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I am amazingly good at FPS. But having to use my brain.... thats just uncalled for.
@AaronSiciliano nooooob
HEY lol
!!urban ffs
@AwalGarg FFS Acronym for, for fuck's sake.
come play me on halo 3 :)
@AaronSiciliano orly.
@CapricaSix another stupid one.
:( i have no games
@AaronSiciliano Come play me in KSP
KSP? O.o
@AwalGarg You didn't know what ffs meant?
Just looked it up..... so its an rts?
@AaronSiciliano No, it's the best game ever.
If you've ever seen uh
Despicable Me
Well. My eyes hurt. There goes my productivity for the day
Yes of course.
It reminds me of what the minions would be like if they built spacecraft.
Oh jesus christ.... so nothing ever gets done?
@Luggage my X question is, "What's the best way to profile angular app? Memory is bloating during routing. Added several $on $destroys already". My Y question was, "Why isn't there a server side way to debug an Angular app?"
Not that, it's just hilarious.
@jmb.mage Whoa, hold on there. someone mentioned KSP.
Whoever coded this before me is reloading the DOM every time they do anything
@jmb.mage server-sdie? not to me knowledge. I'm afraid I'm not teribly knowledgable of profiling, though.
And the class is 1500 lines
rly cba
I think i need to completely re make my website :( I started it with trying the concept of EM's in use for responsive design. And its like.... trying to put makeup on a pig.... always....
Debugging this app, with over 50k lines of js with all the libs is like fishing for sharks with a toothbrush. I wish I could move it into a solid space like Visual Studio, where it will keep track of allocations/deallocations
@Sippy Thaaat's how postbacks work
@jmb.mage ohh. why isn't there a way to debug on the server.. I misread.
@Cereal lolololol
@Cereal If only :(
Wow... this chat just now got back to the conversation of coding :)
Oh shit, I didn't notice. ahem. CHRISTIANITY
ya... chrome dev tools is misleading, everything is just memory addresses... batarang doesn't track allocations/de-allocations... :(
Because the server knows nothing of the client and it shouldn't. It likely only deals with the client by responding to requests for data (or to change data).
chrome and other browses (even IE) have debugging tools for the client, though.
@jmb.mage use the dev tools?
Memory leaks aren't that hard to find in JS
right, but browser debug tools are rather lacking, especially in tracking memory learks. Dev Tools does it, but it doesn't name anything
@AaronSiciliano you don't need EM to be responsive.
@jmb.mage Name your functions and objects
Also, are you sure you have a memory leak?
@Luggage Yeah i was trying EM with responsive and i don't like how i am having to do it so i am starting over. Definitely sticking to pixels and percentages*.
Q: javascript: a buttton element is not working on click()

kimmikI have a html form that contains several elements (all with unique #id) which when clicked using the mouse correctly submits the form with the action=value pair. I have a js script that captures a document ESC keydown and as example: displays an alert to confirm capture. When the alert is repl...

Bad Q
@Benjamin They are named... the problem is that almost everything that is leaking is in the Web Tools "array"
Was I wrong to mark as dupe? Seemed right to me
I just did 2 snapshots and am comparing what was retained in between
youtube.com/watch?v=5iHP_XT1cQc // @SterlingArcher idk why this made me think of you
When he just stays on the ground like "fuck it whatever I'm down"
@Jhawins "4 million dollars a year for this"
@Jhawins I don't think he knows what he is asking for lol
@Cereal And the announcer acts like he pulls it off great of something by not dropping the ball after running into the fence hahah
And we can pretend I'm Haylee Williams, but you still dove into a fence and busted your ass
Haylee williams man
@Jhawins lolz
@BenjaminGruenbaum can u ?
so, I shall make [this](http://www.copot.eu/matei/tests/1/) be the homepage of my site...
I've put some actual content now
Dat hair doe
@Cereal Is that Peter Molydeux?
!!youtube Cascore
I forgot how to link 0.o
@jmb.mage are you sure there is a leak?
Haylee Williams has a topless photo somewhere online.
You can get better snapshots of the heap at different browser, FF has good leak tools
Just forgot how to cast.
Was sat there for 2 minutes going WHY WON'T STRING()"THIS" FUCKING WORK
Think I might have dementia.
Not that you need to cast a string to a string but you get it.
@NickDugger Thank you very much for that
@Cereal won't look so much on a green shirt
@CapricaSix lol
** Can you give me the system images ? {sorry about the u}
@NickDugger Well I know what I'm doing for the rest of the day
@NickDugger I'm at work :/
@Cereal Oddly enough (her being in paramore and such) her face is the turn on
@Jhawins Yeah, she's pretty fucking attractive
And her Dad is totally normal... lol
@benjamin I can say this much: will all the features enabled on the app, and only clicking back and forth on 2 menu options, the memory usage slow grows. In Dev Tools Task manager it says it takes almost 1 gig of memory before it crashes
@jmb.mage Damn bro what are you doing
@BenjaminGruenbaum Isn't that what 3G is for?
off-topic: BOSTOCK and d3js reminds me of Godel Escher Bach, so I've dubbed it Godel Escher Bach Bostock
@jmb.mage hmmm, that sounds like a pretty common problem - mind if I guess?
@Jhawins the app has a massive recordset, over 10,000 records, then loads them, sometimes about 100 fields on a page, large <select> statements, etc. The memory is not being GC'd and we're trying to figure out why
@jmb.mage guess: you're using routing, your app has a directive/controller loaded to the page that adds event handlers to the page, you don't have a destory event handler set that removes those event handlers properly.
$scope.$on("$destroy") ?
I think Cap needs a bing command
!!bing google
@NickDugger That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@jmb.mage I'd override .on and make an array that keeps track of everything in it, then I'd navigate back and forth twice and see the difference. If I had to guess it'd be an event handler.
@NickDugger Yeah, that really doesn't make sense.
@jmb.mage yes you might be missing one of those in one of your directives.
@BenjaminGruenbaum how override on?
I'm sure I'm not doing it the best way, but I'm trying to get somethign similar to the "for comparison image"; but my code is doing wierd unexplainable stuff that is better shown than told: jsfiddle.net/qkysexr6/5 (hope my comments I added in make sense.)
@jmb.mage Yeah as Benj said
@jmb.mage You can try removing directives from the page one at a time and see when it stops reproducing the issue, I'd use selenium or Phantom in order to automate that testing.
@jmb.mage a decorator on Scope might work altering the function itself, github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/master/src/ng/… this is what it does.
Alternatively, you can build Angular with whatever changes you want
you can also override jqLite's on, might be simpler, or even at a lower level override addEventListener (or onx methods as setters)
Anybody know why I might get this? I'm squashing a git commit. This is right when I close vi (on Debian): ".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG" [converted] 80L, 3351C
Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/diff.vim:
line 62:
E401: Pattern delimiter not found: "^Δεν υπάρχει χαρακτήρας νέας γραμμής στο τέλ?? ??
?? του αρχείου"
E475: Invalid argument: diffNoEOL^I"^Δεν υπάρχει χαρακτήρας νέας γραμμής στο τέλ?? ??
Q: Decorator for Scope

Duncan MathesonIs it possible, and if so how, to decorate $scope so all scopes have some extra function / property? I'm trying to do this: $provide.decorator('$scope', function($scope) { $scope.cakes = true; return $scope; }); But it explodes with: Unknown provider: $scopeProvider from App. I ...

@BenjaminGruenbaum thx..i'll give that a try
@nik1993 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
good luck
@nik1993 I have absolutely no idea what you're asking in that question.
@nik1993 @Cerbrus!
plz halp me in q i lost my pants
Honey, where are my pants?
@NickDugger LOL, I thought nik wrote that then hahaha
@BenjaminGruenbaum no kidding there
i have one blog in blogger, and i want filter serch script using bloggers lebel
> lebel
@SterlingArcher ?
@NickDugger SORRY GUYS
@NickDugger do I have to remind you everytime to stop trolling new people?
@nik1993 If you want fast help you have to ask a much clearer question.
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry, I too did not understand nik's question
... my bad
It's just so bad
@NickDugger I'm not trying to be a dick, but once one person trolls, everybody starts, and it's getting real old. Like I don't even want to be in this chat it's so frequent
I totally get it
No, thank you officer.
May I have another?
Dat grill doe
I read that g as a d.
It's plaque
15 secs ago, by Sterling Archer
Dat grill doe
i have given all info in question stackoverflow.com/questions/25388014/…;.. if any one knows plz help me.. also check this stackoverflow.com/questions/4040975/… i want script for search filter
@nik1993 Please use proper English. Please phrase your question better. Bad English will get people to not take you seriously and a vague question will get people to disrespect you for wasting their time.
If you will not make your question coherent people will not help you and you will not get an answer for it. Spend some time and read "How to Ask" in the help center. It'll save you a lot of time in the future.
Also asking people to basically write your code for you is not a good plan...
there are like 10 distinct reasons for that question to be closed
unfortunately I can only choose one.
@NickDugger found it
wasn't impressed
@Psychemaster you're the cutest
@rlemon but she's so hot D:
she's okay
and the topless photo isn't the best
Hey, I never said that it was going to blow your mind, I just said that it existed
@rlemon I'll have to look it up when I get home
it's one of those "lay in the bed and take a shot from above" selfies
and her shirt is just pulled down to see the tatas
but laying on your back is never flattering for chesticles
@rlemon I think laying down is one of the more attractive poses
TIL I'm weird
god damn
idk, it isn't unattractive.
Inappropriate use of TIL
I think boobs look best in a standing position
depends on the boobs
ones her size
Big boobs + laying down = good
in any case, the entire picture makes me think "stupid 20ish year old posting crap on her instagram"
which is why I wasn't overly impressed
Is that what instagram is like? Best social media site ever
like chatroulette
I'm still too afraid to try that
from what i've heard it's 90% dudes jerking off.
It's not bad, the guys with their dicks out just skip you if you're not a girl
and they can't jerk off at the start due to some law, so they have to see if the person they're about to flash is over 18
or something
I spent a lot of time on chatroulette with my hockey team at tournaments ._.
they're jerkin on a webcam. do you think they care?
Who knows
@rlemon nah, more like 5%
but since you switch a lot, you encounter a lot.
The fact that anybody spends more than a little time on chatroulette is like.. a warning sign, bro
@SomeKittensUx2666 it's 7pm, but mooooorning.
There's a the odd flashing girl too
@Cereal Yeah that stops them,
@FlorianMargaine Universal Greeting Time, Fluffernutter!
!!cowsay mooooorning
< mooooorning >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
@Cereal If you're into that, chaturbate.
@SomeKittensUx2666 oh hay
@Cereal installing....
@Sippy That doesn't sound safe at all
The Internet lies to everyone
@rlemon Good luck
@Cereal Not for your bank balance I'd imagine.
I will admit chatroulette tends to have a gem every now and then
Man I type slow on a phone
@Cereal I will write a script to keep switching rooms until it sees breasts
Seen em on youtube. Like, pranks etc
I wish Valve/Steam had a support phone number. I've already waited 24 hours.
@SterlingArcher steve kardynal is my hero
Should make it look for a female in general first
!!youtube steve kardynal chat roulette
@SterlingArcher ^^^
@SterlingArcher haaaaaay
nice one to start with
omg this is hilarious!
Every morning I turn down the volume by about half, and raise it as the day goes on. Conclusion: I get younger as the day progresses.
best one (imo)
So Amp energy drinks added a new nutritional info to the back, showing total caffeine. So caffeine + caffeine from other ingredients. Clocks in at 296mg.

That explains why amp makes my face feel funny
@Cereal wtf.
@Cereal I even typed those letters slowly.
@rlemon lemme take a picture
So I jsut had 600mg of caffeine
You might wanna .. go to the ER O_o
Lol, the only recorded deaths from caffeine overdose were over 5 grams I think
I think I'm misreading it actually
Yeah, I'm retarded
2011 Fourteen-year-old Anais Fournier, died after she consumed two 24 ounce Monsters (480mg of caffeine) in a 24 hour period. Cause of death was a heart arrhythmia due to caffeine toxicity. There seems to be some conflicting stories as to how much she really consumed and this seems true since 480mg in a 24 hour period isn’t a toxic amount. Update October, 2012: Her parents are suing Monster Energy for wrongful death although the girl did have a known pre-existing heart condition.
@Sippy She had a preexisting heart condition
You might have one you don't know about
I read a lot about caffeine
mostly because I thought I was going to die
during exams
that is like that dude who sued mcdonalds because he got fat
What's the verdict then?
@Sippy The conclusion I've come to is that it's not very well understood, but in order to overdose on caffeine, you'd have to be taking to straight, and be taking a shit ton of it
2013 a New Zealand woman died from cardiac arrhythmia associated with her 10 liter/day Coca-Cola habit. She also smoked 30 cigarettes a day and barely ate. Caffeine was a contributing factor, but the 900-1000mg daily dose wasn’t the only factor. src.
How did she even HAVE a stomach?
There's not much caffeine in coke..
10 liter/day Coca-Cola habit
There's a lot of other shit!
@Cereal Ah yeah I wasn't pointing it out due to caffeine
It just fucking surprised me
How someone could be quite that stupid.
This Just In! According to recent studies the leading cause of death among humans is Stupidity! more at six.
Darwin award for her.
That's comparable to drinking a weak acid.
@Sippy I was just commenting, there's a lot of caffeine in 10 litres of coke. Just like.. a can of coke doesn't have much
Oh good
Gf just selftanned herself orange.
My condolences
when reddit decides to invade wikipedia
The auth mechanism in this application is the dumbest thing I've ever seen
It has a method called SetReadOnly
And if you aren't a user in the database, it checks against your windows principal and returns false, then removes the links from the buttons.
So the link buttons are still there
But they don't go anywhere
You can still access the rest of the site via direct urls.
What's the point in having ANY authentication.
My authentication:
before '/' do
    if not authorized?
        redirect to "/login"
Anyone have a second to help with easy Ember JS conceptual stuff?
To detect if I'm on Linux 32 or 64, would I use os.arch()?
Not on Linux right now to see
@Cereal That's what mine tends to be, in apps that make sense anyway.
ruby indeed
@Sippy unfortunately you're using webforms, and those never make sense
@Cereal Only on this legacy shite until a spec comes back then I can forget about it, fortunately haha
@AdamLynch just arch should suffice
The changerequests for this app were made a year ago
And no one took them up cos webforms is that crap.
$ arch
@rlemon just found some code from a colleague;

if os.arch() is 'x64' then '64' else '32'
ask the colleague :P
he's probably talking python or something.
@rlemon where are you even running arch? Command-line?
also where are you finding this code? bash file?
@AdamLynch yes
Ah, no, I'm talking about Node
well be specific then :P
@AdamLynch what's the question?
also you can edit your messages
I needed to detect if I'm on Linux 32 / 64 in node
I know alot about caffiene
if you have any questions
I did a biotech research in undergrad
the code I posted from earlier does it:

if os.arch() is 'x64' then '64' else '32'
looks like pseudo code
It's CoffeeScript
ahh, so just about :P
the whole line:

@platform += if os.arch() is 'x64' then '64' else '32'
@Andrew Assuming, hyptothetically, that I've been drinking an energy a day for 2 years. How fucked am I?
It's too cold for a tshirt and too warm for a hoodie.
@platform += os.arch() === 'x64' ? '64' : '32'
one of those times CoffeeScript makes things longer
@platform += os.arch().slice(1);
just saying
He's probably getting really annoyed right now
making assumptions about os.arch then though
and that "@" is great :D
so are you when you compare it to the string
I'm saying if it's x64, then we're on 64 bit
you're also saying if it's x32, it's 32bit
and I'm just assigning the type outright
not that I've a clue if it matters ha just saying
@platform += Number(String(os.arch()).replace(/[a-z\-_]/gi,''));
there, now you are safe.
not what I'm saying ha
Wikception http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lists_of_lists
with my code, if it's XXX then '32' is appended
Though it really should be Wikecursion...
@AdamLynch sounds like a shitty way to handle it
Holy balls, chrome does device emulation
@Retsam elon always looks so happy
@Cereal wait, what?
f12 -> esc -> emulation
it's been in Chrome for a while now
@Retsam at least the list of lists of lists is on the list of lists of lists...
I kind of feel they shouldn't count lists of lists when they're really just a single list split alphabetically.
>The parents can't afford it so CNN and Facebook are agreeing to pay half the expenses for the family and the kid so please dont ignore and help and spread the word
1 Like = 20$
1 comment = 50$
1 share = 100$
Do people believe this shit?
yes, they do
what a world we live in
@Cereal Energy drinks aren't so bad per say for you. Usually taurine, ginseng, caffeine are the main ingredients. You should be fine, but you may suffer from withdrawls if you quit.
Woooooo, I wasn't wrong
Energy drinks gave me an ulcer
avoid them
@rlemon stress can give you ulcers even
avoid that as well
I would argue stress and caffeine go hand in hand most of the times =p
Q: how does promise work in javascript

user2167582so I am using the latest version of angular, I've written code like this $q.all({ a: $q.then(func1, failHandler), b: $q.then(func2, failHandler), c: $q.then(func3, failHandler), }).then(func4); would the execution always guarantee to be func1, func2, func3, func4? cuz I get func4 firi...

@Cereal for me its usually stress and women going hand in hand
How do you even recognize you have an ulcer
women haven't stressed me out much since I stopped dating drama queens
@Cereal started throwing up blood randomly.
Ah. Much more apparent than I was expecting
not a normal symptom :P
my brother has ulcers as well. just intense stomach pain once it onsets
@nik1993 it still isn't a question
it is a work request
SO isn't for that
try to write it yourself and then come back when you fail and have questions

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