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So much es6 syntax that is entirely foreign to me
I need to do some catching up eventually
destructuring and object shorthand are my favorites so far, with arrow functions close behind, then classes
babeljs.io/docs/learn-es6 explains everything and is one of the libs I'm using
the fun part was using it in a grammar for pegjs.org
so... destructuring var {foo, bar} = {foo: "foo", bar: true}; would result in two variables, foo === "foo" && bar === true?
Destructuring is one of the (few) things I've liked about having to use coffeescript the past few weeks.
and var {bar, foo} would be the same?
and if you have two variables foo and bar, you can use the object shorthand {foo, bar} to create an object {foo: foo, bar: bar}
so it's reflection
It's not really reflection, just a shorthand syntax.
just shorthand so you don't specify name: var, name: var, name: var
well... var {bling, blang} = {foo: "bar", bar: true}; would result in what?
@Shmiddty null and null
got it.
bling = null, blang = null since the props aren't in the object
so it's reflective
why not undefined and undefined ?
there's no reflection
it uses the variable names as a lookup for the object. how is that not reflection?
because JS doesn't need reflection to do that
@nderscore oh yeah it would actually be
ahhh fancy computer science terminology
you can see that pretty well in how babel compiles it down to ES5
put in let {bling, blang} = {foo: 1, bar: 2}; and you get:
var _ref = { foo: 1, bar: 2 };
var bling = _ref.bling;
var blang = _ref.blang;
and vice versa, let foo = 1, bar = 2, baz = {foo, bar}; becomes:
var foo = 1,
    bar = 2,
    baz = { foo: foo, bar: bar };
JS' scoping and access is sufficiently mushy that you don't need to get into reflection or anything so expensive.
Is that because it's an interpreted language?
Not entirely sure, but it has a lot to do with how everything acts a lot like a map.
is var going the way of the dodo?
yes, because -- like the dodo -- it is lumpy and evil
how is let different?
According to that wiki article; this["foo"]()["hello"]() is reflection, but this.foo().hello() isn't.
traditional block scope, rather than unusual function-only scope
loops and conditions start a new scope for let (I believe), only functions start a new scope for var
Oh, yeah that's great
no longer shall I need to declare my index variable at the beginning of my function!
for(var i = 0; i<5; i++) { //BAD
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 100)
let and class/extends give you traditional C-like semantics
for(let i = 0; i<5; i++) { //OKAY
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 100)
@Retsam Object.keys is closer to what I would call reflection
destructuring gives you much more terse object handling
The implications for codegolf are interesting as well
if we can somehow also retain the ability to declare implicit globals
@Retsam for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 100); }
spread operator is great for golf
what's that site again, @nderscore?
something anarchy?
I need to start golfing again, I'm rusty
I think they're still using an old spidermonkey engine though :( barely supports ES5
@ssube I was demonstrating the difference between let and var, not concerned about arrow notation, though it is nice.
once ES6 is out of draft status, maybe I can harass shin about adding ES6 as an option to the site :D
@nderscore have you seen this? github.com/stedolan/jq
the site supports it
nope! checking it out
wait, what? isn't this just a JSON parser?
@Retsam arrow functions make everything better :D
@ssube Yeah. That's the other part of coffeescript I've liked.
@nderscore I think it may be turing complete
oh cool, this is like sed
I'm still trying to figure out how it would be used
(not familiar with sed)
it'll only be useful for golf problems that have JSON as the input data though?
@nderscore perhaps
I'll have to take a closer look later
let me know what you think. I don't have time to dig into it any time soon
me either :(
GTA V: Released Sept. 2013 - Feb. 2015 still can't do heists
It's OK though, king of "shit releases" for the decade goes to OnePlus.
</bitchin> // Shmiddty is in the bitchin block because he is a bitchin dude
Now there's no content...
what's a bit chin anyways? Like in @nderscore's avatar?
Hardy har harr
@Shmiddty But no that was a good one
bin chins are bit coins for fat people. Digital cryptoflesh.
brb creating a new cryptocurrency
So a typical bit chin collector may have up to 3 or 4 bit chins at a time?
@Shmiddty depends on how much time they spend virtual eating
@Jhawins as if that doesn't exist
@KendallFrey Ever see a cow pie?
> ShitCoin will be the biggest POS coin you've ever seen
@Shmiddty hah, oh yes
@Shmiddty buy a .io and create a site for it
@Jhawins Looks kinda like ovaltine a dog shitting in a box. (one more ping for good measure)
That's how you mine for shitcoin
lol yes it does
Haha FU
why is there poop here D:
there is poop inside you right now
stop pretending that's a bad thing
there's a little poop in all of us
more in some
wgntv.com/2015/02/24/… I would quit my job.
Poop is hilarious but I don't need my coworkers seeing a pile of shit on my screen xD
@SterlingArcher I thought it was bin-worthy haha but hey not my problem ;P
@SterlingArcher you'd rather it on your desk amirite
wats a corning?
its the process by which corn is deposited into the fecal matter by the digestive system
it's also a glass company
coincidence? correlation? nobody knows
!!urban corning
@crl That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: ban, unban, urban
@crl Corning Corning's a shitty ass town located in Ny.
@nderscore did you ever pick a color for the dark theme? You're faded out for me right now
I'm not even aware of a dark theme
@Shmiddty I haven't been here in a while :(
(I like orange)
fancy fancy, how would one choose a color? or even better, how do I get the dark theme? is it an SO feature or something external (extension/greasemonkey/etc)?
@nderscore You're here now! :) If you wanna pick three hex colors
It's just a userscript + userstyle
@rlemon has a version as well in extension form
@Shmiddty rlemon is afk: stuff and things
hmmm... let's go with #ABC4DE
a nice desaturated light blue
ooh, the color shows up in a wee box
this theme is good
@Shmiddty sexy :D
has anyone made the same thing but light?
lemon had a pretty great idea of making the colors be enterable via js and stored in localstorage. I'll probably implement that at some point. But I'd want a color picker and all that
@Shmiddty thanks!
no problemo. Feel free to tweak it to your own liking
For those who care: blog.filippo.io/komodia-superfish-ssl-validation-is-broken Prepare your faces for impact
filippo.io/Badfish <-- test if your browser(s) are affected
It's not really browsers, the Lenovo fuck is a hardware MitM
I thought it was a software (Superfish?) thing
They make it sound like it applies to all Lenovo machines, even though Lenovo mostly sells to businesses (who hopefully image them).
It's a nice combo.
From the article, it doesn't necessarily have to be a Lenovo machine. It's any Komodia/Superfish software installed on a system
@Shmiddty is there a way to get ref as an array ?
it's... an object, right?
@Loktar you at home?
nah still at work
What I don't get is that they've taken so much trouble creating a packed MitM with some intelligent heuristics, but they couldn't at least ensure it's not a horribly insecure POS
Your wife gonna be home when you get home?
for (foo in this.refs) bar.push(this.refs[foo]);
yeah she should be
I was looking at houses today, wanna show her what I liked.
@Zirak that sort of thing never works right, they're all full of holes. Apparently the people making them only consider the extremely obvious stuff.
haha yeah I can ask her
Always good to have a second opinion (granted. Listings pages are not that great)
@Zirak deadlines?
bleh getting nervous at the fact I'm using react + a shitload of third party controls for this lol
((in related news: twitter.com/swiftonsecurity))
@Loktar ahve you figured out a way to use refs in an array ?
@darkyen00 What are you asking?
what are you trying to do?
Meh keep a track of a list
so that i can do ListController.getElementById <- to get the element.
9 mins ago, by Shmiddty
for (foo in this.refs) bar.push(this.refs[foo]);
@Shmiddty erm that won't give me a list of refs :P
as in a list of all elements in a single ref
no I've barely dealt with refs
you want the children of a ref?
  return <foo data={e} ref={"foo" + e.id} />
thats the closest to what i have got
Ok... dude you're going to need to explain what you're trying to do if you want me to understand you
I'm not sure what you mean by "all elements in a single ref"
You can chain refs to get to a deeply nested component. this.refs.foo.refs.bar.refs.baz etc
If you're defining refs on every component, it should be pretty simple to programmatically convert the tree into a flat hash map.
@Loktar @SterlingArcher youtube.com/watch?v=bdRNlpsWGU0
hahaha damn
Time: 13232ms
my build times are getting out of hand jesus lol
still at work
time to go
@Loktar 13 seconds isn't too bad
really? god man it seems terrrible
@Loktar parallel it?
@Loktar are you using Grunt?
@Shmiddty js, not C++
@NathanJones nah gulp + webpack
I need to implement the hotloading when I get some time
that should speed things up.. I hope lol
@Loktar you can't parallel things?
Ours were 30+ seconds for a bit before we upgraded gulp and optimized some stuff
that was pretty brutal
@FlorianMargaine no idea
@Shmiddty ouch yeah man I'm on my way there :P
@Loktar well, I mean, conceptually speaking, can you parallelize the build?
Yeah no, we've got two packages that take about 30s each to bundle. Apparently that hasn't been corrected yet. haha
not sure honestly, webpack is doing most of the work and to me is still a bit of a black box
what are people using to deploy their js code into production?
MS release management here.
@FlorianMargaine congrats on your son!
Have you guys seen this yet?
Is everyone still watching the Power Rangers trailer?
@Jack Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Reminds me of this anime... can't remember the name. But dude finds this drill bit thing, then that allows him to control a mech, then eventually he takes down the big boss, and things just keep escalating. It's very interesting
@NathanJones Git from our internal servers, mocha and coverage tests
"var selectors = {};"
Oops pressed enter!
Can I cache selectors like this?
var elem = {
$doc: $(document),
$gameArea: $('#gameArea')
@Shmiddty That's the first tv trope page that made me wonder wtf I am reading
@Jack, yeah, I don't see why you couldn't. To access them you'd just have to do elem.$doc though...
this needs to be made into a full length movie
@Blexy I've been doing something like the following:
"elem.$doc.on('click', function(){
// doSomething
It works fine But I'm unsure whether the selectors only hitting the dom once or if they have to hit the dom everytime
Ahhhh back ticks not double quotes lol
@Jack, take a look at this article. The guy is talking about storing selectors in an object. eamann.com/tech/selector-caching-jquery
I'd say caching a selector via a var vs. an object is the same thing
local variables are cheap, DOM access is not
just keep that in mind
@Blexy the title is misleading, you are caching the object, not the selector
#foo is a selector. the result of $('#foo') is an object
@Blexy Its a good article and I've come across it before, I suppose its more a question about objects and how they look up their values.
right maybe the title was misleading. all I'm trying to convey is that var $foo = $('#foo') is equal to var blah = { $foo: $('#foo') }, no?
@taco thanks. he's not born yet though
@rlemon does an array of DOM objects (e.g., the result of $('.foo-class') ) count as an object?
@Blexy yes. for such a simple case, the difference is moot
@FlorianMargaine how long until your wife pops him out?
@NathanJones yes, it isn't an array but an array like object
@taco he's supposedly coming for 12th of july
not sure how many @jack
is going to have to select
Still planning on our first child..... wife is so ready.... aaaaagh
guys... did I mention how much buying a house is stressful ?
because it is stressful
yeah wife was ready for 4 years already..
@rlemon you didn't
@rlemon is it?
it is stressful.
buying clothes is stressful for me
I hate shopping
because a) parting with that much money always hurts. b) I have found two places and can't decide. c) moving is never fun. d) did I mention the fucking money?!
you forgot e) money
and f) obiwan kenobi
anyway... it's almost 1am here, I'm working tomorrow in a few hours, so...
most money I've ever had in my life, and the thought of spending it all on one thing, and not even being able to pay for it fully... ugh.
good night
ugh, want to play hockey, don't want to be outside in a snow storm
I mean, dammn. I shouldn't be complaining, but that is hard!
@FlorianMargaine night big daddy
@Blexy I'm not sure if they are equal. `` $foo = $('#foo') `` Calls a function once and stores the returned object in a variable but what I'm thinking is var blah = { $foo: $('#foo') } looks up the key and calls $('#foo') everytime I do blah.$foo
@Jack no it does not
the only performance difference is the object key lookup.. which is not even worth mentioning really.
@rlemon So $('#foo') only gets called once when I define the blah object?
when the object is defined the returned value of the $(selector) call is assigned to the property
the function call itself is not stored
@taco It's somewhat bizarre, I'll give you that. The plot is pretty ridiculous, but it's an anime, so that's pretty cannon.
@Shmiddty all i wanted to do was to have an array of components rendered by a component as a single ref
what do you mean "as a single ref"?
yeah, I've heard of it. My friend went as some girl with a gun with a long barrel from that anime to DragonCon with me. But still, didn't make any sense to me. I don't watch anime, though
@Shmiddty var arr = ['a','b','c']
Ahh that makes sense now, thanks @rlemon
just replace a, b, c here with real components
no problem @Jack
so that i can iterate over them easily
// So if a component's render method looks like:
return (

// you want:
var arr = [<Foo/>, <Bar/>, <Baz/>];
and you don't want to manually set refs on each component?
You're missing quotes
he said he wanted the components

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