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wassup @Esailija
think you can help me out?
@Purmou for (var i = 0; i < $(".cart-item").length; i++) { <-- Don't do that
let me guess
$(".cart-item").length should be calculated outside the for
other than that
i tried console.logging the arr variable
i got "cannot find 'length' of undefined
or something
the only problem is
i'm adding .cart-item divs constantly
Because you check the length before you assign it a value
so it's a variable length
in another function i add the cart item divs
and it is added whenever the user clicks on a certain image
so wouldn't putting it in a var count it only once?
I have no idea what you're trying to say, but @Dennis is right
so what's the fix?
just calculate it outside?
var arr = ""; outside the loop
then you don't need to check the length at all
oh wait
one sec
does var arr; work?
makes sense
but then if arr is empty
That's just the array problem, I didn't fix your caching issue
i get this:
arr = ,blah,blah,blah;
i don't want that first comma
that's why i was checking for the length
Generally I push strings onto an array, then do .join(",")
could i just do this:
for($card in $(".card-item")){

for($card in $(".card-item")){
does this work?
then i just do $card.find(blah) etc.
@Purmou NO U
that doesn't exactly answer my question
@Raynos hehe
@Purmou the answer go read a damned book on javascript
I mean for fuck sake, the meaning of a for ... in loop, learn what the fuck it does.
@Raynos books don't help at all
If they dont help then learn to fucking read
@Raynos hehe
@Purmou for the record it's for (var key in object) so it enumerates over enumerable keys
not values
@Esailija what is it with you and NFEs
@Raynos I was thinking in PHP for a second
$("") returns an object does it not?
that's why we can do $(".cart-item").length
so by that logic this should work:
@user886931 I was just pissed that a non-answer was accepted with 4 upvotes while my real answer I put some effort into rotted with 0 votes :(
ah missed that
for( var $card in $(".cart-item") ){
@Purmou everything apart from primitives are objects
@Raynos so would that work?
why the hell are you using for in for jQuery objects, it will loop through the never ending prototype a well
@Purmou define work
and I already answered your fucking question
@Purmou no
hahah - "Call a spade a spade, and a Help Vampire a Help Vampire"
Help Vampire is a much better term than a Brickwall
@Purmou it work, but not in the way what you want it for.
Help Vampire implies that they can be dispelled, etc
doesn't seem to work though
i just need to values to var arr; and the values are pulled from each .cart-item
so if i had that for...in
could i use this:
var prc = $card.find("blah").text();
raynos how do u generate the memes so fast... do you have a script or something
to get the current .cart-item iteration's text, for example?
@Purmou You are iterating over an array-like object, there is nothing wrong with using indices
instead of using that for loop
an ignore feature would be wonderful
there is
@Purmou no, $card now is anything else.
not very intuitive though, you have to left click username
which looks like it would take you to some other page
and i can ignore everywhere
so I have an aversion of clicking it
but then i won't know what ppl are raging about
@island205 what do you mean?
but man its tempting
I have only ignored one but that was hard core troll
he was either a retarded monkey or a very good troll
@Purmou $card is not the CARD you want
these are not the droids you are is shot
@Purmou jsfiddle.net/bp3Ew please read it.
@Dennis i=0, eq(i) will find an element with a 0 index
it should start at i=1, or use nth-child
oh wait
other way around
my bad
@Dennis can i email you?
i appreciate your help a bit more than others'
textbook help vampire
i may match some of those
but not all of them :P
and i don't want people to do my work for me at all
ok i seriously just spit tea
i need to give this chat a break
@user886931 where are you from?
please, let me ask a question
cross platform database connectivity..
// @Esailija
 - search internet for meme name
 - click memegenerator link
 - type in text
 - hit generate
 - copy url
donate to teamJS do it nooow
can somebody go over the rest of my JS?
i did a lot of work on it and modified it according to tips i've received from people in this room
the code is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge
i don't think people would appreciate that :P
Do it piece by piece?
If there is that much code to review, you may have to start shelling out euro/yen/dollars/rupees
well, i just wanted some people to go over my caching
i mean, that's my primary concern
oh wow wtf
i think good guy greg is me
he looks just like me
i seriously think that might be me
have been looking at it for like 20 mins trying to figure it out
not even joking
no way.
If thats you, then you are an amazing gentlemen.
it is fucking eerie
i'm looking at the stuff in the background trying to figure out if it's somewhere i recognize
@user886931 who is good guy greg
i think it's me
i'm serious
lol what a dick
A: firefox stopping youtube video when expanding div

EsailijaPlease provide the css for .wide. Setting some css properties in firefox reset the underlying flash, such as overflow.

just added fancy bullets to my shmup, not sure if Im going to leave them or stay traditional though, maybe a straight line up the middle, and those as a powerup?
hmm doesn't work for me in chrome :
thats what Im using to test
Uncaught Error: INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1
my server is being retarded today so it might take time to load
ah damn :? wonder wtf is causing that
not sure
is it webgl?
bah ok
I bet its not loading
no its canvas
it looks like it loads another bg layer for a split second
so weird working for me ok :? guess my load manager isnt as solid as I thought it was
and a title.. but then crashes and i jest see a box with stars :(
let me try ff
its loading, but its going negative somehow
opera has that issue as well
well its my issue, but opera throws the same error with it
hmm some js doesn't load in time?
idk very weird, opera is working ok for me too
but it looks like you just put script tags in there to load stuff, no fancy loading stuff?
yeah just script tags, only "fancy" loading is images
well i can see a title and something that looks like a detailed background quickly flash and go away
what vs of chrome?
it works in ff
im using chrome 16 currently
Chromium 14.0.835.202 (Developer Build 103287 Linux) Ubuntu 11.04
I bet its a negative issue with the image
yeah this is old
oh well still something I need to fix
glad you brought it to my attn :)
drawimage call is just using a negative coordinate somewhere for the parralax bg
this is pretty neat
all the ships are procedural
oh that's cool
based off a seed
all the projectiles are as well
have you seen garden of colored lights
or whatever it's called
no whats that?
is it light/music maker?
it's cool like a kenta cho style shooter
I want to make a poster from some of the genned output from that link above
the ships are so neat
very cool
why sow low res though?
going for the retro look
ah nice that garden of colored lights was done for a compo
after I finish this im going to attempt a tower defense thats 2d/sidescrolling
havent seen one like that yet, itll allow you to build some traps like terraria possibly
i dunno this shooter has a lot of potential... tower defense is kinda boring
yeah they can be for sure, I want to do some stuff to make it not so boring but idk
another idea today lol was to rip barbarians sprites and remake it
hahah yeah that would be fun
shmups just have huge potential i think
I need to look into the copyrights, see if the company is defunkt
yeah they do, if done right for sure
hmm what company was it
Epyx I guess
I think they went under, but they could of sold rights to some other company
hmm i'm seeing psygnosis
Hey what's the difference between Java and Javascript?
probably favorite shooter ever - mars matrix
does anybody know how to start a plugin after a $.load( ?
what happened, did school just let out?
so it will load with all the new content?
Anyone knows what is the name of the BeeBole UI paradigm stackoverflow.com/q/8549515/539209 beebole-apps.com/?lang=en_US&demoPure&demo ? It is similar to Blender, though I can't quite figure it out.
@Loktar: controls on Mars Matrix were brilliant. One button... tap it fast for regular fire, wait and tap for short-range armor piercing burst, hold down to charge an attack that absorbs all enemy fire and sends it back at them in a shockwave. Love that kind of simple but versatile control scheme
yeah I want to change the firing in mine to be controlled with the mouse
that sounds like a cool idea to handle the shooting
have you played kenta cho's gunroar?
also thinking of doing wasd for the controls rather than moving the mouse around, plus want to have purchasable upgrades
I havent played many shmups to be honest :?
been trying to lately to get more ideas
highly recommend playing all of kenta cho's stuff asap ;)
Ive played alot of old school ones like Xevious, rtype, river raid(lol)
it's all free stuff, most of it is in package repos for most linux distros
ohhh yeah river raid on the 2600
oh nice, yeah I will definitely check them out then
that was the shit
haha yeah
been playing Hitogata Happa lately too
(its on steam)
hmm have;nt seen that
this kenta cho stuff is kinda old (in internet time) but solid
yep that's it :)
cool downloading them now
if you are on debian-based distro pretty much everything's in apt
Im off to watch a movie though, thanks for the feedback and games to check out
gunroar has a good mouse aiming / wasd control scheme
no prob
ah nice yeah Ill check that out too then
3 hours later…
anyone in the house?
5 hours later…
@Amaan , around?
using serialize() gets me submitted value's as text value's,is there a way to also send id's with it? so if i have a selectmenu saying :car,planes,bikes and planes have id 2.I require the id to do a database insert query.
2 hours later…
Anyone here how to get a hidden field after serialize(),once choosed an option from a selectmenu?
i thought to use: var hiddenentrys = '<input type="hidden" name="'+prodOpId+'" value="'+prodOpValueId+'" id="'+prodOpId+'" />';

option.append(hiddenentrys); but it serialize either all or just last , but not the selected one
What's serialize?
And why can't you just get the field like any other field?
ok, what do you have, and what do you hope to achieve?
once i did a select include the hidden field for each selected
so i can after use the numeric values to insert into a database.
(1)your code is ugly and probably bad, (2)that does not answer my question. What's your situation/status, and what do you hope to achieve from it? In other words, seeing as how you're going to use serialize, what will the markup consist of?
the markup consist with a serialized form , that means it output the "selected" options from the form after submitted it.My intention is to also insert the selected option as a hidden field.Currently it either adds the hiddenfield for all generated options in the form,or use the last generated option.Depanding on how i do the call to the <input type="hidden"
Can you show us an example markup?
i can show you a live version of it, but it requires chrome or safari browser
An example would suffice. A simple mockup of what you're up against
Adding an input element doesn't seem like the challenge here
Q: How to implement random terrain generation in JS?

BaneI'm making a game and I have a script (running it with Node) on the server that currently just randomly places things on the map... I'd like to change that. I saw something about Perlin noise but I'm not sure if that's the thing I want and I'm even less sure how to implement it... I want somet...

couse of it is dynamicly generated content,i am not able to give an example.The whole point is that the content should be generated correctly
It's generated dynamically, not randomly. So you can give an example use case that'll apply to pretty much everything (assuming it's template based)
no i cant, dunno how
i also would like to know why my code is bad and ugly and how the code would look like if it was written correctly.
perhaps Esailija understands?
You need to read the article about help vampires and then gtfo
the link is on the right
ow yeah, i forgot to mention: i didnt do any research to get my problem solved by looking for any simular problems.i not used google,i not used the search on stack's site,i not try to change any part of the code to get what i wanted.
i simply want you to write all for me
lol denial
That code you pasted feels awfully familiar and brings memories of brick walls and head smashing to me. Did you write "knows javascript" in your CV and now will look for anyone to mentor you for 3 hours just to have you come back at the next trivial problem
i'm not working as a coder,i work in metal contruction.This is a hobby project.
so "prod" is not short for product?
the hobby project contains an oscommerce store,to run in an offline mode on a mobile phone.when it works as aspected to code is contributed as opensource to the oscommerce community.
i have problem with that
when i add new number ,and then remove the numbering is not remaining ok
how should i fix it
could @Esailija help ?
@Olli make a question in stackoverflow.com
Dec 12 at 10:03, by Andy E
ATTENTION: Ask questions on the main site before asking for assistance here. Start by posting a single link to your question.
It´s easier to ask here
since i think no one other will ever get any help from it
and i just lose reputation
@Olli Works fine for me
if I post there
You are probably dumping your whole code base and saying "fix it" if you are losing reputation from a question
@Zirak if you first press 3x 1st button. then you select checkbox from 2st row. and then you press 2st button, the numbers are not ok
they will go 1,3,4 or something like it
should 1,2,3
Sounds like a cheat code
@Amaan ??
Hit the first button 3 times. Select checkbox from 2nd row. Then press 2nd button.
That's because you're not doing anything to update them
He is doing a bit
He's counting them
But not updating their actual values
If you delete one, and then add one, the newly added one has the correct number
@Amaan @Amaan ah, ok.
@Amaan But how should I fix it
to work as I want
In the deleteRow function, you can set the text near the input element to rowCount
@olli stop copy pasting snippets of js, this isn't 1995
@Esailija yes because it was good script
And I founded it
and it works
so now I can improve it
It's a piece of shit
Besides your problem, I advise you to remove the inline js from your elements.
@Zirak ?
what you mean by thaat
@Olli Do you understand how it works?
yes of course i do
<input type="button" onclick="javascript:addRow('numbers');" value="Lisää uusi numero">
but I don´t understand what you mean
onclick="..." is inline js
and whats the problem?
the real problem and wtf is that all your code is directly copy pasted from here viralpatel.net/blogs/2009/03/…
Google "why not use inline js". You'll find many, many things wrong with it.
@Zirak koti.mbnet.fi/ollins/muuta/ka/js.js could you look thhis again
I tried to add the correction
but seems not to work
See the part about setting an element's text
Actually, I'd give each td element a class name. That way you don't have to rely on cells[ number ], something that may change
I don't suppose anybody knows a good wav to mp3 converter?
why u convert to mp3
... so I can use my mp3 player?
And still have lossless audio files on my computer?
I don't think uploading my .wav files one by one is very efficient.
oh. Then google "wav to mp3"
I've tried several of them. None have the features I want (mainly, transferring artist, title, and album to the converted file)
hi, does anyone know why crawlers like google and bing wont crawl pages with JS?
why need these _escaped_fragments etc etc
we all would love to have our pages content load with JS templates (like jquery templates)
"We all"
What's the difference between http://randomsite.com 4 minutes ago and http://randomsite.com now? oh, you can't know, because after loading, randomsite pulls some data asynchronously from server? uhuh? and, of course, crawlers don't execute js? gotcha
why are they afraid to execute JS
They're crawlers, not browsers
@Zirak why are crawlers afraid to execute JS?
Besides, you can't possibly do everything. What about things done when the user clicks something?
It seems as though Google (if not other crawlers) will look at a JS file, but will not execute JS. It may pull URLs from a JS file, but that's about it.
So, I suppose it's possible that Google, in part, will be able to index AJAX content, assuming that content is available at a static URL.
Pokemon White is fun <3
Q: How to change the scrollbar to custom design? (avoid using the default browser look)

GoogleIn Gmail, the new look, you can see there is a scroll-bar but it does not look same like browser scrollbar. How to make it?

@Zirak see comments

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