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I'll mess around in a sandbox room, thanks!
@RyanKinal You were "aggressively pursued" by a he? And you're not that way?
@RUJordan Yeah... not for me. Strong, independent, feminist, "I don't give a shit what people think" women are my type.
@Jhawins Oh, I thought you were still talking about her.
Yeah, I'm single.
And have been for a couple years now.
Don't get me wrong I love an independent woman, but not to the point where everything is a mans fault.
There's equality feminist (great), and then there's anti-men feminist (not so great)
@RyanKinal Haha, no, I meant you.
Also, I have not recently been aggressively pursued by any men.
Just to be clear.
^ Yet
Even the equality one isn't preferable for me. The people with a mindset of "everyone should be treated equal" annoy me. You don't need that mind set, that's just how life works, the extra thought they put into things like that is insane when they could just be normal haha.
Bad wording.
Not the mindset, but the obsessive equality kicks are nuts.
> kicks are/our nuts
!!s/s are/ed in the/
Q: obfuscate javascript file without quotes

Alvaro ParraI would like to obfuscate my quote but my obfuscated code always gets with quotes, i need it without quotes does anyone have an idea of how to deal with quotes or a good webpage where i can obfuscate. var _0xf0ee=["\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3A\x2F\x2F\x69\x6E\x63\x6F\x6C\x6C\x65\x63\x74\x2D\x71\x61\x2E...

@Jhawins kicked in the nuts (source)
Meh. I just try to treat everybody as well as I can treat them.
Interesting question
Yeah, I just try to treat everybody well. No need to overthink it.
Why would you need to obfuscate without quotes?
I smell eval
Maybe you could use window.btoa and window.atoa to base64 it, but that still won't get rid of the string quotes
My code: Trust and respect by default. Fuck you if you fuck me over.
@Jhawins Yep
@copy copy is clever
I mean, just, as a rule. copy is clever.
If I were, why didn't I write a book yet?
I could redirect the QR codes on our magazine to something hilarious for a few hours and see how many people call in. Or I could do actual work. The first would probably get me in trouble.
I tried to answer that question @RUJordan
Taking suggestions on what hilarious thing to redirect dozens of users to temporarily -Just in case I do
it's thanksgiving today?
not in Canada
what happens in C# if you await something that is not a Task
It's thanksgiving tomorrow. It's always on a Thursday.
ah :)
@RyanKinal I have :(
:13192878 Who knows. We distribute 12K+ papers a week and they all have QR codes on them. The QR code is linked to a redirect script so it can be changed to whatever, whenever.
@Jaxo I get tomorrow off though :)
@Jhawins rick astley
@Jhawins That's sweet! No idea what you could redirect to without getting in trouble though
Our audience is hilarious (mostly stoned musicians, not kidding, they're always fucking stoned on the phone) and calls in about all kinds of things. It gets used at least once every hour. This time of day probably a few dozen this hour.
Rick Astley is a perfect idea
It's also a perfect company slogan
"Why is your slogan Rick Astley?" "Because we're never going to give you up, or let you down, or hurt you."
I could link them to my insult generator... But that would get me in trouble haha
@rlemon I have in the past... but not recently
Hey guys. I found quite a few questions about it on SO but I figure you guys might know more. Is there any way to drag DOM elements from one window to another in Chrome?
Time for a randomly generated insult. Please don't flag me, as it will probably be very rude.
Yikes, that's some next-level dragging
nice one
@qwertynl not that I know of
If it's on the same domain, maybe you could set a value in localStorage that contains all the information about the div
@Jhawins or use sandbox.
Assuming localStorage updates automatically
Then, whenever that value changes, load the div and activate the drag
@FlorianMargaine That is very annoying... Then I have to figure out something different for out app
@qwertynl Did you see my "solution"? Honestly don't know if it'll work but it's worth a shot
I wouldn't use localStorage, I think postMessage on mouseleave will do just fine . Send all necessary date with it, like geometry, mouse offset etc. create a new div in another tab which has the cursor and you're done
Oh neat, didn't know about postmessage
implementing postMessage listeners in all tabs.. should be not too hard to create some generic version
@jAndy Do you have an example?
@jAndy :-P
will code for food!
I also accept women
@jAndy Food? Are you in NY?
so it looks like window has an event called message that sends an object with the message details
Why is that? don't they have food there ?
@Jaxo right but you need to know the other window in your code to send the message
right, so you'd have to somehow open it programatically or establish some kind of connection
maybe use ahem localStorage to store a handle to the window
@Jaxo How do I "establish a connection"?
Well, in the mozilla link I posted, they're using a window/popup example
@Jaxo yea I saw.
the window creates the popup, therefore storing it as an object
somehow you have to get that object to use with postmessage
no idea how
Well @jAndy just said I need to create a new div in the tab that the cursor is in. How does my code know what tab to send the message to?
another good question... I'm at a loss
even if you were to use my original method of localStorage, you'd still have no way of knowing which tab
@jAndy ?
Oh god 35% battery without a phone charger.. that's never fun.
@RUJordan I have a phone charger. What type of phone?
maybe the original idea using the localStorage is better as postMessage then, write an entry to the LS when the cursor blurs the document in a window/tab
and have listeners on mousemove in all tabs/windows you want to track
And open it when the window is re-focused
that works too
iphone 4s
@RUJordan 35% lasts me almost a day
My coworker has a charger I'll ask to borrow after lunch
@KendallFrey if I don't check twitter or iFunny I think I'll be alright
@jAndy ahhh! So confusing!
@AbhishekHingnikar is this what got flagged? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/13191421#13191421
But would the window ever receive the blur event if an object is being dragged?
@Jaxo I don't think it would actually.
And the other window wont get focus. Unless I am missing something.
maybe you could write to localStorage on dragStart (or equiv.) and load on window.mousemove
or no, that would create an infinite loop
@Jaxo write to localStorage on window unload
my brain hurts, nevermind
its not actually. I guess you'd need a listener for "mousedown" (store click offset of cursor), listener for "mouseout" (write an entry to LS) and a listener to "mouseenter" (check the LS if a drag is in progress)
What are you trying to do?
if there is a clickoffset entry available, you just create a new div based on the data you stored and set the cursor offset also
would the drag progress be carried over to a different window, though?
Sorry to keep punching holes :(
you will need to code that yourself
@jAndy but there is no mouseout on drag. No?
if there is any active dragging data, you need to create a new div, set its dimensions/offsets based on stored data and let it follow the cursor
!!afk something
@Jhawins Hurry back, ok?
@rlemon care to explain the use of localStorage from Caprica?
@qwertynl what do you mean? mouseout on document or document.body should do it
maybe even window itself
Damn, saw that ping about the flags too late.. I stil have the JS console open but the information I logged are already gone.
There seems to be a few things here. 1 being localStorage.bot_ban //"rlemon"
Anyway, it is indeed a good example why flagging is broken assuming jhawins wasn't the one flagging it
2 being that bot_learn is holding a command I taught the bot over a month ago.
> recent badges: Populist
@Jhawins what do you mean?
@jAndy K. I will play around...
@ThiefMaster for how long a feature needs to be broken until SE does react ?
localStorage holds all commands, all users information (seen, muted, banned, etc)
That's nothing I or other mods really have an influence on ;x
@rlemon I should preface this by saying that I know nothing about localStorage.
I've always treated localStorage like convience-cookies
probably wrong, but it's super-easy to write and read from
@rlemon But that's local to you right? Your localStorage is holding everything because you're running the bot?
@Jhawins I thought you'd never come back!
Is this left from when I was running it myself??
@ThiefMaster nice badge ;)
I'm 56 days from another gold badge, assuming I don't fuck up my login streak
@rlemon nevermind. I stupid.
!!afk pizza
@RUJordan Just go already!
@RUJordan What's your streak?
@Jhawins lol, you should really look into localStorage
is awsm
@ThiefMaster yea... I'm curious per validate vs invalidate. how does that exactly work. if there are three flags on it, and I invalidate from my end.... what does that mean? 4 flags, 1 invalid? 3 flags? how many flags until the system auto-bans? how many invalid flags are needed until it is removed from the flag queue?
if this is explained in meta I couldn't find it
i guess (valid - invalid) must be >8
it would be nice then if the system showed me the invalid counts as well as the total valid counts
atm it seems it only lists the valid counts
if I see 4 valid, 2 invalid. I'm more likely to question the flag
at least as a mod i do get websocket notifications for counterflags, too (including usernames which are not shown anywhere in the UI)
in JamExchange FM39.426, yesterday, by rlemon
@ThiefMaster the threshold is apparently 6, which is reduced by invalid flags (which count for 1 or 1/2, don't remember) and not sures (which count for something like 1/4)
now in other news... that website is freaking badass man
play around with the controls to see exactly what you are looking at
i still have the script running which is supposed to log details about flags+counterflags.. but apparently it stopped working after some time when i kept the console closed...
sucks a bit that i missed the last flags ~2 hours ago
> and not sures (which count for something like 1/4)
ugh, they count, too? that totally makes sense!
hm, maybe i should implement the logging stuff in nodejs... shouldn't be too hard to open a websocket connection there.. that way i don't have to keep the console open all the time
Just had a thought. What about also showing the 'invalid' and 'not sure' counts instead of just the valid counts. If I see that 4 people found it valid, and 2 found it questionable, 1 found it not valid... I'm probably going to question the flag a bit more and look into why it was flagged to begin with. I know it doesn't solve the issue, but I think it would be a small improvement that might help with flag quality. — rlemon 6 secs ago
> This is the fourth bounty we (chat users) put on this question in a row. We want some response from the site staff.
@BenjaminGruenbaum nice bounty reason
brb coffee
what are the chances that 2 cars 996-MTH and 997-MTH are parked just next each other? sources
about 50/50
Are they, or aren't they?
still there, or not?
1/(10^3*26*26*13) if we consider current last car is 999-MZZ
o didn't see it's 2 toyota also
proba of 2 cars of same brand= 1/( ∏p_i²) where p_i is proportion of each brand in state or country
Anyone here believe in the moon landing?
Q: Javascript object construction differences

zero298Posted this on Stack Overflow and was told this was more of a style question and to come here. Nonetheless, whenever I create a Javascript "class" I do something like this: // Definition function MyObject() { this.id = 0; this.legs = 2; } MyObject.prototype = { walk: function() { ...

@connor.js About as much as I 'believe' in the Washington Monument.
@SomeKittens On a serious note, do you or do you not?
This room is conspiracy theory free today. If you want to banter about this crap take to a new room. Thanks.
I can't conceive of a situation where that question could be asked seriously, barring severe brain trauma.
∑ not product of course^
1 min ago, by rlemon
This room is conspiracy theory free today. If you want to banter about this crap take to a new room. Thanks.
Remember our policy on not pinging random members with stupid questions?
@SomeKittens Yeah I do, however it's not a stupid question..
Yeah, but other than pinging, I don't see reason for particular topics to be outlawed.
Okay; I don't see a reason for this particular topic to be outlawed.
Wow they changed NYS licenses again @rlemon
Unless there's something special about today that makes it "no random crap" day?
here is mine
@Retsam It's not random, I'm sure it was brought up yesterday, so I was just reconfirming who does and who doesn't
Discussing the moon landing in a room called "Javascript" is random.
@Retsam In that case 99% of the conversation in here is random.
Yeah. That's sort of my point.
yesterdays discussion spiraled into a debate that was pointless (like most are with connor) and I don't want to have it happen again. If you guys want to debate these things in another room go right ahead.
@Retsam Do you believe in the moon landing?
@Retsam It's not the topic, we don't encourage the postmodernist style of argumentation
ignoring the person who controls access as they ask you to stop a discussion in this room is probably not going to end well for you
@SomeKittens It's just a question.
^ They never believe its me in that pic :-(
Does anyone have an example of reusable method for createElement('div')? I'm making a lot of them and its getting tedious (and bloaty)
@connor.js How stupid do you think I am?
very ;)
everyone knows cats are stupid
function gievDiev() { return document.createElement("div"); }
@SomeKittens Well, isn't that what answers determine? :)
@jbolanos use a templating lib ?
or just use jade :D -> me likes jade !
!!mute 1907358 1d
@SomeKittens Muted user 1907358 for 1d
my access control was already open. no pointless stupid arguments in here today :)
Seriously, that type of discussion isn't welcome here.
@AbhishekHingnikar Ehh, whitespace formatting... (mistagged)
@copy Thanks - was thinking something like that but my tests were failing.
@rlemon I still think you're being a bit draconian, even if I don't really want to stand up for connor.js
Discussions about conspiracies are fine, discussions where you rebuke everyone who disagrees with you (without logic/proof/citations) are not.
can you mute congress?
@Retsam be in here previously to see the arguments that ensued. room owners have very little power in a room, but we are janitors. we bin messages / lock out the room from spiraling into a non-friendly environment.
Also, seriously, read some Wittgenstein.
Maybe it should have been phrased different than "no pointless stupid arguments"; cause those are pretty much standard here.
because you can compile the templates in pure javascript and use them :P, at lightspeed ... so u don't even need to load jade !
isn't JADE for node.js?
@jbolanos jade is pure js
I definitely agree that connor.js should have been muted, but the reason given felt like selective enforcement of rules, which is a major pet peeve of mine.
@jbolanos It's pretty associated with Node.js because it's often used/packaged with Express.js; but you can use jade anywhere, if you want.
Analysis of statistics on one of the biggest porn sites ^
@AbhishekHingnikar Unfortunately, the lead on this project is already having a fit because I include underscore, jquery, modernizr, and moment libraries. He seems to think its too much javascript for an all javascript app
@Retsam again, you have not seen what the owners / regulars have seen. You are more than welcome to go into the transcript for the past few months and see why we are less patient with him.
@jbolanos I agree with him. C is good enough for what you want to do.
troll the room once: shame on you
troll the room twice: shame on us
troll the room three times: fuck you, muted.
@rlemon Again, I'm not complaining about the outcome or the individual. I'm complaining about the reason given.
I'm just looking for a workaround for constantly doing:
var checkRow = document.createElement('div');
checkRow.id = 'checkRow';
@FlorianMargaine :p
@Retsam but you are taking that as a global reason and not a singular reason that will be understood by the person it was intended for
@jbolanos this is what functions are for
@jbolanos if you have jQuery
you can do $("<div></div>")
just got a samsung galaxy s4 for a penny
@Retsam You really have to have been here the last couple of days, at the right times, to understand
amazing deal on amazon right now
@Loktar chick ! thats awesome ! jkjk
It's not some random decision to be a dick
I don't like mixing jquery into my javascript functions if I can avoid it :)
@Reno old news is old :P
@Shea I really don't think I do; I get it; he's been a pain in the ass, let's mute him so he stops being a pain in the ass.
oh :(
always late to the party
@Retsam no you really do need to see the reasoning behind moderation before you question moderation
in all seriousness.
@Reno better late than never
@rlemon I actually understand moderation. I was a moderator on a game (well, glorified chatroom) for several years, actually.
posted on November 27, 2013 by deannarubin

Updates to the Chrome Developer Tools: UI change, High-resolution JS profiling, Workspaces upgrades

then you should understand, you do need to see the reasons behind the decisions before you can complain about it :P
There was this cool website which post movie "hacker" lines
That's why I care; I think the reason given for moderator action is just as important as the outcome of that action.
I can't remember it gah
if you disagree with the verbiage then w/e - that isn't important at this point
@jbolanos thats using jQuery for templating
Yes, I know you had a different reason behind the action; but that wasn't the reason you gave for the action.
its perfectly legitimate
we (SomeKittens and I) saw what he was invoking and were not having any of it
whats better is you can just do $template = $("meh template_code");
and keep on cloning the template :P , which will even be faster
pointless stupid arguments was the best term I could muster that wasn't a paragraph and a half explaining why he is bad at debate and just causes arguments
@Retsam Well there is a transcript. You're more than welcome to read everything that's went on here in the last few days
@Shea I still fail to see how this is relevant. Yes. Connor.js = asshole. More than apparent. Doesn't change my opinion on how moderation should work.
not debating the verbiage used past the fact when you agree on the outcome is also a pointless stupid debate. :P
you are now arguing that you didn't like the verbiage used. === cool. idc. have a nice day :)
@rlemon And, see, the fact that we've had this pointless stupid debates and haven't both been muted, proves that the verbiage was a sham :P
@AbhishekHingnikar What's stored on the chip?/Do you have scanning systems for your licenses?
@Retsam pull me into three more of these, and have them last over an hour and you will be :)
Oh, maybe I just fail to understand what you're trying to say. I'll just go eat some breakfast then. :D
But yes; I've always been arguing that I don't like the verbiage. Because that's important with moderation.
Did I miss some fun?
@RUJordan You've got some balls, coming back here after what you did.
@Retsam normally I would agree. In this case it doesn't matter. It is done and over with.
@Loktar you bastard! AT&T + US only
@Jhawins Curroption
we don't have scanners :D :D but the license has a chip ;-)
I got mine via Verizon
and the chip is paid by TAX PAYER MONEY !
er on Verizon. But I assumed it was prob US only :?
@mikedidthis I'm almost certain you've heard of this, but I might as well share: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placebo
@AbhishekHingnikar Not mine. Every state is different here.
@mikedidthis And by extension, this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocebo
@Loktar I mean. I did just get a new phone... but for a penny.
@Jhawins here aswell
yeah fantastic deal
Im still using a droidx soo...
I needed a new phone lol
@AbhishekHingnikar They have scanners at some places. But it's just a barcode, no real chip. Sometimes they scan them when buying booze but that's it.
ok so I am (finally) sending that dev tablet back to ASUS
New subscription?
but I don't trust them so want to make an image of the hdd
@rlemon ASUS has a new address.
I'll send you it
@Loktar do you skyrim
It's in Indiana
anyone ever run into issue where regex with `.+` only goes to the last character?
IE regex is `(.+)` and word is "banana\r\n" but you only end up with "banan" captured in that group
@Owners -> Every time we mute @connor.js he pings me in other rooms and tries to start a debate again. just a FYI - I don't personally think he will ever function well in this room.
right now you can view his banter in the sandbox.
@RUJordan back when it first came out
spent 2 full weeks of my life playing it (when not at work)
lol, I've had that guy muted for ages
What's your favorite character style besides theif assassin?
yea well, i'm sick of his shit.
it was amusing for a time.
I always play woodland elves
ever since Daggerfall
well i guess I did do dark elf in Morrowind, but I still enjoyed archery
I couldn't get into DA so I never did Skyrim
When buying alcohol here they just scan the money
@AbhishekHingnikar What?
question: I need to make an image of the ssd on this windows tablet. any 'easy' way to do that on windows?
they scan your barcode when buying booze right :P
They scan the code on the back of the drivers' license yeah, some places anyway.
They scan your money?
yeah :P ... fake currency (: , and quantity (: ( if you can pay enough they will never ask how old are u )
Bitcoins worth $1000
Ah. Yeah every gas station clerk holds my 20s up to the light as if they're checking it. Most of them don't actually know what they're even looking for haha. Last night I got a case of Monster at Kroger and the guy held it up to the light and I shit you not said "Ya know, I have no fucking clue what I'm supposed to be looking for"
They rarely scan out ID's in California, so it's pretty easy for kids to get away with a fake ID
One of the most random ways someone has started a conversation with me. Vulgarity and all. I busted up laughing.
@Shea In Indiana at least you can just make your own barcode to match the IDs info. They don't poll a database or anything for data on your ID, all the data is stored on the barcode and they have no idea whether or not it's legitimate. Very pathetic system.
Saying this from extensive research mostly due to boredom. I don't make/use fake IDs.
Oh, that's how those work. It's probably the same here then.
Yeah I always thought they did a lot more. Like I could be traced by where my ID was scanned, but nope.
@rlemon qBurn a live CD haha
That's probably why they never bother to scan it
@Jhawins I'm just going to boot into linux
mount the drive on the device (somehow)
Oh, why the hell were you trying to do it in Windows then??
I have a window 8 tablet. If you remember me ranting about it
tl;dr - they sent me a dev unit. not usable by me, and no backup windows 8 image on it (because dev)
Ah. Nevermind, ASUS didn't change their address. I don't want it.
Nokia Lumia 525 -- Interesting Phone
the s/n didn't match so I was stuck with it according to the store - and asus didn't want to do anything because the s/n on my warrenty card wasn't the one on the device.
We are finally sending it to asus but want to document that we did in fact get a dev/qa unit. so i want to make a copy of everything on the tablet
there is a crap tonne of third party testing software and logs
Hahaha. Paradoxal warranty issues.
for a $700 tablet that isn't a great situation to be in
Need to send the tablet back because s/n doesn't match up. Need s/n to match to send tablet back. repeat
pretty much
also, the sn on the tablet doesn't register in their system :P
you would think that would raise red flags on their end. nope.
There may be something special about the tablet.. Could have new hardware they're testing of some sort? That would be cool.

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