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Does anyone have a good "Sound effects in canvas" demo? @Loktar @rlemon
canvas doesn't make the sounds
just hook into an audio element
@rlemon That's what I meant
@SomeKittens You mean code or sound effects themselves?
How to play sound effects
I don't have one, but it is easy
I'm having difficulty finding a generic example.
What I'm finding are big, opinionated tutorials.
If you don't find anything better, github.com/copy/iwbtc/blob/master/audio.js
preload doesn't work
@BadgerGirl Ouu, what's dis?
Her homework
@copy thats pretty nice
a bit more organized than what I do
no upgrade path either :/
we're starting a new app soon but.. it seems kind of silly to use Angular 1.x for it at this point
@Loktar yeeeeeep.
End of 2015 is the release they're shooting for I guess
so I suppose thats still a ways out
> Well if it makes you feel any better, Angular's only going to be officially supported for 1 year after 2.0 comes out.
:( damn
yeah I'm going to strongly suggest against using Angular for any new development
also wth is this atscript..
A lot can (and will) change
eli5 what does angular do
^ pretty much
totes using it for my next canvas thing
I think it's for controlling HTML or crap like that
^ yea
using it for canvas would be a nightmare mostly
I use JavaScript for that
@Cereal Machine fucking learning
@BadgerGirl I'll trade you
@BadgerGirl sex robot?
@Cereal what's yours?
@Loktar the strong negative reaction makes me think the Angular core team will be rethinking a few things
heh yeah lets hope so
I can't find a single good comment
If they go through with this change, virtually all non-trivial Angular apps won't upgrade.
It's a massive change for very little advantage.
Our entire team would need to retrain, rebuild and retest. We'd lose 3-5 man-months for what?
heh support
its just sad honestly
Im going to look into knockout I think
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 5 mins ago, by Brian S
Im The King of PHP
@BadgerGirl grep.sh/assign.pdf Questions 3.61, 3.64, 3.69, 3.72
@Loktar In the initial days there'd be very little support as it's new.
true, but you will lose support for 1.x I mean
And there's still virtually everyone on Angular 1
Official support anyway.
"support" as in StackOverflow questions and blog posts
support as in bugfixes too
kind of reminds me of asp vs asp.net
finding info is going to be rough for a while
also.. why not use dart?
Why make something else O.o
heh Google teams are just crazy idk
probably because dart wasn't well adopted and angular was and they could be trying to not tarnish angular's momentum with dart?
or google is just crazy
who knows
hah nice @SomeKittens
I'm studying up on Angular 2, and I gotta say, I'm digging it.
@SomeKittens nice bro, so when you getting acquired?
@phenomnomnominal Next Thursday
Though seriously - we're not interested
Runnable has already turned down one acquihire offer and now we're headed for the stars.
good on you!
don't sell out :p
I'm pretty sure we'd still sell at this point, but it'd have to be serious money.
5-10x current valuation.
yeah, something like that.
I find this code vaguely erotic: return this.loadChunk().spread((chunks) => {
До свидания
@SomeKittens Yeah I know, but i can't start till 2015, and I'm in Spain until mid January
So, third week in January I'll be there
I can't wait though, I hear it's awesome
Any hint on this ? jsfiddle.net/m9b29qjo/10 regex working on regex101 regex101.com/r/eH1nQ8/1
@Whathaveyoutried so youre on vacation?
@user3470815 Nah I've got people in Spain, I spend around 5 months there a year
ohh thats cool
It will change once I start real work though hah
carpe diem
That's it
@SomeKittens Your giants are getting spanked
@SomeKittens Do you think they'd accept payment in the form of sexual favors?
@monners lol
So a friend of mine just got hired at Yo
@Whathaveyoutried Finally, an explanation for why I needed to learn Spanish as part of my CS degree
whoaa i figured it out i had to declare new regex vars... not reuse them
Yep, regexs have state.
lol it was driving me crazy looking at the regex code again and again..
what company is Yo @SomeKittens
Yo is a social application for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. The app's only function was to send the user's friends the word "yo" as a text and audio notification, but it has since been updated to include user profiles and other types of notification. == History == Yo was created by Or Arbel in eight hours, being launched on April Fools Day 2014 for Android and iOS. Originally chief technology officer of stock trading platform Stox, Arbel quit his job and has since begun working on the app full time. The app has received USD$1 million in investment from a group of investors led by Moshe Hogeg...
oh i see, it tought you were talking of a company located at "yo". Developed in 8h? amazing
8h= 1 million USD.... I think ive been doing something wrong ...
@zynder I believe you misclicked.
I did it on purpose. Do you guys here have any idea about phonegap framework?
sorry @zynder
Inviting me to a room with zero context is a bad way to win my attention
and no, I have never used PhoneGap
hey,has anyone set up mongoose on vagrant?
@SomeKittens Im sorry about that. thanks anyway :)
@user2309862 when i hear moongoose i think about sport mufflers for cars
i need help setting up mongose on a ubuntu precise vagrant box(github.com/semmypurewal/node-dev-bootstrap),currently I get this error pastebin.com/TZY6ijgi
chck out the pastebin
@user2309862 sorry, Docker guy here
i find that other than mongob native,mongoose is the only other thing with great documentation,
has anyone worked with quirks mode in ie8?
@SomeKittens I go to visit my gf, her family doesn't speak a word of english
npm installing each module individually with the --no-bin-links flag helped
@JanDvorak why dont they use Googl?
can you beleive it? yesterday i visited a company that still uses vb 6.0
Why doesn't this open the file menu? jsfiddle.net/51novz5z
the browse works for me @SomeKittens
@user3470815 Is it opening the file menu when you load the page (without you clicking on the button)?
no , i clicked the button
my team wants me to build for older quirks mode(i have to shim json,wtf)
can you take a look at the pastebin,express bodyParser is doing something odd
A: Jquery trigger file input

adardesignThis is due to a security restriction. I found out that the security restriction is only when the <input type="file"/> is set to display:none; or is visbilty:hidden. So i tried positioning it outside the viewport by setting position:absolute and top:-100px; and voilà it works. see http://jsfid...

Q: How to make the jessor image slider of specific dimension and responsive on iPhone device?

PHPLoverThe website is responsive in nature i.e. the website design gets adjust according to the device on which it is browsed. I'm using jessor jQuery image slider in my website. It's also working fine and perfect for me. The only thing I want to achieve is when it is viewed on iPhone the size of slidi...

zzz byezzzzzz code hard!
That drummer
I like it when I find code in our solution that I didn't put there that I know comes from an answer someone in here (@BenjaminGruenbaum) wrote.
anyone good with git
for some values of "good", yes
take a look at the pro git book,it should have you covered,git tower has some resources as well
1 hour later…
morning internet
i am phantomjs.org/headless-testing.html phantom today , who are you
@AwalGarg 'morn
@AwalGarg you look blue.
@towc you might be interested in hsm.stackexchange.com
@AwalGarg it is nearly afternoon for me now
@argentum47 hehe i know
help me
@user2309862 hello! Are you new here?
@argentum47 sure
@AwalGarg I'll take a look at that later. I'm more interested in studying latin now
i keep forgetting what i learn... and hence i cannot answer anything... i feel so ........... blank
@argentum47 exercise more?
@argentum47 in coding?
@towc ok.
@argentum47 how and from where do you learn?
i read the docs, and then i try to integrate things, then i get stuck i google and then i end up reading the docs again (not to mention answers at SO). I am so restless, i can't read the whole thing properly :(
I see, and I guess that the only thing that you pay attention on is the particular syntax, and not the underlying behavior and concepts.
:( eggjactly. i try not to do that.
First of all, you don't have memorize something which can be looked up.
And you memorize only those things...
For example, look up forEach on google and you get the thing immediately.
but lookup "a method to loop through an array when the this with the callee is set to the array yada yada", you might not get the same official link this time.
You have to memorize the latter, not that keyword.
and as you practice, you would automagically get the syntax on tips.
the implementation of the concept.
Also, for javascript, the official docs from ECMAInternational are pretty hard to read.
Use MDN.
i read the MDN, but i have still lot of links to read. i mean by the time i started, which is like 6-8 months ago , now, if i had taken my time to properly go through everything first instead of thinking about building things after reading the Getting Started, i should have completed most of the links by now.
feels wasted :
Do you know how the event model in javascript works?
the bubbling and etc ?
@argentum47 programming is about knowing how to stick bricks together, not memorising which bricks you have.
they are part of it. But they alone don't constitute the entire model.
@JanDvorak i understand.
@AwalGarg umm, what more is there!! i might have read but i can't recall. i have used eventListeners, and callbacks and i guess i know the role of closures in callbacks, and then event delegation. thats all i know. i read it this part from w3c
w3c spec?
so... you're a theorist
yesh, i like to read how stuff works, but i find it hard to implement it. Recently i have to do rails, now i read about some design principles and Single Responsibility Principle but i find it difficult to implement it in my real projects
you're alive
!!> 4
@Zirak TypeError: property "a" is non-configurable and can't be deleted
it appeared you died last night
while i tested beer!learn
Note to self: Not being in chat means I'm dead. Conclusion: Chat is my entire life?
!!>"mic testing 123"
@Zirak points to Sandbox and to @CapricaSix
this is a nice list.
beer!> 4
@Zirak Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null
@argentum47 yes. Do them all, from the start. Step by step. You will feel confident then.
beer!learn bbq WHATksahdfklajjahskdfjhkashdkfjakshdfkhagskdfgkashgdfkagskdjfgkahsgdkfasd ((.*?)*?)*?\d
@CSᵠ Command bbq learned
Yes I saw
[canceled]beer!bbq 982730498570238450872304523645542363145642394453213435162344975623545
beer! bbq
@AwalGarg Input not matching /((.*?)*?)*?d/. Help: User-taught command: WHATksahdfklajjahskdfjhkashdkfjakshdfkhagskdfgkashgdfkagskdjfgkahsgdkfasd
@CSᵠ da hell that regex!
designed to test
stupid to use something like that
beer! bbq d
@AwalGarg WHATksahdfklajjahskdfjhkashdkfjakshdfkhagskdfgkashgdfkagskdjfgkahsgdkfasd
I'm thinking of asking for some thoughts on something I just prototyped, but I'm pretty sure I'll give up on code forever if @Zirak or the like sees it.
i feel bad looking at SO questions with bad english because it makes me think of how a native speaker might read my spanish or german.. poor them
from the pattern of the jumbled up words , it seems the writer was sitting, with the keyboard near the center of the body, having a well balanced left and right hand speed
@m59 you can hide their posts for a while
@argentum47 what words?
how'd you analyzed that?
lol. is that actually the word?
i may be wrong though
I'll be danged. At first I thought you were asking if he had analized something.
@m59 you were thinking of..... now you have to do it
Ah, it's "analyse", I think
sa hd fkl , and that pattern occurs in most places. and now look at your keyboard
both work
depends on Englishes
nm, I don't know words or things.
do you know Chutzpah?
@m59 what have you brototyped?
@AwalGarg heh, do you know that's actually a thing?
now you made me test it
why there are so many contributors?
i love this thing
@argentum47 you are perfectly right! actually the ratio is 52% of the chars on the left hand, leaving 48% for the right hand
:)) @CSᵠ cool
@phenom what answer?
I went to sleep at 8:00 pm yesterday :D
@m59 wow, it's like LOLCODE but better!
var foo = {
  prop : 'prop val'
var bar = Object.create(foo);
console.log(foo, bar);
I can't remember if I ever figured that out ^ in node. bar = {}
What does the alert function do in terms of threads (I don't know if this is the correct word)? Is it correct to say that it stops the current thread?
A documentation link would be useful.
apart from some weird corner cases; firefox can fire and handle a resize event during an alert, IIRC
Yep, but I want to read more about what happens with the thread when I do alert("Foo").
Bro(object).doYouEven('stop a current thread') === Bro.TOTALLY
Reading more into Angular 2.0, I'm not sure why they're calling it Angular 2.0. It's another framework.
so its Round 1.0
Oh right, I remember. Node doesn't SHOW the properties on an object's prototype when you log it, whereas the browser log does.
event not with console.dir() for instance ?
@jAndy you asking me? If so, it's the same.
Oh, I mean the same in node either way, but in the browser dir appears empty whereas log does not.
I guess then there is only Object.getOwnPropertyNames to the rescue
!!> console.log( Number.prototype );
Yeah, i was just being silly. Trolled me hard in thinking that Object.create was broken lol
!!> console.log( Object.getOwnPropertyNames( Number.prototype ) );
women.... never around if you really need them
Speaking of, I should get some sleep next to mine. Peace out, bros.
Say I have to write simple single page web app (among other things) in two weeks. Is it feasible / worth it to learn and use some javascript framework? Or should I just stick with plain javascript + jquery? Any opinions?
define "simple"
It's application for building knowledge bases systems (if you feel like googling). Basically user etners bunch of IF THEN rules and is then asked to fill some data based on those rules, system then evaluates data against those rules and return result. Additionally user should be able to save and load his work. Probably as json (or some other kind of) file. Maybe hook it up to database (but I doubt I'll have time for that).
do you know in general how MVC works?
I know what it is but I've never made web app using MVC pattern.
If you want a bunch of static pages, you don't need a client-side framework. If you want a bunch of ajax-loaded pages, you don't need a client-side framework.
This sounds like stuff that could be entirely server-driven (mod nicer file downloading)
u might need a framework . try MEAN . but thats a thought.
Given the application itself is pretty simple and it doesn't require any online interaction once it's loaded on user's computer, wouldn't it make more sense to build it entirely in Javascript (rendering, functionality and all)? That way I won't have to deal with client-server communication. Or is it norm to write functionality of web apps server side?
u said u need to interact with server.
Did I? I meant, I might need it if I decide to implement online saving. I could just let users save their works locally in files.
knowledge base seems pretty database. i mean its like an AI right
Depends on who supplies the data. It might make sense to let the server provide some.
A knowledge-based system (KBS) is a computer program that reasons and uses a knowledge base to solve complex problems from wikipedia.
Yep. But the app should be primarily for educational purposes, so I doubt there will be need for large scale database.
Yea I was thinking I could provide them with some public data from stock exchange or meteorological stations or whatnot. And then it would make sense to build it server side. But the time restraint (some two weeks) makes me slightly sceptical I'd be able to implement it.
I don't think that MVC is going to help much here
Yea. Thx. I'll just plough through this one and think about it for next project if I'll need it.
You can make it in deadline one way, then redo the other way and compare

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