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@rlemon LOL no, she isn't married. She's honest to her men, but she's currently 100% single. I was drunk date #1 post breakup
If I pitch in else where here, I guess the topic discussed here is polygamy and gay marriages. Right. who is for and who's against
@Loktar @RUJordan I'm surprised more young people are not like "I'm not a slut! I'm a Polygamist, there is a difference"
@Mike eh not really, it started because of Brenden Eiche
@rlemon haha well it only seems to a pply to marriage
wtf, "mike" is still pinging me
@rlemon I only judge people who cheat on their significant other.
@RUJordan Isn't cheating. I'm a Polygamist
a polygamy dating scene though... hmm
sounds interesting.
my partners may or may not know about this
time to logout, reboot, reformat, install gentoo, and get a new machine
@rlemon well there's honest polygamy and then there's just cheating xD
@RUJordan yeah man cheaters are douches.
I have the feeling that mike is trying to be funny
@Loktar you mean Brendan Eiche is a polygamist
i've known more women who have strayed than men :P
and now js lovers are following him :)
@Loktar exactly. Have all the sex you can handle, but if you're dating somebody, ffs be faithful or be single.
most of the men I know wouldn't cheat. They just wouldn't get locked down. ~1/3rd of the women I know have cheated
yeah, I agree, or get a divorce if you're married.
Oh God it's this question again. Blah blah, can't parse HTML with regex, blah it will fail with <body someAttr='<body>'> or <head data-foo='<body>'> or whatever. Blah regular languages and HTML not being regular, blah using a stack. Blah blah DOM API blah built in blah document.body.style.backgroundColor='blue' . Blah the center will not hold it is too late. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 4 secs ago
PLUS! Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater! amiright?
And pumpkins are nasty.
@rlemon Cheater cheater your house is a heater
@RUJordan Never had a false pumpkin
@RUJordan in pie Ill agree but not raw
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread (omg pumpkin bread..)
Raw pumpkin agreed.
oh shit pumpkin bread..
I wouldn't be so judgemental of cheaters
you got me there too.
@SomeKittensUx2666 curse my lack of commas
@FlorianMargaine why?
cheaters gonna cheat
@Loktar my mom makes pumpkin bread with chocolate chips in it, and when it's hot you gotta put a little bit of vanilla icing on it. Drool.
Potatos gonna potate.
Oh jesus that sounds delicious man
if a wife beaten by her husband cheats with a guy she falls in love with, but is too scared to leave her husband. In the mean time that she leaves her husband, is it really bad if she cheats on her husband?
Wait, I just realized you have a <body> tag in a span tag. Nothing to see here :( Wat. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 5 secs ago
brb need new pants
Jesus sounds delicious :munches on communion wafers:
@FlorianMargaine eh there are edge cases for everything. If the husband gets all his limbs cut off and falls out of a hot air balloon into a clown infested pit of despair is it ok if his second cousine cheats?
Generally women who are beaten do not cheat.. because they are too scared to find another man, in fear they will get beat :p
just saying there are life situations, and cheating is usually the fault of both people
if you're too scared to leave your husband yet not scared enough to cheat, then there are bigger issues.
Yeah it's hard to cover edge cases. To be clear I was talking about "oh, yeah I have a bf but fuck it. I'll bang you too he'll never know" cheating
Some people are just bad people (my ex gf)
I'm just saying I'm not judgemental of that
@RUJordan yeah that sucks ofc
it really does :(
Its not immoral if its only oral.
Thats all I really have to say on the matter.
@Loktar in my country, it's "sucking is not cheating"
haha really?
The worst part is I haven't thought about my ex in months, then my friend .. god I hate that she did this.. she updated me on her "dating status" so then I reminisced about the good times with her and it's like all the bad shit she did didn't happen, but I know it happened and it really sucks.
yeah it's a "proverb". My wife, and every gf/wife disagrees ofc.
haha yea
@FlorianMargaine I'm on da way to France my man.
Cool. Don't get in my way.
Cool. Get your couch ready.
LOl i dont know how to take that last statement
no way~~~kawai desu
> Don't get in my way because Im running through all dem womens
What's the french terminology for "dont cock block me brah"?
> la bête is here mother fuckers.
@RUJordan I don't think there's a translation for "cockblock" :/
it's unfortunate.
heh i saw a flag and was like damnit I was flagged :(
If you had to guess, what would be the closest you could think of?
@Loktar "Faites place au mâle"
@RUJordan can't think of any
@FlorianMargaine lol i dont know what that means
awww ok
> made up the male
^ google translate
@Loktar "leave place for the male"
ahh ok wow google was way off
I only took 2 years of French in HS
so like... jeeze 16 years ago
yeah I know everybody sucks in french here
it's ok.. sometimes dystroy is here
i once tried to learn french
i failed
@Loktar how did you do the accent?
even german
Je n'parle francias?
"je ne parle pas français"
ah I couldnt remember if it needed the pas
no never got into the accent btw
I mean, how did you write it for "la bête"
oooh you went on google translate?
lol yea
ok :(
looked up the beast in french :P
disappointed :(
@Chetan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar lol
I took 3 years of spanish in hs (5 years ago?) and I retained next to none of it
!!youtube bother stone sour
great song
@RUJordan I would argue that you never had any to begin with
languages are hard and high school curriculums are shit
I would have to agree
@Mosho definitely.
However they seem to be better in foreign countries
because everyone can speak english
> Level 1 Spanish class: Ok class for the rest of the semester I do not want you to speak any english.
hint: it's not school
it's TV
We were like.. what? This is an intro class how the hell are we supposed to speak what we havent been taught
What the fuck? I only have 38 edits?
I've definitely editted more than 38 questions
ugh. how would I return <Buffer 05 80> to its equiv '1408' value.
addToEntry: function (entry) {
        var _entry = new VariableEntry(entry), _this = this;
        _.observe(_entry, 'model', 42, {
            set: function (value) {
                _this.set(_entry.name, value);
            get: function () {
                return _this.get(_entry.name);
        this.variables[entry.name] = _entry.concat(this.variables[entry.name] || {});
!!> var buff = [05,80]; parseInt(buff[0], 16) * 256 + parseInt(buff[1], 16);
@rlemon 1408
so I have this amazing piece of code I'm trying to test
with jasmine
how do I spy on .concat which belongs to an object I instantiate inside the function I'm testing
does anyone even use jasmine
@rlemon toString
How do I replace the href portion with a different url on click?

some pseudo code in the fiddle
ah just psuedo nm.
@RickD ...why are you doing that?
yeah sounds a bit evil
@somekitten I compiled a list of links that I worked hard on. People are going to steal it for their own sites. If they steal it by copy/paste, I want to trick them into linking back to my site
@RickD You're a dick
@Mombay Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jhawins HAH!
@RickD lol wat?
@RickD either way you do that, the links will ALWAYS be exposed.
the people stealing my content are the dicks.
you cant stop them man
it sucks, but if thats the case sell them somewhere
@SomeKittensUx2666 @Rickroll'D either way you do that, the links will ALWAYS be exposed. (source)
Hey, someone used before ddslick select JQUERY ?
@Loktar Hey wants to insert a return link in copy/pastes from his site.
sell the list.
Links aren't copyright information
i know I cannot stop them. but they are lazy and will just copy paste
@RickD It's not your content
yeah thats easy
Q: How to add extra info to copied web text

KeithSome websites now use a javascript service from Tynt that appends text to copied content. If you copy text from a site using this and then paste you get a link to the original content at the bottom of the text. Tynt also tracks this as it happens. It's a neat trick well done. Their script for ...

there are tons of ways
A way to achieve the same result would be to put up a banner that says "We don't get enough traffic and are desperate"
                      many dick
so asshole
                  much douchebag
                            very tool
such inserting text
lol it's a miracle you don't get flagged every day
@Jhawins it is annoying I agree
@loktar- I have that on there already- I want to go one step further an manipulate the actual links.

I'd like to have the native links on the page point to MY PAGE. But when a user that is ON MY SITE clicks, the JS will provide the correct link.

I'm hoping the thieves that always steal my content will copy paste and then the traffic comes back to me
tons of news sites do it
Haha right. I just let words be words.
lmfao he's not just a dick. He's dick++
@RickD eh idk man, I mean on selection just change the href I guess.
just disable text selection
Why not just use your site for href and use the fake link for display. No tech-savvy users will ever come back to your site anyway so you only have to fool the ignorant.
> -webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
disable right click too
You should just disable clicking entirely
Disable mouse movement while you're at it
@Loktar- If i disable copy-paste, they are smart enough to grab from source
@Jhawins on mouse move it should throw an alert imo
Restrict the input to 3-finger multi-touch only
@RickD they will always be able to get from source
thats our point :p
Or voice-controlled movements
unless you are swapping them all initially with yours
but even then..
there is no way to stop them
@RickD If they're smart enough to grab from source they're smart enough to not fall for your BS anyway haha
I know that they will grab form source IF copy-paste is disabled....

But if it's not, I want them to copy fake links
But they really aren't
I know these douches, not that smart
:? @RickD that answer I pasted should help..
what kind of links are these?
Just cancel your domain registration
Am I helping so far?
@Jhawins lol
@Jhawins lol yes you are
I try
Hahaha. Alright, home time. Later
@ChanibaL Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why is adding functions to the prototype frowned upon?
A: How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript?

Jason BuntingHere is a hack that will do what you need - be aware that it modifies the Object's prototype, something people frown upon (usually for good reason) Object.prototype.getName = function() { var funcNameRegex = /function (.{1,})\(/; var results = (funcNameRegex).exec((this).constructor.toStr...

@Jaxo because it effects everything with that prototype.
@Jay I see you.
Oh, but modifying the specific prototype is a better practice?
HTMLDivElement.prototype.addClass is better than Object.prototype.addClass ?
It's useful in some cases (say, adding a random function to all arrays), but most of the time is overkill.
Adding things to Object.prototype adds them to EVERYTHING (sans primitives)
I see. What would be the "proper" way to do it then? The .prototype thing seems a lot like doing .onclick when you could implement an addEventListener
just seems hackish
Proper way to do what?
Extend some kind of JS object
instead of doing hasClass(element, class) I want to do element.hasClass(class)
Nothing wrong with that.
with hasClass(element, class)?
with adding to HTMLElement.prototype
I was hoping so :) thanks!
Hi folks, do someone have time to take an eye at jsfiddle.net/Ku5Wt/2 ? Don't know why my class are not applied to nested element... Thank you :)
you want the .slide class to cascade into the .imgbox divs?
I want to create the same structure as already exist
and the yt-video should take the data-vid attribute and copy it to the new element
@Jaxo That's exactly what prototype is for
@SomeKittensUx2666 Awesome! Got some up here: gist.github.com/JaxoDI/9963117
@JonathanLafleur I'm afraid I have no idea, sorry man
@Jaxo no problem, thank you for trying ;)
Oh wow, my company is giving me a pro-rated bonuse in my retirement fund! (pro-rated since I was only there a quarter of the year lol)
@JonathanLafleur in your example, are you trying to insert a new element at the end of the list by appending HTML?
I don't use jquery, but would it be easier controlled and more clear with normal JS's document.createElement?
probably won't make a difference, but i'm just brainstorming
Seriously i don't know how to do that with vanilla js -.- i'm using jQuery framework since I know js -.-
working on it now
@phenomnomnominal fail
@RUJordan fuck everything.
Well, in your example, the YTVid.find line is giving an error because that function doesn't exist in the jsfiddle, so if you're debugging in there, it might help to remove it
@JonathanLafleur learn javascript man. That's like being a car mechanic that doesn't know how an engine works. It's useless and you're just going to be confused when problems come up.
@RUJordan yeah for sure
@SomeKittensUx2666 Oh wow, my company is giving me a pro-rated bonus in my retirement fund! (pro-rated since I was only there a quarter of the year lol) (source)
wow, you can do that!?
@Jaxo dang, you can do that!? (source)
mind blown
@Mosho @Jaxo ERMAGERD, you can do that!? (source) (source)
!!c> console.log [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].reduce (p, n) -> p + n
@phenomnomnominal "undefined" Logged: 15
I hope you are right i didnt check it :( — Schneider 2 mins ago
!!> [1,2,3,4,5].reduce((p,n) -> { p + n });
I give you an answer, and you just copy blindly?
@RUJordan "SyntaxError: syntax error"
Damn I knew that was wrong
what if you get Caprica Six to print a command to print a command?
we win the war
I have to go guys... thank's for your guidance
sorry I couldn't help
no prob, have a great day
you too
> bro... you havent heard? SomeKittens is a SO hacker who preys on people who copy and paste answers without learning what they do and how they do it. I'm afraid you're about 46.5 hours away from a CPU crash if you run this code.
4 u <3
Hi everyone
HELLO @TristanCebulla!
@SomeKittensUx2666 isn't it annoying when they expect your code to work perfectly?
Too many OPs like that.
@Mosho @SomeKittensUx2666 isn't it annoying when they expect your code to work ? (source)
I try to call an object method with a variable name like foo[var](args); but javascript tells me that "foo[var] is not a function" .. did i forget something?
is foo[var] actually a function?
you have functions in an array?
!!s/array/array or object/
@RUJordan you have functions in an array or object? (source)
foo is a function and the value of 'var' is another function. so, es
you can even have functions as attributes of functions
@TristanCebulla you have a variable named var var = "something"?
Bad idea
erm no. was just for demonstrating purposes
god, I can't even imagine a use case where function attributes being functions could be used
why not do the variable processing from within the function
Oh, I see what you mean now. I was thinking something like this would actually work jsfiddle.net/ePr8Q/1 (it doesn't)
erm, okay .. I just updated firefox from version 24 to 28, now it seems to work .. has the js interpreter changed that much in version 28?
i had something like that: jsfiddle.net/A2737
@Jaxo Canvas animations/games are a big one
A: Check if string is empty with jquery

SomeKittens Ux2666You need to check the length property of comment (also, you have a few extra parens. They won't break anything, but aren't needed). if (!comment || comment.length > 100) {

oop, he undownvoted
nevermind then, was going to RAEG
@Shomz you should know better than that. To us maybe it's trivial, to noobies? It's the most confusing thing ever at the time. — RUJordan 6 secs ago
There is no justifying a code dump answer. Ever.
do you guys write unit tests for everything
I got another downvote. Yeesh.
even dumb trivial stuff

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