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!!tell SomeKittensUx2666 haha
@SomeKittensUx2666 i.imgur.com/kleJ2jJ.gif
@mkaminsky Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
This won't be a fun pull request at all
@CapricaSix I also like /r/ChildrenFallingOver
No wait there is a better one: i.imgur.com/wCpbZkN.gif
@AndreasStorvikStrauman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
O shit your a bot
Ugh. So annoying.
Is this right? JSlint tells me "expected an assignment but got an expression." It's from jquery.mobile

self.start = function() {
timeout_id || poll();
@xX4m4zingXx Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
self.start = function() - what does function return?
The function keyword is how you declare a...wait for it...function.
@laggingreflex Define "right". It's viable, it works, it's a common technique, but it's frowned upon in certain circles.
Im a Java guy - when you make a instance variable equal to a function the function has to be the same type
what does this expression mean/do? timeout_id || poll();
@laggingreflex If (!time_id) poll(); //The or (||) operator will continue evaling the next thing until false
@bjb568 ah, k. thnks
First: javascript is nothing like java.
Second: Forget the term "instance variable".
Third: Forget types.
self.start is now a function. See the rest of the statement to see what it does.
Lets ask the Bot
Java is to Javascript as Car is to Carpet.
Java is to javascript as is to script.
Did you hear Reddit /r/WorldNews. A Java programmer in Silicon Valley was detained for questioning yesterday after an anonymous tip that he was using a Hashtable.
true story
@BDillan Do you think adding 'true story' to an already-stupid joke improves it?
If so, you're wrong
> "Today the Eclipse Foundation put out a private briefing calling me a 'non-thread-safe AbstractKeywordRemovalInitiatorFactory'. What the fuck does that even mean? I fear for my safety around these nutjobs."
<3 Yegge
He needs to start writing again
The comments has a gem in it:
//C++ macro
#define private public
I uhh. found a dark post on /r/wtf
i'm not even sure if I want to share.
@claya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Any PassportJS experience here? I'm having an issue reimplementing my passport login when porting from one heroku web app to another. Works in the first one, doesn't work in the new one, same code. Not sure what's going on...
How is jQuery.mobile perceived by you guys? should I be using something else?
Also, where's my graph :(
Its coming.
Also. Do you want it static or animated
static is good
@rlemon why oh why did you make me go on /r/wtf?
@rlemon hah
I bet its the tub one right?
Its sad I am so desensitized now that doesn't even phase me anymore.
I still feel remorse for the people, but the craziness of the acts and how they look don't shock me anymore. Stupid internet.
Also no matter how many games or movies you watch nothing prepares you for the real thing ever
@Zirak I'm not a huge fan of Final Fantasy, but that video is pretty kickass actually
Please, please, let FF15 be the greatest video game of this day
So that the intense stubbornness that can only be found in a Japanese man and which prevents a modern remake of FF7 can finally be satisfied.
@m59 if you mean firefox, the 3D DOM feature is kinda cool.
Final Fantasy :)
anyone here use passport js with node js on a heroku web app?
do u evn passport js heroku bro
in one of my apps I do, can't seem to get it working in another tho!
Isnt Passport an authentication middleware for Node.js?
@BDillan yep it is
130,559,070 views… don't you think we would have seen it?
that's a pretty funny video though :P
I saw it twice :P and second time it was even funnier than for the first time xD
lol, anyways still no one with passport experience?
anyone have a screen shoot picture about
"a 300px width div display in a 13inch screen with 1366 x 768 resolution vs 15 inch screen with 3200 x 1800 resolution?"
anyone here??
@Loktar fucked up. I scrolled to the bottom and nothing but ... "ugh"
Yep, just hangin out
i have a question about webpage on different resolution
a 300px div on a same inch. let say 15 inch with different resolution. 1366 x 768 vs 3200 x 1800.
I'm on a 15inch machine, I'm not sure I understand your question though
Which one of you jQuery scrubs wrote the docs for MSDN? msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/wctc5k7s(v=vs.94).aspx
i mean if there is a 300px width div in a very high resolution. the div will become very small right?
yea, that's what I would imagine
so we have to design another layout for high res screen?
is there any built-in function in js to check if a textbox's value has changed when onkeyup?
@vzhen I don't think you have to do that, just looks sliightly different on different screens
@BHendricks but my friend have a 1920 res laptop 15 inch. the font, the div... everything become very small in his screen
@vzhen hmm, I'm not really sure. That's kind of what happens when you increase the screen resolution, things appear smaller. That seems normal to me...
@KissKoppány just compare it to a variable?
You can use a MutationObserver, but honestly don't. Just compare it to the old value.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've been meaning to ask you - do you know of a way of using this filter without having the JSON.stringify/cache the result and params? stackoverflow.com/a/21653981/1435655
If you return the original array, it re-filters and screws it up, and if you return a copy, it's an infinite digest. I understand the reason for both, but not a nice way around it.
Ahh great now your chatroom rules made me loose the game!!! :)
    type: "POST",
    url: url,
    data: {
        'done' : input,
        'task' : $("#task").val(),
        'description' :  $("#description").val(),
        'tags' : $("#tags").val()
    success: function () {
I'm trying to send some data via ajax with jQuery.
However, not all of my data is received on my PHP end. I've read over it a thousand times... no errors in the PHP code, everything spelled right, but both tags and done don't go through for some reason....
@BenjaminGruenbaum maybe that's the easiest xd
(Some of my PHP)
how can I attach a picture to an ajax request? googled so much but I've seen only form submit which is no good for me
@KissKoppány I've seen something with the @ symbol IIRC or something like that but I can't remember...
hm @AnnonomusPerson ty
but there is something that I still cant understand... if the html looks like:
    <form action="index.php" method="post">
    <input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" /></div>

how can it be an ajax request?
I mean if it submits something.. I've never used it like this and I thought this way is wrong xD
can anyone help me to fix the following code:

$(this).html("<input type='text' class='form-control' id='" + id + "' value='" + tdValue + "' name='" + Attr + "' onblur='AjaxChange(" + tdId + ");'> ");
Good morning!!
@sabbir_pstu what is wrong with it?
@sabbir_pstu looks good
@sabbir_pstu don't use string concatenation. Create an element and assign properties to it.
so please can anyone tell me how does form submit work with ajax? does it? oO
Good morning!! in AjaxChange function I can't get this parameter value
paste all the code into jsfiddle, that will help us
@sabbir_pstu assign a function property to said element
Ok, I am working on it,
@KissKoppány what do you mean?
AJAX should run before submit the form
any one with experience with passport.js?
my authenticate function is not being called for some reason
^ lol
@Lucio I always made a button with an onclick event which called the function that implemented the ajax request
You should do: $('#formid').onsubmit(....)
that is better than <form onsubmit --- and even <button type="submit" onclick..

this is my code, and I am sorry bcz I am realy new in jsfiddle
 <form action="index.php" method="post">
    <input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" /></div>
I thought this one reloads the page
doesnt it?
@sabbir_pstu don't worry, that is ok. No one is an expert on it :D
@KissKoppány it does, yep
So, you want to call AJAX and avoid the onsubmit, right?
I just want to call AJAX call and update the database, just like phpmyadmin database table field does
@Lucio I think so
Wait a moment, @sabbir_pstu and @KissKoppány are in the same issue? O.o
I'm confusied xD
if onsubmit means its gonna reload the page I want to aviod it
I dont know, maybe :D
@KissKoppány e.preventDefault()?
@JanDvorak worked :O
@JanDvorak exactly
@JanDvorak never heard about that.. what is it?
$( '#message-form' ).submit(function( event ) {
    // do something
    event.preventDefault(); // cancel form submit event
!!tell kiss jquery preventdefault
pick yours
@Lucio so its actually wont reload?
wow so useful
You can wrap it inside a conditional
so, under some condition.. reload
what condition?
oh okay
sorry its late for me xD
same here
does preventDefault stand for this purpose only or does it have any other functionality?
@KissKoppány it prevents whatever default action an event might have
@JanDvorak ty
clicks could result in value changes or submits, submits could result in navigation, key presses could result in letters appearing in text boxes...
I think I'm gonna spend this day to learn more about ajax
@Lucio s/\/s.*/$&\//
as I'm saying, you need to include a trailing slash to finish the statement.
@Joel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KissKoppány Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@KissKoppány 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, aliens, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cake, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, artisticpoop, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr, guesswhat
amazon, ihazbukkit, solution, sandbox, gayclubs, kumar, echo, pizza, wherearemypants, yourwrong, mart
!!tell kiss go to the "try here and don't broke rooms" room
@Lucio Command go does not exist. Did you mean: no (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
!!someone should write it
@Lucio Impossible
@KissKoppány Industrial logging isn't the cause of deforestation. Chuck Norris needs toothpicks.
I think this joke was the last thing for me now :D going to sleep, thanks for your help guys, good night :)
no one with passport js experience? I could really use a hand.
@BHendricks no sorry :/
what about just node.js experience using middleware? I have an odd problem where I'm trying to port from one app to another and having difficulties
You are too good to be here dude
unless you are willing to answer some newbie questions, that is
1 hour later…
What is a good way to do something in js all the time?
Lets say, bring life to a div moving it.
A div that moves randomly like a zombie :D
Or any other thing..
Oh wait, I already got it working with setInterval() xD
@OscarEmilioPerezMartinez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
pls mens.
@Loktar what?
mens plis join the room.
@Illaya are you the guy who got a ton of flags recently for advertising exactly this?
@JanDvorak lol
Wish I could favorite comments
I get tired of seeing trivial questions (that are more often than not duplicates) getting answered. The questions do not add any value to the aggregate content. They get 7-10 duplicate answers and the asker often does not accept an answer. Ever since the minimum understanding flag got removed it is harder to get rid of the scourge. — Romoku 2 days ago
Hi all can any give me different ways to to present the core modules,premium modules and integrations in this fedena.com/pricing_and_plans.
@ASR NOOOO! It's a fixed width page. My eyes bleed…
@bjb568 so tell me the best approach how u will present
@ASR Duh… :P
@bjb568 what it is?
good night guys
Hello, if my web service returns a string as a response how do I access that in my success function in jquery?
I tried success : function(data) and then just alerting data but that doesn't work
@Andrew jQuery parses the response for you. Is the response JSON?
Define "doesn't work"
No, the webservice returns text/plain
It just doesn't print anything out if I alert data
does it help if you specify that explicitly in AJAX options?
@Andrew how does your code look like?
Q: How to return the response from an AJAX call?

Felix KlingI have a function foo which makes an AJAX request. How can I return the response from foo? I tried to return the value from the success callback as well as assigning the response to a local variable inside the function and return that one, but none of those ways actually return the response. f...

What's the best place I can show you my code? The methods are small
jsfiddle.net/Y8x8G I added the backend web service to the css box
In firebug the response status is 200 OK and the Response is "Prediction 6 created: (who = city what = poi1 what2 = poi2).", but the error method is being called in ajax
could HTML escaping be an issue here?
@Andrew have you verified the response is correct?
check in the dev tools, network tab
I can check Chrome, but above is what I recieved in Firebug
@Andrew I can't see the element you're trying to append to
could this be the issue?
I didn't add it, it's right underneath the closing form tag
It's just <div id="createMessage"></div>
Put a breakpoint into the success handler
I did, it never gets reached. The alert in error is being called, and it just says undefined
I checked the network tab in chrome and it also has a 200 OK and the correct response
what's the origin? Changing the port number counts as a cross-origin request. Browsers don't like that.
This is just localhost:8080
I'm out of ideas. Could I get a screencast?
That's probably not necessary for this. I'll figure it out eventually, I'm sure it has to be something simple. Thanks for trying though.
you could try logging all arguments to the error callback
console.log(this, arguments)
Thanks, I'll give that a shot
the response status code might be interesting. If it's 0, then it suggests it might be either a cross-origin request block or a timeout
I don't think it's either one of those. The response code is 200
It's saying JSON.parse: unexpected character when I added the console.log
Add dataType:"text" to the AJAX options
> dataType (default: Intelligent Guess (xml, json, script, or html))
plain-text apparently isn't among the options for an intelligent guess.
Changing dataType:text just about fixed it
It's now getting in success at least
good start :-)
I really appreciate your help
Does this make any kind of sense ?
Q: NodeJS - Go to a site without actually visiting it?

WoopWoop WoopWoopOkay so what I am trying to achieve here is that I have made an PHP script with a bunch of $_GET's. So I would like to go to a website without actually visiting it with NodeJS. Basically to trigger this script with parameters. I hope that explains what I am trying to do. I really have no idea h...

I love flexbox so much that I want to squeeze it. Is this normal?
@melanholly Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
here's an interesting problem I ran into
playing around with history api, and using

as the htaccess file
now, the premise is, the htaccess file redirects all requests back to the initial index. And you write some code to deal with page requests.

But on ajax requests where a file does not exist, the response text will be the entire content of the index page
tomorrow is the last day of vacation
@jlapoutre Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so nothing will ever 404
@bjb568 yes, it's normal. It brings some sanity in multiple places where we had to resort to horrible hacks
Once I rebuilt the miaou gui with flexbox I solved all my firefox compatibility problems
!!google caniuse flexbox
@KamalMorjal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone know how to read a file byte by byte in node?
as in uint8?
Anybody here who can help me with this
Q: webcam not working in IE 10

Nikhil AgrawalActually I am working on an web app in which we have to capture user image using webcam. So we are are using webcam.js plugin it can be found here. So it is successfully working in IE and Firefox but when I open it in IE 10 the movie will be shown but when I am trying to captur an photo it is t...

Sorry, I think most of us here directly use the webcam without plugin and we don't mess much with Flash
Thanks. Three to go.
after all this time...
I finally realize
that I have no idea what cv-pls means
@t1wc cv is close vote.
@Zirak oh, thx
I think that those people don't really know how it works, so we better make them have their answer, then he'll understand, then we can close
and somewhen they'll realize it's not the way you do it
@m59 implement a .equals?
@Zirak that's sad
yeah, most good stories are.
Catch 22 is a majestic example of that.
@t3chn0b0y Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi all
I am beginner for Angular JS can anybody help me regarding best IDE for js developers ?
"Best" is subjective.
Right now I need work on AT&T mobile app.
@Zirak : Hi
I don't use IDEs for web dev, I use emacs. Other people prefer vim or Sublime or Notepad++ or Coda or TextMate. Others do use IDEs, the popular being Webstorm and Aptana and Visual Studio (somehow).
Just try a few, see which one you like.
@Zirak : Thanks Zirak
I will download webstrome right now
Hey guys can someone help me install some Jcarousel?
I'm not sure what the 3rd argument means here -> docs.phaser.io/Phaser.Group.html#create
@ShadyManaa Isn't it calling a function on some made-up structure?
well yeah @Zirak i've been trying to install that jcarousel for 2 days
but i am not sure how to create it
it's very confusing in their documentation
the example shows the types of carousels
but doesn't provide how to create that example
Ever heard of view source?
@Zirak well, take a look at the confusing view source there..
What's confusing you?
what are the main files that i need to include
when i download it, it is not clear about which file do i need to include and call
@Zirak : I have downloaded WebStorm-6.0.2 and node-v0.10.15-x64
becaues i wanna take that simple example for basic carousel and apply it on divs instead
@ShadyManaa That's what the installation page does.
@lakshmi Good for you
@Zirak so you understood what the installation page said?
if you did please tell me in a simpler way because i really don't understand it
What don't you understand?
it's divided into too many sections and i want the simplest one to start the carousel
i don't understand the following from their documentation: -
How about copy-pasting the basic example one?
And just changing the paths?
@Zirak : Can you please guide me how to configure node.js server in webstrome ?
okay let's try that then..
@Zirak : Please..
@lakshmi I've never used webstorm
@Zirak : Thanks I will try ones.
@Zirak : I found one server configuration on webstrome
@Zirak : Can you please suggest me what values may I need to enter in text fields
No. Figure it out yourself.
I tried to post a bug report in pt.so by copying and pasting parts of other bug reports, I wonder if I failed completely
Q: Encerrando descontextualização razão está em inglês

OneKittenFaltou traduzir o conteúdo, como pode ser visto nesta pergunta: Estou a receber pontos de outros utilizadores This question does not appear to be about Stack Overflow em Português ou a plataforma da rede Stack Exchange, within the scope defined in the central de ajuda.

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