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@ShadyManaa OH. I think you have to use a <ul>
@RyanKinal but on the documentation it said i can still use any other tag
Hmmm. Yeah, it's not working.
Fuck you microsoft for not being able to make any feature complete.
@Kingisback med
I am happy in 3 days it all ends.
@AbhishekHingnikar ?!
@qwertynl need some help regarding nodejs and mongodb
@Kingisback Cool.
@Travis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@qwertynl I won't have to ever code for microsoft stack hopefully
@AbhishekHingnikar yay!
If i win Imagine Cup India finals, then i am back into the mess :[
!!tell Kingisback welcome
@Kingisback Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar I am sorry :-( Play to lose!
I have a webpage that needs to read from the same JSON file constantly. Would it make any sense for me to enclose all of my "program" within the call to $.getJSON, except for function definitions of course?
Damn that carousel
@Kensing Use a callback (or multiple callbacks) Nesting is quite ugly
Thanx ...i'm new to both nodejs and mongodb .I'm creating a facebook like wall post system in my app,what m trying to do is user logins and reaches to his profile page and posts some content on his wall till this i'm successfull.Now i want to save all the posts user is posting on his wall.But right i'm able to save post data only once.I dont know how to do it pls help ?
@qwertynl I'm not sure how
Oh haha I did that yesterday
never worked with callbacks beyond jQuery
Go to var/www/snapick.me/wsgi-scripts
Or what
wut wtf
@Jhawins can we talk here ?
There's just no virtual environment
@AbhishekHingnikar Yeah I think it's clear here
its running :O ?
the mod_wsgi :D :D
you rock :D :D
@Kensing Use the interwebs. callbacks are just functions that have their own scope. (basically to put in laymans terms)
@AbhishekHingnikar Yeah is that actually what you need??
I thought you wanted something more lol I did that yesterday before I even did postgres
@SomeKittensUx2666 mornin pardner
@Jhawins yes yes yes my friend
oh you rock my friend :D
Unless I still don't get it. I'm totally unfamiliar with the tech haha
so we have https with mod_wisgi :D oh yes <3
Alright lol sweet.
i will take care of ha-proxy later when we scale it bigger on digital ocean :-)
@dystroy not sure why I wasn't CC'd on this, but I'll check it out
@RyanKinal There's a guy here who sounds just like you, it's creepy
@SomeKittensUx2666 because I didn't establish a list of who's interested in this. Sorry. BTW if somebody doesn't want to be pinged on that topic, I'll try to remember it;
Ok wait now it's done. Now it runs as Flask
!!afk smoke
@Mosho I think I have a fix for your bug about the loop with elapsed time
anyone got answer for my question?
@AbhishekHingnikar diamond everything!
@JanDvorak what ?
Is anybody of you fammiliar with phonegap?
@AbhishekHingnikar Stone hammer, iron hammer, diamond hammer. There's no further upgrade possible except maybe enchanting.
@SomeKittensUx2666 sorry?
@Kingisback I'll try to be more clear: BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
@AlexStanese - a little bit... why.... what's up?
!!learn BEES '<>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYtXuBN1Hvc'
@SomeKittensUx2666 Command bees learned
What's with the misconception the diamonds are blue?
@KendallFrey they are in Minecraft
Not in my texture pack
Minecraft got it wrong
Then, because they refract the sky?
@KendallFrey that's probably because we're living in a blue world
@RalphWiggum Eifell65 reference?
da ba dee, da ba dy
@JanDvorak :3
@SomeKittensUx2666 what that mean ? honeybee lol
@SomeKittensUx2666 Happy Harry is awesome.
I know a few ways to do this but I wanna know how you guys would do it.
You have a string
str = ':::hello'
@BradParks Well i have an app that I want to develop in phonegap and one of its features is a Candy Crush life system. A genious helped me with a jquerry script wich is working on the web
the problem is that when I implemented it in phonegap it's not working the same...
Well.. I have 5 lives in the app and every time I loose a lvl one of them removes
and regenerates after 15 sec (for example)
the problem is that They go messed up when I minimize the app
and the life system isn't working when I close the app
you want to count how many : are at the start, while removing them
would you convert to array or just use indexOf and while, how would you do it?
@JanDvorak Vibranium ? Adamentium ? Captian America's ShieldMentium ?
Can you make a hammer out of obsidian?
@AlexStanese bananas.
@AlexStanese - so it kinds of works now.... do you know if the script communicates with a remote webserver to store the lives?
All his elder scrolls stuff is great
@Puneet Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BradParks well no... it actiolly compares times between clicks for life loose
@AlexStanese and you're sure you're using the same version of jquery in both the web and phonegap versions?
@BradParks do you have created phonegap apps?
@ambarox Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AlexStanese - i'm working on my first one right now... and have quite a bit of javascript stuff going on.... but i haven't checked how it works in the minimized state..... i think that must be the problem....
Thnx ppl :)
@BradParks may I invite you in a separate room to talk?
@It's the minimized state thats causing bugs and also the closed state... And in the web example it's working ok also if I close it.
@t1wc oh?
@Mosho can you give me the loop function plz?
I think you are using a lag variable or smth
and you increment it with the elapsed time between each loop
before the updates check if the lag is more than a certain value, maybe 1.5 times the usual loop lag, and if so set it to 1.5 times the usual loop lag
and you've fixed it
yeah, sounds good, I'll put that in when I get home
thanks :)
no prob ;)
I'm trying to make a webworker work on my minigame
is anybody experienced with that?
@AbhishekHingnikar Haha that's funny I was over here trying to get something else to work that was totally unrelated
ok then -.-
^ Face+Palm
function createLine (type, posX, posY) {
    var obj;
    if ( type === "shark" ) {
        obj = new THREE.Line( lineGeometry.shark, lineMaterial );
        obj.sat = "shark";
    else if ( type === "jellyfish" ) {
        obj = new THREE.Line( lineGeometry.jellyfish, lineMaterial );
        obj.sat = "jellyfish";
    // Gets position property from THREE.Line Object.
    obj.position.x = posX | 0;
    obj.position.y = posY | 0;
    // Pass obj to give createSat access to type and position.
Why do I get [object Object] when I console.log the object I made with this function?
@AlexStanese - hmmm... i took a look, and it looks good to me.... i'd say make sure your calls to get the # of lives at the start happen inside of an ondeviceready callback... like the one pointed out here: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/1.2.0/phonegap_storage_storage.md.html#localStorage_full_example

wish I could help more, but i gotta run.... ttyl!
@BradParks ok..I'll take a look thanks..
phh... I have all the stuff in the onDeviceReady function... so It should work but it ain't..
Is anybody here fammiliar with phonegap please?
Hey all
can someone help me write a very simple regex.It should have atleast 3 characters and all Alphabets may start with small alphabet or large Alphabet.
@Schoening - Either your console sucks, or more likely, somewhere some code is doing toString() on an object, and you end up with the string representation of an object, which is [object Object]
:walks away slowly:
@adeneo so that snippet should work ?
@Schoening - It's been so long since I messed around with mr. doobs stuff, I really don't remember everything, but it looks like it should work to me ?
Alright thanks. I try and work my way up with it. Just gonna write:
function createLine () { var obj = new THREE.Line return obj}
for now
@SomeKittensUx2666 O.O
Is it me? Because it might be me.
@adeneo Thanks
I mean, I am a hobo wizard
Or... maybe a wizard hobo?
Hah. Nice.
Even better: "The Ex Wife"
Fab.com lmao

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