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the rep/post comparison of the above two is interesting
@CapricaSix clearly haxxorz
@Anirban I already told you the first time you asked your question, your server ain't reachable. node-inspector or any kind of debugger won't do you any good.
@Anirban Refused usually means nothing is running on that port.
Try turning your server off and back on.
gimme some of dat rare pepes
in jQuery appreciation room, Apr 1 '13 at 11:37, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@JohnResig: Would be great if you could update this answer to provide a non-jQuery solution, too. While jQuery is nice (and that statement will surely unleash the wrath of the JavaScript room on me :p) the question itself is not tagged jquery so a vanilla JS solution would be useful, too. — ThiefMaster Jan 29 at 3:12
oh god
that comment doesn't exist anymore
in jQuery appreciation room, Apr 1 '13 at 11:37, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Although I don't get why a vanilla JS solution would be useful at all. a jQuery solution is better
@ThiefMaster why was your above comment deleted? ^ it is a valid concern not yet addressed
@AwalGarg Comments aren't a permanent record.
> it is a valid concern not yet addressed
let foo = new class {
  constructor() {
    return 'foo';
Is this valid?
nope. Can't new class
It doesn't throw an error, but it transpiles to something funky
var foo = new ((function () {
  function _class() {
    _classCallCheck(this, _class);

    return 'foo';

  return _class;
You want class anonyFoo { ... }; let foo = anonyFoo; export foo;
ES6 is not as cool as PHP7. Can't anon class.
or something along those lines
its pointless if you aren't even giving the class a name, jsut use a function
I know, I just wanted to know if it was valid
If you want an anonymous class, just don't export it.
Also don't make anonymous things, they're evil.
@AwalGarg s/ES6/babel/
you can do anonymous classes
All respectable code has a name, so you know who it is in the stack trace.
also, the return 'foo'; means you aren't even returning the instance.
Something something block scoped classes
export default new class { ... } -- maybe valid? time to test
class expression can be anon
class statements cannot
@rlemon what do class expressions do?
can't you do, let foo = new class { } ?
isn't that anon?
It transpiles fine, so babel is at least trying
@ssube everything statements do
Obviously doesn't work
@BenFortune I'd say: report a bug :)
babel should fail, imho
Anyone have experience with marionette.js?
@ROODAY Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Sorry! Basically what I'm trying to do is replace a marionette itemview and associated model with a separate pair. I'm working on a marketplace app that has tiles for each product, and I want it to work such that when I clicked the name of a seller, it changes the model and view associated with the product to a model and view associated with the vendor.
So uh, this works
@ssube @FlorianMargaine ^
let foo = new class {
  constructor() {
    this.bar = 'bar';

console.log(foo); // {bar: 'bar'}
return this; is redundant
It sure is
@BenFortune well, I'm done here. Time to burn JS down.
There's some redundant brackets in there though in the transpiled output
iojs likes it too
Just call me the king of bokeh
@Nick Make that in canvas, it looks so pretty
@BenFortune I did
what do you use for the glowing effect
eff you @Nick
your bokeh is too nice
It started off as really ugly rectangles and made its way to pretty bokeh over a few days
I keep making really minor tweaks to it
@Nick Oh wow, nice.
Big laggy on my work pc :c
@Nick have you tried using different blend modes for the dots?
@Nick runs at like 1fps for me
I think it would look more realistic with something other than additive
realistic bokeh?
what drugs are you doing?!
I get no lag, but it is janky
yeah I get no lag either btw
I was just repeating big laggy because I imagine a brazillian saying that in DOTA
@Cereal It runs perfectly fine on my computer
25fps here works fine ~
@Loktar Too late to edit :(
Holy shit, runs absolutely smooth as butter in Edge
@BenFortune oh wow
@Nick using lighten instead of normal blending makes it way less intense
intense as in resource intensive?
as in no white-out areas when circles overlap
Yeah, but it also makes it look bland
well, you've got options for blending mode
yeah additive is way nicer imo
the "white out" areas is how color dodge works.
soft light or burn could be interesting
Nah, I played with them all, and color-dodge looks the best
Video still processing, so the quality is low, but as you can see, very little lagg: youtube.com/watch?v=bzZ2nDTjd9w
(I also have like 3 servers running on my computer, so I'm using a lot of memory on the side)
@Nick Even smoother in edge
I'm on a mac -- I'll test on edge when I get home
I get a solid 60fps on latest Chrome
60.1, in fact
@ssube I get like, 10
get a better computer, noob
I only get 30
Boss is a cheap arse
thats on my work pc though
so basically I am running it on an xboxone
> We cant even see more than 30fps anyway xbox 4life.
this is my work laptop, with a mid-range i7, but I'm also running vmware on the side
my macbook pro runs it just fine; hell, even my phone runs it decently well
/me runs it on his home PC
> Celeron
I did try it on my i3 laptop and it just about had an aneurysm, but otherwise, my other devices run it fine
This is 2015. If you're still running a Celeron, you may as well be using Celery as your processor. They use a similar die size.
It's Haswell at least...
Shoulda gotten the Hasspeed one.
damn at home it runs at 4.5 fps
/reduces resolution
lol, no idea why you guys have it laggy.
Loktar, you have a beast home pc, it should run fine
yeah it was running at 1440
but still idk, i'm getting like 10 or so fps it says
I might have some stupid options on/off though in chrome
I've noticed a lot of my pens run like crap for somer eason
probably memory. Your loops are pretty well optimized, but you have a ton of small canvases.
yeah my pc runs my plasma terrain at 25fps wth
I need to investigate this further
I have like 3 java services running, a second monitor, and like a dozen chrome tabs, and still it runs fine
thats a really old pen, should run well for everyone
but for me... 25fps
> off (device) - not supported on the device
oooh shit haha
so its not using my gpu
I get 49-52 on the terrain and 60+ on the bokeh
neither using the gpu
/me doesn't use shittell
@Loktar your code is less than optimal and you should feel less than optimal.
even though Intel is better, price to perf I still prefer AMD.. until my next build
how shit is intel if intel works but amd doesn't?
@copy i got the relevant jar decompiled, now I'm reading the code to try to find the location of the buggy code
@ssube psh thats old as hell anyway :p
@Loktar only reason I use intel is because that's what lenovo ships. AMD on all my other machines and a few servers.
had someone recommend intel for a server once because it had "8 threads"
noice! lol
almost shoved their hyperthreading up their hyperass
ooohhh, 8 threads
although it is odd to hear about servers with AMD
they are definitely more rare
Intel/NV is the best combination.
I used to be an AMD fanboy
Nvidia is shit
Are these the members of function type object?
that I stand behind 100%
@Loktar ~30fps here
nvidia has physx, but otherwise, I'd go with amd
their business practices alone make me throw up in my mouth
@Loktar if you need a ton of cores, you can find AMD servers with 16 or 32 per board
@Nick physx is garbage though
@Callum That's worse than my celery
physx is nice when used properly
@Nick physx is awful. When they bought it from aegis (or aegia), they nerfed the code.
I used to be all over amd. Had some bad experiences though
^ to @ssube message
Haven't had bad experiecne with nvidia yet
@BenFortune It's a laptop, and nearly 4 years old, I think.
It's so much slower than it used to be before nV bought it.
All my AMD experiences are bad experiences.
@Cereal what card do you have?
Their drivers (and driver devs) are also really lousy.
My NVidia shit does what I want it to. Not sure I'd know the difference if I had AMD or NV :/
@Loktar Currently? gtx 980
@Cereal alright at least not a 970
@Loktar :(
because anyone who owns a 970 should hate nvidia.
That 3.5gb shit was just
also their gameworks crap is ridiculous
and gsync
Honestly had no problems with my 970
all closed proprietary crap
@Loktar all their weird one-off products
How can you get an arbitrary method from moment with a string as an identifier?
My first amd experience was crossfire .. 7570s? Was that a card? 7770? Don't remember
lol, I have a 970 is my tower at home (it came with the computer). I haven't had any issues (but I also don't play many graphic intensive games)
had so many problems
they're trying to fix some of the underlying driver bugs that they can't be bothered fixing
@BenFortune yeah you wont really have issues unless you run 1440+
@Loktar I played Risen in full detail on 1080p+ with a 970 -- no problems at all
@Loktar I'm running 1440 atm
Sometimes have to dip down to 1080 though
not that Risen is a graphically beautiful game
yeah 1080 you aren't going to have issues @Nick
@Nick 1080p+?
i want a 120/144hz monitor
@Jhoopins My screen is slightly larger than 1080p, but not as big as a 1440
its when you start to go over and 4k.. forget about it with a 970
i'm still running an old amd 5770
@Jhoopins instead of i, where you get half the scanlines per frame, or p where you get all of them, p+ gives you extra scanlines every frame
@BenFortune hah I have 2 :)
@ssube He didn't mean that
@Loktar Tried one in the local PC shop, sooooooooooooo smooth
they are really nice, as long as you can push the frames
I think he did.
42 secs ago, by Nick
@Jhoopins My screen is slightly larger than 1080p, but not as big as a 1440
I'm just sitting here with a shite laptop, and any other computer I have access to is equally shite or shiter :s
yeah my 2nd one is a benq, 144hz + 1440 (freesync)
@Loktar Yeah, looking at gsync/freesync ATM
Mighty expensive though
@Loktar What's the obsession with almost invisible framerate when you can spend the money on better color depth?
I used terminology that I didn't know existed
my bad
I'm still happy with my laptop. I don't have a display over 1080p and it will do whatever I want
@ssube its not almost invisible for me
playing games on a laptop is painful
the smoothness is really noticeable
I'll not do that again
I can't tell the difference above 40fps
^ recommend
So I went with an ultrasharp with real color instead of a supafast monitor
@ssube lies, I'm sure you can if you saw them side by side
I can tell the difference, but am perfectly fine with 30fps; it doesn;t bother me
you can't see more 'action' above 40, but it'll look smoother and be easier on the eyes
@ssube there are IPS panels at 144hz now
@Jhoopins £700? Dayum...
@Luggage ugh dont spread misinformation please
@Callum That's cheap
i'm not.
The new version has a damn 960M lol
960M is bad.... I have an alienware with that card and it was terrible
@Nick that could just be the Alienware part
@BenFortune You've obviously never seen my income (protip: children in China are paid more)
that people can only benefit from 30fps and no more is misinformation
Alienware was bad before Dell bought them and got really bad
@ssube lol, that's true
@Nick Eh, my 860m does everything I try at 1080p. So I can't see myself having issues with a 9X
@Callum Minimum wage ftl?
@BenFortune No job :p
Oh lol
@Callum I saved + used my tax return lol I was poor then too
@Luggage Most people just get a vague sense of continuity, they can't actually tell.
You can cover for it with a decent motion blur, like video does.
Plus you can get the MSI ones, they're the same hardware configs pretty much just shitty chassis and cheaper
why spend cpu on faking motin blur when you can jsut show more frames
then those sensitive to framerates are happy and thos that aren't are find, too
blur runs on the gpu
everyone knows the human eye can't see above 30FPS
showing more frames can be more expensive
and 30FPS looks better, like a movie
can't detect action higher than 30fps doesn't mean the flickery display isn't annoying
high framerate monitors are like putting mushrooms in everything just to please the "mouthfeel" twats
@KendallFrey Thank god
I was about to hit you
> Yes, we don’t charge our clients any extra fees for using CDN resources on HTTP/2. Pricing is exactly the same as on HTTP/1.x.
!!s/(hit)/$1 on/
@Nick I was about to $1 on you (source)
shouldn't the prices be less?

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