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Rethinkdb may look interesting
Have they hit 1.0 yet? Wow, and more
@SomeKittens what do I do for a living?
make that :D
Aww, not GoLang
well this is the javascript room
also go 1.4 is out
and gojs is on 1,4
that is annoying
Yeah, I can see how that would be a problem
How many people work there?
Between 1 and 10
we are a small company
GoJS is mostly the work of two people, me and another person
but we have other products, sales, etc
sweet - very cool.
So tons of canvas stuff
huh, I really like how they're (=rethinkdb) doing filter and map and stuff like that.
r.table('blah').filter(function (something) { return something('property').gt(4); });
Basically it transforms the return value, which is some object controlled by the rethink driver, into another format, and passes that along.
Well, something('property').gt(4) is a "query specification" or something like that. Obviously they don't just run that code inside the db, it's instead transformed or compiled into what operations the db understands.
So it works a lot like Mongo
Maybe. But now you have real code. Or at least you're tricked into thinking you have real code.
It's all an illusion, man
ah, one of their guys explains it here: rethinkdb.com/blog/lambda-functions
Hangout s?
Just got home.
check it
power overwhelming
to what do we owe this old state of affairs?
so you can see the deleted message above
@SterlingArcher you on?
@rlemon one sec
but I must go in like 2 seconds
otherwise I would
@SimonSarris The "Only three room owners" experiment was quickly cancelled and we're now trying monthly meetings which are working much better.
What a wonderful name.
@rlemon ping
I was asleep, what's up
2 hours later…
@monners I have the Das Keyboard at work
You don't have one at home as well?
i need a new keyboard for work
Das Keyboard
@rlemon You're looking for a mechanical I assume?
something good?
was thinking wasdkeyboards.com
mech v2
Ah, nice. I almost went with a WASD myself
What are you currently using?
While we're having this conversation, can someone explain why mechanical keyboards are better?
theyre just loud and they make your fingers hurt
They feel better
Then don't buy one.
I'm not taking the bait
Hey im just trying to understand it
you dont need to be a jerk
Then google it
> theyre just loud and they make your fingers hurt
Who's being a jerk?
Glad we got that sorted out
I just got my google domains invite, which comes with 10 invites. Heck yus!
@NickDugger anything free?
@SomeKittens doubtful. I haven't explored it yet. I'm gonna do it in the morning.
I can't use + or ~ because the checkbox itself is in <div class="head"><input type="checkbox" /></div> and the other element is in <div class="container"><div class="element"></div></div>
hello,js people
@ashTon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can I ask question here regarding timeline.js and googlemap ?
I want to use timeline.js to draw the google map marker by there dates,I already achieve drawing google map marker by quering the dates then load it to my google map and do some js script,but my question is this possible to do in timeline.js ?
@rlemon @SomeKittens @Zirak I guess you guys are out for the night?
yeah, sorry mate
It's just me and you
Ah well, all the more Asahi for me :D
@SomeKittens Is that hangout something you guys have saved, or do you just start one up whenever?
1 hour later…
@SomeKittens kickassapp.com
@KendallFrey Are you not in North America, or are you just a night owl?
@monners can you please help me with one query withb javascript
i am getting empty json ....jsfiddle.net/bvy8fywa
@monners yaaaay
@SomeKittens Why are you still awake?
It's only 11PST
Yeah, but cats need 17 hours a day
So anyway, I finally found the perfect Christmas present
After 8 years, I finally found it!
Hi all
I have a object in string format. something like this:
35 step Japanese puzzle box, with onyx and sapphire mont blanc cufflinks inside. This box is gonna get me a solid 3 hours of quiet on Christmas day
I want to get only values from the above string using regex
I tried this:
!!> "{"a":3,"b":"hello","c":{"c":"hello","d":3}}".match(/(:"?)[^:\{\},"]+/g);
@Mr_Green "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@Mr_Green Why regex?
Can't you parse it to a JavaScript object?
@monners yeah it is a requirement
yeah I know but still need to be done using regex
@Mr_Green "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
!!> '{"a":3,"b":"hello","c":{"c":"hello","d":3}}'.match(/(:"?)[^:\{\},"]+/g);
That sounds awful. Good luck.
@Mr_Green [":3",":\"hello",":\"hello",":3"]
^ as you can see I am getting even : and "
which I don't want. any help?
I'm a regex n00b
I am getting the values but with also colon and double quote...
Where should i start from when learning to create a game
Reading about canvas now, but where should you start from
@makat That's a very open-ended question. I can recommend a good book about animation and canvas?
One of the examples is actually building a simple asteroids game
Really good book
Not really a book person
Do you have something online?
Well, best you become one if you wanna be a developer
Theres more then enough info online just need to know where to start
Sure, and that's where you should start. It's very much a code along with examples style book. I doubt you'll find tutorials online that don't follow a similar format.
posted on December 12, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by Pissaladière */

a few days ago I participated in a collaboration session with some guy, we helped each other on our js codes. and now today that I learn of a new term pair programming , I say, this stuff is awsome stuff. For one day in the last four months I enjoyed writing some thing .. :))
@SomeKittens Try beating it on Endless Epilogue. I don't enjoy regular Endless much, so I rarely play it
Apparently, "you are required to have 1 rep to review edits on your own posts"
Yes, only one rep is required for askers. Related meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/272684/…Sunshine 8 mins ago
That's not how SO works -.-
My first answer for a bounty.
A: Update mysql table using ajax and php (Basic Ajax)

Rahul DesaiYour AJAX code has errors. It is a object that you pass into AJAX. So, the parameters need to be delimited by , and NOT ;. $.ajax({ url:'here a php page url', type:'post', // you had 't' in 'type' in caps here data: formData // we will talk about this shortly }); When you click o...

I hope it helps :)
@RahulDesai tell me about bounty
I used to be mostly active in the interesting/first tab of SO homepage.
@argentum47 "about bounty". That good?
Now trying stuff in the other tabs. Seems mooore interesting :D
!!echo "about bounty"
"about bounty"
I hate people who post questions in SO and dont look back again.
yeah, they don't vote and accept.
and people with 1 rep. :(
yeah, they are just visitors.
look at this shit with 1 rep.
Q: HTML body width 110%

srija nairI really wonder that one can give width of 110% as an full width it will work, But is it good or bad practice? If i use body { width:110%; } It will work I know, but is it good or bad coding. Please help me If bad then why?

Thanks for all your answer, I got it...
posted on December 12, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by pl */

why on earth would you do that?
Well one thing I know about messy css is people write the wrong thing and in order to cover that up they do more wrong
true story
some of the problems are either because of putting a block inside a span, using a block inside a <p> , or floating elements and not clearing the floats
@PriyankaShaju Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
k. thank u...
Trying to go seemlessly from a single image to a sprite, scaled using an image and text-indent (to support IE8) and the cocking thing is like 3px out and I can't for the life of me work out why! :@
there can be some difference with the Arrow syntax in picture
A: Change any type of string to Title Case in Javascript

Giedrius Dfunction titleCase(s) { return s .replace(/([^A-Z])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2') // split cameCase .replace(/[_\-]+/g, ' ') // split snake_case and list-case .toLowerCase() .replace(/(^\w|\b\w)/g, function(m) { return m.toUpperCase(); }) // title case words .rep...

^ full of regexes
Q: jQuery/CSS flip Animation

pangrI'm searching for a jquery Plugin or a way to do the following animation with css transforms. http://i.imgur.com/un61OPK.png I have searched with google but all I could find was this standard flip animation. But I want the flip animation to start in the middle, as seen on the picture above. Th...

@FlorianMargaine I think it drains performance.. am I wrong?
ever heard of premature optimization?
He used replace five times..
Has someone a suggestion for this one: I want to wrap a span around the text based on the 2 classes
Is this possible with jQuery?
I found already something like the wrap() method.
@Mr_Green so? did you profile it? is it the bottleneck of your application?
@FlorianMargaine I didn't get you.. is it alright to do so?
I am fine if it is better
@Mr_Green is it more readable?
code must be: correct, readable, performant. In this order.
ahh I got you.
yeah it is readable
I will make my code readable too..
So what are you coding today?? im fighting with html5 drag n drop
I am trying to grab a value between 2 tags and put it in a div
Hi ppl
i.imgur.com/LRUj83r.png this is in the console.
but ACA Pharma should be wrapped in a span or something ><
@Duikboot It's wrapped in the absence of a span tag ;P
Indeed ><
Not yet a solution how to fix it
how would you implement mediator pattern in JS?
@Duikboot so youre scrapping?
@Duikboot Can you not, well, put it in a tag?
Well I don't have access to the element where it's being generated.
@Duikboot This is usually a sign that you're not doing something properly :P
Though I won't pretend that things like that haven't happened to me
It's drupal and the webform module is ngenerting it wrong
why don't you simply use a hook_form_alter?
@FlorianMargaine Did you forget what day it is, or was I just not paying attention?
@rlemon @Loktar @FlorianMargaine youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
Is it even possible to drag and drop an element with out changing the drop destinations id?
Is there anyway I could find out which element added scroll to the window ?
e.g. left y-scroll
@CustomizedName try checking heights ?
Q: gulp-jshint specify files which should go through jshint() and ignore other files

SrleI have situation where i'm building minified script through gulp, from scripts that are either vendor scripts or my scripts, something like: var paths = { public : './public/javascripts', api : './public/API', vendor : './public/vendor', destination : './dist' }...

Is it possible to drag and drop only an element style (not the id or other attributes )?
@user3470815 what ?
you don't drag and drop style id or attributes, you drag and drop an element
@Srle you should divide the tasks
make a build task
that will jshint
can i call task from task ? if i understand you right
gulp.task('watch', function() {
    gulp.watch(paths.sass.watch, ['sass']);
jsfiddle is down?
@dievardump i tried drag and drop ant it copies the whole element to the drop element .. i just wanted to transfer the style isnt that possible?
@user3470815 If you know how to code you can.
ok so i suppose i should extract the style from the element
@dievardump, i manage it to work surprisingly im not quite sure why it is working on this way: jsbin.com/noyuqiqiwe/1/edit?js
you should definitely use path/**/*.js
But seems to work
what do you mean with path/**/*.js
var paths = {
    sass: {
        watch: '../dev/sass/**/*.scss',
        dest: '../web/assets/css/',
        project: path.join(__dirname, '../dev')
    js: {
        watch: '../dev/js/*.js',
        paths: ['.node_modules', '../dev/js/'],
        dest: path.join(__dirname, '../web/assets/js/')
    images: {
        src: ['../dev/img/**/*.{png,svg}'],
        dest: '../web/assets/images'
This is my paths object
You do not need to list all the files, just make it iterate automatically
bitches aint accepting my answers
A: Javascript string replace not working inside loop

Rahul DesaiYour code isnt working because .replace() doesnt do the replacement globally. You need to set the g flag to make it global. Follow this simple algorithm for getting the string converted as you want: Make the whole string .toLowerCase() .replace() the % with -percent .replace() the space with a...

lol @ noobs downvoting... — David Fregoli 26 secs ago
Is usage of the word "noobs" a valid reason to downvote that guy?
dunno .. but that was how I perceived it
@dievardump nice point
@RahulDesai well .. that code is far from perfect
5 lines for something that can be done on 1.
also, what's with the instant gratification ?
I have had answers which were accepted more then year after I posted them
@Cerbrus number of lines does not imply quality
Sure, but `var b = a.toLower().replace().replace()` is so much cleaner than:

b = a.toLower()
b = a.replace()
b = a.replace()
Why not just have a incremented count in the .each and break; when maximumDisplayedItems number is reached? — atmd 20 mins ago
break a .each, sure sure...
Yea, I found that kinda dubious
@Cerbrus Hai dude
used piping
Hai Sippy
@Cerbrus Thats exactly what I thought
@Cerbrus I actually was referring to multiple var statements, usage of alert() and lack of isolation causing pollution withing the scope
console.log() it is
@Cerbrus trolol, is his answer even right?
@tereško: Are you nitpicking on a small string operation because it pollutes the scope?
6 mins ago, by tereško
@RahulDesai well .. that code is far from perfect
@sippy_bizzle What makes you think otherwise?
And console.log doesn't show in stack snippets
notice the word "perfect" ?
Unless the user knows to open the console
Yeah, I noticed that.
Working on it.
@Cerbrus and your point being ?
@RahulDesai: stick with alert in stack snippets
Given the ambiguous Q, @RahulDesai's answer is fine.
Do you mean to eliminate multiple variable declaration by doing:
var a ='something', b='somethingElse'
@RahulDesai: That's what he means, but don't worry about that
@RahulDesai I don't know backbone and I don't think I've ever used .slice()
So I can't make any assertion
@sippy_bizzle Its not at all about backbone :)
@RahulDesai Also I suck at Javascript. :D
@Cerbrus I like alerts because it saves a few clicks :D
@sippy_bizzle You will get there
Alerts are okay when you just need to know a string / boolean / number's contents...
Still, they suck
But in stack snippets... meh, just use'm
Appreciate your upvote, guys!
I hope it gets accepted.
Alerts suck big time. Programmers must use the console.
But in a stack snippet, just use an alert
Not everyone that asks JS questions knows about the console
Shocking, I know...
Then educate.
Or just be lazy and alert
Please don't.
I really can't be bothered to teach someone to use the console if all they want is a simple string replacement
Then link them to an article explaining the console
That's completely out of the scope of the question
Then why are you going to the trouble of creating a snippet when they are going to ignore that and copy-and-paste regardless?
He (and everyone else reading the answer) will be a better js programmer for it
If he just copy-pastes an alert, it forces him to edit the alert out.
Basically forcing him to look at the code
Meh, maybe if it were pertinent to the question
Dream on.
Otherwise while we're at it, lets explain how to debug javascript code
My point is: If the OP just wants some string manipulation, what harm is there in simply alerting the result?
It's not like it'll kill people to use alert every now and then for something that minor
It's not exactly harm, it's in educating to use the better methods available. You could use alert, but write an N.B. telling him about console.log
problem solved
In that sense, I'd consider alert to be harmful.
+ I don't trust most answerers to have tested their code.
I don't think we need to be dumbing down code for people to read

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