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What is a trailing comma?
something like this,
how's down under?
Bleh. Still sick.
And working through a backlog of IE8 bugs on a Monday morning, so... could be better?
yeesh. My sympathies.
So how's the new job?
@monners beautiful
Like a classy, mid-forties woman?
woman in her mid-forties, or 1940's?
@TehBucket It's kinda dead in here on weekends
i'm kinda dead on weekends
@SomeKittensUx2666 can't she be b oth?
see that setting p to the changed version of c changes c as well
there must be a way to send the object c into the function yet not change c
You can either A.) Just send parameters into the function or B.) Clone the function
do you know how many bytes that's gonna add oh man
anyone else doing js13k?
@TehBucket If I had a hour to dedicate to it everyday, I probably would
i suppose i just don't understand how javascript variables work
@TehBucket @SomeGuy is
which Guy
@TehBucket You mean variable scope in javascript?
that is one of the more difficult things to grasp for sure
i'm not sure what that means or what i mean
@Neil pass by reference
@TehBucket You said "i suppose i just don't understand how javascript variables work"
what i'm asking about apparently happens only with classes? which is frustrating, working with lots of rgb colors
@SomeKittensUx2666 Pass by reference what?
@TehBucket what happens only with classes? not sure what you mean
jsfiddle.net/dh43xLoq/9 calling a function with say, an integer, won't change the integer, but calling a function with a class, {r:2,g:2,b:5} (i think that's a class) will change the class
'Primitive' values in JavaScript are Numbers, true / false, Strings, null, undefined
if I pass a primitive value to a function, and then change it, there's a different value.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Not sure why you're telling me this. He said he was having difficulty with variables. All I did was what they call "sympathizing"
!!> var x = 123; function add(n) { n += 4; return n; }; console.log(x, add(x));
Q: No file object at php://input after js xmlhttprequest.send(file)

Dennis NolanI am developing a web app which uploads images for photographic competitions. It will be fully html5,css3 complient and basicly accepts images dropped onto the app and uploads them to the server. Details are kept in a database. All server requests are via the xmlHTTPRequest api and the FileReade...

Any other time, if you pass something into a function (Object, Array, etc) you are operating on that thing
and the only way around it is that stuff?
@TehBucket so in your instance, you could create a new object and pass that through or just pass in the property you're trying to change.
in your example y.a is unaltered somehow...
property change example: jsfiddle.net/v8otd8x6
@TehBucket er, how so?
what is procedural generation called if you can pick any point at any point in time and get that value, basically there is no predefined width/height.
@theHeretic I'm not sure, can you provide an example?
I think perlin noise, not sure though
er.. nevermind y.a is definitely changed
I know that plasma fractals are not an example of this in any way.
but somekittens what you're saying is that there's no simple way around it
i'm just frustrated
I could help more if I could see the actual code
If I load the Dropbox link, will it infinite loop on me?
not at the moment, but i can't promise if you refresh it later xD but honestly i think i'm safe on the loops for now dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71638665/js/bucket-js13k/index.html
@SomeKittensUx2666 the specific function is oppo(c), it's called from line 144. it changes the player's colour based on the background it's inhabiting.
once i get more stuff together i'll be calling that sort of thing a lot, without wanting the original class changed, which is the frustrating bit
But if it is procedural generation and it will work theoretically for an infinite map, it probably fits the description.
@TehBucket You may want to look into prototypal inheritance
/me busts out Sublime
i'm reading about it... this is the part i usually give up at, the reading part xD but i'll figure it out
i see it working and i gotta lot of reading to do till i understand it
> "The Google map doesn't work in IE8" - Hmmm, and what's Google's support policy?
isn't 8 like an old version, and 11 or 13 or something considered "getting to modernish"?
that's correct
11, to be precise
afk for food now, but can someone explain the following code to me?
this.p[i & 255]
@theHeretic take the least significant 2 bytes of i as an index of array p contained within the current structure (this)
I would never know to look up bitwise for an and symbol.
well it is a little odd, but if i held more information, then you would need to perform a bitwise operation
I'm more of the idea that you should simply use two separate variables
Attempting to figure out how perlin noise works, when you name your array "p" that isn't perticulally descriptive.
if it is a hash, then it would be better to do i % 255, which is basically the same thing in this case, though if the number changes to say 254, it would still work
No, it's not. Are you sure that p is an array you have access to?
yes, this.p is declared like this:
this.p = [];
for (var i=0; i<256; i++)
this.p[i] = Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
i'll figure it out eventually. but I will probably rename it to something more descriptive to me.
for(var i=0; i<512; i++)
this.perm[i]=this.p[i & 255];
i & 255 is the same as i % 255 for i < 256 I think
so it is basically i&255 just allows it to set perm[256] to p[0]?
@Meredith Yeah, I meant if it isn't 255 but 200, it becomes problematic
@theHeretic You could think of it that way, but it only works because 255 is a binary string of 16 1s
which is the whole point of using 255.
right, what I meant by i % 255 was that it does the same thing in that rather than get perm[255], you'd get p[0] just like i & 255
i%256, would that work better?
(for this specific case)
though it would work for any arbitrary length.. i % 66 would mean it would not give you a value at 66 or higher, for instance
yep. modulus is the most awesome math operation ever
@theHeretic i % 256 makes more sense for me, though in this specific case, i & 255 is more efficient
bitwise operations are almost always faster
is "modular math" any different from just putting a %x after the math? I've heard that it is weird, but modulus is simple atleast.
yep, I think i'll change it to i%256 so that my brain can understand it better, even if it takes longer.
@theHeretic not sure what you mean by that
in math, not programming, "modular math"
@theHeretic well yes, of course in programs, operations are limited by memory
if you take a large enough number and apply modulus calculation on it, you may not get what you'd expect
So in that sense, it doesn't always follow the mathematics precisely
@Loktar bought an Oculus
!! sweet man!
Estimated ship date is Oct right?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Nice, have you used it yet?
Unless there's a rift in their supply chain
Ah, I suppose not then
nice man
Don't wasn't to waiiiiiit
I went too far today
like 5 hours playing
felt pretty bleh afterward
In mathematics, modular arithmetic is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers "wrap around" upon reaching a certain value—the modulus. The modern approach to modular arithmetic was developed by Carl Friedrich Gauss in his book Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, published in 1801. A familiar use of modular arithmetic is in the 12-hour clock, in which the day is divided into two 12-hour periods. If the time is 7:00 now, then 8 hours later it will be 3:00. Usual addition would suggest that the later time should be 7 + 8 = 15, but this is not the answer because clock time "wraps around" every...
Heh, I never get like that
the fact that they have it up as 38%12=14 annoys me for some reason
Though I haven't done extended VR
because that should be 2.
its a bit different, I don't get car sick or anything
but VR seems to affect everyone differntly
the DK2 though is much better when it comes to VR sickness imo
A: show/hide div jquery

romaintazYour code seems correct, except that your JavaScript function is not wrapped in a <script> tag (as pointed by ILMV in your comment): <input type="button" id="test" name="test" onclick="test();" value="Test"/> <script type="text/javascript"> function test(){ $('#divUser').hide('fast'); $(...

@theHeretic Hmm, that looks wrong
can some1 take a took at the question and close it if it's closeworth
assuming i'm understanding wikipedia, that is what they are saying
Apparently it doesn't have to be less than the modular number
I mean, it is kinda correct, but it makes modulus looks more complicated than it is
Then at that point I suppose it is different than the mathematical definition
Though it makes sense if you think about it. you can't have n answers when you use % operator
So it just gives you the smallest positive non-negative
for more modulo looking overcomlicated:
although the first line of that page is probably the best line
(if you aren't trying to learn complicated stuff)
var n0, n1, n2, n3; // Noise contributions from the four corners
// Skew the input space to determine which simplex cell we're in
var F3 = 1.0/3.0;
var s = (xin+yin+zin)*F3; // Very nice and simple skew factor for 3D
var i = Math.floor(xin+s);
var j = Math.floor(yin+s);
var k = Math.floor(zin+s);
var G3 = 1.0/6.0; // Very nice and simple unskew factor, too
var t = (i+j+k)*G3;
var X0 = i-t; // Unskew the cell origin back to (x,y,z) space
var Y0 = j-t;
var Z0 = k-t;
var x0 = xin-X0; // The x,y,z distances from the cell origin
something with perlin noise.
nvm, I get it now :)
ya, reading other peoples ways of programming is complicated. I need to find an example that I atleast know where it is called from to work, and what it eventually returns as a 2d array.
i figure if learning how to do something is the scope, try to write it yourself, but otherwise, try to integrate someone else's attempt
it's a valuable skill to learn how it is done just as it is a valuable skill to integrate code other people have written into your own program
I try to rewrite someone elses code to figure it out
@copy hi
@Feeds I always imagine I have that super power.
Hmmm, that didn't seem to affect anything...
@BadgerGirl huh?
Well this is awkward...
@monners Do you remember the name of that library (framework?) that does smarter DOM updates
Something with computing deltas
And then reducing the number of actual DOM changes
@copy React?
Yeah, I think that was it
Anyone willing to help me out with a simple jQuery problem?
@ArunPJohny Hi
@SimplyJordanNET Tell us your jQuery query
that's ma name!
Does anyone remember that website that had a cute little JS dev tools recruitment tool?
I'm trying to make a simple slideshow on my website. I want the slideshow images to have a width of 100%. I determine that in the CSS document, but when I determine the slide width in the javascript document, I don't know how to use percentage instead of pixels. You can see an example of my problem on simplyjordan.net
The image only shifts 500px.
Here is the jQuery written:
$(document).ready(function() {

var currentPosition = 0;
var slideWidth = 500;
var slides = $('.slide');
var numberOfSlides = slides.length;
var slideShowInterval;
var speed = 3000;

slideShowInterval = setInterval(changePosition, speed);

slides.wrapAll('<div id="slidesHolder"></div>')

slides.css({ 'float' : 'left' });

$('#slidesHolder').css('width', slideWidth * numberOfSlides);

function changePosition() {
if(currentPosition == numberOfSlides - 1) {
currentPosition = 0;
} else {
var slideWidth = 500;
Is there any functionality on the roadmap that will, when selecting values from the select, maintain order in the created list based on the order Basically, if the initial multiple select looks like this:

1. Option 1
2. Option 2
3. Option 3
4. Option 4

Then, if from the list, I select options in this order: 3, 1, 4, 2
The value pass should look like this:
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4

any idea to maintain selected order of multi select
What's with jquery users and stealing code
var slideWidth = $('.slide').innerWidth();
@SimplyJordanNET Ya might wanna change your favicon and title text...
@towc I'm in the US
but I heard you have some kind of moral attachment to this city
@Meredith I never claimed this was written by me. I followed a tutorial for the slideshow. This is simply a test website until the template is finished, but thanks for the tip @monners . I don't feel as if I have to prove myself, but I'd feel better making it clear that everything on the website was written by me. Except, of course, the code written from following webchiefdesign.co.uk 's tutorial. Sorry if I seem like I'm overreacting, I just feel like I have to defend my integrity.
@towc To München?
@copy yes
@monners I'll try that out. Appreciate it.
@towc Not really
@SimplyJordanNET Feel free to upvote one of my answers
Problem: I have an array of dates and I an running $.each() on it. How do I access the previous date in this loop?
index - 1 should do it. nevermind
hah yeah was just typing it out :P
/me heads to bed
yay! it feels so awesome to make a 'working' plugin :D
wait, another Jordan?
oh morning btws.
^hahaha, html image maps :D
@monners Your suggestion did seem to affect the amount the image slides, but it doesn't display the next image. You can view what I mean at the site I said earlier.
Not sure how to use index - 1 in $.each(). Can anyone please help?
@indieblue somehing like var dates = ['1', '2', '3'];
$.each(dates, function (idx, val) {
console.log(val, dates[idx - 1])
foreach loops don't guarantee that the elements are iterated in order
@ArunPJohny How are you doing?
but you need to check whether idx is 0 if so there is no previous element
@copy good, u?
I'm awesome
@copy is this an active group?
@monners I think I figured out the problem. The tutorial I followed set each image width to 500px. This made it so when you set the width for the styles (#slideshow #slideshowWindow and .slide) and jQuery variables too 500px, it doesn't have to do any sort of resizing. This is all just speculation, so I could be wrong. If you feel as if I'm right, then this is a much more complex question then I previously thought.
@ArunPJohny Yeah, although we don't talk about JavaScript 50% of the time
@SimplyJordanNET There are tons of jquery plugins for slideshows. I recommend just using one of those. No point in reinventing the wheel.
Sliders are pretty easy to make though
Might as well just make one yourself cuz you know what you need
Well yeah, but I'm not gonna go through it step by step with him right now
@monners it is sometimes better to reinvent the wheel.
Exclusively for the learning effect, otherwise no
@copy or if the currently existing wheels are all hexagonal?
@monners that's not how our roads look like
@JanDvorak I would call that inventing something new
what if our told you
all currently existing wheels are hexagonal?
Q: How to call dojo function on JSON object

sriramI am currently working on a project in DOJO and struck at this point. I am using dgrid in dojo to generate table and I need to have checkbox in the first column. http://jsfiddle.net/nduHh/14/light/ is working fine but my requirement is different. I am taking values for headers and data from a ...

@JanDvorak All the cool kids ride on square wheels
@monners I prefer smooth ride on the flat roads as they are more common
@JanDvorak I wouldn't intuitively come up with round wheels
I think if I have a choice between reinventing a wheel that I can reinvent or downloading a plugin/library, I will go with the former.
@JanDvorak Pffft, whatever. Loser.
Libraries are meant to save yourself time
@copy how come? You have already experienced square wheels and how bumpy the ride is and you have an idea of why
Library !== Plugin
often learning a foreign API is as hard as recreating it yourself
@JanDvorak If inventing round wheels were obvious to me, it would already have been done by a smarter person
@copy in fact, it suffices to cut a tree horizontally twice to produce a superior wheel to what is generally available
So why do we not have round wheels in your scenario? Do we have axes?
This analogy is getting out of hand
Speaking of morons
I fucked up
We have a new room owner
in a callback from a http request im trying to change the variable that something's ng-show is bound to
doesnt work
@JanDvorak Anyway, I'm going back to inventing something new, using things that others have invented before me
@JanDvorak humans are not morons, they (we) just try so hard to be one.
@copy I like starting entirely from scratch. It's fun.
I've considering writing an OS, but didn't get to it yet
@Meredith can you share the relevant code... it might have to do with the digest cycle
$http.post("url", data).success(function(data){
	if(data.error !== undefined){
		// show error message
		$scope.recover.after 	=	true;
I'm facing a weird bug; when I try to open a new window, a tab appears, but it's empty. When I stuff a breakpoint in place and leave the console open, the tab opens just fine.
ah, the Heisenbug
Sounds like a timing thing
could it be a bug in tampermonkey x latest chrome?
windows outside of userscripts open as windows
@SecondRikudo I'm not going to create an account for that
EEEK! A SE API filter that works just fine one day gets totally unrecognised the next one.
@SecondRikudo ew
@Meredith it looks fine... are you sure the scope is the same as what you are expecting
I triple checked
can you try to just print the value of recover like {{recover | json}} in your view to see whether it is getting update
Nevermind I figured it out
It was outside my ng-app
I have decided that I don't much care for IE8.
> git commit -am "3.0.3 - more logging; less logging; recreated the filter key again"
Oh hi @ArunPJohny nice to see you here.
Also, morning everyone.
@BenjaminGruenbaum morning to you as well...
@ArunPJohny thanks for joining the morning train, but your wagon is far too big
@ArunPJohny GA.. can you help me with dojo?
Why might one use the Opera browser?
@Pilot sorry... never used dojo
@monners mobile device
@Pilot wow Dojo, haven't heard that one in a while :D
@monners it's Chrome with a different UI so if you dislike's Chrome's UI
@ArunPJohny thats okay.. can you take a look at stackoverflow.com/questions/24649954/…
@JanDvorak are you guys active here
@BenjaminGruenbaum m deeply sinking in dojo...
@ArunPJohny Well, this is Monday morning so it's as silent as it gets but it's usually a pretty active room
I'm here almost every day
As punishment for sins in a past life
I'm here to watch @monners so he doesn't start taking drugs again
The rest are just normal JavaScripters
@copy That implies I stopped at some point
Bam! Edit ping!
confirmed. It is a bug in my code
@ArunPJohny thanks you so much ....
@ArunPJohny you da master
@ArunPJohny "#" + element is pretty horrible
@BenjaminGruenbaum ya... but just went with what was already there
I assumed you wouldn't write inline on click event handlers yourself :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum never...
note to self: Strings don't have a href property
3 am, do I go to bed now and sleep until 2 pm or stay up all night
@Meredith either way you won't achieve anything tomorrow today
note to self: first git push, then greasemonkey update
Sleep till 10:30
sleep until the morning (3 hours)
Yeah I'm gonna go to bed and set an alarm for 10:30
Thanks @copy
@GNi33 \o
and yeah, 10h of sleep is pretty good.
@FlorianMargaine \o/
I mean, I only sleep 9h or so during weekends
@SecondRikudo ~\o/
I usually wake up after 7 hours
Unless I stay up really late
Like tonight
@someguy did you already got a college ?
@RashtrapatiBhvn, New Delhi
This is the official Twitter account of Rashtrapati Bhavan and is run by President’s Secretariat. Tweets from the President are signed – President Mukherjee
176 tweets, 144k followers, following 0 users
/all indians
@SomeKittensUx2666 @TehBucket Haha, yeah, @mikedidthis and I am!
@AbhishekHingnikar Yep. Been on for 2 weeks
hows it going ?
Pretty good so far
what are you guys making now?
Programming is like sex, one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life ! Cc : @darkyen00
@SomeGuy you a lil free for something from scratch ?
No, sir
@GNi33 A game for JS13k! :D
this looks like a good question. stackoverflow.com/q/16374274/1577396
not sure why it was closed. I already voted to reopen. so I can't do it again.
downvoted, it's a tool recommendation, those are OT
I agree but it is a necessary question
there are many necessary questions like this on SO
No, it most certainly isn't, also delete voted stackoverflow.com/q/116446/1348195
@SomeGuy the sketch is pretty great ;)
Thanks :D
@SomeGuy can I ask what you used Browserify for?
module management?
I would presume so, but was curious :D
The JS13k boilerplate on Github included it, so I thought I'd try it out. Made a tiny demo with it
I think I'll use it with the actual game too. It doesn't take up too much space
Nice, gulp.js too :D
Oh, yeah! Gulp is pretty great too
youtube.com/watch?v=iKHTawgyKWQ < another great one ... no this is even better then great.
@AbhishekHingnikar what server conf u use for snapic?
@AwalGarg none ;-) its all distributed now
central node is a distributed bunch on aws
@AbhishekHingnikar u haven't booked the servers yet?
@AwalGarg why would i ? i have worked on amazon stack for almost an year
@AbhishekHingnikar oh amazon... kk.
@SomeGuy , @AwalGarg youtube.com/watch?v=iKHTawgyKWQ <- if u haven't already its really incredibnle
Q: Wait for page to load when navigating back in jquery mobile

marrgoldI have a single-page web app built with jQuery Mobile. After the user completes a certain action, I want to programmatically bring them back to a menu page, which involves going back in history and then performing some actions on elements of the menu page. Simply doing window.history.go(-1); //...

hi all
can someone please help me?
i have a problem in this link: stackoverflow.com/questions/25359089/…
any help will be appriciate :)
@newbie We like to help, but we don't code for others
except for whomever pays our bread

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