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... I should eat something.
@RyanKinal here. >0<
wtf is that?
!!afk lunch
@RyanKinal Stay safe.
or a bow tie. depending on how you look at it @RyanKinal
I see a candy
just saw that ping.
function attachListeners(el) {
        el.onmouseover = el.onmouseleave = randomColor;

[].forEach.call(item, attachListeners);
That's some hacky stuff
'clever' code isn't often readable or maintainable. chaining assignments is not that great of a thing to do, but I do it all the time
[]. = Array.prototype?
it is a shortcut, yes.
Using the element.on_____ event listener assignments is generally not a good idea, but works for a quick demo
.onEventListener <- type listeners kill all other listeners on said element and replace them with this new one.
.addEventListener just adds a new listener
!!> [].forEach === Array.prototype.forEach
@Shmiddty true
AngularJs question.
Where should we put the auth validation in angular?

if (userIsLogin) { //doSomething }  << this kind of checking should be in controller or service?
hrm, this is all kewl stuff, but i need nourishment
!!afk lunch
@RUJordan Apricots are people too!
@rlemon that's still cool
Is this a good pattern? if (typeof Module === 'undefined') var Module = {};
@ŠimeVidas var Module = Module || {}
@JanDvorak Unnecessary assignment?
Also, code clarity suffers.
afaik the compiler will handle this just fine without the additional assignment
@ŠimeVidas this is a common pattern
@JanDvorak Not sure about non-JavaScript programmers
The if pattern is clear to programmers in general
once you do var, then Module === undefined is a legal statement
Q: If my team has low skill, should I lower the skill of my code?

Florian MargaineFor example, there is a common snippet in JS to get a default value: function f(x) { x = x || 'default_value'; } This kind of snippet is not easily understood by all the members of my team, their JS level being low. Should I not use this trick then? It makes the code less readable by peer...

@JanDvorak Good point :)
Also, ^^
can you guys see this? jsfiddle.net/coreyhart/5tueG
I see pass, fail, fail, fail
@qwertynl I don't think so. For the sake of code clarity, Module should just be accessed as a global variable. — Šime Vidas 8 mins ago
Umm I do not agree @ŠimeVidas
pass, fail, fail, fail
Wh I would rather use my local vars. Why would I want global stuff?
@qwertynl One example would be polyfilling global objects.
@qwertynl dammit!
if(!(window.Module = window.Module)) {
     // pass {} into function
come on man, you know better than that
@rlemon ew
@rlemon Yea I got a little confused. I keep not thinking before posting my questions recently... dunno why. I realized my mistake after reading one answer. Hence my update under the line... :-(
Yeah, that's a little disgusting
@RyanKinal Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
That looks just like the code that I see every day on Stack Overflow.
@ŠimeVidas ew
if( !( 'Module' in window ) ) window.Module = {};

// your codez!
I like it
It was already too late to delete it @rlemon :-(
Same with this question: stackoverflow.com/q/20859985/1022697 which for some reason was upvoted...
however I do use || quite a bit for setting defaults.
I always use it
function foo(options) {
  this.a = options.a || 1;
  this.b = options.b || 2;
except when using weak typing
that is if there is not enough to justify including an Object.extend polyfill
Hey guys, Borderlands 2 is on sale for 125% off!
@KendallFrey Ummm say whaaaaaaat?
They are giving people money to take it now?
> -125% $59.99 $-15.01 USD
so.... they will give me $15???
@KendallFrey as in, you get paid for taking out their trash, AND you get to keep it?
so... lets try this.
checkout page correctly only applies the 75% once
Could somebody tell me what makes this worth 100k?
!!welcome Shyam
@Shyam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@PeeHaa nothing :P
Good. I thought you JS people lost it :P
@PeeHaa cuz Kickstarter. Duh.
@Shyam Hi
@KendallFrey Hahaha
@PeeHaa The fact that they're using bootstrap fills me with confidence.
!!urban confidence 3
@JanDvorak confidence absolut could-care-fucking-less-what-every-fucking-body thinks
is it safe* to do something like this: params.formObj = $.toJSON(params.formObj); ?
@CapricaSix @JanDvorak :-)
@JanDvorak confidence The feeling you get right before you find out what the fuck is actually happening.
@RyanKinal You forgot to add it to the document, though!
@SomeGuy Done :-P
so checking a hundred+ urls with curl via php is pretty effing slow
@rlemon Yeah. I'm sure it is.
@rlemon you can do multiple fetches in parallel
@rlemon Are you on plain cli ?
no, trying to write a script to batch check 100 answers at a time testing to broken links
A: Increase speed of my script

Jan DvorakYour biggest bottleneck is the fact that you are executing the HTTP requests in sequence, not in parallel. curl is able to perform multiple requests in parallel. Here's an example from the documentation, heavily adapted to use a loop and actually collect the results. I cannot promise it's correct...

@JanDvorak thanks will read
I def am doing them in sequence
@JanDvorak serious... github.com/rdlowrey/Artax
Friends don't let friends use the horrible curl API ;)
!!s/horrible curl API/PHP/
@JanDvorak Friends don't let friends use the PHP ;) (source)
@rlemon This Katie Hopkins woman looks pretty...stupid
fair enough :)
Like incredibly stupid
!!s/the PHP/jQuery/
@qwertynl Command s/the does not exist.
@qwertynl That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Trailing slash
@qwertynl @JanDvorak Friends don't let friends use jQuery ;) (source) (source)
@RyanKinal Thanks
Q: Accept score for the duplicate finder.

Your Common SenseUnlike most of meta folks, I take duplicated questions as a disaster. Disaster that ruins the site. Disaster inspired by the very site rules. An Uroboros of some sort - a serpent eating its own tail. So, I propose a game to fit the current rules. As getting reputation points considered feature ...

@SomeGuy hahaha
Why were you watching that? :p
"I don't like certain names. Things like apple"?!
@SomeGuy reddit I think
"this chick hates people whos names are of places. but her daughters name is India... she sees no problem"
the talk show hosts look like they are about to lose it when she says that
"but it isn't related to a place"
are you... I mean... fuck no one can be that stupid.... really?
It seems quite fake to me
You know, to generate a buzz or whatever
ohh she apparently is for real
Angular vs. Ember
:Angular takes a defensive stance:
:Ember jabs:
:Angular blocks:
:Ember jabs low, then a quick high:
@RyanKinal wait, what?
Currently leaning toward Angular because Ember is done by the Ruby guy and I seem to disagree on pretty much everything with him
This isn't a boxing match?
@RyanKinal I mean, Angular uses synchronous XHR by default, is that what you mean?
Ugh. This iMac really is like a mirror. It's driving me crazy now that so much light comes in from the snow outside.
like I said, she is for real.
worst person of 2013
Turn the brightness down and it really is like a mirror..
Clearly if you are a ginger called Tyler you may be better off referring yourself to someone that understands your sort. Some Head of NEET?
every damn picture...
All 3 of them or whatever..
Is my special hat
o/ folks
I used to wear a hat indoors to keep the hair out of my face
How is it going around here ?
@SomeGuy DAT NAME!
I thought I'd only read part of the article. But that name had me hooked
The name is beautiful
But Starbucks is horrible...
@qwertynl why? because of the 80's ad? or because it is like a 25 minute drive?
@dievardump Heyo!
How are you?
Pretty good thanks, and you ?
@rlemon Ummm because it is like a 35 minute train ride that costs about $2.50
so like hour to walk it
@dievardump Kind of decent. Where are you now?
@rlemon lol yeah the train only goes as fast as twice your walking speed
@rlemon And it is a current ad. Which is what is insane.
Still in France. Health problems that need to be fixed before I can move again.
Hope to be able to be in Berlin in 3 months
So am working as a Freelance, going well for me.
It says the train takes over an hour but it's like 30 minutes to drive..
@Jhawins well driving in downtown sectors of a busy city is only about double walking speed.
And Google insists that I can't walk there.
Yeah, I literally would not know. Haha
And you @SomeGuy, some plans of moving?
Haha, no, no plans yet
I may try to study abroad for my Master's though
Just looking at it on the map I'm thinking how many times the distance of my entire county you would have to drive just to get out of city.
lol I bet people go weeks without seeing a woods or field.
shoul do it if you ave the opportunity !
@JanDvorak lol, no
But... does it really?
@dievardump Yeah, but that shit looks expensive as hell
Along with the problems with, you know, actually getting into a good university and all
Well in our sector, you don't really need a "good university"
Usually you learn everything unirsity teach you, 3-4 years before going in
Of course, it depends on what degree you're getting
Well it depends what you wanna do, Research or something else will need a good background or university
Yeah sure!
If you're a web developer going to school for Computer Science, you're going to learn a lot of crazy stuff. But you might not need it professionally.
Yeah, I'm not even sure yet :p
I have a quite a wide range of interests, but I learned how to code early, so that's always been what I defaulted to
Sweet, I just tied my best answer score with that QSA answer
how to make this function run onclick..
$.getJSON("http://ip-api.com/json/?callback=?", function(data) {
I've written <a href="#" onclick='getJSON()'> click here</a>
but its firing onload
@qwertynl you have to factor in the airtrain fare also :P and all the hellish traffic you will likely run into if you're in the car.
@SomeGuy you can live on my couch so long as you clean my apartment daily.
@nderscore Yea. so an extra $5 woopdee do. still cheaper than a car. Especially on the Van Wyk...
@TheLuckyGoof there is a lot wrong here
@rlemon Hahaha, isn't daily a bit too often? :p
I can do weekly.
getJSON is not a global function. it is a method of jQuery, so calling it is what you are doing
@qwertynl and driving in the city is shitty anyway. I wouldn't want to deal with it - why not just take a cab? haha
the onclick does not work for the reason above
@rlemon can u pls guide, i'll correct it
(I find this funny because Indians stereotypically bargain a lot)
and don't use inline event listeners
@SomeGuy once a week, but you also have to clean my fish tanks (i'll instruct how)
@nderscore bah. subway is always the way to go
all 8 tanks === ~3-4 hours of work a week to clean.
Non-inline JS looks so much better anyways. I hate searching for a inline onclick for debugging
You really like the tanks, huh?
@qwertynl going to/from manhattan, yes. going between boroughs, I wish I had a car.
@rlemon do you talk to your fish?
@nderscore I have one for the weekend.
You can live in my apartment so long as you pay the rent
one breeder freshwater, one newt / betta tank, two shrimp tanks, two mixed reefs, one 'growth' tank for the saltwater plants, and one puffer tank.
@RUJordan yea, they are pets.
most pet owners talk to their pets.
^ those sound like soldier classes for a war game
those also don't include the fact that 3 of the tanks have little tanks underneath them .. I don't count those.
I don't know, I've never seen anybody talk to a fish except when my buddy snapped his fishing line, dove in after the fish screaming some fun obscenities at it.
| overlay1left1 = 98 | overlay2left1 = 132 | overlay3left1 = 98 | overlay1top1 = 25 | overlay2top1 = 44 | overlay3top1 = 100 | overlay1image = | overlay2image = | overlay3image = |firstitem = 1 |lastitem = 3 |alpha1 = |alpha2 = |alpha3 = |beta1 = 29% |beta2 = 18% |beta3 = 6% }}| ICD10 = | ICD9 = | MeshID = D012392 | OPS301 = | OtherCodes = | }} The Rorschach test ( or , ; also known as the Rorschach inkblot test, the Rorschach technique, or simply the inkblot test) is a psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of inkblots...
how many people do you know who own expensive fish tanks?
Speaking of fish... YT: Guinea pigs are fish
now, my 'breeder' fish get no names. there are dozens of the same fish. My salt water fish on the other hand are all unique, or very greatly in size.
identifying them is easy.
easy to understand about JavaScript closures conceptf1.blogspot.com/2013/11/javascript-closures.html
@Retsam I can pet my puffer fish
@rlemon it's just an estimate, but 0. lol
Wait aren't puffer fish poisonous?
@RUJordan 'puffer fish' is a wide range of sub species
I have Green Spotted Puffers
that kinda sounds adorable
!!afk works
@SomeKittens Nobody cares.
do they literally puff up?
@Retsam plz have a look on this article, you will find it interesting conceptf1.blogspot.com/2013/11/javascript-closures.html
@RUJordan puffers generally only puff before they die
it is a last ditch defense mechanism
@ThiefMaster Is there any way you can lift my chat suspension on meta chat?
"most pet owners talk to their pets."

Could be a pet-based game slogan
@rlemon Maybe some do..
@dievardump Ooh, yeah, it really could
But Steve was different
@rlemon dang I didn't know that. I've been misled by Spongebob and Finding Nemo this whole time
Steve did more than just talk to his pets
Who's Steve ?
(I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Take it where you will)
Steve is the protagonist of the pet-based game you're making!
Ours just did it for fun it seemed even. They'd just float around and every once in awhile puff up.
Come to the C# room to meet him
C#? Sorry, I stopped masochism.
@Retsam that was great
Steve shall come.
And not just because half this room went to find him
lol who the hell is steve
sounds like a coy fellow
> Refer w3schools for more info . IT is the best resource out there.
He's an ex-marine, don't fuck with him
Q: what is practical difference between class and id in css?

katamarani4here is my html&css code,both,class and id is same in action,and I can't find difference between them,can you give me practical example please? image -► https://i.sstatic.net/msFT2.png

1 message moved to Trash can
Holy shit.. I just tried to star @SomeGuy, and I freaking starred "haha" twice because the chat moved >=(
@rlemon Yeah, I really love that video
@SomeGuy <3 That series
How often do tag scores update?
Haha Louis C.K. is awesome
this is my new 'omg how did I never see this before' TV show
<3 "Fool Us" as well. Pretty sure I've seen every episode.
Penn & Teller are my heroes
I just discovered it
It's brilliant
There's some stupid-awesome sleight of hand
it is. some of the tricks I think I see.. others i'm just like.... god
I found out what Steve does to his pets.
When I went to Vegas last year, Penn & Teller was one of the shows I absolutely had to see.
And it was awesome.
@RUJordan Do you like it?
@rlemon Did you see that awesome canadian guy?
Well, I found it hilarious :P
@KendallFrey That guy was amazing
have only seen like 3 episodes
come on
I did see one canadian guy
penn kept making the joke that the cards were not canadian
... I've discovered a flaw in the "in-line YouTube" script
yes, that's the guy
@RyanKinal you can't bin, flag, etc.
it is known.
@RyanKinal go on?
@rlemon Nope. My video has now scrolled off the screen.
@RyanKinal well yea. :P
you want it to be sticky?
Nah, it doesn't make sense. It's just something I didn't think about.
welp, i'll look into it later.
maybe a 'active videos' little icon added if a video is playing that will scroll you back to the video
@rlemon That series looks interesting!
@rlemon Have you ever heard of Apollo Robins?
Never heard of it before
in C#, 3 mins ago, by Tom W
are we going to have a steady stream of JS-Bros coming in here looking for Steve?
@rlemon Brilliant pickpocket. Read an interview with him a while back, and was very very impressed.
@RyanKinal Ah, yeah
He had a huge article about him
Q: typeof Function.prototype and Object.prototype

Anup VasudevaI have got following two observations: The statement: Object.prototype.toString.call(Object.prototype) gives me ["object Object"], where as Object.prototype.toString.call(Function.prototype) gives me ["object Function"]. Why is the difference? As per my understanding, every function inherits fro...

Funny picture. Shame odds are if that's real at least someone in that picture got capped.
@rlemon That guy looks familiar
Plot twist, that's not a real cop.
Secondary plot twist! He's reverse pickpocketing.
So twist. Much plot. Wow!
Very wow
Notice the rod held by the man behind him... And how the girl is gently touching it.
I think that's a railing
I was gonna say.. Get off his pool stick.
JavaScript Prototype property and inheritance conceptf1.blogspot.com/2013/11/…
@ZaheerAhmed post it once more, and get flagged
@RyanKinal thanks for sharing
Wow. Much Links. Such blog. Very spam.
@JanDvorak I've been wondering, how is that last name pronounced? Is it a soft 'D' or do they kind of flow together?
@RUJordan It is like the name Dvorah. Flows right through. I think.
@RUJordan all letters are pronounced
hard D, if it means what I think it does
Spell-nounce it for me. Is it like, Duh-vor-ack? (not a lot of emphasis on the duh, but enough enunciation)
lol hard d
@JanDvorak Is it a reference to Dvorak?
Or is it your name?
Or... both?
@RyanKinal I am pretty sure it is his name, no @JanDvorak ?
@RyanKinal same surname, different person
That was kinda my guess
I apologize if this brought too much unwanted attention to you lol
also unrelated to the composer
or any of these
Dvořák or Dvorak is a common Czech surname, originally referring to a rich landowner with a manor house (Czech dvůr, cognate with Polish dwór). It is the fourth most common surname in the Czech lands. Dvořák or Dvorak may refer to: People Dvořák or Dvorak * Ann Dvorak (1912–1979), American film actress * Antonín Dvořák (1841–1904), Czech composer of Romantic music * August Dvorak (1894–1975), American psychologist, co-creator of the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard * Bill Dvořák (born 1958), American pioneering whitewater rafter * Dusty Dvorak, American volleyball player * Franz Dvorak, (1...
Do you have a manor house?
I'm Robert Lemon, of the Oxford Lemons.
nope, just a flat
More house than I have lol
Oh lol
not my own, even
I rent.. it's only like $575/month though
kinda small 2 bedroom apartment
Yeah that's the setup I had.
@RUJordan lucky
Not really. I live with my brother and his gf of 4 years and their 2 dogs. We're out of space, one of the dogs bark, and they bicker so much. (All couples bicker, it just annoys the crap out of me because it's all such stupid arguments)
I love them to death, but I need my space

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