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@OliverSaltzburg ping @Zirak
@OliverSaltzburg Hi. I want to make something like the Recycle Bin on the desktop - something which isn't a file, but still appears there. Somehow. Probably using magic.
a link isn't a file
@Zirak put it in your desktop background and refresh!
Can someone help me decide which one to use from one of the two favicons I have?
!!1 or 2 or someOtherOne?
@AwalGarg 1
@CapricaSix thankyou!!! that's what I was thinking :D
!!dark or light or blue-ish?
@AwalGarg blue-ish
@CapricaSix ;-(
@Zirak you can use Windows Vista widgets, they can still be enabled in Win8 IIRC
I don't really want to do it. I just want to know what the hell's going on
Read a WinAPI book then :D
Or ask the C++ room, though good luck with that
@BenjaminGruenbaum Too boring
btw, Nautilus has the same problem
Reason #814 to dislike Gnome
If you really want to create another one, you would have to add a handler to the explorer.exe which controls how your desktop looks. The handler, if present, will just create a new file, but with custom properties. I was told a lot about this last year in about 10 classes, none of which I found interesting.
And the creation happens on "Refresh".
The "Refresh" thing serves some purposes, this is one of those.
But I can guarantee if you go doing this, you will regret wasting your time.
Except it's not a file. I can't find a "Recycle Bin" file anywhere.
@Zirak "custom properties"
(And I don't mean, $RECYCLE.BIN)
@AwalGarg Still a file
@AwalGarg hear this
@Zirak Do you see how files with different extensions behave differently with context menus? That is because the explorer.exe has some modules which decide how those 'icons' should work. One of those is "folder" which is "not" a file.
i think that parody is a lil offensive, considering which song they chose.
@AwalGarg Except that "folder" is just a special type of "file"
Quick jQuery Q: I assume if you call a plugin like $(selector, otherDocument).pluginX then the plugin should use the context of otherDocument right?
Like it shouldn't just assume document
@Zirak absolutely. Recycle Bin, My Computer, they are also "special" types of files. They are different and thus behave differently in the module handling context.
@AdamLynch usually
@AwalGarg Except that the Recycle Bin and My Computer and all that aren't files of any kind
I urge you to discover that yourself
@JanDvorak that's what should happen though, right? i.e. it's a bug
@Zirak no one uses their desktop for anything meaningful anyway, I have no idea what by desktop background is :D Why would I? It's not like I Super+D every time to see the bare desktop to click on icons, I just click Super and start typing. That's true for macs and linux boxes too.
@AdamLynch it sees the original document as the document, but usually it shouldn't be touching the document itself
@AbhishekHingnikar was that indian?
@JanDvorak define original
Maybe some context will help
@AbhishekHingnikar have you ever been in europe/america?
@AdamLynch as defined by its defining scope (read: window)
Yes lol, very shortly though :P USA, but i was very young.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Never mind the subjectivity of that statement, I assess again that my goal is research and not something concrete
@Zirak What do you mean by 'files'? The visual representation is just like a hotspot. It has no meaningful relation to the file it represents otherwise. So I urge you to forget relating any file by the icons.
I have some code in an iframe, which calls $(selector, documentInAnotherIframe).plugin but it won't work until I put jQuery in the other iframe and call otherIframe.contentWindow.$(selector, iframe)
whereas other jQuery plugins can handle it
@AdamLynch most likely it uses the document in which that jQuery instance was defined
@AwalGarg For our amusement, let's say that by "files" I mean a handle which can be received by calling CreateFile.
@JanDvorak that seems stupid to me. Like it really reduces the point of passing a document
@Zirak I also remember being told that in Unix based systems, every 'icon' represents the 'same' kind of 'file'. Not sure if this is true, but if it is, and you are following that in Windows, you are wrong.
@AdamLynch I'm curious about why the plugin tries to operate with the document rather than with the elements you pass to it
@AwalGarg What is that icon, then?
@Zirak the saying is wrong.
Then what's a file?
@Zirak A design element, like a toolbar, a context menu...
Okay. A toolbar is some object in memory. It has certain properties. Let's call that a Win32Toolbar. Now I can use the imaginary CreateWin32Toolbar to make another toolbar and all is well.
Guys, suggestion please
@JanDvorak I didn't look to see why, but I assumed this was the problem since it works with otherFrame.contentWindow.$
Snapick website has a section
Now, what is that recycle bin? When I right-click it, what happens in memory? What kind of object am I interacting with?
@Zirak I don't remember the exact definition, but it is something intrinsic to the filesystem. (please please don't ever relate it to the DB way of storing things)
where we show off the super awesome search
we so far use a video that loops.
should i make it realtime ? with real data :P from a common feed ?
@JanDvorak it might be that here is my problem actually github.com/ichord/At.js/blob/master/dist/js/jquery.atwho.js#L12
@Zirak You can right click on a toolbar and get a context menu... the same thing happens. You right click an object which has a handler attached. This calls another object to show up which has handlers attached... and so on.
it assumes the window to be the window where the script is loaded
@AwalGarg What is that object? What's its name? What are these handlers? Do they have an API? Is their favourite colour orange?
Is it Win32SuperSecretRecycleBin?
@AdamLynch that is an incorrect assumption
@JanDvorak by me or them?
by them
oh and it's not exactly my problem. I don't mind if they use window.jQuery
I mind if they use window or document besides jQuery
I'm going to have to debug their code I guess
@Zirak The object is basically a property stored in the explorer.exe with some other properties attached. They can be of different types like DWORDS, Keys, Booleans, etc. The name is decided by the WinAPI and I haven't memorized the names but you can find them in the official documentation. These handlers are events defined in the explorer.exe and get fired when you call them. The API is there but is dreadful. Not sure of there favorite color.
@Zirak certainly not.
Their favourite colour is probably blue.
@AwalGarg In other words, you don't know. ok
Also, you can attach a runtime debugger to explorer.exe (try not to do that on a system that you like) to find more information.
@JanDvorak would you expect most plugins to work across documents like I'm expecting?
@Zirak I don't know everything, but I know enough that you should not do what you want to do.
What am I trying to do?
@AdamLynch I would expect most plugins to not need to touch the document itself at all
@Zirak Define another recycle bin type of thing in the explorer.exe? Or even trying to understand it? Or some related thing? In any case, you should not do it.
Why not?
@JanDvorak ok. I guess stuff like this is wrong github.com/ichord/At.js/blob/master/dist/js/… because it's using document, not my context
But if you want to rename something, or change the icon, go head with the debugger idea...
@Zirak because its really not worth the time. Its not alike the web-stack that you see the syntax and start firing arrows and they hit the target... no no. You have to start from the ground up and learn everything related. If you think you can learn about a small thing and modify that small thing, that is not possible.
@AdamLynch you could probably try to move its container manually
Thanks, I'm a complete n00b on everything not related to web-dev. What's free?
I think you are drunk and left alone by your girl friend. Have an ice cream...
@JanDvorak not sure what you mean. Right now I'm trying to figure how plugins are supposed to get what context was given, and then apply it to any $(selector, context) calls
@AdamLynch Apparently this plugin does need to access the document. And most plugins aren't really written to expect cross-frame interaction.
But you asked a good question that what really is that "icon" that we see.
@rlemon Well played lemon. Well played.
@JanDvorak I'll see can I fix that
I have like 50 tabs open on chrome just to see 50 different favicons! wtf...
what did you expect?
@AwalGarg why don't you answer to Zirak?
you can't explain what free is?
in PHP, 13 hours ago, by webarto
PHP has no major flaws per se.
@FlorianMargaine That is one sad, sad person
I never understood why people keep making fun of PHP...
@AwalGarg not answering?
@Zirak teehee
3 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
you can't explain what free is?
@FlorianMargaine in C? May I try?
Best article I've read in a while http://bit.ly/X4rgke
@JanDvorak no. I know you do. Zirak doesn't, and Awal should explain to him though.
roger that
@RyanKinal what a cool name
that's kind of what I was seeing today on the forth hour of studying latin without a break
@towc Trippy
@towc Nice!
@RyanKinal Things have changed since then, and are changing to get better.
But a lot of that stuff still exists
PHP has it's good parts -- mostly they are the over whelming community support and knowledge base
@AwalGarg you want WTFs?
@RyanKinal A lot of stuff in that article is either somehow exaggerated or entirely false. I know somethings in it are bad, but nothing is perfect.
I'm not saying anything is perfect. JS is horribly imperfect. But to say "PHP has no major flaws per se." is just incorrect.
@RyanKinal Wasn't that sentence supposed to be a joke?
That's precisely the sad part
@towc Nice job!
How about this one?
9 mins ago, by Awal Garg
I never understood why people keep making fun of PHP...
@rlemon I so had horse carriages at the dawn of machines that used liquid fuel for propulsion
@FlorianMargaine hahaha, love the $heading++
s/making fun of/pointing out flaws in/
@Jhawins Is it actually that difficult to make?
@Zirak I prefer the 255 == 0
IOW "PHP is good because ... inertia" is not a good reason
@towc lol no. But doesn't matter
@JanDvorak I never said it was good, I said that was a good part
ok, thx anyway XD
3v4l.org/kpZWs is a good oldie
@Zirak wat
@FlorianMargaine did you see this one?
@Loktar sorry man, I'm on a computer where hovering with the mouse shows me the link
its worth it!
it took me to her "new" single as well
Pretty much have it on loop 24/7 now
@AbhishekHingnikar thanks :)
I was waiting for this one :D
I bin'd it just in time :P
oh I readded but then deleted it since i was j/j anyway
and I realized Im still listening to it
@Loktar ever looked into .pex files ?
nope never heard of them
Its a file format for definining particle effects
ah interesting
if you [the awesome canvas person] can make something in canvas that imports these files
you can basically use all the .particle work in the history :p
are there a ton of them out there?
actionscript and iOS both support them and android too
yeah I was just looking at that, pretty cool
If you drive a dump truck for a living you sure as hell shouldn't be posting slefies from the cab in-motion
@AbhishekHingnikar Just asshat friends on facebook. It's always funny to watch the progression, tomorrow he'll bitch that someone reported him and the day after he'll do a "who's hiring?" post
@Jhawins haha instagram.com/abhishek_hingnikar yesterday i went on instagram. :o
Nice haha
amazon.com/G550JK-DS71-15-6-Inch-Laptop-Nvidia-Graphics/dp/… // unonebox because biggest onebox evar?
Still cheaper on newegg but @AbhishekHingnikar may have found my new laptop
@AbhishekHingnikar pfft there are a couple of details to work out :P. But the ROG series
With the 850
yeah they have like a HUGE edge for price
the only real challenge it has is :
@Jhawins NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 880M with 8GB GDDR5 ... alienware
fucking hell 8 GB OF GPU RAM !
Fuck dude that's probably >$2K hahaha
And I don't need half that xD
@RyanKinal that was my friend and my java teacher's gift to me -_-
i had to wear it for 1.5 month :-/
That makes it even better
she knows how much i hated java xD
I hate my co-workers
@Jhawins need some suggestion
on the website the search demo, i can use facebook's api's and give every user a very personalized experience
but should i do that ? or just keep it a video ? [obviously we cannot do the object recognization on facebook images ... but allows showing them how they can search friends etc ]
Sounds like you'd be introducing limitations where you want to be introducing features
@AbhishekHingnikar you mean actually implement the search as opposed to showing them a video of how it would work?
Might be best to just stick with video
But if it can be clean enough and decent then I'd say the live demo could be awesome
@Jhawins hmm oki.
the demo goes like this
you can search for [people], [places], [events]
.. and then just searches for a person at a place in some event ... saying "in ENGLISH"
and then a phone slides in from left saying... on any device .
@AbhishekHingnikar are you seriously giving me demo on Sunday?
@Jhawins i am pushing the website atm xD
@AbhishekHingnikar Live demo is more impressive, but if you've been using for a week without problems, but a week ago there were bugs, don't do it :P
Anything beyond a week is fine though
Hey guys, I have LTE in my tiny town now.
you make me feel terrible
@Jhawins Nice!
The fastest home internet speed is 20 down 3 up and at my house... 10down 1.5up
your upload is 10x of my download
So I have 2gb of fast internet on my phone and have to suffer on the slow hardwired shit
It really just sucks.
AT&Ts mobile network is literally the fastest available internet speed by ~2*
And yes I really did have LTE, I took the screenshot later after I'd dicsonnected :P
\o/ new sublime build

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