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The Silence Will Fall .... Asleep.
            var servicesFuture = page.loadData(client).then(function(pageData) {
                return pageData;
            }, function() {/*unsupported website, got to rejection*/}).then(function(pageData){
                if (pageData === undefined || pageData === null) throw new Error("No page data loaded from fetch");
                return pageData;
OK. Seriously. I have to go.
This is the promise that is loadData =
console.log("Inside fetch data");
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        console.log("Inside fetch data promise");
        if ((!page.isSupported()) && (!page.isWebsiteReferral())) {
            reject(); // did not load page data

        var url = page.getRealUrl();
        console.log("Inside fetch data get real url");
        var isAdmin = ($.inArray(parseInt(client.userId), p.defines.adminUsers) >= 0) && (p.services.isInStaging());
        console.log("Inside here and isAdmin found")
It gets to "Inside fetch data get real url" and not to console.log("Inside here and isAdmin found")
And the result is getting Possibly unhandled Error: No page data loaded from fetch
So it resolves for some odd reason.
There is a reference error (p.defines ) but I don't get it at all - in fact it resolves.
!!afk train
@RUJordan Apricots are people too!
hm for some reason prepend isn't working for me in jquery
Is it possible to name an object literal :/?
you are throwing undefined as error? :P
no, I'm not.
It was a referencerror or something like that.
!!tell Crowz jquery prepend
Sure you're not using it as prependTo? That's a common mistake
@Shea what is the difference?
$(ele).prepend(newEle) and $(newEle).prependTo(ele) are equivalent
In both cases, ele becomes the parent of newEle
@Shea ah I see... basically what I do is get a big block of html with a method then do g.html(theHTML);, then since I want another bit of data to appear before it, I do g.prepend(myOtherElement);
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok I get it now it is not a bug but yet another consequence of deferred anti pattern
you manually call reject()
that rejects the promise
but doesn't behave like throw
because throw is like return reject() (returns from the function)
mmk, how would you write it?
Note I'm working with both callbacks and promises and gradually migrating.
@Crowz I would do console.log(myOtherElement); and check the console, to make sure myOtherElement is what you think it is
@Shea indeed it is. It works with append, but not prepend
loadData = Promise.method(function(){
        if ((!page.isSupported()) && (!page.isWebsiteReferral())) {
            throw new Error("No page data loaded from fetch");

        var url = page.getRealUrl();
        console.log("Inside fetch data get real url");
        var isAdmin = ($.inArray(parseInt(client.userId), p.defines.adminUsers) >= 0) && (p.services.isInStaging());
        console.log("Inside here and isAdmin found")
        if (p.defines.useMockupData) {
            return p.services.trace("ATTEMPT TO: loadMockupData(resolve);");
throw stops execution right away so you don't get to inside fetch data
@Crowz Ok, I'm gonna need to see a jsfiddle in that case
Promise method converts return values into promsies for that return value
and thrown exceptions into rejceted promises
dude is still arguing with me in root-access
@rlemon don't bother...
but now the argument has changed. It apparently was about legal vs lawfull and now has taken a full nose dive into "Canada pays tax to the crown. you don't know who runs your country"
@BenjaminGruenbaum it would be like me arguing about your history in Israel and the current state of affairs :P
@rlemon He's a troll, I'm pretty certain
Either that or high off his ass
@rlemon Why are you wasting your time with him?
i'm not anymore. was waiting for him to conclude his last argument before I refuted him
Also, hasn't it been an hour yet?
@Shea I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Shea
Where's the mute list? :/
eh, he argued canadians pay a tax to the crown. We don't, so I gave him the articles explaining it (if he read them) - then he turns around and asks out of the blue "so what is the last step before a bill becomes a law in Canada"
every time he is refuted he just asks another completely useless and off topic question
it was amusing for a time.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: how
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute 1 is 82
Thanks for the info. I'll go tell my math teacher that he is wrong
Here's my favorite part of the argument earilier:
1+1 =/= 2 but 83
3 hours ago, by connor.js
@rlemon Na, it's alright
He expects you to read, but when asked to read he won't
!!afk time to finally sleep ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hurry back, ok?
!!afk I didn't know what this was, but now I do.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute Apricots are people too!
That's just got troll written all over it
ohh yea
he is fun, but I had to leave him in root-access because we were taking up all the chat
I felt like we were disturbing them :/
I have a element ID like "reply_123"
How can I select all elements that match that pattern in regex
like $("#reply_[1-9]")
Yeah, just got done reading the transcript. Definite troll. He was trolling me yesterday, luckily @copy stepped in and slapped some sense into me.
He plays on words to find new ways to reignite the same exact thing that had just been said
It's like... "You're dumb" "No you're dumb" "No you are" over and over, but disguised in just the right way to keep you from noticing
If it were up to me....
I have two links, one on each of the two pages with the same javascript code but I just change the element id name and one page works and the other doesn't
!!mute 1907358 9999h
@Shea I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Shea
<a href="javascript:{}" onclick="document.getElementById('firstform').submit(); return false;" class="action" title="Next Step" data-transition="pop" data-ignore="true">Next Step</a>
and its just getElementById('finalform') on the second page
@Shea I called him out on topic changing
Except, some people don't like gallery mode.
the second page submits the data but the first one doesn't
Chat.se root access. You can read the transcript there. Don't join and argue anyone. I left because it was probably disturbing their regular chatter.
Yeah, but his response to it was in such a way, that it made it circular like you had pointed out earlier before that.
He's such an effective troll, the after math is us talking about what you guys talked about
he is. i'll give him that
I would not be surprised if Boris_Yo was his puppet, tbh
Boris came in right when I was there, talking about conspiracy theories
Right away, I felt like that was directed towards me, because connor.js had been trolling about that yesterday
I don't know what could be different

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