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That's perfect!
@SomeGuy Neat!
btw, this was a true story about why I'm now spinning my thumbs not able to test anything
52 mins ago, by rlemon
me: hey, do you know if A is still using the testing server for the demo?
B: ohh yea, he was done with that on sunday.
me: cool <shuts down server and starts making changes>
... 15 minutes later
A <phone call>: why did the server crash?!
me: sigh
I don't really want to do any kind of authentication in PHP. But I have to. Before you get the pitchforks out for mentioning it does anyone have a recommendation?
It took me a death and a half to realise I destroy rockets by moving away from them
gamejam.javascriptroom.com set up @rlemon what is ur email ill give u the un/password for FTP
@Neal not me, @NickDugger
he's organizing it all
@NickDugger what is ur email?
guys... high.af is available.
How much space do you need?
@NickDugger haha buy that
Uhh, not much
@Zirak Haha, that's not bad
@Zirak Are you randomly assigning advisers to quests?
We need the tutorial
Oh hi @Neal
@Zirak @SomeGuy wait?! so I'm not supposed to fly into them head first?
@rlemon Hahahaha people, huh?
@BasementKeyboardHero Of course not, I carefully read what they have to say, and then mash keys until it gets assigned
In JS how do you not execute everything at once? Newb problem of code taking too long to execute - I want certain lines to complete and update the page instead of waiting for everything to be processed before updating.
@SomeGuy right hand doesn't know what the left foot is doing
@rlemon Hahaha
@Jhawins nevermind... some guy in LA owns it lol
@carb0nshel1 callbacks/promises
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hi sorry. I am always working. I do not rly pay attn to this room anymore
Okay, I should sleep now
Keep in mind each one will get you different results, leiliana will usually get rare stuff
*googles that
@NickDugger did you get my email?
@Neal whatcha working on?
@carb0nshel1 google promises first
look at BlueBird and their examples
Night @SomeGuy
@Neal I'll text you now
@SomeGuy gnight
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol my job ;-P My previous job I did not work much
@Neal where do you work now?
@SomeKittens free?
and have you used express4 with socket.io?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stealth.Travel
@Neal any chance of getting a database?
ehhh yea sure. one sec
@rlemon sorta
Sorta free, have used socket io
On mobile
ok, will bug later
Why did I make a dick simulator in JSFiddle?
so you could star bait the room?
@NickDugger db name: thedocau_gamejam UN: thedocau_nick PW: same as in text
Alright, awesome
I don't think I want to link it...
Let me know if any issues @NickDugger
@KendallFrey The real question is...why didn't you make two?
making a dick in KSP is bad enough
I'm making too many dicks lately
@rlemon ping me at 1pm PST
will try to remember
my situation is a lemon situation again. proxies and crap
not cut and dry :(
@Neal nice, grats
Ha thanks. Been here since March on '14 @B
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thats prob why u havent seen me around as uch
what about yellowbird
@NickDugger what is ur local so I can add it to allowed hosts for the DB
email or text me
local what?
@Neal I don't get it. What do you do?
@Zirak What does who do?
Me? I do full stack
@carb0nshel1 BlueBird
The company. What does it do?
Your description says "solves problems", basically
@Zirak haha Travel.
through space and time?
@rlemon I'm reading this and thinking: Can't I just create an if statement that waits 1ms to delay this code?
Doctor Who
Your company travels?
Clint Eastwood
if 1ms passes then do this etc.
sounded like you were dealing with async
@rlemon haha no.
@Zirak We are a travel company
k thanks, back to the grind.
are you using async? what are you doing?
don't make us guess
I asynchronously travel
@NickDugger I put up a h1/coming soon index page for you gamejam.javascriptroom.com
Awesome sauce. I'm at work, so I can start doing stuff with it when I get home
@darkyen00 hey I saw your question on the react repo, did you see this by chance? github.com/facebook/react/blob/…
@NickDugger :-)
a function that gets executed on a mouse click has multiple parts. If i remove the later parts I see immediate results on the page - but leaving the later parts in the function seems to wait until all the later parts are executed - created an appearance of lag on the site.
I want the first part to execute first. Then worry about the others.
@Loktar repo ?
@carb0nshel1 Sounds like a case for promises.
Take that BE! Now I called you out on something silly :P
@SecondRikudo What about before moving on to the next parts I use an if statement to check if 1ms has first passed.
Anyone play PlanetSide 2?
@carb0nshel1 never check if 1ms has passed
that just sounds stupid and problematic
@Loktar Traverses children that are typically specified as props.children, won't work
@NickDugger Used to a year back, it was fun, thought about returning to it
@darkyen00 ah, heh anyway yeah I just saw that because I'm trying to get the values from some dynamic form elements :/
@NickDugger same as Zirak for me
@Zirak I just picked it up again this past weekend. I'm terrible at it, but it definitely is one of my favourite games.
trying to loop through the children and get the values.
@Loktar use refs
or post here
@NickDugger It's okay, I don't think anyone is good at it
i wrote something called webForm for react
it used dom but hey :P at form stuff dom is oookay
@Zirak Same guy knifed me in the back like 4 times before I changed my class and went somewhere else lol
well I have like 8 search types, each search type will have a different number of search boxes
@NickDugger oh those are the worst
so when I hit search i just need to grab the values from all the search boxes that are currently being used
// generic non-important question
if( !foo.length ) ...
if( foo.length === 0 ) ...
It's not very fun solo
@rlemon Former
@Zirak it is the one game that I don't game upset about losing in, though. The gameplay is just endless killing. Just get back in and kill another guy lol
@SomeKittens ;(
You guys see the SOE layoffs?
Since SOE was sold
they lost a few high profile people for Everquest and PS2
I really only care about PS2, but even they lost some key team members
@NickDugger that looks fun!
I can't wait for PS2 on PS4.
I already play with a controller, sometimes
@rlemon what's foo?
I cant wait for hololens on xbox
@darkyen00 sweet thanks Ill take a look
It's free?
key is display:none; in a form will not count it in the form data :P
If you don't mind not having super awesome weapons (which I don't), then yeah, it's free
@BenjaminGruenbaum an array
Oh it;s one of those games...
It's not that bad, even with just free weapons.
man I have some kickass stuff in PS2
In-app purchase style game
It seems balanced enough
haven't played in a long time though. used to pilot the giant ships
galactic something or others.
PS2 has been around before in-game purchases were the norm, though
Is free edition 100% separate from paid edition?
Just give it a chance
You'll like it
its not a bad pay model at all
I'll try it
I haven't heard a single person say that they didn't like it
Is it huge to download
@Loktar Noice
@Jhawins Oh yes
Yeah it is
@rlemon either is fine.
Like how big
you guys playing on PC?
@BenjaminGruenbaum not the question
or something
Oh that's not huge lol
I know either is fine
@Loktar yeah, PS4 version is still closed Beta
40 is huge and annoying. 10 is an afternoon
@Jhawins Yo-mama's-dildo big
PS2 on PS4
10mbps internet sucks lol
@rlemon !foo.empty()
"which would you prefer to read: a or b"
Benji: W
@NickDugger they did it again imgur.com/gallery/4YASRaj
@SterlingArcher This one isn't as good, but damn if I didn't chuckle
They hockey goal was sheer brilliance
@SterlingArcher oh my god this one is soooo gooood imgur.com/gallery/UdAsfzM
oh my god lol
quick question, should my requestAnimationFrame loop run every 1000 / 60 (60fps) or does it not really matter?
@joshhunt you let rAF handle it...
requestAnimationFrame tries to run at as close to 60 or 30 as possible
It runs whenever it needs to
@darkyen00 this is what I'm working with/trying to achieve
I have a search container, that has a select box which determines what inputs to show based on selection
since they can be a varying amount of boxes, have different names, ect. I need to just iterate dynamic children and get their values in the submit somehow :/
maybe I'm totally going about it the wrong way though
oh my bad, should have looked up the specs, thanks
hmm looking t yours its almost like I need one more wrapper component..
the form one you use wrapped around what I have pretty much, and remove the form tag/submit in my container.
A man walks into an SMTP bar. He says, "EHLO guys!".
I need more survey answers
Write a bot which answers your survey
I said survey, not hangman
Tomatoes tomatoes
@rlemon link?
Guys, I have another JS problem: jsfiddle.net/1pcg8wt3/3 Do you know the way how to remove the error in console? I know, I can't call parentNode from document.QuerySelectorAll, but how to do it?
1 hour ago, by rlemon
I made my first survey because it looked like fun please take 2 minutes and fill it out. thanks.
@PDKnight iterate over the collection, or use querySelector if you only need a single node
@darkyen00 hah nm dude I got it
What does "Comma first or last" mean?
your paste was super helpful thanks
@rlemon ^
@Loktar ofcourse you will
I try to do everything without touching the dom idk why, like I keep telling myself its bad to do anything with componentDidMount
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 1 hour ago, by rlemon
var foo = {
  a: 1
var foo = {
  a: 1,
@rlemon No smart tabs option? :(
@rlemon there are many editors..
@rlemon How to iterate over the collection?
@rlemon God why is that even a question
@Loktar Yeah that was the first thing i wrote in react.
@FlorianMargaine which is why it is a text box
now i just use onChange and update my state
@PeeHaa you'd be surprised
and then use the state as a js object Kaching
@rlemon I was commenting on the answers
ahh, yea
Your mom comes up a lot
my mum seems to be a popular editor
@rlemon I'm checking out the results. Looks like I need to punch 7 people in the face
same with my D
yeah I should probably be using controlled components and using their state.. but I would just run into the same issue.. no idea how in the heck to grab teh state from dynamically added components :/
@rlemon s/editor//
I am surprised at the amount of people out there wearing nut huggers
don't you know those are bad for you?!
@rlemon I'm more concerned about the inconsistent spacing after the colon
@david nut huggers remove much of that space
a guy like @Loktar I can understand. he has enough kids
@rlemon why was boxer-briefs not an option!?
Best of both worlds
@rlemon also I got a vasectomy anyway
everyone else, for the love of all that is holy, don't wear briefs
@PDKnight Your error is happening because when you set the innerHTML of .foo you completely destroy and recreate the child nodes. You should use the DOM append method instead
@NickDugger that is my bad, I consider those boxers
@Loktar Jesus rofl
but I should have made that an option
anyone here use apidoc? Getting a small problem
@david okay, I'll try it
@PDKnight use sel('.foo')[0].appendChild(newFloor); instead of sel(".foo")[0].innerHTML += newFloor.outerHTML; if you want free codes
will you look at that, my mum is in the top 3 editors used by the people on the chats.
free codes are best codes
:so proud:
@david whoaaaa! works perfectly!!! many thanks, man!!!
@david @PDKnight querySelectorAll(selector)[0] is silly. just use querySelector
screw logic, I have jquery
Hey man don't question the free codes

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