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Plus, you can quite easily grep the masterChat for .get and shit
Apr 25 '13 at 12:16, by Zirak
You do
I am afraid I am too much quick at search chat
That's just part of the chat, though. There're still a lot of shit that's uncommon or just not hit.
@AwalGarg What did you search for to get that?
Also, I already am in the middle of doing that
@Zirak "you do".
@Zirak Can you write a so chat client please? @rlemon will do the UI? cool?
something of a solution hacked out, time to upgrade from RegexPal to JSFiddle
@AwalGarg I have 90% of it done, but it's too boring to do all the nitty-gritty shit like editing and moving and so forth
(by 90%, I mean sending/receiving events; not the UI to do them comfortably)
@Zirak code living online somewhere?
@Shmiddty how does this pattern sounds with react
@darkyen00 Shmiddty is afk: beddybye
@Zirak ohhh we should do a cli chat client
for SO*
@AwalGarg There was the new adapter thing I sent you, the one which used rx, that's a pretty decent start.
@rlemon Thought about it but...meh. I won't use it.
I would... for a day.. well maybe half a day.
Has anyone toyed with AudioContext? I coudln't get it to work, so I just opted for an Audio element
I also don't like its api
@rlemon why not a pidgin plugin?
or, libpurple
var login = Promise.coroutine(function *(){
    var authenticationToken = yield getTokenAsync();
    var self_details = yield fetch(authenticationToken);
    return self_details;

Now authenticate opens a route which has 2 props passed to it
as resolve, or reject
more like
StackPurple, so we can all have chat open in the normal client
@Zirak how do you plan to use the client? userscript comes in and deletes all chat dom? standalone nw app with no sop? gtkwebkit?
<PromiseView onResolve={something} onReject={notSomething}>
   <!-- Passes Resolve and Reject to children -->
I don't plan to use the client
@darkyen00 oh god no
@Zirak how do you intend it to be used? ~_~
I don't intend it to be used
@AwalGarg yeah thats what i thought :-/
Do whatever you want
when i wrote it msyelf
but in WinJS i was able to winjs.navigate('/authentication/page.html',{ resolve: resolve, reject: reject });
allowed me to create a single authentication view which used to just "work" everytime i needed a pin or anything
Just wrap it in a promise like a sane human beings, don't do deferreds
@Zirak yeah-- thats how i did it in winjs -_-
where do u think i got the resolve, reject from ?
but there isn't something comparable in react :-/
lets make one.
html5rocks has a nice audio context tutorial iirc
oh man, I forgot about the Terraria decompilation
My my, I also neglected this little gem: chat.stackoverflow.com/users/thumbs/829835 Why am I stupid and scraping the user's chat page when I can just use that?
I have it in my endpoint list
Agar.io is still down!!!! How will I ever get my daily dose of balls!?
@Zirak I thought it was a list of users.. then I realized I'm just in too many damn rooms
@HatterisMad It's been down for at least the past couple of hours
Its really fun but with my internet connection it can be very difficult to play
Also, guess who's in meta tavern?
@AwalGarg I'm gonna create an endpoints list on the bot's wiki, fill it up if I forgot anything
@Zirak you can also get the user info (wrt. a particular room) of a list of users at once
Random question: document.getElementsByClassName("classname").length is valid and returns the number of elements of a certain class, right?
@rlemon bjb is trying to complain about you in meta tavern
@Nik Did you try it
@Nik What do you think? Test it and tell us.
@Jhawins Whoops, forget it. I made a blunder elsewhere. It looks like it works.
@AwalGarg It's used to get user stats when they join
You're testing my memory
@Shmiddty okay the hard question is how would you structure a view like
@darkyen00 Shmiddty is afk: beddybye
say contact picker in react ?
or a login portal
i dislike hte way react router does it -> open it then redirect
and doing it as a dialog won't give me the sexy back - button
hello people. hello @Zirak @CapricaSix
I am doing some research about node.js modules like cheerio etc. Is there an easy way for nodejs to go to link and fill input boxes/textboxes/ click buttons etc ?
perhaps you want phantomjs
that's a headless webkit browser with node for it's scripting
according to whois, Matheus Valadares owns agar.io and this is the only matheus valadares on github github.com/Matheus28
I feel like I don't do this enough, and we take a lot of things for granted, but everyone in this room is awesome and has helped me learn a tremendous amount, so thank you. bows
@rlemon i like his devotion to commit messages haha
@macroscripts you might be able to use something like cheerio.js to do what you want, but phantomjs will be a more robust solution that'll be a lot close than a scriptable browser. With cheerio you'll have to load up the page's html and hope it doesn't need and live scripts to function. With phantom you an let the pages scripts work and jsut use it like a browser (but programatically).
hi kids
hey tacquito
Hi, dad.
@Luggage I've been reading something about it. I want modules that can emulate browsers like FireFox or Chrome. And I want to be as fast as possible. I've been reading something a bout phantomjs but not enough to know how it works.
I hope you kids are studying before you go outside
I was hoping to get some pointers here.
well, phantomjs only emulates phantomjs. It's probably closest to chrome.
kids go outside?
pointer => phantomjs.org :p
@taco wow thanks.
I am sure there is a way to emulate firefox etc
here is a good example :D
thanks guys
have to go now
I wouldn't be so sure about 'emulating' other browsers.
I used to use ActiveX to web walk with IE as the OCX was MSIE
Sorry for the delayed AWS question. Got caught up in something else. I have a site working in IIS on an AWS server I spun up, but I can't access it from my local machine by going through the public DNS supplied. Any ideas how to make it publically accessible?
So glad ActiveX died
you can see the site form the local terminal services session?
check the firewall ports
in AWS, not windows (well, maybe check windows, too)
you know what port it is?
port 80?
80 and 443 are the standards for http and https respectively
port 80 is port 80
What luggage said
Also, why is your nick Luggage
Why is your nick taco?
Because I love tacos
plus I have a Mexican heritage :d
My father was a suit case.
Was his name Swanson?
Sam... Samsonite?
Luggage is a character in a few books: discworld.wikia.com/wiki/The_Luggage
@taco is Mexico as dirty as I think it is?
@NickDugger dunno, I'm American; navy brat. Parents are Mexican
is it ok to post a question here. First time
@Accidental_Everything Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Tijuana could use some paved roads when I visited forever ago.
it was mostly a joke. I live in Texas; I have a few mexican-heritaged coworkers that I joke iwth
Good job, Caprica.
Yeah, I don't know many Mexicans here in ATL. Visited SAT office, nearly half of my co-workers down there were Hispanic of Mexican descent
They're on their 8th generation of Hispanics or so since the Alamo
@Zirak stackapps.com/questions/3775/chatbot-a-bot-for-the-chat I'm assuming you've forgotten to update that for a while.
I say that, because it was weird to not be treated differently down there
@rlemon zirak.me/SO-ChatBot doesnt work for me
so i just disabled windows firewall on the aws server and still can't access it
@taco hence me pinging Zirak :D
what ports does AWS have set to let through?
you set that when you setup the VM. you chose a 'security profile' or some such
"security group"
i figured if i turned off firewall there would be no ports being blocked, no?
@Accidental_Everything Did you have a question?
@im1dermike no
AWS also blocks ports
@im1dermike All ports are blocked by default
You allow a specific few
See what 'security group' your VM is in, then lookup that security group and it'll tell you what ports are open
let me try to find that
Turn your windows firewall back on first, unless you like pulling your hair out
judging by his profile pic he's got too much hair anyway
Things that I've learned about SE Meta today:
- People on Meta QA (main) are bad
- People on Meta chat (except bjb) are good
thanks luggage! that worked
i had totally forgotten about that
haven't been in AWS land in a while
@NickDugger That is accurate.
Back in 2008 when I was a Data Center tech, I saw Windows machines get infected within minutes of being put online. IP botnet scanners infected the machines super quick
@Zirak also communitybuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/1143/… Cap is mentioned here. Andy pinged me asking if that was okay. I said yes, but I'll forward it on to you as well.
@taco Conclusion:
Conclusion: @im1dermike is going to be fucked in 20 minutes, lol
Caprica: A bot (based on a Chat bot released on Stack Apps) built to help new (and existing) users in chat rooms (among other things)
we assume he only opened 80 / 443.. but he IS using IIS so.. yup.
@rlemon Thanks, fixed.
Yeah, that's what she's for.
5 mins ago, by im1dermike
i figured if i turned off firewall there would be no ports being blocked, no?
yea, but the AWS firewall is still in place and hopefully he turned that back on
@MadaraUchiha I can edit that if you're unhappy with it.
@rlemon Sure, why wouldn't it be ok
(one nitpicking: it's not based on the chat bot, it is the chat bot)
I don't see why not. but he asked me, so I figured I'd do the respectful thing and ask you
just don't let Caprica and the other models talk. Could be dangerous
I look at "the chat bot" as the script. Caprica is just the main instance of it, that wording seemed correct to me.
@MadaraUchiha resumed watching that vid, and it says chrome made fetch happen which is false. FF made fetch happen.
@Zirak I was just trying to be polite and inform the owners before I posted, but sucked at searching.
@Andy Nah, lol
because like.. the AndroidBot is the chat bot as well
@Andy You are a terrible, terrible person
@Luggage That's if he doesn't have an infected bot in his subnet, but I'm going to assume AWS accounts for that
I agree. Always best to assume in these situations.
@Zirak hangs head in shame
You disgust me on a core level
the chatbot is more of a general purpose utility bot :P
she's the swiss army knife of bots
just a glorified REPL
if we wanna be really specific she was designed to be a hangman bot
@rlemon except that the welcome message can't even be customized feasibly
why am i going to be F'ed?
i turned off windows firewall just for testing.
only takes a second
and the commands randomly do a direct reply and indirect one, no consistency
what commands? user taught commands?
(also @Andy that's a good answer)
well yea, those are given the option.
@AwalGarg There is logic to it. I think. Maaaybe.
listeners are different than commands as well. don't forget that -- we just merged how they are called
Thanks @Zirak
@rlemon youtube command doesn't ping anyone for instance, or doesn't do a contextual reply. why?
@Zirak ^ logic?
because we forced it that way for onebox support
anything we want oneboxed can't reply to you
@AwalGarg What? It does a direct reply
!!youtube thursday
it does a :id reply not a @user reply
I assumed he was complaining about that
wait a minute... when did that change? :P
it's always been that way man
also, @Zirak
4 mins ago, by rlemon
I look at "the chat bot" as the script. Caprica is just the main instance of it, that wording seemed correct to me.
did you read this?
I was running an instance that day in the hinduism room... it didn't :(
beer!youtube never gonna give you up
(also I was just ranting out of fun... nothing to take serious, right?)
the userscript replies correctly.
Direct replies are for when I think you asked for something specific (like a google search), user replies are for pretty much any other shit. Why not direct reply to everything? Because at first messages were throttled and combined, so direct replies could be swallowed up.
@rlemon Yeah. Makes sense I guess.
@AwalGarg You're probably thinking of /tell something youtube crap
a flag
lol it was me
And to whoever flagged that: Don't...flags aren't toys or amusing, they're annoying
@Zirak ahhh right
@taco turd
@taco Don't
I'm not the one who posted Rick Astley
it's a good song bro
@AwalGarg I've been thinking of making /tell someone crap do a direct reply to the user's last message if it's visible, reply otherwise. Maaybe.

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