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> 600 pounds of pulled pork.
I am fantasizing now
Y'all suck
Poutine is incredible
.. unintended canadian typo
@KendallFrey 600 pounds of pulled pork is enough to beat your mom's record
but really, dat amount of sauce
I love me some pickles
didn't knew that pickles could be so devasting
cool thing happened the other day
one of my answers got unaccepted
giving me a gold badge
@KarelG Probably sodium poisoning
The last thing I answered on SO got a different answer accepted. I still maintain I had a better solution
@KendallFrey which badge?
Pretty sure I've only had 1 pull request
I've had none.
@SterlingArcher populist I think
@afonsomatos doesn't work
I fixed the reason I could never log into the bacongamejam site
@Cereal I've had many pull requests over the years, from many different women.
@KendallFrey Something semething sexist, women in programming, something dongle
@KendallFrey But weren't you gay?
@Cereal something something...
does there exist a function to remove multiple nested keys?
TIL HTMLOListElement.compact
The only woman Kendall has ever hit on, was on his little sister.
function deleteKeys(o, keys) {
    keys.forEach(function(keyName) { delete o[keyName]; };
imgur.com/gallery/Lbxyrm0 that... first.. fucking.. comment...
ssube really likes es6 eh?
@SterlingArcher found this comment better
I don't get it
Me neither.
@Cereal It's a joke about the blue and black dress
Oh that one
A lot of people saw it as white and gold
a lot of people can kiss my ass if this is making a comeback
I meant KarelG's
took me way to long to get it
@SterlingArcher That's not what I think it is. Tell me I'm right.
Oh god I'm so awkward, I was literally introduced to the new girl, and INSTANTLY forgot her name.
@KendallFrey it's what you think it is
@corvid yes?
we all like ES6. It's mandatory.
the project I'm working on now would be about 6x as much code if not for es6
@corvid I like it too. It is great and does all the things.
es6 sugar reduces your code by 6x? I call shenanigans.
ES7 is also great and does all the things++.
@Luggage It is not just sugar...
like 'await'.
well, the parts of es6 i'm using are just sugar, sicne they are all transpiled to es5.
@KendallFrey it's ok buddy, we're gonna get through this
@SterlingArcher care to lighten up the bulb ( explain it )
@Luggage Object.assign, promises, extra functions in standard prototypes, proxies, efficient data structures, template literals etc. are not just sugar and can reduce your code to great extents.
@KarelG well.. they're chasing the dog, and catch it, and rub it, but the dog feels.. touched.
@SterlingArcher Can we do our secret tickle time again?
just for old times' sake
ah, ok.... Thanks
Only if we can eat a whole jar of pickles before the tickles
!!urban secret tickle time
@KendallFrey No definition found for secret tickle time
@Luggage classes, promises, default params, spread/rest
I watched That's My Boy yesterday
@KarelG you're not welcome because i feel horrble and will never rub doggy tummy again
yeah, it's quite a lot of code gone
That movie is funny as fuck
The New Kidz on the Block tattoo had me in tears
oh good, you do get the reference
if the dog rolls itself on his/her back, he/she allows you to rub him/her ...
@AwalGarg assign and template literals are just sugar. What do you mean by efficient data structures? Leaving off the name? Those are sugar as well.
@KarelG The dog is not shown rolling onto its back
in that image yes. But when a dog does that in front of you ...
Also, a dog rolling on its back is not wanting a belly rub
he wants to play
it's a sign of submission and respect
@ssube cmon template literals are not just sugar. specially not with tagged literals. data structures as in weakmaps etc.
@AwalGarg tagged literals are just a bad idea waiting to happen
name one legitimate use for them
Well I respect my dogs by rubbing tummy
@ssube self-pleasure
@KarelG I grinned
@ssube parameterizing stuff... you can write small wrappers around urlencode and ilk functions.
combine that with the spread operator and you just removed a large reduce loop block
@SterlingArcher whohhhgod
@AwalGarg how is URL`foo bar` better than URL('foo bar')?
I'm crying mixed tears of horror and hilarious
I do respect the artist for getting mirroring right
@ssube you don't want to pass the entire string to URL. you only want to escape parameters. how would you do it without tagging?
@AwalGarg url('http', 'localhost', ['x', 'y', 'z'], {a: 'foo', b: 'bar'})
right, and here URL(`foo ${bar}`) is definitely better imo
ok, that's how I actually do it right now
protocol, origin, path segments, params hash
I found the babeljs.io GET... tagged template string example to be contrived.
it seems like a powerful feature, but I've only seen it useed when a more traditional function would be more readable.
exactly. All the examples around, like requests or parsers, are much more readable with proper separation of concerns.
!!urban Bull Balls
@afonsomatos Bull Balls a man that has massive balls that hang low, similar to a bull.
@SterlingArcher for reference, when you use , is it just greentext? Or are there also images?
@afonsomatos are you planning on abusing cap's dictionary lookup again today?
@Shmiddty more like, potentially offensive in the extreme. But that one had a cartoon butt in it so maybe nsfw
@Shmiddty cartoon nudity, and just... ugh
I'll never post anything visually worse than a cartoon butt
and by never I mean if I do, it's just so funny I have to
Q: Will Javascript tag replace Java tag position?

Jordi CastillaSoon there will be more javascript questions than java ones. Will the tag page automatically put javascript in first position when this happens? Since I've been using Stack Overflow, the java tag has been the most popular, therefore it is the first tag on the tags page, if this changes, I thin...

so in other words, you'll never post nsfw stuff unless it's good
Better start tracking those misclicks... — BoltClock ♦ just now
Well, text-based content (image or no) is generally SFW, whereas image/graphic content carries a higher risk
@BoltClock lol
people should read what they are clicking ...
@BoltClock lol
Maybe the Java tag just needs more jQuery. — Travis J Jun 10 at 8:52
@Shmiddty This is where I link you to some ASCII porn
Typical Java, can't handle change
The Skeleton Wars will be nothing compared to the Java Wars
@ssube dang
@ssube JavaScript: truly dynamic.
user image
10/10 would play
@KarelG You're able to discern what content is on the other end of an imgur link without following it? That's an impressive talent you have there.
@SterlingArcher 11/10 would play again
@SterlingArcher Haha! that sounds fun. Kinda like reverse L4D
@Shmiddty you cannot do that, but you will know that it's a link to imgur. So you gets directed to imgur. That's what you expect.
same for the tags: you see the tag name
A little morbid, but conceptually sound
@KarelG Just... shhh.
So should I use grunt or gulp? (never used them before)
Personally ofc
@KarelG Expecting imgur is one thing. Expecting goatse is another
@afonsomatos only used grunt once
@SterlingArcher So you're using gulp?
@SterlingArcher the time you got laid?
Hmm I just realized I have instant edit privileges now.
Haven't used gulp at all lol
@ssube you're crushing it today lol 2 for 2.
A single person can change the world. Probably not a Java developer though. — TZHX Jun 10 at 8:35
I should make a clone of gulp, call it spit
> Do you spit or gulp?
@ssube lmao
tumblr is actually crushing it today too
that's rare
@KendallFrey nobody bothers with that
chug, swallow, quaff
ah, tumblr, that porn website
@Shmiddty only in germany
Dammit I lose focus everytime I open this tab :D
back to work
@SterlingArcher I guess they didn't read the user manual?
@Shmiddty I'm sorry, nobody uses the word quaff, and when they do it's usually a typo of something worse
@JanDvorak need dem cheat codes
@JanDvorak pressed wrong button, am now CEO of Jamaica
@KendallFrey You must not play RPGs
gavage server
> up-down-up-down-up-down-up-down - free orgasm
don't star that please
that has escalated quickly
nethack uses "quaff", just so that the key for "drink" is "q"
cheat codes usually do

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