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is there any way to force JSON to maintain order?
when it is in my flask app, it's in the right order, but when it transfers over to the js side it's screwy. Which is to be expected. Just hoping there's some kind of quick fix
hey peopl
Order of objects?
hey people
@Crowz what?
Objects don't have an order
@GNi33 so I have a OrderedDict like {'092013':10, '102013':11, '112013':12} and it looks like that when printed (because it's an OrderedDict) but when it comes over to JS it's like {'112013':12, '102013':11, '092013':10}
Objects don't have an order
my question is really; can you FORCE an object to have order? You can in python
No, but you could make tupels and then sort it
@Crowz Why would you expect JSON to end up screwy with JS? Lol
@Jhawins I knew it would it's just a pain tbh
I always grin when copy re-posts what he said.
@Crowz How is is screwy? It should be fine
@Crowz I can see how that would be a problem, while iterating over the object
You may just have to manually sort it in JS
@Crowz The problem has to be how you're "importing" (bad word) the JSON to JS.
That or, like Shea said, you can re-sort it in JS easily. Especially if the values are incremental like that.
What is this data?
month/year and a value with it
So you have 12 values in JSON like that, and you're trying to keep them in order in JS. Right?
If so, revisit whatever you're writing from the core. I doubt there's a legitimate reason to do this hahaha. If there is I'd love to hear it.
That or just use an array.
Damn it's going to be forever before I get my javascript badge :(
Whoa, my codepen jumped up like 100 views today
!!> [102013: 11, 112013: 12, 092013: 10].sort()
@Jhawins "SyntaxError: missing ] after element list"
!!c> [102013: 11, 112013: 12, 92013: 10].sort()
@phenomnomnominal Could not process input. Error: decimal literal '092013' must not be prefixed with '0' on line 8
@phenomnomnominal [{"102013":11,"112013":12,"92013":10}]
wtf discovery! // ps what about people who have fingers of same height -_-
Q: Visiting a site turns the system unresponsive

That Brazilian Guy Important: Several SuperUser regulars are currently trying to narrow down the scope and cause of this issue. We are currently seeking willing volunteers to fill out the form here after performing the following test: Install or start a recent version of Firefox (say, 24.x or 25.x; beta would ...

some SVG kills FF

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
their chat is discussing it right now
@Jhawins "SyntaxError: missing ] after element list"
!!eval [102013: 11, 112013: 12, 092013: 10].sort()
Oh yeah. Oops
Stupid parts of JS like this.
@AbhishekHingnikar left hand: ring and index are more or less the same for me. Right hand, ring finger is longer
@rlemon mine are visibly of smae length
but then i have tiny hands :-( most of this shit doesnt affect me
well if I shift my hand a bit I can make one longer or the other
but I am pretty sure they are the same
Love how that guy came in here asking for help, was starting to be helped, and disappeared.
I would take a picture but I am a nail biter and am ashamed of my hands.
My hands are all scarred up from childhood. Snakebite.. hamster bite.. nail through my palm.. butterfly knife (college), linoleum cutter (art class..) and multiple small thorn cuts
My ring finger is a good .25" longer than my indexes.
Hands = hand. Surprisingly it's only my right hand that's like.. destroyed.
And I'm a lefty too.
if I lay my left hand naturally on the keyboard my ring is longer. but when held in front of my face they look the same.
I think there needs to be a standard hand position to test this on
Holy shit! Mega optical illusion.
They look exactly the same when facing my palm. Turn my hand around and there's a huge difference.
I can just see one of our bosses walking by as we all stare at our hands
anyone selling btc? i'll pay $250 for 1 btc :P
!!google btc
bitcoins are worth $1000 today :-)
shush :D
oh bitcoins
seriously, i'm really tempted to buy just one... and then hope for it to rise even further
@Jhawins my wife in this case
(it's 9pm here)
@ThiefMaster Hehe
@ThiefMaster Yeah if you hand deliver the cash.
@FlorianMargaine What?! Hahahahahahah! I didn't cash out yet!! Holy shit!!
Did you guys see the dude who bought like $27 worth when they started out?
Hahahahaha. Fuck this. I bought in when coins were $130 :D. I'm cashing out, now.
Bought himself a 800k house...
@Jhawins hold onto it duh
@phenomnomnominal Not when the price drops. Haha
I bought 80 btc for $1/each and bought a video card with it back in the day. Had I kept them I'd have $80K
Holy shit, large amounts of money coming out of nothing!
it's almost like it's a currency!
Like the value of it is based on people giving it value.
LiteCoin has quadrupled in price as well and it's only $16usd/ltc right now.
Just no one talks about it.
If you're looking to take a small gamble I'd buy up some LTC and sit on them. The black markets have had talk of implementing LTC I hear, so prices are likely to skyrocket.
How do you buy LTC?
@RUJordan It'll take you hours to get it sorted out if you've never dealt with these currencies before. Shits a mess right now because of all the fraud and paypal chargebacks.
Ah, not worth my time then. I'd be too confused. I have no idea how they even work
Unless a decent exchange has shown up.
Yeah, I was an early adopter of BTC for no reason other than it made me feel cool as a kid. So I'm used to it :P
@ThiefMaster ask on twitter to general_seven
they are working on a btc project he might be :P
or he might find som1 who will be (:
@AbhishekHingnikar huh?
@AbhishekHingnikar: i don't think anyone in his right mind will sell 1 btc for that amount ;)
is chrome trolling me
!!> (function(){return 1})()
returns nothing in chrome console
well Virgin Galactic is now accepting BTC
uninstall chrome
Quite a few places are now. It just sucks that the price is so high right now when I'm ready to buy-in to LTC. Easiest way to get LTC is with BTC haha.
you can break up bitcoins in I don't remember the name though right?
Break up?
@FlorianMargaine millibitcoins
@Jhawins $1 50cents etc...
Normally BTC is used in up to 6 decimals. Nobody uses full coins.
You can transfer any amount down to a pretty good specificity. I don't know what the actual smallest possible transfer is though.
So, BTC are sure worth a lot, but how well do they sell for at market prices?
People usually want BTC for anonymity, mostly for drugs. Because of this you can sell BTC at prices up to $100 higher than the normal price if you offer personal transactions. Like on localbitcoins.
If you sell BTC and actually accept PayPal you can charge upwards of a 10% fee.
@Jhawins Sorry, but you are talking rubbish.
When were BTC introduced? At this much per coin, I wonder how long it took to hit that marker
Some are used for purchasing drugs, but its a small percentage of the transactions.
I have a friend not far from here who goes to Notre Dame and makes a living selling BTC. He just bought a 2009 Eclipse with the cash. He just buys it legitimately with his bank account and then sells it for cash/bank deposits/gift cards/all kinds of things. He's making well over 6 figures.
Doesn't sound like a stable market
@AbhishekHingnikar That's full of shit. From the palm facing out, my index finger is longer, from the back of my hand facing out, my ring finger is longer
On both hands
@mikedidthis Do you have any idea what the daily volume of transactions is on just 1 of the now popular black market sites?
Absolutely, everyone who does bitcoins makes tons of money, and nobody ever loses
@mikedidthis No one could tell you for sure. But it's likely that the majority of transactions are drug related, whether it be tumbling before/after or even actually purchasing drugs/other black market items.
@Jhawins a) your comment referred to transaction in general, not specific to black markets b) gambling has been reported to take a higher percentage that buying illegal drugs with bitcoins c) anyone can google
@mikedidthis Hahahaha
In fact throw in money laundering as well.
How hard is it to get a bitcoin from like.. surveys? Is there a catch?
@mikedidthis That's the thing. It's all black-market related in the end. The gambling is mostly for laundering money, not actual gambling.
@Jhawins pretty sure the world has more gambling addicts than drug addicts. What I am trying to say is your making statements, again, with nothing to back it up. You said it yourself.
Poor Jordan thinks that bitcoins == drug money now :D
A. I don't have any reason to believe you've done anything but Google this. B. You obviously underestimate the illegal activities of the world. C. I am a regular user of BitCoin for multiple purposes. I used to sell them as well.
And here I just wanted drugs :(
@Shea Apricots are people too!
!!afk signing my life over
@Jhawins so what you are saying is "I use BTC for drugs and drugs alone"
@rlemon What I'm saying is "I have sold hundreds of BitCoins to dozens of people I have never met, knowing that 9/10 of them was buying them with the sole intention of buying drugs"
Obviously when I had a fair volume of BitCoins I checked out the "gambling" sites and such. They're made for money laundering, that's it. Most of them anyway.
@Jhawins so to clarify, your customers said 'I want to buy bit coins to buy drugs'? Or you are guessing / presuming?
I think I read an article, or maybe watched a video, recently about homeless people spending their time mining bitcoins and using them to buy food.
well recent news is saying because of the demise of silkroad more people are using it for gambling now
@rlemon ignore that, @Jhawins knows.
@rlemon There are new markets up and running with more volume than the Silk Road ever had.
So should I invest in bitcoins?
go look at BetCoin
No. The time to invest is past.
@Domecraft Absolutely not
I thought homeless people invested in bitcoins
I mean, if you google it there is an overwhelming amount of financial resources that say gambling is the new thing with bitcoins
@mikedidthis These are stupid questions. If I bought/sold drugs and laundered thousands of dollars through BitCoin I wouldn't be able to say that I did. Nor would you believe me without me producing incriminating evidence against myself. I didn't do anything like that, I obviously have no idea what I'm, talking about.
I completely would agree that before the public demise of silkroad this probably wasn't the case... and probably will not remain the case. but dems da facts from da googles
@rlemon Money laundering.
Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Code you haven't written doesn't do the trick. — Jan Dvorak 14 secs ago
@JanDvorak You taste just like raisin.
@Jhawins its not even that, but you seem to know about everything. If some one in here says something, you know or have done it.
@CapricaSix Okay not yet
@Shea My spoon is too big!
> At least half of bitcoin trans. are going into gambling
You set up multiple accounts and spread your BTC out. Then you lose to yourself. How do you think the vendors from the black market cash out their BTC?
@CapricaSix You need a bigger mouth
> Recently we noted that illegal drug purchases are around half a percent of Bitcoin transactions, which is far from the existential threat that it has been made out to be. Instead, the most common usecase for Bitcoin is online gambling.
@mikedidthis About this one, I'm pretty sure I know more about it than anyone else in this room. That or they just haven't said anything.
How do people know that half of bitcoins are going towards gambling? I thought bitcoins weren't tracked
again, I can believe that it may have been the case a little bit ago.
but the new reports show the trends are changing
@rlemon You can't actually tell what they're being used for.... At all. Just that they were transfered from a to b at $time with $note.
posted on November 27, 2013 by Peter Beverloo

The Blink, Chromium, v8 and Skia repositories saw 2,019 changes last week, made by a total of 419 authors. This update discusses them up to revision r237097. Execution of failed <script crossorigin> references will now be blocked. The second argument to CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() has been made optional again because of compatibility issues. Sigbjørn fixed the event sequencing […]

@Jhawins noted and all statements retracted. The room learned today that bitcoins are used mostly for buying illegal drugs.
@Jhawins if a financial site cannot hold pull to 'tell me' where they are being spent, what makes you more qualified to know they are going for laundering / drugs? you just defeated your own argument.
I still don't see how they can track where the bitcoins are going to
@Domecraft blockchain.info
There's no way to win this argument.
and yet you try
Even if I was some "deepwebz" drug vendor, or was part of a back-end team for a black market, I couldn't say anything about it.
@Jhawins if you were, you wouldn't be on here or employed full time.
I'm not. So too bad, I really have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm just making up BS info as I go.
well people who get payed to report on these types of things are telling us that it recently switched from drugs to gambling.
I'm going to believe them
I see why.
Anyway, my comments are retracted, I just think its a shame you think bitcoin == drug money.
This is so confusing.. mining coins.. transactions.. hashes.. this is overwhelming
I don't think I'll be investing in BTC simply because I can't understand how to get them lol
@mikedidthis Well, I know of a member who has been in this room before that is, he also has a Full Time job.
But, like I said, I can't actually provide any evidence at all. There's no point.
chrome and ff, that's like girls you want to take good part of it and assemble
I got a buddy who is a drug dealer. He loves his job. in the lab all day mixing up prescriptions and shit.
No offense intended to anyone. Not trying to be a know-it-all. Conversation over.
^ that.
@Retsam ^ this is how we have a debate in this room about pointless things and still remain adults.
just so you know we do have our limits
What happened with Retsam?
when we muted connor.js he didn't like our mute reason (well more specifically my verbiage "no more pointless stupid arguments" )
He got muted again?
On a side note, I love the concept/idea behind BitCoin, and I often have some on hand. If anyone wants to know anything about it, Google it, because I'm not having this discussion again. Haha
Now if anyone wants to buy the coins I have I would definitely sell them. Haha
@mikedidthis yup. came in and asked who believes in the moon landing. I warned another afternoon of conspiracy crap wasn't happening today. He ignored me, somekittens was involved and muted him. I took the flac from some users -> he didn't let it rest in the sandbox.
in a summary
but i'm a liar and shit. so better not read the transcripts :P
I started spouting nonsense in the sandbox to try and spark a conversation with him. I figured I can troll a troll as much as I want in the sandbox right?
@rlemon I find it fascinating that in 1969 it would have been harder to fake the moon landing than actually do it.
he will hear you
@phenomnomnominal They had movies before then.
@KendallFrey yes, but making it appear like they were walking in low gravity was pretty much impossible
Surely they had high speed cameras too
@Esailija we're almost done
@BenjaminGruenbaum what did you mean earlier about dynamic this?
I still wish I could a successful use of bind(this)
this.send(data, function(response){
@NaN what are you talking about mr. no context?
@Esailija nevermind, I figured it out. I did have a problem with the traces though.
@rlemon exact thanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum can you describe
@Esailija that's the framework we work with messing up with the natives so - can't really expect much. Not your fault.
@rlemon uh, how does he survive in the PHP room? :D
the this context precisely
oh.. what kind of framework?
Overall - the code is a lot tidier now and fast enough in IE8
hmm I would be surprised if promises had any effect on browser perf
it's not like you create thousands of them concurrently? :P
like on the server
Yeah, of course.
@Esailija it's something called crossrider. I wasn't involved in the decision since I'm a better architect than a frontend engineer and there were bigger things. Also, we were under the impression the guy who did the coding knew his shit.
Since then we have a much stricter code review policy. Me and a frontend engineer spent the last day (and I started three day ago) converting a 50000 LoC code base into something that's actually testable, readable and maintainable.
quick poll: what is the worst way to create an array of strings (known at compile time) that can still be attributed to stupidity?
cross rider seems popular
@Esailija it solves a really big issue for us - we can develop across browsers with little overhead. The problem is it's magic, and I hate frameworks.
They're worth it often, but I still hate them ^^.
@JanDvorak strings = []; strings["0"] = "bar"; /* ... */
yea I didn't even know something like that existss
@copy don't forget to put a .length
@JanDvorak Maybe strings = []; strings[strings.length-1] = "foo";
@copy you can get worse
Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving, right?
strings = new Array(), ...
can you get even worse?
strings = "string1 | string2 ...".split(/ \| /)
new Array("foo","bar","baz");
@BenjaminGruenbaum is that actually worse?
@copy hmm...
@Esailija In a few days - you can say you have a company using your library with over 10 thousand users in a real production app people pay for ^^
exciting ^^
@Shea Oh wow, that was over a month ago
I actualyl oculd already say that since I rewrote our node code to bluebird: D
Hello, everyone! Can someone please help me with npm test or point me to a good guide detailing how to use it? I mean the command line tool, not the test cases themselves.
@JeffHaines I'm pretty sure it does matter. W3schools teaches document.write. W3Schools teaches new Array and new Object. W3Schools teaches <br/>. W3Schools fails to show indentation. Their way of creating an array of strings is the worst possible one (literally, unless you include stuff that is intentionally bad). Good way: ["monday", "tuesday"]. Bad way: new Array("monday", "tuesday"). W3Schools way: a=new Array(); a[0]="monday"; a[1]="tuesday". — Jan Dvorak 9 mins ago
    analytics.disableForIsrael().then(function () {
        return model.loadClient();
    }).then(function (c) {
        client = c;
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 0); // prefetch list of searchable stocks.
        return setPermissionsAndDetectFirstUsage(client);
    }).then(loadUserId).then(function (c) {
        var uiFuture = initializeUserInterface(c);
        var servicesFuture = initializeServerData(c, pageDataParser);
@Esailija do you have any idea how that code looked without promises?
I don't wanna :D
what's with the timeout though? no delay?
uiFuture and servicesFuture are each 20 LoC, serious logic. Lots of it all around.
Before, the "devleoper" who worked on the code had two global variables for the race conditions between the callbacks - isUiReady and isServices ready -_- , also - there was no straightforward way to tell what the actual code paths are.
@phenomnomnominal that is great
The only thing I don't like is that it starts with the analytics - but sadly there is a limitation forcing that :/
!!Are people woring with javaee7 accepted here?
@NaN Indeed
@NaN we don't mind people working with it - after all people need to make money. We just don't like talking about it.
ok out-od-context leaves
@phenomnomnominal that is the best
Google is actually using Java a lot
@NaN when the language you use a lot causes you to build another language - you must be satisfied :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I mean why mix callbacks and promises :P
the language itself is crappy indeed
Java has some of the best libraries, and it's free and mature. It just sucks. Its problem domain is mainly widely uninteresting.
@Esailija First and foremost - because I'm porting it in stages. I can't port it all at once - each phase gets tested too.
it looks like people at Oracle can't advance at the same pace than other technologies
@phenomnomnominal @mikedidthis youtube.com/watch?v=kjEtzvgBGoY
just watch it please
I can just put it after the last .spread too
oh it is short and funny
you will not be disappointed.
^ see above
Also, the rest of his code wasn't good - so it's not really a fair fight in callback vs promise land.
@rlemon That was amazing, this changes everything
> v8 switched the Math.random() implementation to JavaScript, and will now always inline it.
Well, actually, no, not really.
> Web Fonts downloads will now be initiated immediately after style recalculation, rather than queuing it during layout, often reducing download latency by more than 100ms.
But it should
@BenjaminGruenbaum btw
in ES6, =>-functions
@phenomnomnominal now never give it up
are awesome.. like so awesome that promises with them seem better than generators
@Esailija yes, ES6 =>s totally solve my problem
Oh yea, I really like them too ^^
@Esailija have you followed the recent arrow functions with generator discussion on esdiscuss?

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