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Can someone please tell this guy he doesn't know what he's doing?
@Bauhaus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy Noted. I'll start this weekend. Attending conferences for the next two days.
Home time. Adios muchachos.
Hey monners ^^
@monners Command fabulous learned
@SteamFire Hey, can you show me the whole block?
!!tell someguy fabulous
nestedlist (ou noir quand désélectionné) (msl_19)
#nestedList {
  .x-list {
    .x-list-item.x-item-selected.x-list-item-tpl {
      img {
@monners Ooh, conferences?
@SteamFire hit up, then hit ctrl + k
@SomeGuy CSSConf and JSConf here in Melbourne
That's awesome
Thanks for advise, i didn't know that was the same shortcut as SO
@SteamFire First, that's a shitload of nesting. rule of thumb is never go more than 3 or 4 levels deep if it can be avoided (which is almost always can). Second, that's not valid CSS as far as I can tell.
You'd need something like filter: myfilter();
A: Time out exception occurs after calling a Stored Procedure in C#

KarelGThe database communication has its own timeout to prevent that the connection would hang, or that you are using resources while a query is stuck in a loop or something. cmd.CommandTimeout = 300; This statement says that your query should take 5 minutes before it should decline the connection i...

man, some1 is validating stuff on the db itself :|
Ok, gotta go.
@SomeGuy I'll be back on in a bit.
@monners See ya
thanks @monners
@OneKitten : that answer got accepted ...
@SomeKittensUx2666 404 :/
@KarelG: eew, thanks
he has 13.5k rep ?
Anybody else using scss?
@SteamFire I prefer sscscss
@KarelG: he's posted over 900 times
!!stat 1719752
@OneKitten Milind Anantwar (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1719752/milind-anantwar) has 13541 reputation, earned 76 rep today, asked 54 questions, gave 854 answers, for a q:a ratio of 27:427.
avg. rep/post: 14.91. Badges: 3g 8s 36b
Morning guys :)
@OneKitten KarelG (http://stackoverflow.com/users/2412895/karelg) has 1258 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 9 questions, gave 92 answers, for a q:a ratio of 9:92.
avg. rep/post: 12.45. Badges: 0g 2s 10b
@OneKitten What's wrong with that?
@Miszy: KarelG asked why he had 13.5k rep
That's a reasonable answer, right?
That was in response to this: stackoverflow.com/questions/22929605/…
It's a very common answer
and it works, somehow :P
ASCII capital letters === keycodes, right? ;)
Doesn't the question say "including shift/capslock function"?
@Nordvind Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OneKitten Yeah, I'm just kidding. That's not acceptable solution.
@FrediTansari Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OneKitten And, sadly, there isn't one :P
@KarelG It's deprecated
And always returns 0 in Chrome.
i know, but it was a good and precise thing back then
@KarelG They're working on String.*something*, right? ;)
morning all
Good morning, good morning...
dont! ill break out into song and your ears will bleed
how is everyone today on this fine crisp spring morn?
So rude! You expect me to have a good morning?! I can't control how good my morning is. There's so much pressure first with you making me make sure it's morning, then with me having to make sure that my morning is GOOD?!?! How are people supposed to live with this?
I prefer the British way of handling things:
- How are you?
- Fine.
(me likey pseudo-randomness and the illusion of "true randomness" when doing stupid things on to random internet people)
@Miszy Actually, that's pretty much how it's done everywhere.
Nah, we (Polish) always say "It's bad" or something :D
@Miszy I am British....we tend to say good morning
And start complaining.
and then we talk about the weather
Well, it's how it's *supposed* to happen pretty much everywhere…
It's sunny today in my city. :]
which today is a mere 12C but the sun is out so im hopeful for a walk at lunch time
and then talk about hobbies
eh, in belgium, there is an reply ;
" Hey, how are you ? "
most used reply : " bwa " or " çava " or " t valt mee " (or its abbreviations)
and that's between 'good' and 'bad' ... So you have to find it out yourself how that person is actually feeling :|
Good morning, it's night.
Internets and timezones complicate things...
an appropriate response to any statement this early is simply "mmmmph" and keep walking, at least until ive had coffee
@bjb568 That's true. But moment-timezone.js comes with help ;)
GMT was the original time - there fore it is the only time (and just happens to be in my time zone :P)
I really don't understand timezone
I see you're trying to use moment-timezone.js. You should totally drop that and try kittenQuery.
@DrogoNevets Don't you have BST now?
@AndyLibrian : how so ? it's logical
kidding :)
Why can't we just switch over to stardates...
@Miszy details! and actually government are lobbying this month someone to do away with all that altogether
@DrogoNevets My life (as a programmer dealing with daylight saving/summertimes yesterday) would be easier.
g'day mate
hmm, I have onchange="payment()"
ditto! I have to write something this week about when a customer can expect a callback based on time, no one has told me whether thats server time, client time, or what happens on the shift days
@Mosho ......good
when I do var payment = function(){} it doesn't work, but if I leave out var it does
@DrogoNevets LET ME FINISH
scoping by the sounds of things
> Stack Exchange Inc. (“Stack Exchange”), a Delaware corporation
it's in jsfiddle
I assume it's to blame?
is var = payment inside a function or something?
got a link?
@Mosho Scoping issue.
I know my scopes
@Mosho payment = ... sets a property on the global scope, while using var makes it local for jsFiddle. It's not accessible in HTML.
@Mosho; yes scope
Because of jsFiddle, not your fault.
yeah, so it's jsfiddle
It's wrapped inside a onload
yeah, but you would assume they would have something to work around that
@Mosho Don't do that. Use event listeners.
I would never do this, it's for a question
Change onload to no wrap in body
dropdown near the top left
ewww, js function calls in HTML
eventlisteners bro
not an angular user then
@DrogoNevets It's a completely different thing :P
it is yes
Ewww somebody said the a word.
but its still a "function call in html"
Hey! Who dissed style attributes and script tags dependent on each other?
text-align: initial; <-- ie doesn't support it ... CSS1 feature ...
ie doesn't support it ...
@OneKitten Everyone.
Angular is brilliant
@KarelG IE doesn't support initial at all I guess?
once you get over the initial curve
@Drogo Eww… You said the a word again.
but but.. CSS 1 feature ...
while we're on it, do you guys think you should preach when answering questions with horrible JS/HTML or just give them what they're asking for
for example, in this case
no boldy ?
@mosho depends on context of question
bold ??
God damn. Keep getting same error Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $modalInstanceProvider <- $modalInstance in my app, when everything is okey in the example
Q: Validation of Radio buttons in javascript

roroI have a select list and 2 radio buttons from which a user will select 2 options from each and according to that, the cost of the item will be shown. *Registration Category: <select name="catg"> <option>Select..</option>

use ** either side
I don't even know how to use events without $
@Eugene it is saying that it doesnt know $modalInstanceProvider
@Eugene But it works?
@Miszy yep. This is the problem. Any error in console is a bad smell, but it works.
@Eugene It doesn't throw in my Chrome :D
It's like it isn't getting this provider at check point, but is getting it when it is a usage time.
there are no errors in console
not in FF
are you using minified code?
@Mosho ah, it's from a question : you snarky pup.

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