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JSLint ...
@SomeKittens github.com/rlemon/google-passport-example/blob/master/db.js that was stupid of me to show you that... it's not very good. You should use this instead
@mintsauce s/L/H/
@rlemon Yeah, windows. I try to navigate out of it but nothing happens
Or any linter that works.
@NickDugger cd /d e:
oh... durr... I've never had to change the drive before
so, problem solved?
@FlorianMargaine Just pasted that code into JSHint.com and it didn't detect the leaky globals with its default config. JSLint does.
@rlemon or just e:
pft. verbose or gtfo
@SterlingArcher ping me when you get online
\o/ bug fixed!
In latest chrome, hit Ctrl+P, then Esc. Rad animation.
didn't hakim or w/e make a jQuery plugin for that animation for off canvas menus?
@Cerbrus I think it's micro-optimization. I've not heard it before. Would love to see links stating so. Honestly — Amit Joki 3 mins ago
Ugh, just because something is more efficient, it's a "micro-optimization", and useless
@rlemon @BenjaminGruenbaum You guys might want to read about the actual Chris Gardner en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Gardner
(Pursuit of Happyness is based on his life)
I will, writing some plpgsql now not fun :P
@Cerbrus He wants to see links stating why 2x >= x+y when x != y?
Yeap, basically
But he edited his answer now
I don't think he expected something that straightforward
Well that was entertaining
in PHP, 2 days ago, by John
hi can anybody tell me is MVC is faster OR slower in PHP?
Answer: Yes.
It is faster or slower
@rlemon GIMP can make animated gifs, right?
hi, is it really needed for angular-ui router to have a template? I have a client/contract/planning state chain , but client & contract are abstract, though I want the planning to appear in the <ui-view> of the original root element
because now it requires both client & contract to have an empty template (<ui-view/>) which creates a messy nested <div ui-view> <div ui-view> <div> ... planning template </div>
@Cerbrus I'm about to do so, thanks for the tut
yay more random downvotes today
Np. It's basically the same to set up in most software, layers with a duration in the description. Saving's just different.
@BenjaminGruenbaum: Random upvote.
@KendallFrey I'm late
but yus, iz easy
once I have GIMP installed, I might use it in the future
Right now I'm making a very fancy animation to demonstrate pixel alignment bugs
I'm trying to wrap my head around grunt, and I'm dumb, so it makes no sense.
what the hell is a grunt template?
@rlemon I'm here!
@NickDugger your mom!
thanks bb
Q: How do I load images from left to right with Lazyload?

SkullomaniaI want to load images in one at a time on the page from left to right and I can't figure out where i am going wrong. Following the example here my jsFiddle project should work. I have also made sure that the console was not showing any errors. The code in the fiddle is the same as the suggested c...

so I guess I cannot use lazyload to load the images from left to right simultaneously. is there another plugin that I can use?
or a different way to go about this?
grunt is seeming like way more work than it should be.
Oh, yes, GIMP, how did you know I wanted Italiano as my installation language?
Anyone here with a 32-bit Windows machine and Node?
Run this please: process.env.hasOwnProperty('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432')
well this is absolutely adorable
@KendallFrey GIMP...I have not heard that in a looong time
@NickDugger in which way (considered gulp)?
I am looking to buy a new PC. My rule on this has always been if I purchase a gamer PC than it should be able to handle anything I throw at it
if you have the money...
@FlorianMargaine i am married with kids....what is this money you speak of
@Skullomania I wish I knew...
I found a build I like on new egg and they have this no payments for a year thing going on
posted on December 12, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Exclusive ZOMBIE COMIC over at The Nib!

but the reviews are terrible
any thoughts?
what is the 'scripts' property in a package.json?
@NickDugger commands you can run from the command-line
GIMP is fucking up my colors when I Open As Layers
@NickDugger Google
@Zirak I did, but nothing about grunt is making much sense
e.g. if you have "scripts": { "a": "echo 'hello' "}, then you can run "npm run a" and it'll run it
@NickDugger It doesn't have anything to do with grunt
see my ignorance?
That's why I can't find anything
I'm an npm noob
there are exceptions then like "test", "start", "stop" where for them you just run "npm start" for example
Any of the Node-it-alls on Windows 32, nah?
@FlorianMargaine what's the link to your pastie page?
@Skullomania Pre-built systems generally come with a large markup. If you're ok with that and it meets your needs, go for it.
I nailed the viva today.
.com dammit thanks
but he didn't ask me shit about LAMP
he asked me about Ethernet :-/
@darkyen00 Which subject?
@SomeGuy LAMP
@rlemon Would I be incorrect in saying that you are fairly adept at assembling computers?
LAMP is a subject? :O
Today I'm turning that ugly string'd XML into nice clean Twilio Class objects
@SomeGuy yes.
@SterlingArcher You're in the wrong room :P
and terribly taught.
I know but I'm proud of it D:
@Skullomania Whoa, pure RAM-based hard drives really exist now?
I don't use LAMP -- but i was able to educate most of the trainers :-/ about how to properly use LAP
How the heck does that work? That means it must always be on?
@Shmiddty thats the thing with this one its not really pre built its a build your own and the only real reason why i am thinking about it is because it seems cheaper than buying all the parts seperately. I know how to build it if I had all the pieces...but my kids and wife want/need toys and shoes
@darkyen00 the "properly" is what I'm not sure about :D
@Skullomania All the parts come separately?
no they build it for you
so it's pre-built
but it is cheaper this way
and you're also guaranteed that they play well together too, not a small thing
if I purchased the same parts seperately to build it would cost me more
That doesn't make sense.
it doesnt...but look on new egg at the mobo and the processor alone
its like 500 bucks
or more..its an i7 processor with a motherboard that uses liquid cooling
@FlorianMargaine Well for instance they disabled error logging in php
and then tried to debug the application :-x
this is php, not LAMP
@FlorianMargaine i said LAP - Linux, Apache, PHP
I atleast knew how to not mess-em-up
that way properly.
The lowest setting costs only 522
@SomeGuy yeah, I beat your score on endless epilogue as well
@Neil I assume that the parts will play together nicely because the option exist to build your own. I scarf at the lowest setting
scoff even
@SomeKittens NOOOOOO!
yay, I have a gif
@SomeKittens Doesn't look like it. I've got 2,688; you've got 1,672
Suck it, Skittles.
@Skullomania Me too.. all the same.. 522 isn't a lot
@SomeGuy We got his wife to call him Skittles last night. It was awesome.
I just assume get a decent motherboard and graphics card and compromise the rest
The rest can be easily upgraded anyway
@Neil yes
you can get apps for them
they actually save the info on your hdd and load it during startups
and save incrementally when running
@Zirak Hahaha nice. Get her to call him a nerd next!
That has to be incredibly fast
I have 32gb of ram, turned 12gb into a ram drive for the hell of it
yeah it is actually its nuts
way faster than an ssd
thats what I use
hard drive is several orders of magnitude slower than ram
ram drives have been around since the dos days actually
I suppose it should be no surprise
@Loktar Are you serious? :O
That is awesome
You need a motherboard that supports it though I assume
@SomeGuy not according to Google play
> IBM added a RAM drive named VDISK.SYS to PC DOS (version 3.0) in August 1984, which was the first DOS component to use extended memory.
@Neil most are software based, Im sure actual drives exist as well but are probably pretty $$
@SomeKittens That's where I checked. You sure you're checking Endless Epilogue?
the software just makes your computer see a block of ram as a drive
of course... do you need a special mobo to have swap?
no, not for ram drives
"ram drive" is just the opposite of swap
You'd at least need a motherboard that can support those levels of RAM
most mobos can support 32gb now
Ive been running 32 since 2010 or so
I get the asus crosshair series of mobo's generally
XP you could only have what 16gb recognized I think
next chromebook: 8GB RAM, 4 of them being used as ram drive
@Shmiddty whatcha need?
@Loktar depends on the version :P
the 32-bits version could only recognize 4
On newegg, they were selling 512 GB of RAM drive
@Neil nice so a dedicated ram drive eh?
how much is it?
They didn't even mention a hard drive backer
349 dollars more I saw
I'm strictly talking about software solutions that have been around since the 80's
Idk how the separate HW implementations work
I heard about this kind of thing for a while now, but I didn't know it was available yet
and not all write to the HDD, the AMD one does specifically, and incrementally saves which is cool
@Neil that price sounds like a solid state drive
32gb of ram by itself is like $350
@Neil 32gb RAM sticks being planned these days. Sticks
that explains the AMD implementation, and shows some benchmarks
So a "ram drive" is just in the slot
@Loktar btw, I'm afraid using RAM as hard disk might damage your RAM's lifetime...
@FlorianMargaine whys that? You do a crazy amount of reads/writes to ram as it is
I would think youd actually be doing less to a portion using it as an hdd
well, hard disks have a lot longer theorical lifetime than ram
eh, I wouldnt worry about it personally
and I just said "I'm afraid", i.e. I don't think it's a good idea. I'm not sure however. Please keep me updated
lol like I said this has been happening since the 80's
its nothing new at all
yeah, you have more money, experiment for me please :D
do your usb sticks last a long time?
I dont use usb sticks ever honestly
I do, from time to time
only time I do is to transfer something to an sd card for one of my older systems readers
I can't count the number of sticks I've broken by simply using them too much...
eh yeah but those aren't at the level of ram
after a while, they just die
not even close
actually, RAM is way closer to usb sticks than to hdd
both are flash memory
I worry more about SSD's honestly
@FlorianMargaine Really? I've yet to wear out a dok
Using the same 4gb DOK for all my linux experiments for the past...4 years?
Me neither, never broke a DoK
disk on key
and yes, really, I often have an usb stick dying on me with disk sectors broken or something
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, ok
I have a crapload of thumb drives
all with random crap on them
all the same model of thumb drive
all scattered in the same pile.
!!afk crying in a corner re-thinking the decisions i've made
Wow. I just got this response from a prospective client. Wow. http://t.co/PckC3KePse
oh my god hahahah
> I wrote a book in 1998 and its becoming more popular by the month
Hi! I use Revealing Module Pattern to export only some functions (not all of them) of a library... For some "helper" tool function, can I associate them to window ?
window.isContainedByClass = function(e, cls) { while (e && e.tagName) { if (e.classList.contains(cls)) return true; e = e.parentNode; } return false; }
@Loktar 3rth EDITION!!!!!
@Basj NO!! Just kidding, go ahead, so long as you're not making a library yourself
@Basj You can do a lot of things, but why would you?
@jamonholmgren Their business would be a gift from them to you, so you should pay them! I love that.
@Neil i'm doing the library myself
We value customers so much that we pay them
@Basj Ok, then that's not a good idea :P
@Zirak because for some "helper" functions (not really core of my library), it would be annoying to use it by doing : mylibrary.isContainedByClass(...) ...
@Basj You mean you're extracting methods from a library to recreate one yourself? If it is just for you to use, it's fine, again
@Neil no no, I misexplained, everything is defined in my library
You're running a small risk, but so long as you're not putting it in a library for others to use
finally getting an understanding of grunt... took forever
@SomeGuy that just updated, you twit
so you want internal methods to your library
@Basj Tough shit, programming is annoying
@NickDugger now switch to gulp! :P
because its faster
coz it's all the rage of course
and shiny
And newer
Example : line 43 of github.com/josephernest/bigpicture.js/blob/master/bigpicture.js ... this "helper" tool function is not really the core of my library, it's just a helper thing... can't I associate it to window, instead of having to do (outstide) bigpicture.isContainedByClass() ?
@SterlingArcher awesome
oh hey, I actually found something nice last time. Inquirer.js.
@Basj did you read "The Good Parts" yet?
baby steps...
the base of grunt-prompt (the example is better there)
@Basj I don't see it as a problem. Just know it isn't best practice
@NickDugger no that is cool though, learning a taskrunner imo is an important step
And then there's broccoli and brunch and mimosa and ...
heh yeah I was waiting for broccoli to break out
So shiny and fast and web-scale
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes! Very interesting! (I will need reading it several times to learn more deeply) I read it while my gf was driving a long trip :)
but it has stayed relatively low key compared to grunt and gulp
Thanks for this book advice @BenjaminGruenbaum !
@Basj cool, so you've read the whole book?
@BenjaminGruenbaum no! Approximatively half. Another half was still too difficult for me
It might be slightly outdated today - but here is your next read: addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book
@Basj read the other half first. It's worth your time.
Then - read addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book it should answer your more basic design questions.
@BenjaminGruenbaum meh, I didn't like it
When you're done - there is still more reading to go.
@Zirak you've read it at a point you were not the intended reader. @Basj is
@BenjaminGruenbaum the parts with the "railroad train diagrams" (don't know the name) was a bit ... difficult :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum just started following Addi on Twitter, always good stuff.
@Zirak find the missing map
so in my previous example, would it be really bad to have isContainedByClass helper function associated to window / as a global ?
I mean, are rules sometimes made to be broken ? ;)
@Basj Think about it this way: You're loading some library. Do you expect it to expose itself (insert jokes) in the fewest, most obvious ways, or to appear fragmented in many?
posted on December 12, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by gulymaestro */

When you look at the function call someHelper, will you, who haven't touched the code in a year, remember that it comes from library A?
copy has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
If you disagree, just add it back
@Zirak that's true
About exporting helper functions, here is the reason of my question
var mylibrary = (function () {
var helperFunction = function () { ... };
var importantAPIFunction1 = function () { ... };
var importantAPIFunction2 = function () { ... };
return {importantAPIFunction1: importantAPIFunction1,
        importantAPIFunction2: importantAPIFunction2,
        helperFunction: helperFunction     };   // a bit weird to have this "little" function along the other important API functions
 } ) ();
Don't you think it's a bit weird to export my little helper function along some important API functions @Zirak?
No. But if you want further namespacing, feel free.
mylibrary.iAmUnimportant.helperFunction is fine
how to do that then ?
Exercise to the reader. Look at object literal syntax
@copy eh, the comics are rarely funny
Style : var pos = {x: 1, y: 3} or { x: 1, y: 3 } ? I don't have The good parts in my bag with me now ;) @BenjaminGruenbaum
Doesn't matter, just pick one
@SterlingArcher I agree, but several people don't
which one is most considered as beautiful code ? :)
The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
@rlemon look what our favorite idiot did: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/280025/…
@BenjaminGruenbaum rlemon is afk: crying in a corner re-thinking the decisions i've made
Lol, he's so stupid
I wonder if he thinks it actually bothers us... maybe he just has a lot of free time.
@copy it's the swastika unicode character 200 times then "I'm not done" or something completley uninventive like that.
Oh rlemon already commented on that
Oh that guy
Yeah, Sumar Kulak was his most recent alias - what a retard lol.
He thinks he's anonymous hax level but doesn't realize literally all his crap is removed and reverted. His goal is to downvote rlemon, myself and Benji (and now possibly Brad) to 0
Which is hilarious
If you ever need to select stuff from the DOM, iterate over the results, and mutate said DOM, you'll find it a bitch because NodeIterator or TreeWalker will reflect mutations.
On the upside - SE gets to battle proof their systems in case anyone who actually knows their shit tries to actually do anything.
Solution: XPath. document.evaluate allows you to snapshot the results into a static collection. Pretty neat.
@Zirak Or... you know... querySelectorAll.
Text nodes, comment nodes, ...
Text nodes and comment nodes are usually irrelevant anyway.
I don't think I ever needed to rely on them.
They're not in my case, since I'm splitting text
Why are you relying on them?
We can't all live in element fairyland
You'll see, I may post it in a few hours
I wanna live in element fairyland D:
Where the divs iterate themselves... <3
Is it possible to do a multiline comment when git commit -a -m "...too long here..." ?
Don't use -m then.
-m is for short commit messages.
but then viwill come and I will be trapped into a game in which I won't be able to exit, right ?
You can also change the default editor to something other than vim if you'd like - to nano for instance which is simpler and has no learning curve
0 seconds later...
refresh page, if that doesn't fix it, check your computer's time settings
Another strange thing : this returns true when CTRL+F is pressed (good) but also when ALT GR+F is pressed (bad).... :
window.onkeydown = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log(e.keyCode === 70 && e.ctrlKey); }
what is ALT GR?
@SomeKittens wat ._.

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