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Am i doing something wrong ? :
    if($('.resume').text().length > 100)
        html = $(this).text().slice(0,100);
that will most likely through in strict mode
@Baldráni yes
Hello by the way :)
@JanDvorak More precisly :/ ?
First, you're reading text, but setting html
@Zirak oh, I finally get it
@JanDvorak Its because i'm adding span normaly
you want literally a new filesystem, surely provided by fuse, that "mounts" a package manager
second, it's not clear what's the relation between $(".resume") and $(this)
Zeroeth, you are assigning to html which doesn't seem to be declared.
Shall I use something like .closest() ?
This is the 'complete' code :
@FlorianMargaine That's what I thought about at first, but after seeing FreeBSD, I think it'll be nice to both have a giant folder listing them, and also category division. So you'll have /packages/all which is everything, but also /packages/shells which symlinks
    if($('.resume').text().length > 100)
        html = $(this).text().slice(0,100);
        html += '<span class="showMore">...</span>';
@FlorianMargaine I dunno, how are they handled now? I don't see a difference
Why i'm using html()
hey all! :)
@Zirak the category thing is tricky -- not everyone has the same categories
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, I regretted that as soon as I hit the enter key
and it can become a huge mess, because some packages can be in multiple categories.. how do you handle that?
leave the category to the publisher of the package
@FlorianMargaine Let them be in all of them :D
@Zirak hardlinks for the win
@Baldráni ew
what if the text contains some HTML?
@JanDvorak I can do that ?
I'm experiencing some weird behavior with canvas's on my page ballermetrics.com/beta/dynamicShotChart.html
I'll try
@Zirak last thing
if I try to draw too many rectangles the page breaks
how do you handle packages being the same, but not having the same name on different distributions?
@JanDvorak Nup not working : jsfiddle.net/DTcHh/10028
but it doesnt break when I draw triangles or circles...
@FlorianMargaine I have no fucking clue.
@FlorianMargaine like torrents do!
There's also my aspiration for package directories to have a readme file, maybe changelog, along with a dependencies directory etc
@AwalGarg Since it's different distros, their checksums won't match up
@Zirak doesn't that package caching app (forgot the name) already do what you want?
@AwalGarg Without knowing which one I can't really say
@AwalGarg there's something interesting going on: wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds
which shows that building a reproducible binary is hard :)
so many binaries have dependencies on the build's time or the locale
@Zirak we can create a different checksum algorithm which gives the same checksum for binaries of the same package on different distros :P
@AwalGarg Sssuuuurrreee, you do that
@i7nvd didn't knew that it wasn't possible with svg. So jQuery isn't really complete :P
The fail solution is to have a central server or something decide: Given a distro D and package name P, return the canonical package name.
Comparing the first word of the readme will be better :P
@Zirak I kind of did that for my js package manager which will be complete in the near ~_~ future.
let me find that app first
@AwalGarg eh?
@Zirak if there is a readme
especially when thinking about AUR, this thing is not certain...
the one we were talking about the other day...
@Zirak and then, you have to think about custom packages, e.g. those that don't even have a category or readme or w/e because it's for internal usage only
and lol at gpg signature
oh yeah, package signature is a fun thing too.
@Zirak all that said, the thing is interesting
It's not building a package manager (thank god), it's riding on top of one. If a package doesn't have a readme then fuck it, but since it should be installable, it'll have its list of dependencies as defined by some convention.
I got it
well, but no.
yeah doesn't do what you want
@AwalGarg Isn't that just looking at the apt cache?
> riding on top
@Zirak but yes, I got it
@FlorianMargaine When your child grows, it'll feel at home
(because that was a childish joke)
@Zirak it does more (like creating an actual repository to install stuff from and custom gpg signatures etc), but still doesn't do what you want.
@AwalGarg it's a proxy repository, then...
@Zirak hey when you write such a package manager do tell me I will use it
It's not a package manager, it's a filesystem
whatever you call it
And I suspect it'll be vaporware for all eternity, because even if I do write it (for say pacman and/or dpkg), I sure as hell won't be able to maintain it
@Zirak hey hey
to delete an installed package
just rm -rf /pkgs/installed/foo
See? You're getting it
not sure how to install a package though
you essentially stole the holy sacred principles I set for the js package manager I was building...
read the "logs" in miaou of mine and argentum
I don't have access to the room
@AwalGarg it's much more though. Running rm -rf /pkgs/installed/foo will trigger postrm scripts etc.
is there no way to move messages in miaou?
hmm, so I read the logs. And apparently I was generating a checksum based on package.json
@Zirak does your filesystem store some kind of index of the installed/stored packages?
Hm, installing a package could be done with a cp -l /pkgs/index/foo /pkgs/installed
and if you have that, you are thief
@AwalGarg no, that's the point, the filesystem is the index
so, I have a script element, whose contents are properly separated by lines. I know it's possible to get the content of a single specific line on the script in a string, but I can't remember how, and I don't seem to have dat google skillz. Don't ask why, it's just for fun. Do any of you have an idea?
@FlorianMargaine I dunno why I proposed a separate index... probably for speeding up or something
@AwalGarg all the available packages are in /pkgs/index/, all the installed are hard linked in /pkgs/installed/, etc.
how about... you two complete this ASAP and I fork it to narrow it down for js?
Or we can do something with iojs to make it work with it out of the box
no. My first release of deb-packager is soon to come (I just need to write the doc), and then the roadmap still has a lot of stuff
(the roadmap has stuff related to js, btw.)
@FlorianMargaine TELL ME
please tell me dependencies are not resolved recursively... they aren't right?
read the roadmap...
> Support building python packages. In addition, see if it's possible to build nodejs packages, php packages, etc.
> see if it's possible
it's not a package manager
it just builds a package to be used by dpkg
so it should totally be possible
the question is more "what's the best way"
which I'll have figured out when I'll be done with the python packaging I think
whats the best way to create an array of 100 items with the value "foo" without using for loop
it'll probably use npm install and package all the folder
@SuperUberDuper why no for loop?
@SuperUberDuper without using a for loop? Hmm...
yes its requirement
@SuperUberDuper "foo|".repeat(100).split('|').pop()
weird I know
@JanDvorak Array.prototype.fill
hmm nice! thanks
!!mdn array fill
Array(100).fill(0).map(() => 'foo')
maybe Array(100).fill('foo') works
@FlorianMargaine why not just that^ ninja
yep, that works
but... that is still a loop. Almost.
fill is not a function
and a loop is just a goto
@SuperUberDuper sure is
Uncaught TypeError: Array(...).fill is not a function
and if it's not in your browser, you need a better browser
@SuperUberDuper ES6
!!> "foo|".repeat(100).replace(/\|$/, '').split('|')
@AwalGarg ["foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo",‌​"foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","fo‌​o","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo",‌​"foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","fo‌​o","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","fo (snip)
@JanDvorak stable chromium doesn't have it
it does, behind a flag
so... polyfill fill?
yup, it's the simplest
!!> Array(100).fill('foo');
@FlorianMargaine ["foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo",‌​"foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","fo‌​o","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo",‌​"foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","fo‌​o","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","foo","fo (snip)
Attention: Due to maintenance, the laws of physics will be suspended from 11pm to 6am this evening. We apologize for the inconvenience.
some coding tests are so stupid like this one
I'm doing, I can't use a for loop!!!!!
what is that supposed to prove in my skill set..
@SuperUberDuper use .fill. If they say it's not valid, point them to people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/…
An ability to comply with stupid requirements is an indispensable one
@FlorianMargaine which is just a unconditional jump which is just a semi-conductor's p junction blocking electron flow from the n junction.
@AwalGarg yup, which is why your message was stupid :)
no, you are stupid.
hey, no ad hominem
inb4 flag
c'mon twas a joke
what day is it, I can't call florian stupid?
I dare not tell you
oh, I forgot
Why would you put ALL your JS code inside of the document.read jQuery function?
hmm, my lexer suddenly stopped working
is there a es6 sandbox on the web?
ofcourse not
@JohnSnow so that it doesn't run too soon
babeljs.io/repl this is definitely not one
But all of it?
@SuperUberDuper es6fiddle.com
define "all"
Declaring functions and all?
@JanDvorak Everything. All code
you don't want to put your functions in the global scope
@JohnSnow yeah you should also put the document.ready function itself inside a document.ready call.
@FlorianMargaine clicked, got exactly what I wanted. Yay!
@AwalGarg hey! don't troll
@AwalGarg Are you serious or just pulling my leg here?
me I'm pulling your arm
@JanDvorak That makes sense I suppose...
hello everyone
@JanDvorak but... that is sooo wrong.
good afternoon
@JanDvorak and that as well
@JohnSnow do I have to spoil the joke? can I not say I am not trolling?
@GNi33 look at the video for the first 15 seconds... it's awesome
somehow I'm glad goatse.cx is down
s/s.*w //
can i use normal <input type="button"> inside a jquery Ui dialog?
@AwalGarg I'm too n00by to tell when you're joking so please don't
JavaScript is still kinda wat to me.
js is wat indeed.
is this valid:
String.prototype.messup = function (number) {
    var arr = Array(number).fill(this);
    return arr.join(",");
I'm yo mama
@FlorianMargaine It's a nice song if you don't know where it comes from
@FlorianMargaine I'm on work.
some of them aren't even that bad
@SuperUberDuper are you inventing your own prototype methods?
its this silly test
school, employer or a cert?
then ask him why he wants that
eh, no :)
if I do "f".messup(4) = get ""
this might be a red flag that the employer sucks
sorry it works
@FlorianMargaine oh my god hahaha, this one is great, when she starts singing
its a coding test
@GNi33 lol
@GNi33 didn't know she made other songs that friday
hmm not a bot ;)
I know of this one, not sure if there are others.
This was some sort of a response to all the hate she was getting over Friday
yeah, saw that one
@FlorianMargaine did you have bookmarked that or somewhat ?
@KarelG no, archive.org has a nice search engine
ah, by that way.
@KarelG you never knew about that? :-)
no, i usually add "archive.org" in google's search field
hmm, it's more accurate
@KarelG I mean, goatse.cx.
@GNi33 this is funny youtube.com/watch?v=enjLIK-zuUk
@FlorianMargaine i have heard stories about that site, with a strong warning to not visit that. I am usually curious, but by reading/hearing how the warning got formulated, i knew to not visit that. It's a cesspit
Do not visit that
you probably did that once ? :p
@KarelG meh. Go see the picture at least once.
@KarelG Don't
you're missing out on internet history
I am a broken human being because of my exposure to the internet.
@KarelG I've seen so much shit in the years, goatse is definitely not the worst one
Do not walk down this path.
like when 4chan was taken over by french
but yeah, if you haven't seen it, you really don't need to
but yeah, it is internet history, to some extent
I should stop writing "yeah" and "but yeah", seriously
yeah you should
it's funny that florian is the only person trying to convince me to check that site. Do you have a sense of sadomasochism ?
uuuuuh! I may have just made something worth staring at codepen.io/towc/pen/PqBWrr
I should stop writing "just"
yes, you should just stop
@towc Looks really nice man
@towc It is printing undefined at the end though :P
hello, how to judge two variables point to the same DOM?
@BenFortune yeah, don't really care
@towc pretty :O
@Jesse I'm curious what situation has lead to this question
@Jesse that's a weird use case if there is one
but check ownerdocument
!!mdn ownerdocument
knock knock
@OctavianDamiean Who's there?
@BenFortune It's me, I hate you.
Anyone using riot.js?
You loved me yesterday :(
yeah, I know, but it happens
@BenFortune Love is a fickle thing
!!urban fickle
@JanDvorak [Fickle](http://fickle.urbanup.com/502026) adj.

Characterized by erratic changeableness or instability, especially with regard to affections or attachments; capricious.


The immortal deity of ridiculous films on the SPF.
@Jesse ctrl+K
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@Jesse Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
sorry fot that
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@Jesse Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
I'm longing for the day when Caprica helps everyone with their problems and we'll just enjoy the show
$scope.showAppStatus = function(app, event){
                var panel = $(".AppDetailStatus"),
                $scope.appStatusShowFlag = true;
                    $window.onclick = function($event){
@JanDvorak Singularity is near anyway
how does this code relate to the "same DOM" thing?
I want to if the parent event target and child event target is the same, do not trigger hidden behavior.
@StevensHaen depends. It might instead happen sooner that God decides this world can't go on and takes himself to our leaders.
@OctavianDamiean who's there?
@FlorianMargaine It's me, I already blew my load.
@Jesse why would these be same events ?
@towc oh my, make it a quine now
@JanDvorak Just looking at the present moment - Microsoft project Adam, FB F8, Google DeepMind and the search engine itself, we're close and I don't see a reason why it wouldn't be possible
@KarelG it is not the same event.
not saying AI won't advance. I'm not sure if it advances faster than humanity becomes unmaintainable
@FlorianMargaine it is
that's the only code running
@towc less pretty when you resize it though
it's just that I have to put it in the body, because I don't really know how to get it, because of the weird way codepen handles this kind of stuff
Civilization (let alone technology) in general moves way quicker than we manage to adapt.
@towc oh right. I was confused by the commented out js at the right.
@JohnSnow only during resize, but that's kind of expected
in angular for some reason the total function isn't called when dates is updated, do I have to watch it?
   $scope.total = function () {
                var t = 0;
                $scope.dates.forEach(function (d) {
                    var momDate = moment(d);
                    t += d.days;
Minus points for no scalability or responsive design.
It's not about the speed. It's about in which direction the world is being driven and by whom.
@SuperUberDuper Yes.
I got my solution
they try to present it as a fact of life, as evolution, as something that's outside of human control. When in fact, it's being peddled and put into overdrive by greedy uncles somewhere. "Adapt or be left behind!" is what they say ...
Q: How to capture username and password by attaching a javascript to the page?

GabrielI am building a Mozilla Add-on, for which I need to capture the username and password when someone opens a login page, enters their credentials and hits submit. So for I am able to identify a login page. I attach a script (isLoginpage.js) to every tab on ready, which basically returns TRUE when ...

!!urban thx
@JanDvorak thx Bastardization of 'Thnx,' which is a bastardization of 'Thanx,' which is a bastardization of 'Thanks,' which is a bastardization of 'Thank You.'
does moment have function to return current elapsed days of the year?
I don't know what I've just clicked but it did what I wanted it to.
@RoelvanUden for some reason adding to dates(addDate) doesn't call my watch:

 $scope.dates = [""];
            $scope.total = 0;
            $scope.$watch('dates', function () {
                var newTotal = 0;
                $scope.dates.forEach(function (d) {
                    var momDate = moment(d);
                    newTotal += d.days;
                $scope.total = newTotal;
            $scope.addDate = function () {
@BenFortune lol
@SuperUberDuper $watch('dates', function () {}, true);
The third argument being true is a 'deep watch'. You'll need that for arrays.
Otherwise it only responds on the property dates being set with a new array/thing
someone even upvoted that question when i was reading ... (it went from -7 to -6 )
When developing with the MEAN stack, should I use the nodeJS templating modules or should I rely on Angular for this?
Angular. The A stands for Angular. Use it.
what would be a good ng-pattern for dates like so 01-FEB-2014
I would make a moment filter
oh moment, nice
I use this:
momentFilter.$inject = ['$translate'];

 * Represents the moment filter.
 * @param translateService The translate service.
 * @return The moment filter.
export function momentFilter(translateService: angular.translate.ITranslateService): (value: any, format?: string) => string {
   * Returns a string representation of the date value.
   * @param value The value.
   * @param format= The format.
   * @return The string representation of the date value.
  return (value: Date, format?: string) => {
Then for example: {{alert.endDate|moment:'LT'}}
Which supports localization through angular-translate so you get localization-correct dates. Which is nice.
very cool
so how can I link that to a form so if not correct date is invalid for that field
i have created a dialog using jqueryUi. inside that dialog i have div and inside that div i have three buttons. "delete", "cancel" and "ok". but these buttons are of jqueryUI. I want to remove the buttons and put normal html buttons. how can i do that? below is my code.
@SuperUberDuper I didn't understand the Q
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@SuperUberDuper Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq.
<form name="dateForm">
    <input ng-model="newDate" name="newDate" ng-pattern="/^[0-9]{2}-[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{4}$/">
    <button ng-click="addDate()" >Add</button>
    <div ng-messages="myForm.newDate.$error" role="alert">
        <div ng-message="pattern">You did not enter a correct date</div>
I want to use monent to validate the format as apposed to the pattern
Oh, you won't need that filter. Just do a watch on the newDate and see if you can parse it with moment, and if not, add an error to show to your user.
what's the latin version of "stop"?
latin stop
@FlorianMargaine, @AwalGarg docs.google.com/document/d/… if you care
@JanDvorak subsisto
@AwalGarg I'm tempted to kick you
oh, thanks
hmm... finis?
how come I don't get an error with this:
        var app = angular.module('dates', ['nonExistantModule']).controller('DatesController', DatesController);
<body ngApp="dates">
What does Caprica understand?
Everytime this peoples which paste unformated codexD

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