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I don't get it
Bloody E. It should be taken out of the alphabet so it's a nice round 25 letters.
@NickDugger Maybe it was a UDP joke?
25 is hardly a round number
@JanDvorak Maybe you need to buy them a drink?
11001 not round at all
We should discard V and W, using U and UU instead
I clearly meant that the letters were round, and E isn't round....
@JanDvorak I want to kick you all the way into the vacwm of space
that's a weird discussion you guys are having...
Thanks for your input, spongebob
@KendallFrey uuhy uuould you do that?
you're welcome, Patrick
@JanDvorak Shvt vp
To work out whether a discussion is weird you'd have to have appropriate data on all the conversations in the world to know it's unusual. This might be a very common discussion.
Trve. VVe shovlt stick to the tradition...
@MasNotsram Keyword: might
@Unihedro All the words in my sentences are key words.
@JanDvorak This feels like someone will yell "Heil Fuhrer" any minute now.
"Sure, it's valid, but it's paranoid usage of something people fairly new to JS might not be familiar with."
I wonder if you guys know what that's about :P
@JanDvorak Uou don't mean that.
@NickDugger just who I was looking for.
@Cerbrus Use strict?
I wouldn't call that paranoid, @MasNotsram :P
@Cerbrus Neither would I, but I didn't write the comment you quoted ;)
Hint: The question was about iterating over an object.
forEach == paranoid?
hasOwnProperty? xD xD
@BenjaminGruenbaum I didn't do it
in maybe?
void 0
that's not new...
just obscure
Neither is it in any tutorial I've ever seen
Maybe I should've said "unfamiliar with" instead of "new to"
Ah well
@Cerbrus Object.keys?
@FlorianMargaine He's already said it was void 0...
oh, my bad
@FlorianMargaine :p
how is it related to iterating over an object?
Presumably he's using it to test against undefined.
void 0 is actually better than using undefined in v8, performance-wise
@MasNotsram how is that related to iterating over an object?
@KendallFrey It's not, directly, just something you might do. Ask Cerbrus ;)
How is Cerbrus related to iterating over an object?
@MasNotsram if you don't know, don't answer...
@KendallFrey It's all he does on weekends.
we all know what void 0 does...
although I prefer void 1337
void 42 is my go-to
void void NaN
void undefined
did someone say paranoid?
@NickDugger you didn't do the pope?
I am the pope
@AndreaFaulds this is not the C room, go away with your long long stuff
Or are you?
@FlorianMargaine Actually, I wasn't answering, my statement was meant to have a question mark at the end :o
@BenjaminGruenbaum There is no pope
@janos ooold
(void function(){...}())
There's a spoon, though
@FlorianMargaine for everyone here, really?
@NickDugger Yes, can you please pull it back out now?
seriously... it's like >2 years old
the pope, or the spoon, or the spoon out of the pope?
an eternity in internet years
it's as old as rebecca
I wish it was Friday
On the plus side, after today I won't be working until Friday
a record 2 days off in a row
thursday's off for me too
wooo new phone
@BenjaminGruenbaum for this kind of case, I personally like to go with panic
@BenjaminGruenbaum also, run go fmt on your code
@MasNotsram Correct
16 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@MasNotsram how is that related to iterating over an object?
Checking for undefined was how it's related to iteration over an object
> 39 of 308 test(s) passed
That's almost 42.
Well, the good news is that no tests failed
> I am teaching myself web development with pure JS, jQuery and PHP server-side.
da fak ?!
@tereško piled on
AirDroid is cool.
OnePlus One invite anyone?
white or black ? ^ (I can't afford a black, :-x) but white i can.
@darkyen00 What's the difference, are you racist?! :P
@SecondRikudo price.
black phones matter, guys
Heh no.
lemme ask a friend though
Is the black one bigger or what?
@NickDugger The police only confiscates black phones
@KendallFrey 64GB vs 16GB
@KendallFrey 1/2 price.
wait scrap that
I'm a database/back-end noob... Is it bad to query the database like 5 times before finally rendering the view?
if you know you can get less quickly while keeping code clean, please do. Otherwise, don't bother
@NickDugger Sometimes 5 queries is the right thing (mainly because the alternative is one monster query with 10 joins)
fair points
I guess two things spring to mind:
- are the results of each query logically distinct pieces of information?
- is the application fast enough while doing that?
The question remains, why do you need 5 queries?
for a whole page? it seems... fair
@FlorianMargaine Depends, sometimes it can be cached, sometimes you want to combine a few queries
I'm used to seeing ~30-60 queries per page load...
I'm foolishly building a forum in node (for learning). My queries are as such:
- Find the category
- Find the forum
- Find the forum's topics
- Find each topic's latest and first message/post
Well, mine might be like 30-60... lol
I might be able to store more in the topic model to cut back on the last queries, though
@NickDugger Eh?
What do you mean "find the category" and "find the forum"?
I would think that the forum's ID (or a slug) is a given
Yeah, I'm getting the slug, and querying the database
app.get("/:category/:forum", function (req, res) {}
However, the forum slug does not need to be unique
which is why I also get the category
So I'd construct a map between category/forum pairs to IDs
Once, when forum goes up
so, like:
Then you have that map in memory, and don't have to make 2 trips to the database each time
	category: ObjectId(category._id),
	slug: forum
}, function(error, forum) {
Query the database once at boot time
And then
then maintain the list of category/forums both in memory and in database? really?
    forumId: slugMap[category][forum]
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, I don't see why not.
premature optimization...
Meh, I think it makes things more readable.
You have a clear map that you can refer to throughout the application
And you don't need to repeatedly query the database for something so common.
If you're using Mongo sometimes it makes sense to make two queries
Or send it to the server.
But for the record, multiple queries per page load is alright? I'm just trying to avoid cross-polluting my models
Read about clever regex implementation. Blew my mind.......
The part about how it doesn't need to check for the first char of the regex at every position
@FlorianMargaine So yesterday, I said that Angular 2.0 required AtScript. That was wrong. Angular 2.0 is being written in AtScript and if you so choose you can also use it, but it isn't required.
@FlorianMargaine been on it for a while
@ircmaxell k
thanks tho
whats this typescript all about?
@argentum47 TypeScript is basically JavaScript + types
i am reading blogs.msdn.com/b/somasegar/archive/2012/10/01/… ,although the greeting example is not really an example
i just knew es 6 has class
so now its not only learning new things but that the old languages adding new things makes me freak out.what to do and not to do
@argentum47 typescript is based on ES5. I think the main benefit is that it allows for a more strict typing system and object oriented software design while still keeping most of javascript's syntax.
850 hours...
@KendallFrey is that 850.5 hours for that one game or on steam in general?
well, his opinion must count for something.
That comes from /r/kerbalspaceprogram, so presumaby...
i just played the new KSP stuff
those contracts are goddamn hard
I've... heard of KSP...
@Bob The contracts aren't hard, getting the money to upgrade the buildings is
I have lots of issues with the "crew report at x location at y altitude"
it just never procs for me
I think I'm over the hump now, gotta send some probes to other planets
@Bob the visual surveys? I only did one of those, to see what it was like
<Ralt> I have a chromium extension using native messaging, and I need some
       information that the docs don't cover...  [17:15]
<Ralt> the docs says that the native app can return 1MB of data max per
<Ralt> so I assume it's 1024 bytes
<Ralt> does it include the 4 bytes of the length?
in case anyone can answer...
1024B != 1MB
@KendallFrey depends
adult diapers
@JanDvorak what could that possibly depend on?
1 MiB is a better unit sign, but 1 MB is also used
@KendallFrey uh, indeed.
@JanDvorak 1024 bytes = 1kB
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you sure you really understand what MVC is? Your description of it sounds like a very specific subset, likely as implemented by a very specific implementation. — AviD 2 hours ago
@JanDvorak But...
@FlorianMargaine oh, derp
yeah, same
posted on December 30, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Hey Bostonoids! I'll be delivering a fake theory of economics that'l

With Node.JS, how can i do an http POST request to an external https url?
I required 'https'
and did this
routes.push = function(req, res){

		var to = req.params.to;
		var message = req.params.message;

		var data = {
			to: to,
			message: message

		var dataString = JSON.stringify(data);

		var headers = {
			'Content-Type': 'application/json',
			'Content-Length': dataString.length

		var options = {
			hostname: 'site.com',
			port: 80,
			path: '/hooks/catch/okn8ol/',
			method: 'POST',
			headers: headers

		var req = https.request(options, function(res) {
it always return me errors
I'd say it should work, but you're not doing anything with resultObject...
which error?
@MikeBoutin yes, and?
Error: 2520:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:openssl\ssl\s23_clnt.c:795:

    at SlabBuffer.use (tls.js:234:18)
    at CleartextStream.read [as _read] (tls.js:454:29)
    at CleartextStream.Readable.read (_stream_readable.js:340:10)
    at EncryptedStream.write [as _write] (tls.js:368:25)
    at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:225:10)
    at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:215:5)
    at EncryptedStream.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:182:11)
    at write (_stream_readable.js:601:24)
if i require('http')
my request will do to http:// hostname ... not https//hostname
is it exact?
sorry, i am a beginner with node
you've been a beginner for quite a long time...
i want to create a push request to Zapier web hook
I'd like to use @nodejs on my next side project but it won't install on my PC. Please help if you can! https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/8946
@FlorianMargaine Beginner with Node.js... If you don't want to help just don't say anything. It's not with comments like this that people will become better
It's not a self esteem enhancement chat here
wasn't it since 6 months or something since you started node?
I'm still a node noob too. I'm a noob at everything, though, so it's ok
yes, and i studied Sharepoint designer 2010 and Php Syfony framework between
for my work
Node, is for myself
Hello, I have a question. I posted it here: stackoverflow.com/questions/27708885/…
I'm happy for you that you have time to do your things and know everything and be always connected here and don't work
#cd /
#ls -l -R
Florian is just jesus, no big deal
i don't care, Jesus helped people, he didn't called them noobs
Hi Robert,

I work with [redacted] @ [redacted]. You may have heard of us as we are generating a lot of excitement in the whole "Internet of things" & "smart cities" space.

I wanted to reach out to see if you would be interested in connecting for coffee/lunch (my treat) sometime in the new year to learn a little more about [redacted] and what we have planned for the future, as I find your background extremely interesting and it seems like you have a pretty solid reputation on stakeoverflow (+10K !).
and who said SO rep was meaningless
> stakeoverflow
> ShitOverflow, you gotta flush !
I didn't even notice the typo
at least it is hand written and not a copy-pasta then
also, the first [redacted] is an ex-coworker of mine
Someone invited me to Java chat this morning
@rlemon coolstuff, I'd go for it.
@someDoge multiple of us did. That user is no longer with us
yea i'm going to go have a coffee with them. no harm there
@someDoge there was some troll here in the morning.
@rlemon I used Stack Overflow for community service hours. #win
Hahaha figured. Nice
SO rep isn't meaningless. I got a bunch of job offers because people found me on SO or GH.
It's dumb, but not meaningless.
Fake internet points are still points.
It's part of why I'm filling up my github... some of the projects aren't that meaningful, but they're projects nonetheless
I got something in my eye last night and it still hasn't stopped hurting. So I have like 3 hours of sleep and only 4 hours yesterday and I'm working on trying to work on our Push API lmfao it isn't going very well
@rlemon Your name is Robert? I always took you for a Randy kind of guy.
Randy Lemon
I was almost Ryan Lemon
Rye and Lemon
sounds like the sequel to lemonparty
Rick Lemon
Rhonda Lemon (Lady Lemon)
Raquisha Lemonda
Rotten Lemon
I knew a girl named Tayshawn who named her son Shawntay
Was she black?
racist, but true, so maybe not racist, but black
@KendallFrey Do you really need to ask?
No, but I did anyway
She was 17 and pregnant.
... and yes she was black.
how come Game is not a function
System.import('Game').then(function (Game) {
game = new Game();
did she axe a lot of questions?
She made a damn good sub though, I'll tell you that.
import Core from 'gameUnits/Core'

export class Game {
constructor() {
Reminded me of DeSean Jackson
   Is it safe to do something like this?

    function foo() {
        for (var i = 0;...) {
            function bar() {
                for (var i = 0;...) {}
for some reason, little name prefixes and suffixes are popular with ...certain people
@NickDugger lol
@rlemon forward hm to thiefmaster
i bet he'd bow down 100k+ :O
or just cut to the chase and go with Jon
@IonicăBizău "safe"... maybe, not sure. Smart? no.
If he can afford Jon that is .
@IonicăBizău That's equivalent to:
function foo() {
    function bar() {
        for (var i = 0;...) {}
    for (var i = 0;...) {
In the context of a mobile app, not browser. Is it "ok" for me to store entire JSON responses in localStorage to be used when the client is offline?
@Retsam In this case yes, but I have other local variables, inside of the first for loop.
@IonicăBizău No, I mean, my version is literally how your code is interpreted, due to function hoisting.
Yeah, I agree.
@MikeNolan :D True. I'm too lazy to add some arguments, right now. Maybe later.
@MikeNolan arguments
@darkyen00 I don't know what you're talking about, that's what I said.
Ah never mind, edit history is a thing
I hate chrome API...
every argument is optional in whatever order ~~
Q: "Parameter" vs "Argument"

dummy Possible Duplicate: Arguments or parameters? I got "Parameter" and "Argument" kind of mixed up and did not really pay attention to when to use one and when to use the other. Can you please tell me? Thanks.

^- @MikeNolan
I just wanted to confuse him, but then goodwil
> me: Sarah stop sending in photos that are <200 dpi for print
Sarah: It was a jpeg that should be fine
me: the fuck?!
// repeated weekly
@someDoge setup an auto-email responder?
She's next to me.
do it anyways
@someDoge So she's reading this conversation over your shoulder? Hi Sarah!
Idk I don't expect she can read that fast and she isn't actively looking at my screen
@Retsam Teh Interwebz greet thee
Anymore anyway lol a few months back I was complaining she just kept watching everything I do
Remember when I said I was super tired? There seems to be a tshirt over my left shoulder, under my coat, just draped over my shoulder with my coat on top? And I don't remember hiding a shirt under my coat. I took it off and it fell out...
did you drive to work today?
Yes. It was terrifying.
@someDoge o/ hey man
:O glad you made it safe
My left eye is giving my problems lol so I drove here half blind
@someDoge what happened ?
Idk something got in my eye
Last night. I couldn't sleep till like 5:45 cause of it and now I'm doing zombie dev mode
Opinions on ionic framework?
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to pass a parameter through a javascript promise?
Into a promise handler, or out of it? Please clarify
@coding_corgi one already created or a new Promise?
pass it through to a function, and return a promise
function shrek(love, life) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        var ogre = love + life;
like this?
function load(url){
var d = q.defer();
setTimeout(function(){ d.resolve('Here is some stuff! from url '+url); }, 5000);
return d.promise;
looks legit
I make things up because I have no real friends
@PixnBits A new one, basically I would like to run a promise multiple times with a different parameter each time, I tried making a function that would return the result of the promise but there were some issues with the sync/async code
Why is it that I get ignored every time I try to legitimately help someone?
@NickDugger no one likes ogre boogies
@coding_corgi I still don't think it's clear what you want. You don't "run a promise".
@coding_corgi note that promises are resolved or rejected once and only once
@NickDugger Ok... Would this return a promise or the result, a promise right>
Yes, it returns a promise
@PixnBits That's why I want to treat it like a function rather than wrie multiple promises.
@PixnBits That's why I want to treat it like a function rather than write multiple promises.
@coding_corgi Say that again!
why does code work in the debugger but not in code...
Promises (at least Q Promises) can notify you of updates, but not the other way around
@FlorianMargaine console API usage?
namely, $ and $$
a chrome extension...
using message passing
oh well... I'll see later
@NickDugger Ok, thanks, so I could simply do something like this: Promise.all([shrek(1), shrek(2)]).then(
sure, yeah, that should work
@NickDugger Ok, thanks!
@KendallFrey I thought it was only a spanner, neat!
@NickDugger Where would I put the .then function, or is that not necessary?
Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
    // what do you mean exactly?
@NickDugger Nevermind, thanks for all your help
I just typed npm install and I have like 50 copies of Bluebird on my box now -_-
@BenjaminGruenbaum Life...finds a way
I implemented coroutines with generators on traceur 3 times today :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum - you're awesome! Here's a question; do you know anything about comparing strings, specifically with something like k-means and keyword ranking etc ?
@adeneo uhh. thanks. I know what k-means is (it's actually one of the simpler clustering algorithms should take you ~5 minutes to pick it up)
What are you trying to do?
I was stupid enough to take on implenting a clustering of certain articles for a client, but I really have no experience with this. I have some experience with Levenshtein for just string comparison, but that won't work, I need to rank keywords and compare that etc.
As an example, something like what Google news is doing, clustering articles that are similar, but the text and title doesn't neccessarely match at all, even if it's the same news being reported.
I'm spending the day before new year's eve with this problem: Is it somehow possible, to use Function.prototype.bind for a Web Worker process? Here's the story: My app uses heavy nested backbone models/collections - unfortunately, they run very slow (during creating them in the app's boot process) on devices with poor CPU's.
An idea occurred to me this morning, to outsource the Mycollection.add(new MySuperNestedModel(options)); function to a Web Worker - is this a realistic approach ? I have not used the Web Workers API before.
or maybe combine it with a Harmony Proxy ?
@cept0 Web Workers are isolated and can't share data, they can only pass messages (strings)
@adeneo just use an existing implementation.
@adeneo what language is your backend in?
@BenjaminGruenbaum - In Node! I'm thinking about using TF-IDF (found an implentation on NPM) to get the keyword ranking, and then k-means (also available on NPM) to get a similarity score.
@adeneo if only you were a year later :D I'm actually implementing k-means for node in a few months: github.com/datascience-js
@adeneo TF-IDF is the most common metric for article classification and k-means is probably the simplest algorithm - so it sounds pretty reasonable.
You'll probably do better with training data - but I assume you don't have any and making some is really annoying.
@PixnBits ok, but any idea how to reduce the cpu usuage of the process? I have a list of ~540 geodata source items, which results in over 3900 models
backbone models
@cept0 no, it is not.
sorry for my typos, i in a train right now
Workers are what you call "actors" - they don't share memory with JS. You should use the profiler and find out what's taking all the time. @cept0
Mornin Kittens
@cept0 I haven't used them too much either, but if you can pass the data into a worker and need just a result (rather than a constructor instance) then it'll work great
messages can be JSON :)
well, i am passing JSON and converting the data to backbone models
Not the best idea.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - actually, I have a mongo collection with thousands of articles, so using that to figure out what keywords are uncommon etc. and rank them based on that with TF-IDF is a possibility, I was just wondering if there was something available that would be easier than to build it like that, running all the articles in TD-IDF, then kmeans etc.
You should probably profile your app and find the weak spots - creating objects is very cheap in JS.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I may be missing some context, but isn't the opposite true? (Thus object pools in canvas)
ok thank you
I know variables are cheap, IDK about objects
@adeneo don't forget to strip stop words etc. The easier thing would be to use a ready made solution but TF-IDF for a metric and k-means for clustering are probably as simple as you get. There are much smarter things you can do if it doesn't work but it's simple to get going.
@PixnBits now you do.
Hello, I'm using the Google Javascript API v3 while developing a website for a client and I recently switched to make the server listen to a 192.168 address, but now the API says I don't have the right credentials despite me having whitelisted "192.168.*" in the API Console. What am I doing wrong here?
I got so fucking angry to find a solution today, but I should have read the documentation for web workers first lol
(The reason for the switch is to develop on mobile devices without having to use a staging server)
@SomeKittens allocating a lot of objects in run time is hard because you get messed up my GC - the allocation takes time and GC takes time, the actual creation (what he'd gain from workers) is cheap.
Happy New Year!
@BenjaminGruenbaum - never done anything like this, so at least I get to learn something new. Going to do some random testing now to see how accurate it is. Thanks !
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah, that makes sense.

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