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@SomeKittensUx2666 There's a handbook... on the first entry of a really simple google search that you probably already did but just in case...


Also, I wouldn't admit it in a biker bar or a viking long boat in 800 a.d. but Simon & Garfunkel aren't bad.
@ErikReppen Yep, read through that
Seems pretty decent actually.
good stuff, but level 2 when I'm a level 0 trying to make it to level one
@SomeKittensUx2666 You mean like the logistics of finding large groups of devs most (edit) MOST LIKELY TO BE (/edit) interested in using your product?
I was wondering, what named constants for node types? What is meant by named constants?
@KalaJ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ErikReppen Sort of. That link answers "How should a full-time DE act?" when we're asking "What sort of a DE strategy should we have?"
@SomeKittensUx2666 Well, divorcing yourself of brand and seeking out the enemy struck me as two ideas in that direction.
@SomeKittensUx2666 What problem does this product solve, assuming it's okay to divulge that info?
Finally done, ergh
@ErikReppen Have you heard of Docker?
we just started using Docker
@AaronSiciliano did you ever solve your issue?
Yes i changed the db and now it is a simple template if statement lol
Gotta do what you gotta do i guess
The code smell here is IPB
I think it was a blip on my radar but had to Google. They compare it to a VM but it sounds an awful lot like a VM.
It's a container basically
@taco The whole idea is that your code rides in a container, right? So it works the same everywhere.
Kind of like vm's yeah
yeah, we just started using it
Does container mean not-shitty-VM?
It's supposed to make our testing easier, don't know how yet, haven't used it
I've been on this project
I'll probably look at it in September
Imagine us as the port between Dev-land and Shipping Sea. We run your tests and let you see all your code in action before it goes out to produciton.
Docker basically strips the OS out of a VM
not literally
Right now we're using a really expensive Vcloud solution
Gotta take a break, I'm getting antsy, bbl
Wait, so for testing? Not multi-platform app that you only have to test in the container to be suitable in any environment it works in?
!!afk @CapricaSix
@ErikReppen Runnable is for testing, not Docker.
Okay so for all intents and purposes a not-shitty-vm? One where it would actually be okay to write once test nowhere other than the machine you developed on?
That's not a hard sell.
It's what people wanted to believe about Java and that was enough for a whole hell of a lot of IT departments.
What was it built with?
Docker? Go.
(as in the language)
Me: I hate Internet Explorer 8
Friend: At least it's not Ebola!
Me: At least Ebola can be treated!
I suspect I would like Go. Okay, so personally, I would find the most notoriously obnoxious cross-app compatibility killer of a simple app you can think of and just write/deploy that thing for laughs at your naivete in front of crowds of crusty app devs and then deploy and run it on every OS you can show it on.
@ErikReppen I'm not demoing Docker
Evangelizing doesn't involve demoing?
Oh. You mean Docker isn't the product. Durr. Sorry. I was thinking of speaking engagements, etc...
You still need to run the Docker engine on the host
It's not a replacement for Java
So it's like a DOM normalizer for OSes?
It's more lightweight than a VM image. Doesn't have OS dependencies
Sounds like something Node wouldn't be horrible at.
You've used Virtual Box before right?
Its Virtualbox
without the VM having an OS
it's a container in this case
If you've spun up a Virtualbox vm using that script they use, it has something like that
It strips away some of the sysadmin stuff for you
I'm thinking of the Vagrantfile for Virtualbox
Okay. So VM. I thought: A running environment with hooks to whatever OS it happens to sit in. It typically takes source code that is compiled to byte code which is fed into that running precompiled environment and shit happens.
Ohhh... Do you mean the wrapper is just hooking into assembler?
was that posted yet?
IE dev ama
So real-world problems we saw alot was QA's environment would change over time. Production OS versions start depending on software versions, Kernel version starts falling behind. Docker helps eliminate that, since it will run exactly the same since it's all contained, kind of like a VM, but stripped down
I haven't worked with it much yet, but my co-workers like it
@ErikReppen I'm not an expert on it, I'm basically regurgitating what we've talked about on our team meetings
A better analogy might be something like Solaris zones
or kind of how like node works
@ErikReppen a VM spins up resources for every new VM. Docker shares the kernel.
so the overhead for spinning up a million containers is very small.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Ah, okay so still basically bypassing the OS I'd imagine.
I'll be looking into it in a few weeks once this project is in QA. Can't wait
if you have elements on a page, referring to users of the webapp, and you need to make a request to the backend based on which user they click on, how is that usually handled? Would data-id be a bad idea?
Now of course my question is, why didn't anybody do that before? I'm assuming something made it easier recently.
@ErikReppen not quite. Technically speaking, Docker only works on Linux, but Boot2Docker fixes that.
Do any of you use promise frameworks?
@taco I use Bluebird
@taco promise pattern never seemed like a framework problem to me.
I thought Docker ran on Windows too, just not OSX
Boot2Docker works for OSX?
@corvid it would be a bad idea to put anything in HTML that would potentially expose anything on the server in the first place.
that's what I was thinking
Can somebody use anything in that ID to unlock anything on the server?
Seems like every step I take in learning node leads to another node module being needed
Code is going horizontal, though, so I guess I'll try a promise pattern module
But then, which? Bluebird has 1/10 the downloads of q.
And another one I was looking at is closer to the ECMA6 standard
@taco, just look up an example of the promise pattern. There should be a few out there.
yeah, I have
Just not getting anywhere developing for node, as I have to keep stopping to learn something new
@taco Bluebird is unequivocally the best out there in speed and usability. It just isn't marketed as well.
q is popular because that's what Angular uses.
Yeah, and Angular is on my roadmap as well, so maybe I should just use q
Sorry, I sometimes forget that not everybody hates everything. There's your strategy SomeKittens. Get me to like it and the rest will fall in place.
@ErikReppen I doubt it. I was thinking of maybe not making the request and just including the information I need, even if it's a lot.
Hey guys - suppose I have two elements with the same id attribute = '#Question'. How can I differ between them? How can I get a message within the HTML DOM that there are two elements with the same id?

jQuery validation doesn't allow an array of objects e.g. '#Question[]' hence why I'm asking
@corvid I'm curious why anybody thinks that's better than just using the data-id idea you had
You shouldn't have two elements with the same id @BDillan
@corvid I wasn't guessing that someone could use your ID thing to bust into the server. If it derived from their plain-text-stored password, that might be one of two very bad ideas however.
The point of the id is to identify the element
@taco not that kind of id, as in, an id on the back end database
@corvid At some point you do have to commit to the idea of what happened on the front end being exposed to the server. The important thing is to not expose the server to the front end.
@rlemon Gonna stare at that later
rules: { Object[]

is not allowed...
yeah I'm just not sure how sensitive user_id is, can people do nefarious things with that?
@corvid Probably not but most would create some sort of proxy or GUID for the front end anyway.
@BDillan maybe use api.jquery.com/serialize
The less info they have about what things look like on the back end the better and it's not hard to do.
maybe that's not the best way @BDillan. looks like you'd need an unserialize plugin
I found a solution
function whywouldyoudothis() {
var n = document.getElementById("non-unique-id");
var a = [];
var i;
while(n) {
n.id = "a-different-id";
n = document.getElementById("non-unique-id");

for(i = 0;i < a.length; ++i) {
a[i].id = "non-unique-id";
return a;
convert it to json
If you have several elements with the same ID, your HTML is not valid....they said
uh, that's what I said before
@BDillan Yes. IDs are a unique identifier. You find one, and JavaScript will quit looking typically.
> For this specific topic, we released EMIE (Enterprise Mode IE) that allows enterprise to use IE11 but with a specific sandbox running IE8 for specific sites. This is a cool feature that most people don't know about
^ thats awesome
@Loktar saw that.
Is that from the Reddit AMA
MS has really gone all out to win back web UI devs IMO. They're almost forgiven. But ten !@#$ing years of no table display was ridiculous.
MS can make more money if they change IE to another name. Like 'One' or 'Ultra'. IE has gotten alot better nowadays
its the reputation of it
Ten years of fuel for the tables-as-layout people. Fortunately they were too ignorant to make that argument anyway.
They should steal Ultron
@SomeKittensUx2666 I like the Bluebird's syntax
Ultron? Somebody was a Starcontrol 2 fan.
Ultron would be a good name instead of IE....
@taco toooooold you
I'm just burnt out as I'm coding node on my spare time immediately after getting off work. Trying to just push out a beta. Tempted to say fuck it and just write really crappy code
@taco I'm not judging. I've become painfully aware that I've got more than a touch of Not Invented Here Syndrome. I still think Angular and Bootstrap suck complete and total ass however.
Yeah I wouldn't even care if people considered me a noob. At least I'm a semi-intelligent noob
If you're not enjoying Node, use what you need. It's good at providing like that. It's one of the best things about it.
Nah, I like Node. I just dive in for way too long. I used to play Titanfall all of the time, and now it's been a few months
I should probably pace myself
I wish I could install Ghost.js in front of every !@#$ing Java dev that complains about JS. There you go. You ant to maven to gradle to whatever the next thing you'll insist will overcome your previous build tooll failures pussies. A !@#$ing blog that installed itself and was ready to run with one line in a shell while I went and made myself a sandwich. And done before I found the mayo.
I am getting a syntax error on:

if($('[input[name="Question[]"]]').length == 0) {
alert ("called");

where there is an input with the name attribute: Question[] Anyone have any idea why?
But yes. Node is the shit. Just don't ever stop wondering how stuff works. I can't believe the number of web UI devs out there that talk about jQuery like it's not JavaScript.
Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [input[name="Question[]"]]
@taco and no I'm not lumping you with those guys. Just pissing and moaning. I'm almost 40. I babble.
37 here
The babbling happens around 38.
Q: ID Attribute has Brackets arround it?

fstephen07I'm adding a Greasemonkey script to spice up a page where I work at, but I'm running into problem. I'm looking to add default values into form fields so every time I fill out the form I don't have to add the same values. When looking at the id and name attributes on the form they are surrounded...

alright, well guess I'm learning bluebird now
Thanks taco
I also recommend the song "Girl Directions" by the same band
Psychostick? Great band.
!!Youtube abcdeath
I do want a taco...
@BDillan You iz in mindjail
!!/urban swag
If any of you use node routes, what convention do you use? Right now, I'm using the same name as the endpoint. i.e. /test is exports.test
was debating rename it to exports.get_test since it's for a GET call
in case i end up using post, patch, etc
When using pinvoke, should I pass literal values for flags, or do this all over the place: NativeMethods.MY_FLAG | NativeMethods.MY_OTHERFLAG
The latter
oh derp just noticed I'm in the wrong room
@rlemon That's the best one of those I've seen
@taco i'm using same controller for get/post just switching method inside
hmm ok
so you inspect req i take it
ok thanks
I can figure that out later, should be simple, just didn't think to do it
@rlemon win9: good?
here's hoping!
Q: Deferred Promise & Jquery

Chris PI read a lot of answers about deferred but cannot exactly find what I want. The close piece of code is http://jsfiddle.net/UZzeC/ Difference in my code is that I want to call on "process" function inside the when. statement N number of times. //Dynamically generated JSON list var json_l...

Well I don't see win2k listed and it was my favorite
win98 was mine :P
followed close by win7
not win98se?
win98se was ok, but it was like running node. one error and you're os was hosed with a bsod
uncaught error i should say
I worked phone support for Mindspring when ME came out, and Microsoft quit supporting it within about two months. Not joking
XP has to be my favourite. I don't remember enough of using anything before that
XP was basically win2k with driver and kernel updates
and the gui themes
MFW my code works first time and I'm doing something I've never done before:
Messing with Promises right now
battery brb
promises aren't hard. They're a bit like Haskell's IO monad.
@JanDvorak Stop contradicting yourself
promise = object wrapping a future value
Hey everyone!!! Can anyone recommend good starting books for web development? Like the basics of php, html, css, etc.
@TyreeBrown don't use PHP
@JanDvorak I'm assuming that's not a book title haha. Why do you say that?
for Javascript, look at eloquentjavascript.net
@TyreeBrown the language is a conglomeration of thin wrappers around C functions accrued throughout the ages with no consistency in naming, argument order or functionality
@TyreeBrown the language will warn you if you attempt to iterate over an empty array
@TyreeBrown the language has variable variables.
Python || Ruby > PHP
Node > PHP
@JanDvorak Wait
@copy foreach($emptyAry as $key => $value) results in a notice (IIRC, or worse)
@rlemon So out of all those choices, which would you recommend is top choice?
depends on where you want to move
@TyreeBrown I like Ruby, but I also like javascript
@rlemon does it show warnings?
@JanDvorak Ok! Thanks for that input, I'm gonna check in to those and try to expand my little mind :)
@JanDvorak I think it's not actually that bad
Ergh, so I was getting " Promise is not defined", but that's because I had named bluebird "bluebird" and not "Promise".... well at least I think so
var Promise = require('bluebird');
I'd agree, don't learn PHP. It's the dirty whore we're all ashamed to say we slept with
Had to come back just to star that post
@rlemon yeah still getting the error though. I'm guessing I have to Promisify or offer something to the gods, not sure yet
@taco except I don't sleep with actual whores
Not yet
what are you trying to do
Confirmed. Jan doesn't use PHP
And stay away from Aaron. He writes code for a PHP message board script
egh. Dont talk about my suicide note.
I'm just glad the intervention worked
we were gonna put you down
@copy trust me. I've been there. I've had to check if the array was empty in a separate condition.
I'm gonna hire Stephen King to ghost-write my suicide note.
So do I have to wrap my code in a function and then promisify it?
Not sure I did this right: var getJSON = Promise.promisify(function() { return ['alpha','charlie','foxtrot']});

getJSON.then(function(jsonString) {
return JSON.parse(jsonString);
}).then(function(object) {
console.log("it was valid json: ", object);
}).catch(SyntaxError, function(e){
console.log("don't be evil");
I am going to get the writers of One-Piece to write mine. It will be longer than the Encyclopedia Britannica
If you have George R.R. Martin write it, you'll be dead before you negotiate his payment
@taco Yeah, but so will everyone else
I'm probably gonna say fuck promises for tonight. I'm not in the mood to learn the right way to do this
It looks simple to promisifyall a module, but I'm trying to do it for raw javascript
So then I guess I need to put my code in a function I guess?
which is what i was trying to do up there. merp.
namespace all the things or not?
Angular standards don't namespace components, but it drives me nuts.
I even prefix my filters.
A library like angular should really namespace things
@m59 the global scope is like a public toilet: sometimes we have to go there, but try to keep the contact to the minimum.
Exactly! The way I see it, you might end up including two libraries of angular components and they could both solve some of the same issues
it isn't likely, but they could both have a filter, service, etc with the same name
and then bang, one is gone.
I can't see how the community driven standards don't include namespacing.
@JanDvorak It's a great place to find cheap tricks
i would like to have seen something more standard for javascript namespaces
right now, it is nothing more than a encompassing function
Well it was written in what, two weeks?
angular was written in two weeks?
Oh, I thought you were talking about JavaScript
yes, well, both really
but like they've added support for classes, they can add namespaces, no?
^ this guy updated the post without typo
@Mr_Green lol
but still there is a scroll bar also below.. jsfiddle.net/y72aLhuv
ahh I get it.. it was because of body element. but body element was not stretched completely right? then why the body scroll was visible on bottom?
because div is bigger then body
When you look at the following code, what do you make of it: RewriteRule ^$ /test/$1 [L]
it is not bigger.. even if it is then body's height will stretch accordingly to the inner div
@Mr_Green width: 90rem; is way bigger then body. height has no affect on bottom scrollbar
@DemCodeLines hm... i guess '/' will be redirected to '/test/'
@DemCodeLines I would read ^$ as meaning "if the path is empty, redirect", but what does $1 refer to?
But it doesn't, because when I try to do background-image: url('/images/1.png');, it is supposed to redirect to background-image: url('/test/images/1.png'); but it doesn't.
empty variable, obv :D
Basically, shift root directory to /test, so when I do /, it uses /test as the root directory.
@DemCodeLines then your rule is wrong... should be ^(.+?)$ /test/$1
^$ is empty
Nope, not working. I get a 404 not found error.
try (.*) instead (.+?)
"nope, not working" is the most anoying thing one can say
Sorry, I still get the 404 error.
so what? it doesn't mean it's not working, maybe you just have no file:)
Here is the thing. I am on a test server right now and the url goes like /tests/images/1.png, but when I move to the production server, it will be /t/images/1.png
So I decided I will use a htaccess rewrite to make all requests to / go directly to /tests so when i change servers, i only have to update the htaccess file instead of every url in the app
however, I am unable to get that to work.
google about rewrite rule
In this case, /images/1.png is actually /tests/images/1.png, but it needs to be rewritten so "/" yields to "/tests"
I did and have clicked on every single link on the first page and tried all solutions with no luck.
You clicked on every link and it did not work?! Holy mother of Jesus!
Ok, I will stop now
Every link on the first page, so about 10 links
The amount of effort you put in solving this task is insane
That was the last one
go ahead laugh at me
no, i mean, if you googled rewriterule, how you ended up with ^$?
A: .htaccess rewrite to redirect root URL to subdirectory

SanderYou can use a rewrite rule that uses ^$ to represent the root and rewrite that to your /store directory, like this: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^$ /store [L]

"^$ to represent the root"
Yes, I am trying to rewrite the root to /tests
so anything that goes /images actually goes to /tests/images
root means '/', so only that url will be rewritten by ^$
Ok, then how would I do what I said above?
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain-name.com$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.domain-name.com$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !folder/
RewriteRule (.*) /folder/$1 [L]
Still getting 404
watch logs
detect problem from there
unable to
How would file 1 access the files in generic folder?
assume that there is another folder after "/" that contains "home" and "work" folders.
by relative path

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