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damn my desk is running out of space :/
I want to kick Google's collective ass. Chrome is giving me a new problem daily.
When using blueimp upload plugin what is the best way to handle errors... will fail work if the errors are coming from flickr in the format of JSON?
my chair is now doubling as a keyboard holder :/
Though my Chromebook only goes up to f10 so I don't know what I'm complaining about.
hey guys I can't seem to find any good tutorials to achieve what I'm looking for
how can i code js to display step1 for 5 seconds and then change to step2 for 5 seconds
@DavidSmith have you considered breaking down your problem into smaller problems and then solving each of them by yourself?
yup thats why I've let go of the more complicated stuff and trying to figure out how to do a basic change from one state to the next so I can then build on that
@DavidSmith What search terms have you used?
@DavidSmith what is the first small problem?
Anybody know why a table would "wrap" (the row splits into 2 lines with it hits the side of the screen)?
<style type="text/css">
th, td
Mmmm. Pizza and soup.
@RyanKinal I thought you'd never come back!
I've tried how to use vars/change from on state to another javascript/changing states javascript etc ad several more
I don't care if the page scrolls, I just want even sized cells throughout but I can't get it
!!tell DavidSmith google "JavaScript setTimeout"
id like to display text1 in html and use js to change to step2, and then step3 and then step 4
@RUJordan width: 100/nCells%
or possibly min-width
That made it worse D:
@RUJordan make a fiddle, penisbreath.
I can't, the structure is all based on query logic
and coldfusion
(dynamic table)
I've learnt how to click $("#text").click(function(), to change the text once $("#flash").html("step1");
but want to learn how to then change it again
@DavidSmith based on what? clicking? You need a counter :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought you'd never come back!
clicking button
so if i click button, text changes to step 1
but how do I then get it to automatically change to step2 after 5 seconds
.html only prints it once
CapricaSix already gave you the answer
@DavidSmith use setTimeout
does the example link you sent me work with jsfiddle? run it but it does nothing
@DavidSmith You are the worst kind of help vampire.
hey? i dont understand
We've given you the answer (twice, in fact) and you're still asking for code.
I wasnt asking for code, I was asking if the code given in the link works with jsfiddle
cuz I just tried it, it didn't work
So you didn't say, read the information about how to use setTimeout?
woo hooo! did my IO wiring correctly.
only one set of wires backwards, but luckily that was communication so I didn't blow anything
Hello, is there a way to find the word like this in text ?


and make it like

someword Someotherword
So once I read, I take that code and try in js fiddle to practice what I read and it doesn't work. So how I know then?
@IceD Regular expressions
also string matching
string.split(word).length > 1
tee hee
@rlemon the word can change and give any variation
@SomeKittens what about string matching ?
@IceD obvious troll is obvious man
@IceD it is another way you can solve that problem
@IceD just split by uppercase letters?
@BenjaminGruenbaum nope. I have to find that one word with capital letter in the word
!!doge thats,cool,bro
many thats cool bro
              many thats
                           very cool
so bro
@IceD ... seriously, learn basic regex..
!!> "somewordSomeotherword".split(/(?=[A-Z])/).join(" ")
@BenjaminGruenbaum "someword Someotherword"
Or just replace, even simpler if you just want spaces
I know basics :)
!!> "somewordSomeotherword".replace(/(?=[A-Z])/g," ")
@BenjaminGruenbaum "someword Someotherword"
@BenjaminGruenbaum I will try this at regexer
So what would be the regex code for this ? prntscr.com/2hnj6z
a word with capital somewhere in the middle
not first not last
@BenjaminGruenbaum quick promises question
stuff().then(function(yo) {
    // do stuff with yo
}).catch(function(err) {
    // catch error from stuff(), and stop there.
}).then(function() {
    // get what's coming after yo
does that work like this? how do I do it?
gonna need like a month's notice for a meetup.
Let's do it this summer
well hello friends, anyone here work with survey monkey before?
should be more like...
stuff().catch(function(err) {}).then()...
my bad.
my question is: how can I stop after the catch?
posted on January 08, 2014 by paullewis

#perfmatters: Tooling techniques for the performance ninja Knowing your way around your development tools is key to becoming a performance Grand Master. Colt stepped through the three pillars of performance: network, compute and render, providing a tour of the key problem in each area and the tools available for finding and eradicating them. Slides You can now profile Chrome

can a TD cell have a title attribute? (hover on it, and text pops up)
@all hello
Any who writes bolg here
I need some help
@FlorianMargaine it's coming after yo that's ok
@FlorianMargaine it'll resolve with undefined if it went from the catch
@FlorianMargaine if you want it to stop at the catch you can rethrow
ahhh thanks
Why would you want to stop a promise though?
I wish my kids would stop promises
> If you clean up the room tonight Ill take you all out for icecream! haha like that will happen
"Dad we're done you promised!"
	var con, room;
	withRoomAsync(+req.param('id'), req.user.id).then(function(roomArg) {
		if (!room) return renderError(res, 'No room');
		room = roomArg;
		room.path = roomPath(room);
		return mdb.conAsync();
	}).catch(function(err) {
		renderError(res, 'No connect');
		throw err;
	}).then(function(conArg) {
		con = conArg;
		return con.listRoomAuthsAsync(room.id);
^ good use case for canceling a promise.
function renderError(res, message) {
	return res.render('error.jade', { error: message });
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^
I just want to stop my stuff and render the page
although render immediately sends the response... feels like weird :\
I feel clever for this:
var tasks = ["url1","url2","url3"].map($.get);
   // the results here are parameters,
   // alternatively, you can use `.then` and get them as an array
@FlorianMargaine why the if !room?
should be after the room = roomArg
and it should be a throw there
@FlorianMargaine throw instead of returning a RenderError, subclass Error with your own NoRoomError and intercept that much much lower at the handler
NOT at the promises level, and generally - use typed catch.
I'm at the controller there
any example?
You're doing all these queries and logic in the controller?
yeah I got an example using callbacks and I want to transform it using promises just for the sake of showing how it's done
    // way way after, at the end of the controller, or even lower than that
    // well, for sure lower than that
    }).catch(NoSuchRoomError,function(err) {
         return res.render("error.jade",{error:err.message});
Something like that
so I want the same behavior
The error handling should not be mixed with the business logic like that
yeah I like that
If it's an error you throw it and deal with it when you need to. Not in the middle of the code.
any quick way to extend Error?
MyError.prototype = new Error
@FlorianMargaine don't forget to set the message and stack property
@FlorianMargaine otherwise it's pointless, half the points for promises are that they give you good stack traces.
Hmm, didnt know a <button> inside a form defaults as a submit button
function CustomError(message){
    this.name = "CustomError";
    this.message = message;
    this.stack = 'plz';

CustomError.prototype = new Error;
@Shmiddty stack plz
@BenjaminGruenbaum yep, gotta code them to see how useful they are :)
this.stack = (new Error()).stack; // the most important thing ever
if I do .catch(Error, function(err)..., it will catch the CustomError too?
Yes, it'll catch anything you throw, heck - it'll even unwrap strings with Error objects for you (don't do that though)
In fact, Petka went ahead and made sure you have stack traces even if you didn't intend to :P
oh hey its @Shmiddty!
function MyError(){
    this.stack = (new Error).stack
MyError.prototype = new Error;
function a(){
var i = 4;
function b(){
   if(--i) b()
   else c();
function c(){
   throw new MyError()
Run with and without the this.stack = (new Error).stack - compare results.
Without it you get an incorrect stack trace
this sounds good enough? pastebin.com/UF1kZYY7
@BenjaminGruenbaum weird.
so a job from MI randomly called me
if all goes well.. I could end up moving
Where to?
which is crazy because I just started this job so not sure how I feel about that
Wait ignore that
ah I thought you meant where in MI
@qwertynl not at all - makes perfect sense

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