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How's it going
@ircmaxell i like that one
Yeah... it's good
Q: Make an application that displays text at random that conforms to the specified regex

ircmaxellOK, so in the spirit of Code-Golf, I'm trying out something new here: Code-Bowling. In golf, you try to get the lowest score (smallest application, most elegant, etc). In Bowling, you try to get the highest score. So if you follow, the goal of a Code-Bowling challenge is to make the biggest, m...

almost 700 views, and got another answer
I thought it was only OK
I thought it could be funnier
but excellent point
Well, they've been more witty than funny lately...
@ircmaxell maybe tomorrow I'll write the "abuse jQuery" answer. I might just go nuts and write an APL version
stop upvoting that c answer... up vote mine!!11
Ivo, I've already upvoted you
is it possible to write bad APL code? doesnt it all look hideous?
that sounds like a challenge... The next Code-Bowling challenge: Write clean easy to read APL... (kidding)
can I write really bad AI that somehow converges on printing Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Write a genetic algorithm that uses soundex as a fitness function
oh god
Of course don't forget the skynet cost. Otherwise you've got an issue...
Good <insert random indian word here>
@ircmaxell And make sure it fits into the data type
Well-defined languages should have a SKYNET_COST_MAX constant.
I'm debating terminating my contact early and getting an Evo (I've got a droid now)
@ircmaxell, there should be an xkcd-style flowchart for that decision somewhere...
Q: use jQuery to get 'true size' of image without removing the class

jon3lazeI am using Jcrop on an image that is resized with css for uniformity. JS <script type="text/javascript"> $(window).load(function() { //invoke Jcrop API and set options var api = $.Jcrop('#image', { onSelect: storeCoords, trueSize: [w, h] }); api.disable(); //di...

is this possible or do I have to load the image on the page?
2 hours later…
@Nathan We'll see... I'm strongly considering it now...
3 hours later…
8 hours later…
That's how I like it, link a gist with the full code
Then you get an instant answer
Ha, first answer in the morning and a down vote with no comment or obvious reason! :D
That's how I like SO...
People are always cranky in the morning, specially programmers
It's this one
A: Contact Us JavaScript help

Ivo WetzelYou can't, there's no mail server built into any Browser. So besides the use of the mailto: link to fire up the E-Mail client, it would be really scary if you could send random E-Mails from a users computer via JavaScript, therefore basically turning every Browser into a spambox. Do a nice JavaS...

I suspect the OP
Indeed, got your neutral vote now
Thx, I already suspected it being "Gimme the c0dez or go away" question :/
anyone know of a similar effect to text-shadow but on block elements?
seems silly that there isn't any css property.
is text-shadow css3?
oh ... I thought it was an old spec.
must be some js lib to make it work in ie.
2 hours later…
@IvoWetzel No, it's 2.1
That's partly the reason why you don't see -moz-text-shadow and co.
@YiJiang Ah ok, guess I confused it with box-shadow then
1 hour later…
can anyone tell me how to absolutely position something to the bottom of the page, rather than to the bottom of the screen?
make an element after the last item on the page.
@Loktar doesn't work for me ...
Hi all, got a question; i have a container with a button and with that button you add some elements to the container. Right now the button stays above the appended items, but does anyone know how i can make the button appear beneath these elements?
@Opoe what are you using to append the elements? pure javascript or a library?
@Greg hi, i'm using jquery
@Opoe $("button").before(newElement);

appendbtn.click(function () {
var elems = $('<div>' + '<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox' + (counter) + '" class="item"/>' + '<input value="some value" type="text" class="inputfield' + (counter) + '"/>' + '<input type="button" class="removebtn" value="." id="removebtn"' + (counter) + '"/>' + '</div>').appendTo(redbox.find('.togglecontainer'));
@Opoe change appendTo to before()
okay! :o
@Greg it seems to hide/remove the append button
try insertBefore() instead
@Greg Thank you! That definitly works, but now the checkboxes dont work properly anymore
the checkbox should toggle a class on the input field
can i use appendto and insertbefore both ?
@Greg thank you!!! I solved it :)
I can't for the life of me get a simple <img> absolutely positioned on the bottom of the page rather than the bottom of the screen
@Greg: try position:absolute, bottom:0
@Lenni that places it to the bottom of the screen, not the page
and place the <img> just after the <body>
or did you mean to use a comma rather than a semi-colon, because I'm not familiar with that?
no, meant a semicolon
@Lenni well, that's what I tried first... and can't manage to get the <img> to stick to the bottom of the page at all ...
why don't you place it a the very bottom of the document?
@Lenni I have also tried that
as soon as it gets position: absolute; bottom: 0; then it gets placed at the bottom of the screen ... but there is room underneath it where you can scroll :\
body probably has some margin set
@Lenni I use eric meyer's css reset
just to reiterate, you want an image to be at the bottom of the page and you still have some margin below it?
I'll upload a test to show you
you'll see the image "Greg woz ere 2010" ... that is absolutely positioned with bottom: 0;
resize your browser to see what problem I'm facing...
and then scroll up and down
that's not on the bottom ....
set body to position:relative
what position:absolute does is go up the parents until it finds one that isn't position:static and then orientate the element on that
in your case there isn't an element that isn't position:static (that's the implied default) and I'm not sure what the defined behaviour for that is
@Lenni thanks, that was all I needed ..... jesus!
cool, glad it worked

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