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@AwalGarg: Why is it unlikely that angular is good?
@Cerbrus just my personal impression.
Based on?
@Cerbrus those questions
@Cerbrus This is an example to make a point about escaping the output not a best-use case example of how to get content into the document. Your downvote and the edit in particular are invalid. The latter I've rolled back. — Linus Kleen 4 mins ago
I, for some reason, have a natural aversion to libraries and frameworks in any programming language; the only exception being express.js.
@AwalGarg does that include JFC?
@JanDvorak what is that?
Then you seem to be completely missing the point of libraries like angular
One day I will do the unthinkable... and learn to use jQuery. shock
Might be. That's why there are 2 conclusions.
@Psychemaster me too :D
@Psychemaster nah dont bother is dying
85, I'm getting warmed up
And 75 potential rep in missing accept votes
Don't you have a job?
Full time SO answerer :P
good job
i hate the americans! having to update java encryption libs as they have a limit to how strong the encryption can be?!
americans === NSA
Ugh, i hate it when people ask a question and just don 't respond to anything.
nooo, NSA === americans
@Cerbrus same here. Again, sometimes I DV/CV and move on
Boop, +110 :P There goes 1 accept :P
@HamZa: It's more frustrating if you've got an upvoted answer
Pro-tip: it's not worth it to spend your whole day on trying to find questions and answer them.
Says the 10k rep user :P
To the 20k one :P
s/whole day/a single second/
@Cerbrus Hey, I learned it the hardway. Also my last answer is probably 2 or 3months old...
in front of a 1k one :P
I just answer stuff I get linked to here and promises questions. That's about it.
February 22 seems to have been a busy day for you ;-)
(Yea, I'm digging deep xD)
Some days, I just like putting some more attention into the site
I C.
I'll probably be less actively searching fro questions to answer when I get 20k, though.
@Cerbrus heh, a virtual trusted user :P
Not really, just on the Internet
I mean unicorn
Lemme onebox that, for a quick example of how bad it is :P
Q: Looking for feature rich web player

vincentIm looking for a webplayer to integrate into an application that we are currently developing. It is hard to find one that meets the requirements we are having thou. We would like it to have the following features: slowmotion: this seems to be relative simple when using html5. fastforward and r...

> What experience do you have?
> Been a full time SO answerer. Pay rate of about 50rep an hour. Retired after hitting 20k.
> Now I'm a freelance SO trustee
> Deleting bad questions where necessary
I'm still wondering if the rep will help you get a real job...
If the company looks at SO rep
It won't hurt
they would like to look at answers too. there is an option for that at careers.so.com
Caprica, y u ded
Someone with more than 10k would be a no-hire for me because he probably spends all day admiring his own reputation
Oh that said, I needed to finish this careers profile...
So, a 9.9k user that accumulates the last 100 rep by doing nothing would get fired? :P
> Where do you live?
> Room number 17, SO chat. Contact number : @C-e-r-b-r-u-s
> Bob! Manager wants to talk to you! "Why?" Your rep is too high to work at this company!
i think Bob needs another o
Fun fact: In my last internship, I probably spent more time on SO/SE than on my actual work.
Let us all upvote the hell out of @copy and make him cross 10k
Because then I'd fire myself?
@AwalGarg or help him with bounties otherwise the reversal script will revert all the upvotes.
@copy yes
@HamZa or that
I don't think my company lets me decide to fire people
i cast my life's first ever vote at SO XD . not in a real life poll booth
@argentum47 you don't cast enough votes. 85...
yeah everyone poke around each other's profiles :P
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26628009/canvas-element-lines-arent-straight how bent are we talking?
is it 60 degree bent , or hell-bent
Morning morning
so u should sip a cuppa tea
@AwalGarg Hmmm a nice idea for a plugin: when you hover over the user's name/avatar you will see all the stats
@CapricaSix is down
I'm a crab I don't drink tea.
@HamZa we already have it
@Sippy do you walk sideways and have pincery type things?
@DrogoNevets Hell yeah I do.
My pincers are huge.
@Sippy ohh... do you guys have that thing that we humans have between our legs?
@AwalGarg Nah we got pincers.
I don't need to inseminate lady crabs, they just get pregnant when they see my giant pincers.
Canvas questions <3
A: Canvas element lines aren't straight?

CerbrusThe problem here is that there's some aliasing going on when you're drawing the rectangles. This is happening because the "edge" of the green rectangle isn't drawn exactly on a pixel. Normally, you wouldn't really see it, but since you're stretching out the canvas using css to set it's width and ...

that's kinda unlucky
@AwalGarg Not when you imagine what crab sex would feel like.
@Cerbrus How can something not be drawn on a pixel? O_o
I want 300 more points on to have a badge so I can close garbage :D
@Sippy: if you draw a diagonal line from [0,0] to [50,50]
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do what Awal does and answer ALLL THE QUESTIONS
That's 1 pixel wide
How do you render [0,1]?
@Sippy meh... I don't do that.
I thought that'd just paint on the nearest pixel
You can't make it white, since 50% of that pixel is filled with the line
So, anti-aliasing, make it gray
Although most questions are tagged JS too.
@Sippy (@AwalGarg) I actually do that :P
I have 300 answers on the tag
@BenjaminGruenbaum ewwww
u rly like promises huh.
It's just a very unpopular tag compared to and :P
@Sippy doesnt count them, everyone knows its only cool to have 1 huge pincer
@Sippy promises are awesome
@BenjaminGruenbaum and jquery and java
@Sippy he is the promise guy
@DrogoNevets JavaScript > me
@Sippy I provide support in order to popularize the technology and make it more accessible to new users. The whole reason I'm on SO is to do that sort of thing.
Also, to learn
I don't know promises.
Lol, the badge is the only one people hate getting :D
@Sippy yeah because js has prototypal inheritance which you don't :D
Apr 5 '13 at 14:36, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
I just got the jQuery badge :(
That moment when you google something, and the result is an answer you wrote yourself
@AwalGarg Yeah well I've got big pincers mate whaddya you got
Nov 21 '13 at 19:25, by rlemon
speaking of my profile.... I wish I could remove the jQuery badge. :P it looks so ugly.
A: Drawing line less than one pixel thick requires anti-aliasing in Android 4.2

CerbrusYou can't draw lines less than a pixel in width without anti-aliasing. The whole point of anti-aliasing is to calculate what a pixel's colour would be, if a element doesn't completely fill the pixel (Like a line that's only a tenth of a pixel's width). You could somewhat simulate it by drawing ...

why do you all hate jQuery?
dont tell me because it is jQuery :P
@RahulDesai WHAT!!! YOU NO HATE JQUERY!!!!!!! HOW DO YOU EVEN LIVE?????!!!!
@Cerbrus I get anti-aliasing, I just didn't realise that's what was going on :D
@AwalGarg Chill the fuck out before I pincer you.
lol noob
@RahulDesai we don't hate jQuery, we hate jQuery questions on SO, that's a different thing.
@AwalGarg Why do you hate it and live? ;)
@RahulDesai have you seen "How do I add two numbers using jQuery"
you promise something, when you get a result fire callback
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah, ok
The only thing I hate more than jQuery questions is jQuery answers.
@RahulDesai jQuery enables people who don't know what they're doing to write inefficient and mostly awful code that gets the job done.
And coffeescript.
Like me.
God that shit is ugly
I see
Well, I agree
I have been there :P
Also including the whole of jQuery just to use the datepicker
There are some events troughout the day that I need to keep track of. Their times are determined weekly. I want to write a simple gui that will show me a countdown in minutes for events that will happen sooner than 30 minutes (hopefully with a progress bar). I am novice to javascript, do you think it is a good idea to do this with Javascript? If so, are there some easy to use libraries for stuff like this? It is for my own personal use, so it doesn't need to be very fancy
bloody hell caps down
@BenjaminGruenbaum Upvotes for comedy? :/
@AwalGarg: Caprica is dead
@Sippy all I read was "it allows people who don't know what they're doing to... get the job done"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Usually, people who 'just get the job done' write unmaintainable, awful shit.
That's why that point is bad.
i tried coffescript, after i wrote 100 lines, i scrolled up and i couldn't understand what i wrote.
it still works in the end
It does still work. I use jQuery cos I suck at vanilla and I don't know any other frameworks
jQuery can be convenient
u should try butterscotch
@Sippy sure than, you can also parse html with regex
But the "best" choice? Neh
@AwalGarg ofc
hi head.
@AwalGarg: Go wash your mouth!
@AwalGarg Do what he said. seriously we don't wanna lose you. please do.
There was a time when my friends used to say - this is the guy who knows jQuery.
Pointing towards me.
Everyone knows jQuery :P
@Sippy still read "get the job done"
@LinusKleen so by your logic, it's fine to introduce SQL/XSS/Shell injections into my examples, because they're just examples and there's no way that anyone would ever copy and paste it into his code, right? — Second Rikudo 8 secs ago
99.9% people use jQuery wrong
@BenjaminGruenbaum Still not arguing that it doesn't?
@SecondRikudo There was no security issue there
@RahulDesai google
jQuery raynos rant
@copy No, it's just crap code.
:highfives @SecondRikudo:
!!tell RahulDesai google "Raynos JQuery Rant"
@SecondRikudo Right
cap is dead :-(
Yea, we figured that out already, @darkyen00 :P
@Sippy getting work done > not getting work done. I was criticizing your claim not disagreeing with it.
@copy That doesn't make it okay to put it in examples
Even if there's no security issue here, you're still promoting crap practices.
@AwalGarg: what's your score so far, today? ;-)
I should just look at his profile, actually...
@Cerbrus 577 in 20 minutes
would come back later tonight
@SecondRikudo You implied that he thinks it's okay to make posts that contain security issues
That bounty doesn't count ;-)
@AwalGarg not this one
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, but I never claimed you couldn't get stuff done with jQuery so your criticism is unfounded..
@Cerbrus 77 in 20 minutes then. Would come back later tonight.
@AwalGarg oh hey it's Raynos, he was a regular here once
@copy I edited
I claimed that people who don't know what they're doing write awful code with it.
and the linked one.
Which you can't really argue with, whether it works or not.
and I crossed 1.3 k rep :)
I agree to it except for promises
When't the next priv? 1.5 or 2k?
@BenjaminGruenbaum and the first room owner
@Cerbrus 1.5k create new tags, then 2k and I stop.
Anyone here use NuGet?
> 00:49 < Raynos> if your too stupid to realize that jquery plugins are a bad idea then i dont want to use any code you author :D
Classic Raynos, lol.
> if your too stupid
@copy thanks for explaining the joke :D
Your welcome
your joke
I used to love jQuery... then i discovered JavaScript.
Q: We are developing a new project, i prefer to use Angular.js, do we need a seperate template engine with angular. Earlier we were using Thymeleaf

Arun KishoreWe are developing a new project, I prefer to use Angular.js, do we need a separate template engine with angular. Earlier we were using Thymeleaf. I would like to know do we need a separate template engine to work with angular.

soembody has got to do a video like that on youtube.
@CSᵠ @SecondRikudo You gotta be kitten me right meow.
I have 5k+ helpful flags.
@Unihedron XD
so sorry matster
5287 actually
still bowing
Q: undefined method `category` for nil:NilClass rails 4

JackIn views/offers/index: <%= f.collection_select :catId_get, Category.order(:name), :id, :name, { include_blank: true }, {data:{ dynamic_selectable_url: dynamic_select_offers_path(':catId_get'), dynamic_select...

God what a mess
@Unihedron member for 5 months? that's all?
@AwalGarg 166 days
I'm not going to touch that
@Cerbrus TWSS
@Unihedron hold on.... you are younger than me?
@AwalGarg Depends, how old are you?
I'm 16 5/12
I got it
@Unihedron I just turned 17.
Then yes :)
Instead, Imma go lunch
happy birthday
@Unihedron What theme is that?
@OliverSalzburg inverted 95%
@Unihedron Nothing like a couple of blue badges to make you feel good about yourself.
Ohh, flashy badges! I want a blue one, a glass one a cyan one..
anybodu there?
probablu not
aah..Need urgent suggesion.
Here's your urgent suggestion: Just ask for help already.
Q: Javascript - Save shortcut on home screen prompts

khushbuI am having one application which is running on all decides like iPad,iPhone,android,browser. I want this: When I open my application , if it's shortcut is not created on home screen , it should prompt me with some dialog box which will ask me weather I want to create shortcut on home screen..If ...

any help?
@khushbu How is this a JavaScript question?
because I want to code as javascript
basically i am a sencha developer...
Have got yhis through search :
Eh, your background doesn't have to do with your question. I don't see how it's javascript related. It's more like a gimme the code.
aah...dun like this
Sorry if i have explained such way
I'm not sure how you could achieve that though, it's really broad and vague.
For example, what you mean by a shortcut?
And... Home screen?
What do you mean by home screen?
can i explain again?
You said this has to work on all browsers
And... What if your client has a Linux?
not all browsers have anything like a home screen
@khushbu Edit your question. Explaining it here and leaving the post as is isn't the best idea.
You're free to butter it up here with advices from the javascript folks if they appreciate you asking.
amm,,may be i am asking you these way for the first time so i m not aware of the rules....i am editing..thanx
And I am not free at all
yes..it should work
Guys, can you suggest me an editor that auto-populates JS and CSS stuff?
Sublime just autopopulates CSS stuff only.
@RahulDesai VIM :-)
@IonicăBizău Anything for windows?
oh, they have VIM for windows too
Atom is developed by GitHub guys. Great editor.
Atom.io is great! It's open sourced too.
Too unstable for me.
I hate brackets. I had given it a shot.
@RahulDesai WebStorm
@SecondRikudo I installed Atom on day when it was open sourced and it was very unstable. Then it was more and more solid...
@IonicăBizău I'll wait for version 1.0
Or at the very least a stable beta
@RahulDesai Me too... But I'd really recommend to learn VIM. :p
@IonicăBizău Why?
Why vim over nano?
@SecondRikudo is it open source?
@RahulDesai Nope.
@SecondRikudo Why nano over vim?
@SecondRikudo free?
@IonicăBizău No confusing shortcuts.
Sorry, emacs.
@RahulDesai Depends.
Look them up.
@SecondRikudo Come on, VIM has great and friendly shortcuts. :D
@IonicăBizău But EditPad Pro has the best regex support!
@IonicăBizău Your inability to suggest a single good feature in VIM that's worth learning implies that you're using it because you're used to it, and maybe because it's a wee-bit faster too.
@Unihedron Is it open source?
I prefer an editor that will help me type, not make me remember all sorts of arcane key combinations.
Typing is like, 5% of the time I spend making programs.
@SecondRikudo I agree. There aren't words to describe VIM power.
@IonicăBizău No but it has great regex
@AwalGarg TypeError: property "a" is non-configurable and can't be deleted
@CSᵠ I awoke on Wed, 29 Oct 2014 06:11:49 GMT (that's about 4 minutes ago), got invoked 7 times, learned 229 commands
@jAndy TypeError: property "a" is non-configurable and can't be deleted
@jAndy TypeError: property "a" is non-configurable and can't be deleted
sorry someone fucked with me again. blame @CSᵠ
snsv is a good brand
10/10 would buy
@rlemon I cut down my html constructor paste.ofcode.org/hj9Scyu69EPFDjGLrfETFs -- much less redundant than last time.
I think I should just make it return an element, and handle appending it to the document elsewise.
i hate making commits to github. i hate it.
@argentum47 Why?
@argentum47 Why so?
there is a file with indentation problem, i can clearly see that i have fixed it locally, when i commit and push it to gh, it stays the same!! and the worst part is, when someone spots that in a PR, that oi sent 2 weeks ago and asks me to fix it !! :
i will delete it and then push it
no mercy!!
What is the url of your repo?
Sounds like problematic whitespace settings
@argentum47 Did you git pull before pushing?
what @Cerbrus said
Also, what editor are you using?
I hope you are not using the Windows notepad for programming.
yeah. but i guess i can do that thing again since it has been two weeks.
i use the legendary editor. emacs24.3
i program with calculator.exe
@NickDugger third-party tools, noob

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