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git, in general, is awesome. I wish my developers were more supportive. They all like svn and don't like change
also, we have ssae16 audits and changing our tools/workflow is a hassle.
meh, svn is fine
it's not amazing
but it works. It was #1 for many years AFAIK, before git
my previous job I joined just post-migration from SourceSafe
that was in 2009
svn, as I remember, is a good compromise between features and sanity.
git is awesome, but the learning curve is definitely a hit to sanity.
Agree 100%. Svn works for us. But I use git for everything outsid eof my day job. Once you start to 'get it', it's great.
angularjs question if anyone is familiar with it.
I've converted our svn repo to git as a test. I can clone it WAY faster than an svn checkout and it's smaller, too
though.. our codebase is closing on 2 million lines of code. It takes minutes to chekcout in svn
I assumed 'git' was named as in southern Americans "git mah [gun|boots|beer] Cletus". Nope - Linus named it after himself
git is an insult in Britain.
@SecondRikudo Just got a chance to look at my code. Reason it wasnt working: I am an idiot.
!!youtube argument clinic
^ excellent use of git
@SomeKittens I am well aware of that, being British.
Thanks for the assist btw second
@TomW you git.
But it's an idiom that I'm pleasantly surprised that he's aware of
@rlemon I watched that for a full minute waiting for "The Game" to appear. I am dissapoint.
oh, speaking of, any luck with the canvas book?
Hi guys, I need some clarification about location object.
I searched stackoverflow but without success.
as in window.location ?
It's available inside my methods and I can do things like location.reload().
But I don't know where it comes from.
Google says that location object is available through window.location.
It's in the global scope in the browser.
Yea, in a browser, window is the global scope, so location is the same as window.location (unless you have another local location variable hiding it)
You want to say that browser is doing something like location = window.location?
Exactly. That's true for ALL variables on window.
Thanks for clarification :)
@SomeKittens My best use case for Git so far is playing more than one player on the same Pokemon game.
I suggest using window.location anyway. Then you don't have to worry about future code accidentally hiding a window (global) variable.
@SecondRikudo wat
getCSSCanvasContext .... WAT?!?!
cc @Loktar
and in use..
I had no idea that existed. TIL
did anyone else got those '3 seconds later..' ?
@rlemon i have posted this eras ago but this is awesome.
the idea.
@rlemon How does it know what mycloudybackground is?
document.getCSSCanvasContext('2d','mycloudybackground ',width,height);
second argument is the name you want to use in CSS
hmmm interesting
oh, I guess you can't ctrl+f for things in a fiddle ha
my demo there is pretty silly of a use case, but knowing about it now I'm sure I will have some fun with this in the future
Yea, when would one use that? I guess if you just needed multiple duplicates of a canvas...?
@twiz You can have the entire background of a page be a canvas if you wanted; though it'd be hard to do that in a way that isn't obnoxious, probably.
You could also just make a canvas the size of the page though. I guess I can see how it could make more sense to use a background though.
I prefer VRML
like I said my demo was silly. but here you can see a dynamically generated "pattern"
when was this added?
afaik it's webkit only?
and i'm just now finding out about this :|
Still in general I can't see why one would use it.
hah well especially if its webkit only
@twiz because.. it's neat!
makes animated backgrounds nice
no need to listen to window resizes with full size canvases
Yea, but usually I would still choose to just use an image haha
what if the image needed to be dynamically generated ?? huh?? what then hot shot?!
well then, I guess firefox users wont be viewing your dynamically generated image... haha
(btw, you can also point background images urls to element id's (image resource elements, so svg/canvas/img/video iirc)
Yea, there is probably a more cross-browser way of doing that.
but still. fuckin neato man
@rlemon codepen.io/dudleystorey/pen/knqyK video as background
yea that is just stretched.
I'm talking as a css background property
!!> JSON.parse('{"test":1234567890.12345678}')
@someDoge {"test":1234567890.1234567}
and afaik IE has their own as well. so mix the moz/webkit/ie ones into one utility fn
BOOM, done and done
Spare me the googling?
Isn't there a way to generate an image in memory from canvas that you can just set the src attribute?
(trying to understand a "bug" report in a very unpopular language)
!!> 123456789101112131415
@rlemon 123456789101112130000
Oh it's just that
I imagine it is related
Well then this is just stupid
His complaint is that when decoding that JSON in PHP you get 1234567890.1234
14 digits
ANd he is blaming the json_decode func but I don't think it's to blame
lol yeah that's just how it works..
Quick question, if I use exec in node (in child_process) on gm (GraphicsMagick) it will return an error on this Windows machine: command failed. When I run gm directly from cmd it will run and give me the help. What's wrong on the nodejs end?
!!hp or pro?
@AwalGarg Both!
Nevermind, it's gm that's existing with code 1 instead of 0. Thanks :P
!!pro or hp?
@AwalGarg hp
!!vm or novm?
@AwalGarg vm
@RoelvanUden why arn't you using the gm node library?
@rlemon I am, but it doesn't have a build-in test to see if gm is installed at all. I wanted one, hence I'm running an exec on it to see if it exists on the machine.
it's based on the executable? or the lib?
var exec = require('child_process').exec;

exec("gm", function (error, stdout, stderr) {
  // what does error and stdout give you?
I got it, no worries.
 * Determines whether the module is available.
 * @param {function(Error, ?boolean}) done
function check(done) {
    if (typeof available !== 'undefined') {
        return process.nextTick(function () {
            done(undefined, available);
    exec('gm', function (err, stdout) {
        available = Boolean(stdout);
        done(undefined, available);
ftr... dunno how the lib works... but it might work with the lib and not the binary...
The gm lib is just a wrapper around the gm executable, it's convenient. But it doesn't have a truthy test to see if the exe is in the user path, so I just needed this little exec to get there.
@rlemon What is that supposed to be?
read the test
  // use this test when gm is not installed.
  // it demonstrates that err is often passed as null (timing)
  // to detect the stream error that the gm command is not installed,
  //   you must test the stderr output manually for "execvp(): No such file or directory"
The test doesn't make any sense to me.
Any reason $scope.$watch wouldnt update something?
or not watch, for that matter
@someDoge if you need help with php-src dev, don't hesitate to ask
a good resource is lxr.php.net
u can also ping patrick and other php team members they are usually nice people
@SimonSarris You day-trade?
@darkyen00 uh... patrick is not a php team member afaik?
what's that service that gives a subdomain to your localhost ?
@FlorianMargaine ?
10 commits / 14,411 ++ / 14,308 --
Q: Unable to drop elements in between dropped feilds

Caffeine addictedI have some drag gable elements I have some dropped Fields , I can drop the elements into droppable areas easily but unable to drop the elements from one dropped feild to another can anyone help please Here is Jsfiddle Demo To see fiddle how it working click on add div two times to add two...

@Caffeineaddicted Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can anyone help
@darkyen00 I don't see any commit of him in php-src :/
Isn't that weird ?
and... does he hang out somewhere?
twitter :D, facebook
I mean, do we know him?
I did, hes nice
oh, I don't doubt that
but if you want real php-src contributors, go in the php room
3/4 of the regulars have commits in php-src :)
yeah i saw
familiar names
Do we have anybody from this room who contributed to node.js ?
I uhh, raised a few issues against chrome!
@darkyen00 does npm count?
then yeah
not much though
nodejs is... too much drama though
I mean, the main contributor ragequit over a petty issue
well, he was right
I mean that joyent was awful
please help me please
m totaly stcked guys
Heh. Sticked.
I am stuck at a design decision i made
hello guys. I am trying to make an algorithm to match this image i.imgur.com/NYrSrRE.jpg
can someone help me with this
I am stuck @darkyen00
please help me pal
I Built that
yes it looks nice
I need to add a like button and a button to share on other social networks (the on right are the networks she connected her profile to, ps its a space where she can add any of her profiles and it automagically sniffs it.)
so does anybody ahve an idea where the like and share buttons go ?
@darkyen00 oh... i thought it was code design issue. I would've been able to help.
@FlorianMargaine i will ask you for code-review later
right now i am haywired.
a code review at the end is useless, quite often
@FlorianMargaine it wont be end
it will be MVP
you can't review architectural issues without spending months on it to fix them
@darkyen00 ah
right now am just using well built python frameworks
so my business logic is very less :-)
'flask-restless' takes care of almost everything on the api server side
real fun starts when we start selling food :D , // that we did today without the website -- via phone based orders :-(
@FlorianMargaine Eugh, I remember that.
@Retsam when bnoordhuis left?
made my day.
@FlorianMargaine Yeah; over a comment.
over a comment?
no, it was over joyent making a huge blog post accusing him
Over a massive PR debate over a comment
i hated joyent a lot, about that
oh right, somebody wanted to make a PR to remove sexist doc or something
I thought the whole debate was a bit silly, but yeah, it was that blog post that really ticked me off.
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, it was a PR to change the word "he" to "they" I think.
that was totes rediculous
> Indeed, one of the challenges of an open source project that depends on volunteer effort is dealing with assholes
Like the one writing this blog post, in fact.
@darkyen00 top row of the social links?
re-reading this makes me want to uninstall nodejs, seriously
@mikedidthis err you mean to say i add a top row to share ?
especially when they talk about isaac and ben reverting his merge...
The paragraph confused the heck out of me
ben was libuv project lead, if he says no, why should anyone override his actions?
so ben rejected -> isaac accepted -> ben reverts
@darkyen00 urm.. sure. tbh I think its a little spammy with them all out.
@mikedidthis oki, the block on the right is for the user to link his profile
like in miaou
it also supports dropping articles from newspapers / blogs anything that gives their
work recognition
yeah. just seems a little over powering. profile picture > social shit > actual content
wanna help me design it ?
its to show off a chefs work
I am probably best just giving my opinion at the moment.
Aiight :-) thanks
i will try to fix it
i liked that concept
Nice! Where did you find that?
How about replacing the social icons with a map and the run the social likes under the profile.
@darkyen00 fml. I have already liked it and stored it in a bucket. Good job mike!
you are a genius !
@darkyen00 if I ever get another one, its yours.
alright :-)
@KendallFrey lol the last one
they are impressive. I think the dual pistols is my fav.
I love missed connections i.imgur.com/EgsS56x.jpg
damn missed connections are creepy
but i'm also sad there is no 'missed connections 'asking for me :/
I'm a studmuffin. well, minus the stud.
thats funny
Thanks to last weeks xkcd what if: boston.craigslist.org/search/…
The autoclave thing is referencing: what-if.xkcd.com/119
@darkyen00 she seems game
seems gonohorrea
We're doing lemon jokes again?
one of my friend got an STD with one such offer :-/, that idiot hid it for 3 months.
seems premium rate
This artist's music is surprisingly non-shitty: grooveshark.com/#!/profile/Lemon+Slide/22544335
First one of these that is actually good.
#3 is bullshit
!!youtube scientific way to cut a cake
I get bad burgers from restaurants all the damn time.
Watching this now btw.
@BenjaminGruenbaum all I see is weird al
makes me chuckle every single time
ffs, haven't you learned how to include xkcd links?
@FlorianMargaine what's the best way to build this and test...
wow they look gigantic now
I have to build configure too?
@someDoge ./vcsclean && ./buildconf && ./configure --prefix=/opt/php-zts --enable-maintainer-zts --enable-debug && nice make -j 16 && make install
/* note to self - no more dominos pizzas for me */
the ./vcsclean is only needed when you checkout to another version
or change headers... or stuff like this
create the /opt/php-zts folder and assign permissions to yourself to it
gonna be easier
alias make_php = ./vcsclean && ./buildconf && ./configure --prefix=/opt/php-zts --enable-maintainer-zts --enable-debug && nice make -j 16 && make install
That was fast
Lol, just caught "My God it's full of cars" for the first time.
I love compiling lib ffmpeg from source
@someDoge to run tests, you have 2 ways: either run all the tests, using make test (you need to run make first), or use ./run-tests.php path/to/test(s)
running all the tests is only before doing a PR though...

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