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Is there documentation somewhere providing an explanation about when the DOM naming convention is CaSe Sensitive? (i.e.: document.getElementById("apple").style.backgroundColor="green"; works properly but: document.getElementById("apple").style.backgroundcolor="green"; <--- where the C in backgroundcolor is not capitalized, does not work)
It's always case sensitive
well, im more looking for some documentation as to why it was made case sensitive. Hoping someone in here knows where it's discussed
Because js is case sensitive?
So why wouldn't the properties be case sensitive?
You make a strong Case
@Zirak I've used APIs where it wasn't case sensitive. Horrible
because sandwich is a good snack and sandWich is a poorly-spelled beach potion brewer.
I've been involved in legal proceedings about sensitive cases
well, she was your cousin
A jury of my peers couldn't prove that beyond a reasonable doubt!
I cannot understand how nodejs can be scaled, mostly the part where there are like multiple servers and then suppose their is one database , how does the one-thread-per-process thing work. Since I don't know much about process-process communication I can't understand that Is it llike communication via message passing like pub/sub ?
Why is chrome so slow :o ?
stackoverflow.com/questions/2387724/… I was reading the second answer, but everything is confusing. Someone please explain in simpler terms?
@darkyen00 did you get up or didn't you sleep yet or you got exported to some foreign country?
Didn't sleep
One thing I also am not sure firing up a child process also should open a new thread. but that concurrency ?
So on different servers different node-workers create multiple threads?
@FlorianMargaine neat
are there any JS M libraries in the same way that React could be considered a V library (in MVC)?
Would that make sense?
@rlemon ngrok + browserSync == <3
Halp ?
@NathanJones react can be the V in lots MV* frameworks
sure, i'm not asking what to use with React. I'm just wondering what libraries exist that deal with models and saving data to the database
I'm starting to write a library to handle making changes to the database in really wonky way, and I'm wondering if there exist any libraries that might help me
React is supposed to work with Flux
But as said can work with anything with maybe some work
@Mosho Why is there no jQuery React plugin :'(
why do you need a plugin
that ngReact thing is pretty barebones
you don't need much to wire React with another framework
T_T so you didn't got the jKwery joke ?
back in the days when you were young
there used to be a thing
jQuery plugins
yes it's coming back
nice rhyme
every single thing was a "jquery plugin"
@Mosho hope not
to me, that is
it took magnificient rants and preaching
to get rid of that x_x
since js perf is down -_-
/me heads of to gym
ps LRULinkList is a bit hacky for react-canvas
do you see any potential pitfalls for that ?
lets run benchmarks
VM109:414 Each will be spawned with 100 element cache
VM109:415 And exhaustive benchmarking will occur for both
VM109:486 ======================================================
VM109:491 Beginning for lazy implementation
VM109:494 testing for just pushes
VM109:474 Benchmark complete it did insertions  493262  and fetched  0 in 2711 ms
VM109:496 The length after this test is  100
VM109:499 testing for just fetches
VM109:474 Benchmark complete it did insertions  0  and fetched  496105 in 83 ms
holy smoke
just kidding
mine was in node
The last implementation though is sorta bitchy
it inserts fifo
and then removes the last element when full
if a get occurs the element moves 1 place ahead in the list
why do you need a linked list in JS?
thats a stupid implementation right ?
@Mosho speed :P
We don' need a LinkList we need a cache :D
what is it for
use an array and just replace the oldest element and keep a pointer to the that index.
its supposed to cache drawn layers as bitmaps as well as in memory images
I guess LRULinkListTrue is the best solution cause afterall its a true link-list based LRU
first solution is a lazy approach
it does just enough task at the time of insertion, read
but pays the penalty when it has to remove
Hello all :)
I have another webpage embedded in my website, but for mobile I would like to have a redirect to that page, instead of using embed, as it loses features in mobile. How would I go about and do this?
I am thinking, onclick for my embed, but I would like to use url for mobile, any clues? :)
lol that is hilarious
@darkyen00 added one that I found on GH
fetches are a tad slower than your best implementation, but insertions are much better
@Mosho which best ?
the true or the untrue ?
quick question my points are keep down i evene know why?
i have asked any questions neither vote
all i do is just chat
@darkyen00 one with the best results idk :X
anyway, off to bed
@Loktar i dont get it
@Mosho ... Wow
@Steve dude was caught "being a fan" is promptly embarrased and drinks his beer when caught
I'm a fan
lol the look of "oh shit they saw me, drink a beer" cracks me up
ohhh lol
makes sense
let me watch again hold up lol
its a good song though hahah
Just found the song... so yeah I'm a fan as well it seems lol
yeah I think I found my new alarm clock
I thought it was a kids song wth
but... I'm not so sure now
painted buttcheeks at one part, so mildly nsfw (@2:41)
sounds like dynamite
I was going to ask whether it's the bare ass that makes you suspect it's not a kids' song
the orginal song is catchyy lol
@Mosho haha
kinda like Gangnam style
no idea what they're saying, but damn cool
point when that song came out everyone thought they were saying "condum style" lol
Any help here would be lovely, I cant find help on the web on my topic, probably a bit unusual.
Wanting to use href for mobile, and onclick for website, or sometihng like that :)
question NON RELATED to javascript anyone use KODI?
@sunto few things you could do, are the links static or dynamic?
One thing you could do is use a media query and only show the desktop link under certain conditions
another possiblity is for touch events on the link send them to a mobile page
@Zirak ... it took me a while to see 'how do i' and not 'howdoee'
I'm trying to figure out who this Snollebollekes guy is, apparently nobody
@Loktar The link is dynamic i think, as it changes a part (main content part) of my page,
and is an ajax-loaded function
also, reading Dutch makes me laugh
~-. Floating unary negation
Cool operator
as i am not sure, i added the link to jsfiddle
@Loktar I guess, Could I somehow, stop the onclick for mobile, and use href instead on mobile? Maybe easier :)
@Loktar got that song on repeat shittt lol
@Mosho him and I are doing hte same thing
he removes from the front and I remove from the end
I wonder why his code is 2x mine !
don't know if happy or sad: fastcodesign.com/1670640/…
@rlemon imagine youtube ads with video games you may skip in 5 lol
Sorry, left out studd, should be more easy to se my jsfiddle and understand something of it now :)
@sunto I mean something like this
(resize the display window)
so basically you have your mobile and desktop link, and they both have the link they need in it, you just hide/show based on media queries
aha, that was simple :)
thanks :)
yeah np
is there way to hide scroll on search event?
link for fiddle
@Loktar You'll like this: cracked.com/blog/…
@SomeKittens I don't read that garbage anymore
:/ (meaning cracked.com)
ignore the last question
@SomeKittens lol damnit
so Homeworld is out next week
Chet was ded
I have beaten KSP
Anyone have a good handle on the semantics of infinite scrolling?
I've seen examples where they don't seem to be using the window's scroll event.
I don't understand that.
what is with everyone posting in both rooms?
Is it common just to blanket Webdesign, and the JS room with the same question
@KendallFrey how?
1 message moved to Trash can
@SomeKittens Upgraded all the buildings, unlocked all the parts
@winresh24 Don't post in more than one room
ty @copy
@Steve did it as well lol
it confuses me as to what room I'm in
I'm not usually in the web design room, if you see it just remove it
yeah I should instead of being a grump, will do it next time
I just wonder if these people post in other rooms too at the same time..
after looking at some blogs on lazy.js in depth, I feel I should also devote some time to revisit relearn and learn high school algebra and functions too
@argentum47 haha I feel like that almost every day man
:D . I have to organize my time, the two extra hours at office and then 4 hours at home back from office. Maybe I should use my smartphone to code as well, on the way to and from office
@copy copy sir
/me chuckles.
goes back to doing whatever random time wasting thing he was doing
meh, I delete that video.
@KendallFrey can you explain me something ?
yay, KSP is getting reentry heating
How do I 'find' an anchor inside a div, without jQuery?
I have tried these solutions, that are in the jsfiddle, but am probably missing something
Yeah, that ^^
@Mosho beat him insanely on reads
my lib takes care of dups though :-/
Dumb question: What's the best way to normalize a date to GMT?
with timezones
@KendallFrey er, thanks.
BTW, don't normalize a date to GMT, normalize it to UTC
What's the difference?
UTC is the official one
I think GMT might not include newer stuff like leap seconds
I forget how that works
> There is no time difference between Coordinated Universal Time and Greenwich Mean Time
gee thanks Google
> For most purposes, UTC is considered interchangeable with GMT, but GMT is no longer precisely defined by the scientific community.
TIL postgres doesn't accept UGT
> The last minute of a UTC day is permitted to contain 59 seconds to cover the remote possibility of the Earth rotating faster, but that has not yet been necessary.
oook, why is my postgres db set to UTC still sending out 1970-06-12T07:00:00.000Z
it's reporting that as the current time? and it never changes?
@SomeKittens o/
N00b question: I've got <p ng-class="{strike: deleted, bold: important, red: error}"> as part of an existing directive, and I just want to add a static class to the end. Docs aren't helping...
@KendallFrey No, that's something stored in a DATE column
cards> select now()
| now                              |
| 2015-02-18 03:46:55.169830+00:00 |
That seems to have worked
what is the expected value?
Hmm. Something funky might be going on at the Node layer
<p ng-class="{strike: deleted, foo: true}"> ? (to get foo to render in all cases)
@SomeKittens That date is almost exactly 1/100 of the current date, relative to the Unix epoch
smells much like a unit conversion issue
@KendallFrey Coincidence.
Yeah, that's the actual birthday
the what
I only care about the month and day
8 mins ago, by SomeKittens
oook, why is my postgres db set to UTC still sending out 1970-06-12T07:00:00.000Z
6/12 is the birthday
oh, so the year is the only broken part?
string problems then
Should I go see Dragonforce tonight?
@phenomnomnominal Nah.
@KendallFrey No, the year is irrelevant. It's the seven hours that concern me
that's your timezone
okay :(
you're presumably creating a date (with the time set to midnight) locally, and when you convert it to UTC, you get 7 hours added on
@KendallFrey The creation happens at the DB level as well
is the DB running in your timezone?
It's been set to UTC
via postgresql.conf
the SELECT NOW() confirmed that
I mean the system clock
or is that independent
I'm not sure
i know nothing of postgres
@SomeKittens Most database has per connection timezone config. You may want to check that too.
I do know a bit about times though
and my body is telling me it's time for bed
@KendallFrey thanks for the help
And many databases has timezoned and timezoneless datetime field types, including postgre, which may affect your query result too.
@KendallFrey Have a good night!
@KendallFrey I played assassins creed on low settings because the optimizer set it there and it lagged to hell. I turned everything up manually and its smooth as hell haha. Maybe I have something else going on that's causing the ksp issue.. I checked and they were running on the GPU all the time tho
I choose to blame Microsoft because <-
Does anyone have the link to the site that is a side by side comparison of jQuery versus DOM code - the only thing I remember about it is it was obviously biased towards DOM
Or maybe not be biased - I don't know, my memory might be faulty. What I remember for sure is the side by side comparisons bit.
Say I have a bootstrap carousel in one view in an angularjs app. The carousel is binded late to the DOM. User clicks on a link from slide 2 (say), and goes to the other view. He then hits back button from there...how to write code such that he ends up in the same slide he started with (slide 2) ?
The carousel items also change after specified intervals...
@jdphenix Now sure what you are trying to compare. Speed? Syntax? Feature?
@Sheepy Sorry I had found it already - youmightnotneedjquery.com
@jdphenix More like side by side alternatives rather then comparison. But yes, I now also don't use jQuery for my personal projects. I have some simple utility functions and that is it.
In here flipkart.com/lenovo-a6000?otracker=hp_imgModule_3_lenovo . I am trying to do $('div[class$="-orange"]') but it returns empty array whereas $('div[class*="-orange"]') works . Why is the former not working
@argentum47 Because the class does not end with the text? Perhaps there is a space?
the classNames are like this "btn btn-orange btn-buy-big register-btn"
@argentum47 $= is an end with selector. The class attribute does not ends with -orange. It ends with -btn.
ow, I thought it iterates on the classNames
@argentum47 Not exactly. It is treated like any other attribute. I think ~="btn-orange" would also work, but in your exact case I'll use data-* attribute.
The backbone source code has some similarity in the way jquery is written. Atleast the first 20 lines :P
Q: Which are the general choices for server programming

iammilindI am quite new to server programming and except business logic, I haven't worked much in past. Following are my requirements: The server is intended to work for vehicle management but may extended to many other things in future The server should be able to entertain high loads at times Interact...

no wonder "I am a C++ programmer" XD
@copy whats this pattern called in python user = User.get(User.id == 1)
I wonder why people come from the ruby world into JS and aim writing JS the Ruby way.
I've met many developers who think jQuery() is just a thin wrapper for document.querySeletorAll, and click() is just a quick call to addEventListener. You can say it's jQuery's success, really.
can someone help me
the problem is that..
with related to site
@ADG Welcome to SO. This is a Q&A site. If you have a question, just ask and pray.
Read the channel rules on the top right corner.
@sheepy there's a single moderator at chem.se misusing his powers
temporarily suspended me again now for 60 days
he even doesn't reply me anything
hi @Cerbrus
hi @vladimir
what's the matter!!
@argentum47 did you read that?
no, which one?
he thinks i'm plagiarism and need to provide citations
"there's a ...anything"
whaaat? wait I have no idea of the context.
@argentum47 i am suspended at chem.se second time for plagiarism as the moderator says, phew he's the only one there. the site's beta and he has not enough experience
do i need to provide source for even chemistry 101?
like if a user asks what is a method
and then you need to give some documentation etc. from java oracle etc.?
i'm very fruststed and feel like saying something bad to him @argentum47 what should i do?
seems like no one's helping bye!
Why would I give the documentation link? I will state them to go see it.
@ADG I dunno what you did that they banned you. But when I first came to SO, I didn't se how anything I did violated everything, but then I got used to it and in the end I larnt how everything works.
@ADG You should seek help from SE. A quick google reveals some similar Q&A, e.g. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/28867
and I am not a mod, that I would ask them to raise a ban or something. Open a different account and delete the previous one.
!!urban plagiarism
@argentum47 plagiarism stealing ideas or actual passages from someone else's work and pretending they are your own
o that's Steev Jobs
I know a solution, call The Arrow
Q: Angular ajax success msg

aWebDeveloperWho should show the success msg and redirect the user. Currently On success the service shows success msg and redirects the user or should that be done by ctrl. Question is regarding separation of concern. Ctrl $scope.save = function (entry) { MyService.save(entry); }; Service $http.p...

7k user posts a question... but I don't see a question
@Cerbrus Yes how sad the rep has become...
I think he's asking wether it should be the responsibility of the controller or the service to handle success/error scenarios, which I would argue is opinion based
That may be the case, yes
Isn't something that deals with rtriving of JSON data usually placed in a factory? I duuno.
Angular mixes up service/factory/provider into one big ball of confusion
:P . I know the difference between factory and service (I guess), one returns a value like return {user: {}}; and the other returns an instance of function. I could use which one I felt suitable. Although I can't remember the last one is a service or provider. let me check
@FlorianMargaine tats same as what i have done (from the first look)
developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits In the meantime /repos/:owner/.... but what's before /repos? github.com/repos ?
@darkyen00 except it was done by @dystroy who's made tons in his life :P
well true :D
lets bench his asewll
So far my final version reads fastest, writes okay faster then Isaacs implementation by 2x
stackoverflow.com/questions/28578757/… code review with no code in the question, just a git link...
Somehow, that's upvoted.
Q: Disabling the BAck/Back Space/Alt+Arrow button from Browser for PHP Applicatiion

MJ_I need php script to disable the Back/Back Space/Alt+Arrow Button through out my Php Application!!!! I tried Everything But no of them, Detailde Answers will help me a lot Thank You

Mainsite's particularly horrible today...
Good thing gems like stackoverflow.com/questions/28574870/… comes along then, and saves the day...
@dystroy your implementations taught me a lot :-)
@FlorianMargaine thanks :D
@darkyen00 Cool !
What, for example ?
you are literally inlining, and the inline is much incredible.
I didn't expect such benifits !
It was like a flash. I cudn't even see the code :((
Does anyone know of a 'document.elementFromPoint' alternative that works on the current view (incl. scrolling etc) x/y, rather than the document x/y?
It's all about React now, grandpa
hi all
I'd like to find a way to "get" google maps shapes data... anyone to help me ? :)
areas limits
@Julo0sS better harrder
faster stronger
@Julo0sS dunno, use Maps api? it's pretty intuitive
although I prefer OSM
@BartekBanachewicz google doesnt allow us to retrieve their data
for example, check the texas map : https://www.google.be/maps/place/Texas,+%C3%89tats-Unis/@31.1693362,-100.0768425,7z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x864070360b823249:0x16eb1c8f1808de3c
you can see its territory in red, as soon as you zoom "too much" this is no more visible, so : not possible to get max-scale accuracy for it
@Julo0sS how about that
check out this thread in general
@Julo0sS openstreetmap
it's logical that the color goes away if you zoom too much
it's to distinguish the state from other states
@KarelG what i'd like to do is to find a way to retrieve this "bounds" data
@FlorianMargaine checking atm... any way to get data there?
as in, push new data?\
@Julo0sS You'll find everything you need in the documentation
i'll have a look at this now
Hi all Good Noon
@Fanghornn this is not what i'm tryin to achieve...
maybe this could help but...
I have a issue in file upload. I create multiple file upload method. I want to clear the input value individual how can i resolve this issue jsfiddle.net/techpalani/987ry6nn
Q: How do I get three quarter's of my viewport's height?

DaftI can get my viewport's height as follows: $(window).height() How do I get three quarter's of my viewport's height?

@Julo0sS if you want bounds data, i can't really help you, in france we have an organisation called "IGN" who provides maps layer and data bases for free, but it's just for the french territory. Maybe you'll find an equivalent for your country
> Quand je fais de la purée mousseline.. Je suis sûr que tout le monde est con
I probably need more coffee...
or not...
^^ x)
@dystroy this has no sense
@dystroy T'es serieux toi ..? x)
@dystroy heh. That person wants an alternative for a simple 0.75 * height ...
@Fanghornn I really don't get it. But if it's related to some ad, then it's just because I don't look at TV...
@KarelG Do you have one to propose ? Maybe involving bisection and Array.recurse and some AJAX ?
@BartekBanachewicz think your link is interesting, when i check this fiddle : jsfiddle.net/api/post/library/pure (link given on your page) i can, through code, get some interesting svg data... but I don't understand the api logic enough to use it myself :(
transmit content to node/server > Handling 75% > return 75% of screen > replace

yes that ;)
@Julo0sS link fail
OK, I answered, let's end that...
@BartekBanachewicz first "code it yourself" button on your link : developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/…
@Julo0sS well, seems to work for me. Try reading the docs, I suppose.
@Neil Thanks bro. Its working charms
@dystroy Oh sorry lol. Actually you just blown my mind with this ad quote because we are making a lot of jokes about it at the office with a developper co worker so i thought that you were him
@Fanghornn ... I'm sorry, I'm not your coworker (note that there are dozens of developers that aren't your coworker... maybe more !)
@BartekBanachewicz it seems to work, but even with the doc, i simply don't get it... idk how i should, through this api, get one particular country shape with coordinates / svg data.. check this : jsfiddle.net/46k9x5tj/6
I've no idea, I've never used it
You have to do some more research
hello all
anyone from extjs
@VikasRana no we use protection

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