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hi there can anyone help me regarding my query here: stackoverflow.com/questions/30188369/…
@user2268488 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
okay I am new to here if anyone free here then can you please sort out my query regarding fullcalendar stackoverflow.com/questions/30188369/…
@user2268488 not enough jquery
so where you suggest I ask this question to as I couldn;t find anyone
@rlemon Hahaha that looks like a Bollywood movie
agar.io is now huge
I have to start making stupid simple games
I'm sure if I make 100 one of them will bound to go viral
It's being streamed on twitch with 1000 viewers
And has 30k players or so now
I actually started making two multiplayer games, gotta work on that more
does agar.io make any money though
The real question is...
...will it blend?
Sorry, I'll leave
no, but it will icecream sandwich
You can come back in 48 hours
Okay :(
@copy Browser games?
@SomeGuy Yeah
refactor iwbtg to play with only the space bar (and tap on mobile)
@SomeKittens Haha brilliant
this entire thread is gold.
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/ZxcoeHj.jpg from the thread above.
Mildly interesting: mrale.ph/talks/goto2015
my god codepen is terrible without css
I got lost in the thread
first time i've read every comment on the page without loading more
usually I give up like ten in.
yea I cringed
read some of the replies in the chain
@copy I see your avatar
stackoverflow.com/a/30204897/2476755 is it appropriate to provide a solution that accomplishes what the OP wants, but in a different (better) manner?
Unless your homework problem says "solve this with regex", you shouldn't solve it with regex
eh, it actually makes it easier to use a little bit of regex
Depends on how you define easier, I guess
I don't like regex so it takes a lot for me to want to use it
I guess I could've written .replace(",", "") instead of .replace(/[^\d]/g, "")
Oops! Error 404, unable to process image
oh weird, it's eating the asterisk
anyone have a good guide for CSS in emails?
do I basically have to do all inline css?
That's what I did but I didn't bother to test it
this is such a pain
there are converters
I'm sure there's a gulp plugin
unfortunately, I'm writing my html in jade
Use gulp then
well, I only need to write the template once
!!> new Array(5).map(function (_, index) { return index + 1; });
@Unihedron "ReferenceError: n is not defined"
@Unihedron ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
Is there a way to call the mapper for "undefined" elements as well?
@Unihedron new Array doesn't work like you want it to
@royhowie Oh?
use Array.from(Array(5), (_, i) => i + 1);
!!> Array.from(Array(5), (_, i) => i + 1);
@royhowie [1,2,3,4,5]
@rlemon drunk?
getting there
(I'm surprised she supports ES6)
Oh, it's ES6.
no, just the arrow operator
just use
!!> Array.from(Array(5), function (d, i) { return i + 1 })
how do i make a js object behaving like an array, with the [N] syntax?
@royhowie [1,2,3,4,5]
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… It seems to say Array.from is proposed for ES6.
Oh boy
basically, how does NodeList work?
She's on FF latest
so whatever that supports
guys why are there <^> characters but no down character?
@nick ilerminaty
@Unihedron oh, forgot about that; I've been using in code golf so much lately…
@nick v
TypeError: Object function Array() { [native code] } has no method 'from'
// Node v0.10.29
@Unihedron eh close enough
@Unihedron need the --harmony flag
Yeay it works!
@Worf var o = {}; o[1] = true; ?
@royhowie what is this sorcery
@nick bracket notation
!!>var o = {}; o[1] = true; o[1];
@Worf true
i keep bouncing between javascript and c++, it's hurting my brain
That was my life this semester
@Worf stackoverflow.com/a/30136118/2476755 I explain how to access object keys in the beginning of this
@royhowie how do i filter out other stuff while iterating over
@Worf is there any reason you want to do this?
Had to do a bunch of c++ for school, could barely think in javascript when I had to
dunno when i'm gonna use c++ but i want people to take me seriously as a programmer
@nick then learn PHP
@Meredith ha right? when I first had to use JS i was blown away how "loose" everything was
@Worf do you want to store additional properties? Perhaps you could do var o = {}; o.myArray = []; Then you can just use o.myArray as your array, and o as an object otherwise
but now i'm so used to it.. i have a lot of difficulty with stricter languages now
I cringe every time I create a "memory leak" in javascript
@Meredith that's what the roomba is for
what's memory
@nick I forgot
nope @royhowie i'm doing a very specific thing
var MyCompatibleNodeList = function(){};
MyCompatibleNodeList.prototype = Object.create(NodeList.prototype);
MyCompatibleNodeList.prototype.add ...
I found out to use Array.apply(0, Array(n)) for creating a new array properly
@Worf Are you following a tutorial or something?
function Baz(){ this._list = []; }
Baz.prototype = Object.create(NodeList.prototype);
Baz.prototype.clear = function(){ this._list = []; };
Baz.prototype.add = function(item){ this._list.push(item); };
Baz.prototype.item = function(offset){ return this._list[offset]; };
@Unihedron use Array.apply(null, Array(n))
@Meredith nope. nope. i'm just extending NodeList to be "user defined"
@royhowie Okay! Thanks again!
@Meredith are you telling me that?
It'll tell you how to use inheritance correctly
meh ok i'll wait for the lemon tomorrow
i asked a very specific thing, your answer is 700 pages long
just sayin'
@Worf either way, does "use bracket notation" not help?
"how do i make a js object behaving like an array, with the [N] syntax?"
what exactly is your question?
function Baz(){ this._list = []; }
Baz.prototype = Object.create(NodeList.prototype);
Baz.prototype.clear = function(){ this._list = []; };
Baz.prototype.add = function(item){ this._list.push(item); };
Baz.prototype.item = function(offset){ return this._list[offset]; };
var x = new Baz();
x[0]; // 10
i want to get 10 by accessing x[0]
Operator overloading doesn't exist in javascript
impossible unless you want to do function (add) { this[index++] = add;}
Baz.prototype.clear = function(){ /* how do i implement this ? */ };
Baz.prototype.add = function(item){ this[++this.offset] = item; };
Baz.prototype.item = function(offset){ return this[offset]; };
or with babel
class Baz{
       this._list = [];
     this.list.length = 0; // trust me it works
psst why are you doing that this.offset thing ?
add can be
i have no clue how to do that @darkyen00
function add(){ this.list[this.list.length] = item } // you see what i did ?
jsfiddle.net/mmsaztb5 this is what i've got so far
looks good
but i guess it sucks. how do i define a getter for .length ?
if you are learning javasript though
you should go through tutorials
it has to be .length not .length()
!!tell worf mdn defineProperty
right. stupid me
Object.defineProperty(Baz.prototype, 'append', {
    configurable: false,
    enumerable: false,
    value : function(item){
        this[++this.offset] = item;
    writable: false
wth is wrong with u? :D
A property cannot both have accessors and be writable or have a value, #<Object>
hm i can't get it working. how do i define a method that doesn't show up while iterating over the object (enumerable:false) ?
nvm solved. was just being very stupid
ok got it working :P
writable: false in defineProperty means it's writable from within the instance scope but not writable from outer scopes? @darkyen00
or it's always not writable
The beauty of this regex is that it's so obvious what it's doing — El Ronnoco Sep 12 '11 at 8:52
In the end on my current project we just said fuckit, if it's got an @ somewhere it's an email address as far as we're concerned
@rlemon forked your pen, just look at the last function, the one for the colors. Doesn't it feel a lot better? continuous circle: also if you want more hue cycles just add * 2 or * whatever at the end
actually nvm
@ivarni just send a verification/confirmation email; best way to do it
kills two birds with one stone because you also make sure that user has access to that email
@royhowie Absolutely. In our case we're just trying to make sure users are putting the right text into the right inputs, so it's more of a UX concern to warn them early if they're putting their phone number in the email input. Sending confirmation emails doesn't solve anything for us, since we don't take an email address when new users register but rather let them opt-in later if they want to receive information via email :)
But if sending confirmation emails is an option it's always the best way to go
my client wants accounts to have "parent" accounts
it's a tutoring center, and he wants people to be able to see their children. However, parents always make the accounts, since you pay for the services online (there's no online tutoring, so kids don't use the site). We ended up going with the option to add a second email address, so he can send emails to parents specifically
Sounds reasonable
yeah, I didn't want to have to make a whole new database document/model thing
especially since it was never going to be used
we're selling insurances, and the ancient IBM RPG backend requires us to create a user before it will calculate a price, and we want to be able to show a price with minimal input from the user so we have to make an account before we have an email-address. We fall back to snailmail if they either don't provide one later or provide a wrong one
what is the backend actually written in?
All the devs are 50y+ except a few young people right out of school who they somehow managed to trick into learning outdated tech
@ivarni oh, I didn't know that was a real thing
I thought you were using a metaphor or something
@royhowie Neither did I, untill I came here
I've seen some of the backend code, I don't think it can ever be un-seen. It haunts me.
Why can't they just rewrite the backend? How complicated is it?
From what I've been told they tried a few years ago, spent millions and failed
Probably due to poor project management, I dunno
William Patrick "Willy" Stuart-Houston (né Hitler) (12 March 1911 – 14 July 1987) was the nephew of Adolf Hitler. Born to Adolf's half-brother, Alois Hitler, Jr., and his first wife, Bridget Dowling in Liverpool, Lancashire, William later moved to Germany and subsequently emigrated to the United States, where he enlisted and fought in World War II. == Early life == William Patrick Hitler was born in Liverpool, Lancashire, the son of Alois Hitler, Jr. and his Irish-born wife Bridget Dowling. They met in Dublin when Alois was living there in 1909; they married in Marylebone in London and moved back...
Willy here fought in WWII - for the US Navy
actually, can I post something absolutely horrible that I found on ifunny?
nvm, I don't want to
Stop being a tease
this is a public chatroom…what if I end up running for president?
lol, I see what you mean
By the way, on the off-chance you've not seen it the Monty Python sketch about "Mr Hilter" is hilarious: youtube.com/watch?v=vlmGknvr_Pg
monty python is my favorite
I have curl -IH "Authorization: Token token=080a84aeffe83471eaf4ae8e23496744b" http://sahuyog.localhost.com:3001/api/grooms.json how do I do this in JS ? I mean what in the header do I have to set?
I hope you didn't just post a real basic auth token in a public chatroom :)
its fine because its a demo kinda
is it like headers["Authorization"] = "Token token=token" ?
I just realized I never had to actually set a header on an XHR request
I got the request headers from the server side . it looks like "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"=>"Token token=token" so I think I can do it now
@Shmiddty it brings tears to my eyes
notice the visual pattern?
awsome .. what does it match ?
@argentum47 valid emails
emails? I think
@Shmiddty yes…is there more than what I'm seeing?
it's a pattern within a pattern-matching pattern
On a sidenote, <input type="email"> has been a thing for a while
At least in chrome it validates
@ivarni but not in the other browsers, to my knowledge
Yeah, browser support isn't top notch
I wish more people used it though, on mobile it will change the "keyboard" to one with an @ button
did not know that
@Shmiddty this regex doesn't validate an email address, it validates the To: field
i.e. "Name <email>; Other Name <other-email>"
Hi Frnds
@JenitaLazar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have question im using Jquery UI dialog .It not opening
code: $( "#actual-hours-dialog-list" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
width: screen.width-100,
height: screen.height - 325,
resizable : false,
modal: true,
open: function() {
close: function() {
if ( $(this).find("span#changed").length > 0) {
var changedHours = $(this).find("span#changed").text();
@FlorianMargaine Ok
$( "#actual-hours-dialog-list" ).dialog("open"); not working
!!tell JenitaLazar format
@JenitaLazar Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
If you would like to reproduce the problem in a jsfiddle.net it would be more likely for someone to be able to help you
Hi. In angularjs is there an alternative to ngModel which explicitly defines the model property on the scope...?
@deostroll I don't follow... what are you trying to do?
I am very ill
Q: What are the best languages to learn to develop my specified website?

user2896120I want to develop a website, where the user can login and sign up using forms, upload data, have their very own unique custom built profiles. The user would also be able to access a page to view pictures from a collection of user-submitted pictures. I am fairly new to programming. I'm learning Ja...

Nvm, suddenly voted
@darkyen00 But are you licensed to ill?
@Cerbrus I missed out on all the fun
@darkyen00 very?
@deostroll: no there is not.
Why would you need that?
@royhowie what's the point of editing it? That just keeps it on the front page for even longer
its only when you type something in that textbox scope.age is available
otherwise its not...
@ivarni I can't handle thanks and whatnot
@BenjaminGruenbaum throat infection which is making me unable to speak and this is its day # 1 of showing symptoms, old hand injury re-surfaced now my left hand is immobile and i have 102 fever atm
So, @deostroll, do you want it to have an default value? Or do you want the property to exist on the scope?
@Shmiddty nope--
@darkyen00 What did you stick down your throat, young man?
Yes. i want the property to exist
@royhowie: Don't comment like that
Not nice
@Cerbrus sorry
@Shmiddty chocolate icecream
and an indian delicacy known as masala panna
$scope.age = null;
@darkyen00 you always have weird shit going on in your life.
@darkyen00 go to a doctor if it's an infection?
@Cerbrus you have manually done it in the controller...I was thinking more like the other way around...define it on the markup...it should be there on the socpe....
@BenjaminGruenbaum Or my immunity is low.
@royhowie that is how i found out it is one -__
@deostroll: Imo, that's kinda ugly, but you could use the ng-init attribute
@darkyen00 why is part of the code in your about me not formatted as code?
@darkyen00 google search was inconclusive
Just read the warning on the page of ng-init:
> The only appropriate use of ngInit is for aliasing special properties of ngRepeat, as seen in the demo below. Besides this case, you should use controllers rather than ngInit to initialize values on a scope.
@Shmiddty yeah, I googled it and I still can't quite figure out what that is
@royhowie idk
masala is a sauce, right?
panna I don't know
masala means spice
you take that and add chat masala to it :-D
How do you get a throat infection from ice cream and a beverage?
I dunno, but they are the usual suspects
@Shmiddty clearly this was a metaphor
is "chocolate icecream and masala panna" a euphemism for rimjobs in india?
fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons look at all the new gender icons in the new patch
I'm all for equality/equal representation etc. etc. etc. etc. etc., but github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues/…
@Shmiddty whats a rimjob ?
This has been on the table for 2 years…
@royhowie I didn't know there were so many official genders.
why couldn't they just make a hashtag instead of the "mars stroke-v" fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icon/mars-stroke-v
@Shmiddty fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icon/neuter this reminds me of Wii, for some reason
my favorite icon
@darkyen00 google knows allllll about it
@royhowie I would totally just use that as a magnifying glass.
@Shmiddty fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icon/search they've already got that covered
@royhowie icomoon.com
have u used it ?
@royhowie that's rotated.
@Shmiddty you can rotate the icons with CSS
@darkyen00 no
or I could use the one that's already rotated
@royhowie you must give it a shot.
eh, I code.
meh, you chode.
i meant** not com
yeah, .com brought me elsewhere
I have to do the UX and graphic design for this project
I'm going to focus on making all the code work first, though
you can ask here or html room for help :-)
if you need
icomoon is a bit more involved to work with
I know how to html/css/js
I'm doing most of that at the end, though. For now, just plain pages while I fix everything
@Shmiddty but it reduces the size you download
!!s/ (.+)\/(js)/$2\/$1/
@Shmiddty Ijs\/know how to html/css (source)
missed it.
@rlemon typo on the rules page: merly instead of merely under rlemon.github.io/so-chat-javascript-rules/#links
@royhowie want to become a JavaScript™ Room™™ Intern™™™?
@Shmiddty haha
!!/tell 23264193 google rimjob
does !!redo work?
@royhowie That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Shmiddty Command redo learned
@royhowie Input not matching /HITTING/. Help: User-taught command: YOURSELF STOP
!!forget redo
so dumb
@Shmiddty Command redo forgotten.
!!learn redo "<>http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/23264370#23264370"
@Shmiddty Command redo learned

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