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@darkyen00 yeah maybe I will after I get through resetting everything.
The http.get('/' is blocked while this very loop is running
Assume I have to design a library mgmt system using Backbonejs.
the webapp contains various pages, each of which lists books of specific category.
From each page, I can update the category of Book (Say from A to B). So now the book should disappear from the current page (From Category A's page).
When I visit the Category B's page, the Book should re-appear.
I can design each Category as separate Collection. When a book is updated, the book has to be removed from one category and added to another.
I have to make a new child process to make it avaible while this giant loop is running ?
Well how can i explain this to you
I can't understand the logic of this blocked http.get while the loop is in a async function
Node.js is Asynchronous I/O
not asynchronous javascript evaluation -- as you are confusing it.
javascript is still single threaded
so your loop will block all the execution
when your loop finishes the other events will fire
does your loop really needs to be that heavy ?
if so put it in a job - queue ? perhaps ?
or maybe a seperate thread for it ?
Weekend room is horrible.
@Fanghornn so basically you're saying "I crippled the server on purpose why is it crippled?"
@BenjaminGruenbaum y?
Low level of discussion, usually only one or two of the regs I like around. Mostly noobs asking questions.
No of course but i'm just testing the limits of node.js for large scale project. The present project will only run localy in my house, but if i make i more large application, this means that every single little heavy process needs to be in another thread ?
hallo hallo
I'm kind of in a pissy mood so my bad if I contribute to lack of quality lol
you're one of the two people.
So I have a piece of code that hooks to the keydown event:
document.addEventListener( 'keydown', function(event) {console.log("hit");model.rotation.x += 0.5;}, false );
Anyway, i wanted to know if the main process were sharing the same thread of async callbacks and you answered me, thank you :)
But it only works when the console opens up. why?
@darkyen00 what is what you call a job ?
A seperate digesting process
to do the heavy task
ok i see
google it there are tons of them
i would never do anything longer then 1second in response of an http request
GFGI @Fanghornn
this is what I'm working on jsfiddle.net/gsa012Lc/8
why isn't the keyboard focusing on the preview pane?
@underscore u wut m8 ?
@darkyen00 why is that ? in my case i need to traverse the response DOM with jquery wich can takes time i imagine
why the heck are you treversing dom on server ?
@underscore (line 46)
has any one had build image magnifier ?
@darkyen00 because i thought that nodejs were super cool for limiting clients JS process
what ?
wops.. :x
did i just said something wrong ?
so you basically are telling me
that you wanted to run "all/most" the javascript
for the client on server ?
you will hit the limit very soon
1. Animations will be sulky
2. Your server even with a few clients will hit its limit
I need to reconsider what are the real advantages of using nodejs
I just made one for my gallery, it uses another HD image and moves it as background .. all nice. But if I create div positioned absolutely and css styling its left ant top positions to signify cursor placement over hovered image ... all becomes sooo laggy!! Any ideas why ... what are the casual approach to that ?
and .css({cursor:'none'}); not working any more
dunno even how to google this =/
I just read somewhere V8 (so Node.js too) has about 2GB memory limit. Is it still true, or has it changed?
why you are looking at v8
When I click on my jsfiddle result pane, it doesn't focus the keyboard to it. why?
@BenjaminGruenbaum have u tried backand.com?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry you were being interruptive :X
lol, noob.
@underscore yeah, that's a really great BaaS provider.
Bullshit as a service
@SecondRikudo why the heck aren't these people just doing 15 minutes of git or whatever?
Stuff like git add etc is so basic anyway.
does it stable for a production use ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum who people ?
@darkyen00 @SecondRikudo is teaching git in the Java room.
oh dear.
It's so retarded haha
does java has anything comparable to npm ?
editing a file to add dependancy manually feels kinda strange to me - gradle.org using this so far
@BenjaminGruenbaum Teaching is a good way to learn, plus the people are probably fooling themselves within the 15 minutes of git that they know git, instead of using it properly.
dude, git is one of the easiest technologies out there
I once had a colleague that told me he knew git (with a mercury client), doing terrible forking and versioning, I had to personally give him a course.
You add stuff, then you commit it. If you need to edit other stuff and keep your trunk clean you branch it and then merge later.
If you want to revert you can do that, if you want to squash commits you probably shouldn't but you can do that.
I hate myself for not getting git. I'm used to subversion, and git shouldn't be difficult but I just cannot be bothered to commit the time to learn it properly
If you want to push your changes to another repository of the same project it's just a git remote add and git push.
It takes 15 minutes to learn and after that you understand git. There is no mastery - it's like learning to use a filesystem.
That's a simplification. Git books are several boxes of paragraphs long. The exact commands may be burned down with GUI clients, but none of real programmers uses that.
I keep having to explain rebasing to people though
As a result, poor usage of git -> even poorer usages of git, proper education is kind of good for any soul.
@Unihedro no no, that's really all of it. It's just add and commit for regular workflow, branching for well... branching (and merging later) and resetting/stash when you mess up. It's really really simple.
It's like learning to use a new editor. It's not a lot of work to learn.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Explain an "origin".
@Unihedro you mean a remote?
well, it is not a good idea to rant about everything ;)
@ItachiUchiha ... I disagree.
Without anyone ranting, there would be nothing to improve from.
@Unihedro specially you :P
@Unihedro in git everyone has a local copy of the repository. Sometimes you want to push your code to a remote repository to work with other people on it - you add that repository as a remote and then push to it.
That repository is typically named 'origin' since that's where the code came from. origin isn't a thing in git.
It's just a convention to name your remote that - and typically people don't really use git as a decentralized version control system so it's their only remote.
@FlorianMargaine Awesome!
@Zirak even more awesome: i.imgur.com/tWUTnow.png
In a world that 199 out of 200 applicants for every programming job can't write code at all and users click 'OK' in dialogue boxes without reading the message, do you really consider all that information condensed as common sense for average developers? :D
@Unihedro yeah, the 199 out of 200 people thing is bullshit.
The fact that applicants can't code doesn't mean programmers can't code - people apply to jobs they're underqualified for all the time.
If you need a video tutorial to read a git tutorial and you're not in the first half year of programming you might want to reconsider your profession.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm just emphasizing the unlikelihood for an average programmer to adapt to a new versioning system - and be doing it right.
Version control is trivial. It's not one of the hard aspects of software development.
Because it's not common sense.
Yes, versioning your file is common sense.
^ +1
See, this sort of conversation is what depresses me about weekend room.
The room gets full of people who think version control is new or exciting.
And people who ask how to add a button with jqueryui to their jquery plugin.
And we can't have interesting discussions.
yeah the weekend room is so different its crazy
"commit object", "init", "commit hash", "stash", "amend", "workflow", "branch", "local tracking branch", "synchronizing", (list of all "git config" things here), "checkout", "upstream", "push" & "pull", "rebase", "head reset", "status" (this one's easy), "diff", "merge", and all of those has several man pages featuring how they work and the specifications
I always have it up but generally nothing too interesting going on so I don't say much
@Loktar Yeah, well - I spent all of the day doing nothing, I spent it thinking about a problem and not figuring it out :D
> A kid puts his hand up. He tells me he's got a virus on his computer. I look at his screen. Displayed in his web-browser is what appears to be an XP dialogue box warning that his computer is infected and offering free malware scanning and removal tools. He's on a Windows 7 machine. I close the offending tab. He can't use a computer.
It may be simple to you because you've used them a lot and are competent, but that does not naturally imply that everyone else does, and with several man pages to go through for each concept independently, "messing around for 15 minutes" is not as educational as a tutorial session.
I hoped my cousin was the only one this would ever actually happen to..
In fact, I'd recommend against it.
@Unihedro it literally took me 5 minutes to pick up.
Unless it's 300 seconds sharp.
@Unihedro please don't think in blanket terms, it's bad for us all.
The literal part is the 5 minutes, not the picking up.
Version control is trivial, it's just putting your files in versions. Out of version control systems git is super basic.
I can't figure out how to programatically open a color chooser in the browser?
@rlemon there is a jquery plugin for that :D
@rlemon what exactly does that mean
Actually, it could be a short/fun canvas exercise.
<input type="color" id="colorPicker" /> I want to 'click' on it in js
traditional methods don't seem to be working
... They should. You are bad
Do you have any idea why not?
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's like saying file directories are trivial to your ICT teacher.
They'd think you're too good to study in their class.
(Even though it's true.)
the div works.
@Unihedro what's ict?
@rlemon dude why
@Unihedro Wait, did you ever teach coding to kids?
@Unihedro But out of all those concepts, you don't need to learn or even know them to use basic git.
lol of all the ways you could've written that :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes.
I don't even know how commit objects are specc'd or implemented and I use it just fine
@Unihedro did they ever have any trouble picking up concepts like this?
@Zirak Then you'd be doing it wrong, similar to the story of my colleague.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes.
@Unihedro no, he's really not.
Nor have I gone through dozen of man pages
Especially the part with operators.
@rlemon (without researching) I'd say it is a security issue with the input tag.
@Unihedro I don't know what background your colleague had, maybe he had bad preconceptions, but saying "save all your work, git add and git commit with a message, move on" describes the majority of the work with git
I know it won't let you trigger inputs of file type
@Unihedro then you need to work on your teaching. I've taught a class of kids with no prior programming knowledge how to use source control last week - 20 minutes of self-work was dedicated to it reading a translated tutorial - all of them picked it up in much less time. When I said 15 minutes I was really generous.
@Unihedro as a Java programmer you have no idea how Java is implemented - you can't read Java bytecode nor do you understand the actual structure of a JVM nor the JIT compilation process. I know this because we talked about it in the Java room. Yet you really think knowing git operators is important?
You don't understand how the code you write is executed but you care about little things you can google in the program that stores your versions?
It's just version control.
... wait, what?
It's just storing versions of your code.
That's all there is to it.
You add stuff. You commit it - that's a revision.
If you need to work against a remote - you add it and push there. If there are conflicts you resolve them.
That's all there is to it, you figure out what ~ means the first time you have to use it.
Wait, why the heck am I ranting about your remarks on git.
I have no idea, I'm just pissed at machine learning. Machines, what have they ever done for us.
In your case, they apparently didn't learn
Yeah, clustering algorithm went awesome.
Had 1000 items, wanted to put them in 5 clusters, puts 996 in one cluster and then 1 in each other cluster -_-
The fields of machine learning are still immature. I can't believe turing tests are still too much to pass after several years already. Where's all the technological advancement everyone's cheering for?
@rlemon the event is literally not fired but considering color opens a new window I think it's an extremely safe bet that it's a security issue like file. I've found a SO question with the same answer but no source on it.. stackoverflow.com/a/17729551/1596138
@Unihedro please, don't tout your ignorance any more. It's not really helping your case.
@Jhawins you can do it if it is a 'click through'
I can figure it out with jQuery, not without.
Sorry bro
is it safe to assume 6to5 will keep the same npm name, at least have it point to babel as well?
hmm nm
looks like I should update
so big first world problem. Going to pick up a new tv for my room
the one I have is 46", one I want is 48
my wall mount only holds up to 47
Boo. Fucking. Hoo.
I know right
@Loktar buy a new wall mount
so now I have to figure out wtf to do
@Jhawins ugh they are pricey though
like $100
lol oh are they?
Want me to fetch you a new pony to weep with you?
You're probably dropping like a grand on the TV anyway right? It's worth it
no way
I'm spending like $350
thats the one I'm grabbing for my room
I have a smaller insignia in my bedroom, works well with all my game systems
I jus figured Loktar is ballin over in NE
right now I have an RCA in my office... but its complete shit :?
it wont work with the older coax game systems, and it doesnt have DVI or dsub
@Jhawins my wife is pissed I'm even going to spend this much
but my dad is taking my current tv and going to give me like $150 for it
Ah. That sucks. I just use one of those RCA to coax adapters for everything
@Loktar update
I have a vcr they route through.. but this tv is terrible
lol vcr
vcr is the best way to route coax - composite unless you buy an RF DEmodulator
reason I bold demodulator is because modulators are like $20.. demodulators are like $80
thats a modulator
you need a Demodulator
Idgaf it's a super nintendo xD
Oh I get what you're saying.
so like my old systems only have coax
You need it in reverse?
yeah, and they are expensive, its dumb
What TV doesn't have coax already
but vcr's are what like $10 at goodwill lol
yeah most do, but some can't handle the signal from the older game consoles (like this shitty RCA I have) its annoying
Weird. I've never had any issues
btw, I've updated my (forked) theme gist.github.com/rlemon/43b86547898853efc068
few more css fixes and some js snazz
yeah I have issues with my intellivions/colecovision mostly
also now clicking on the colored bars allows you to select a new color for said user
but its this TV's fault, its really bad
I got Spintires btw. What a waste
Can't even zoom out enough to see jack
@Zirak oop
Don't blame objects on this one
no just shitty indenting
is there a simple way to get a reversed array as a copy, and not reverse the original?
Folks, say I have an event handler an I want to prevent the default action. I can do return false;. I can do e.preventDefault();. Are they equivalent? Which would be a preferred way?
[Don't know if it's important, but this is in a context of jQuery.]
@rlemon thanks
@NickAlexeev in jq, return false does e.preventDefault
@rlemon So, that meant that they are equivalent. All right.
it means return false calls e.preventDefault in jQuery
@rlemon @MLM Thanks. That's the sort of insight I was looking for.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that was pretty mean of you, distracting me like that :P
Why? Don't like my robe and wizard hat?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Don't let me go all unexpected jihad on you
@darkyen00 you already have it on [email protected] ;-)
@rlemon Not just in jquery, that's browser behaviour in non-IE8-
@BenjaminGruenbaum Don't you cast lv4 eroticism on me
@AwalGarg there wasn't any need of pasting min here
bt okay
sorry, I didn't think of that
@AwalGarg it won't be always purple i am just designing with it
option 2
why ?
even i like former but why i dk
psst this inspired me :P
The latter is not well balanced. There is something at the bottom, and in the middle, but nothing on the top.
what makes this example balanced though ?
it is just okay-ish
You got them from Dribble or somewhere?
> 6to5 is now babel
yeah i dribble before i design
@AwalGarg so far my favorite.
the hardest part is the pay screen :P
that plus button opens the pay screen
now payment is hard to communicate
the person can be splitting the payment with friends or simply paying a friend or paying somebody who is in front of them... i wonder how to do this
yep, this is better than the first one
"splitting with friends"? As in, one transaction distributed among more than 1 people?
@AwalGarg yep
if you are paying at a hotel it splits it such that it transacts from them to you first and then to the hotel
that takes care of each indivisual having less money than required issue out of thebox.
hmm, this seems pretty exclusive to me
Is everyone copy-catting google's UIs these days?
And metro
current terrible ui
@Shmiddty no
i am not targetting google
I just want a god-damn good ui xD
^ Current implementation looks like this
but with native html inputs -_-
and data-list for tags.
I hate spell check when it says that my name is a spelling mistake.
think mate :D
i am going to bed now
and it does more then that
it allows you to pay a sabji wala :P without him having your phone number
just via bluetooth (and if the sabji wala doesn't has that he can use a printed qr-code :-) )
you can ask for money without a network / and pay too ...
and thats it. but designing a ui for this is harder then making it workon android.
@darkyen00 What's a sabji wala?
Well, the "average aunty" of India who purchase veggies from the street vendors, as long as they can use it, it's awesome.
@AwalGarg i want them to use it (well that was the whole point of IMPS)
@Shmiddty sabji = vegetable, wala = a person who sells vegetables.
@darkyen00 yeah, the UI I meant.
awal as a nifty thing, i will add pay via credit card to it aswell
that way those who do not want to use imps / netbanking can transact money via imps still.
just proxied by us.. gonna talk to SBI on this tomorrow... wish me luck.
To whom in SBI would you talk? (Yep, loads of wishes!)
There IT department --- the only hope
good night now
cool, good night!
tests first, code after
@Shmiddty Not sure how I feel about having not made it onto your user-specific styles list o.o
@monners What's your favorite color? :)
what's your second favorite color. haha
No, wait!... orange.
I feel like a celebrity dining off the menu at McDonalds
Ooh. That teal looks nice on the grey
ahahahaha fuck off ben :P
Hey, I wanted to be white :D
> Benjamin Gruenbaum19 seconds ago

This app is awesome. Great productivity booster. Certainly no slides were pooped on making it. A big thumbs up.
Great review. 10/10. Would upvote again
I don't like my color though - also the orange is kind of off. The inactive faces look awesome though really cool.
Except for TM who looks odd with no background.
@rlemon nice
Need to make the tags look good
few other things need 'tweaking'
click on the colored bars if you want to set custom values
stored in localStorage
otherwise they are generated off your username and userid
@rlemon Would it be possible to merge my theme into your extension?
how do you mean?
you want yours on the store but don't want to register for store access?
I have no issue publishing on your behalf. but updates will be slow because they'll have to go through me
ohh, then I don't know what you are asking?
ahaha nono
what did you mean?
Your extension is more than just a theme, right?
at the moment, the theme and the top bars
top bars are js
I'd like to be able to just use your extension
but with my theme, for the most part
it would be easier to just make a second extension
	"content_scripts": [
			"matches" : ["http://chat.stackoverflow.com/*"],
			"js": ["script.js"],
			"css": ["style.css"]
and I can give you the js I have written (script.js)
woot 47" mount worked on the 48"
are there even 47" tv's

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