, not sure what time. Might swing by.
@KendallFrey I think that was a woman
@ssube They do all sorts of stuff in the fall; hay rides and I think they do a corn maze
holy balls dat twr doe
that rocket was fast as fuck
@Nick hm.
@Nick that's what I said
@KendallFrey I don't speak your fancy smart people language
do u even kerbal bro
only like twice
those are lies; he never refills the icecube trays
Donald Trump once fired a bird because its family migrated to Mexico for the winter.
I apostrophe too much. :(
Bernie Sanders will make Anime real
Hmm, I wonder who is the most prolific starrer.
SELECT count(id), user_name from stars group by user_name order by count(id);
@Lalaland That's been done years ago
Top 10:
16|Awal Garg
9|Marco A.
7|Ben Fortune
7|Roel van Uden
oh, wait, got that backwards
Perhaps we should do this like Google does.
People who star the most have their stars worth the least.
Highly starred people have more weight.
@Lalaland keeping in mind I've also been staring crap stuff I normally wouldn't for my own testing
can confirm
I already posted that
it was even starred
But one of those stars was php_purest.
greg posted it first
well fuck you again then
new MutationObserver(parser).observe(chat, { attributes: true, subtree: true });
function parser(obj) {
	obj = Array.isArray(obj) ? obj.shift() : obj;
	if (obj.attributeName === 'class' && obj.target.classList.contains('always')) {
		var id = $(obj.target).parents('li,.message').get(0).id.split(/-|_/g)[1]
		console.log(id); // new visible star. Someone added a new star, or loaded more content on the page and a star existed there, or they 'show more' on the star list. This catches it all.
@Lalaland his stars are worth -10 stars
@Lalaland BTW, this works
no more polling ( big thanks to @AwalGarg for helping me with this )
ima go fly to mars nobody likes me
Don't worry Ken, we're all just on our periods
my brain must be too
on an unrelated note, my eyes are bleeding
get that checked out
checking out is for plebs
I pull
I fork
I forked yer merm
@KendallFrey it's not that we don't like you.. it's just that.. you shoudl take some sunscreen.
Fun fact: sunscreen makes terrible on the spot lube.
@Trasiva yea I never thought about the french influence
> Shopping Centre d’Achats.
> jail but centre
so does taco bell hot sauce
we have this kinda crap everywhere.
Brits don't use gaol anymore do they?
@rlemon Yea, most Canadians it seem kinda just ignore the French side of things. With good reason to be fair.
Unless they're from Quebec, then they're just French cunts.
Fuck Quebec
If I have to read french everywhere, those fuckers should be putting english on their crap
makes me so salty that they can just break the law and no one gives a shit
I have a secret to tell you guys.
if you are from Quebec, there are lots in here from there
you're a jquery-sexual?
You know what's great? Being in Quebec, having some asshole saying rude things because I'm American in French, and then telling them, in French to fuck off with that crap.
I don't hate on the people, but the entire province.
Did you know that the top 10% contribute more stars than the bottom 75% combined! Down with the 10%!!
@Lalaland for a long time I was the most starred user :P that was a nice run
now I don't know, the leaderboard hasn't been resurrected yet.
get out of here, Trump
@rlemon Dude, that whole area sucks. I hated it. I won't go back, unless it's with a nuke strapped to my chest.
ohh DOWN with the 10%
@Luggage Go home, yer drunk Luggage.
I have a really interesting (=confusing) issue regarding dynamically created iframes and media queries: https://jsfiddle.net/ad5t13vd/ (Chrome/Chromium only)

If someone has the time and ability to solve this, he/she shall be recognised as the king of javascript in my eyes. I figured it's way too specific to post on SO as a question.
i am home now
Hi home, I'm Kendall
@MarttiLaine specific questions are better than "how do I jQuery"
I got nothin'
@KendallFrey Did you just...dad joke in SO?
@Lalaland Firefox one updated?
so... the girl in my pic is staying in a place with no wifi other than the one from an account based connection from a bar, which doesn't even work. She still can get messenger texts, just not download images or load any sites. So I wrote her a text-encrypted images to canvas images so that she could see the pics I sent her with me writing in a string all the rgb values :D
Ain't I a romantic sweetie? XD
I'm such a nerd...
@Callum Nah. I guess I should.
Firefox has a much more annoying process.
here's the shitty program btw:
javascript: var raw = prompt('insert text').split(':'),values=[],maxX=raw[0].split(',')[0],maxY=raw[0].split(',')[1],x=-1,y=0;
for( var i = 0; i < raw[1].length; i+= 6 ){
  values.push( parseInt(raw[1].substring(i,i+2),16),parseInt(raw[1].substring(i+2,i+4),16),parseInt(raw[1].substring(i+4,i+6),16),255 );
document.body.innerHTML = '';
document.write('<canvas id=c></canvas>');
c.width = maxX;
c.height = maxY;
var ctx=c.getContext('2d'),image=ctx.getImageData(0,0,maxX,maxY),data=image.data;
for( var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i ) data[ i ] = values[ i ];
and here's the first thing I sent her to test it (written by hand, of course):
That is one downside to the addon store, I suppose. I've been cursing it since I first uploaded to it. Trying to get a second one uploaded, however fuck me if it works...
!!afk voopin
I know the program could have been so much more optimal...
@towc I'm too lazy, what was the output?
I'd have to like press 8 buttons minimum to get it to work...
@Trasiva that girl didn't get to be lazy ;)
@towc Good thing we aren't that girl :p
also, I wrote that on mobile, was a pain in the ass
@towc data urls
she's all like "wtf, dude, format your code"
@copy fuuuu that'd have been soooo much simpler 0.o
if she doesn't spot at least one optimization you could make, DUMP HER
document.body.innerHTML = '';
document.write('<canvas id=c></canvas>');
for a start :p
@Luggage pfft, as a nerd of my caliber it's enough she chats with me :P
@towc That's a tiny ass heart to be sending hombre.
@Callum there are a lot of things I could have done better
they changed the stackoverflow logo to stackoverflooooooooooooow
it's just that I was on mobile and couldn't have done much better
@catgocat Because they reached a huge mile marker.
nerds are in, you are a hot item.
as in, didn't even see the whole code
thank "The Big Bang Theory"
@Trasiva handwritten tho :D
@towc Good jerb.
ain't I a nerdy sweetie / sweaty?
stick with sweetie.
@Luggage The new students at my highschool can thank me for introducing some of them to programming, then.
was that sexual thing?
@Trasiva frozen?
ohh, ok.. gotcha.
@towc Shoulda just had the popup right away.
Oh, it did freeze. I think it's document.write().
@Trasiva yeah, and that was awful, but it just froze
so that they can get the age-appropriate girls.. not so you get the high school girls.. gotcha
yeah, that doesn't work on jsfiddle
It DOES, you have to give it a blank input the first time.
Then it'll load and work fine.
I really hope this will also translate to DX12 games: arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/08/…
@Callum Don't encourage him, lol.
So is that handwritten hex? Shieeet.
@Trasiva So I shouldn't suggest adding support for basic animation, then?
@Trasiva that's exactly what I did :P
> Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined @ jquery-2.1.0.js:906(anonymous function)
I give up.
@Callum No, god, he might actually get laid then.
look, it helped her :P
I could actually send screenshots and photos that she did actually care about
for how nerdy I am
she doesn't care, which is awesome
still, not getting laiyed with her anytime soon :/
@towc Rule one: Never expend more energy than you're going to get back.
@Trasiva don't care, was a fun project
@towc See, THAT'S the important part.
also a challenge to write code on mobile
Who cares about impressing some broad?
THE broad, but anyway... ;)
not someone that still uses the word "broad"
@Trasiva Every "lad" in everywhere ever in forever, like ever?
@Callum Fair enough.
Is anybody here familiar with node-webshot ? I am facing issue taking a screenshot after Javascript has run on a particular website.
And by "impress", I mean to draw attention to themselves. Constantly.
I am open to suggestions for a node.js screenshot module.
@Luggage I rarely use the term, but I certainly still have my fair share of luck.
@RahulDesai this one?
pick up some broads at bingo or at the antique shop?
sounds like @RahulDesai wants phantomjs
geniuinely curious: what age did you have when you first got laid?
!!s/did you have/were you/
@Callum geniuinely curious: what age were you when you first got laid? (source)
@CapricaSix Never
@Luggage Nah, mostly I just pick women up off the street downtown or at the bar. It's a college town.
@towc Me? 18, shortly after basic. I was the quiet nerd in high school. Basic helped me find my spine and my confidence.
11, thanks to uncle Richard :(
@Trasiva lol, are you serious?
@towc Yea. Women didn't look at me in high school. They terrified me.
@Callum yes
@RahulDesai I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but could you run this for me?
var webshot = require('webshot');

webshot('google.com', 'google.png', function(err) {
silly question: how do those "maximized" apps that run in the command line work? for example vim
Run what?
@Callum that works, I have tried it before
how are they able to run in the command line and not respect the normal ui, which is enter a command and get output
Okay, what's the issue now that I know it works like that?
@catgocat terminals used to be a thing, not just a window and there are ways to say "what is my height" and "what is my width?" and just render text to match that width and height.
@Luggage so basically, an app can use the terminal to draw text and "close" the interpreter, that is use the terminal only as a canvas
the interpreter, like bash or cmd.exe is jsut another program. it's not special. once your program is running, it has control of the text
when the terminal (xterm, or the windo in windows) sees special characters, it knows to do things like "move cursor to his position"
"canvas" is a good word for it, yes.
@Callum It doesnt pull the AJAX content.
@RahulDesai Could I see the code, please?
@Luggage So it's possible to develop an app that will run in the command line and make use of the cursor?
like nano, or vim
mouse cursor? yes, but maybe not cross-platform
not mouse cursor
@catgocat ncurses is a major library for that sort of work.
I meant the text cursor before
ncurses for days
@Luggage ^, it uses the terminal interface
yea, you can do that. ncurses is a common library in the unix world.
node may have such tools to work with terminal commands
and how does it really work?
I mean they don't just write bash scripts
ever set a color in a bash prompt?
you mean [\thisstuff
those are terminal commands. They tell it to change color. there are others to set cursor postion, etc
that's all i know. you'll hav eto look it up, but there is a way to query and control the terminal
@Luggage Pretty fucking cool...
@Luggage and that is all based on terminal commands?
as far as I know. You've reached the end of my knowledge on this topic.
all further answers will be fictional.
why don't you know everything luggage
@Luggage why would you admit that??
@RahulDesai I'm unsure, your code seems to be working.
@catgocat back in the days of dial-up modems there used to be "online" games based on terminals commands to do drawing and animation
or ascii movies
@Luggage They still exist.
They are commonly called MUDs.
@Callum It works, but it doesnt render the AJAX content. If you check the actual site, you'll notice the difference.
it's interesting catgocat is rediscovering things form the late 80's, though
wat is this strange technologies in the terminal??
@RahulDesai Ah, I see.
@catgocat an old game played on modems. all done though a temrinal: google.com/…
still better graphics than minecraft
minecraft is just a 3d terminal
the BlockIds are like character codes
@Luggage There's actually a handful of MUDs that are still going strong, even 13+ years after they started.
Did anybody go thru this JS training? letscodejavascript.com/v3/episodes/live
the fact that minecraft data is almost liek unicode, but 3d just blew my mind
@overexchange Nope.
as opposed to the normal 2d of a text file (rows and columns)
@overexchange Shiit, webstorm looks old.
@overexchange make a "todo" applcication.
no more book-learning. make something
/me smacks the book out of overexchange's hands.
@Luggage yes this training is on same lines
the best thing to write when beginning a new language
is tictactoe
whether it is in js, bash, haskell etc
is anyone else not loading half of the images here?
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@Luggage I think I am using phantom, I am new to it though. Do you mind taking a look at my 20 line code? gist.github.com/rahul-desai3/c41b0794712ac5d385f8
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